r/maliciouscompliance | Lose $24 Million going against Safety Procedures? Are you sure?

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by simple pigeon i worked ahead of schedule but i guess i don't work for you anymore this is a story one of my co-workers told me while we were chatting in the lab he's a recent hire after getting laid off from one of the big three car companies an unfortunately very common history for someone to have in my area however he was cheered up immensely because of how badly they'd screwed themselves by letting him go he told me how the company had him specialize in a very technical software project being the only guy who knew how to use the requisite tools and being the de facto expert on how the code was structured and how it worked no one else felt the need to get up to speed or brush up on it because he handled it all he had so much free time being put on no other assignments that he ended up working way ahead of schedule and finishing not only the software but the security audits reports and all sorts of documentation that would have been necessary once the project was finalized he kept these pre-produced deliverables on his personal directory so that he could give them reading a flash when the company asked for them i'm sure you can see where this is going well a car company's favorite pastime is layoffs and they decided he was no longer necessary and canned him in retrospect their unwillingness to get him started on any other project was a red flag knowing exactly what kind of hot water they'd be in without him he happily deactivated his employee account and subsequently deleted everything on his personal drive the remaining project team members rapidly discovered how screwed they were when they tried to provide a status on his software and realized none of them knew anything about how it worked how finished it was or how to continue working on it no one had bothered to have it explained while he was still there one of his buddies on the team called him up a few days later begging him to help him out and just let them have the files he'd completed ahead of time my co-worker felt conflicted because he had no real grudge against the employees who were stuck in this situation but obviously no one had those files anymore since he was no longer an employee he basically told his friend that the company had dug its own grave and he couldn't help in any way besides giving him some tips off the top of his head from what he remembered he told me he somewhat regretted helping them out on his own time but ultimately just hoped management learned their lesson and because i've read similar stories on this sub i told them that's when you call back and give them your quote for freelance work to be fair that's actually when you call them back and give them your quote for freelance work if you left the company stranded because they fired you and you were the only one who knew how to work the operations would you charge them a pretty penny to come back and fix it up for them and teach them how to use it or would you do it for a more reasonable rate or would you outright refuse when they did you so dirty like that let me know in the comments down below this next story is by wire nut violate written safety procedures so we don't lose 24 million dollars nope this happened about 15 years ago at a large manufacturing plant at which i was one of 120 industrial electricians and this happened in the department in which i was primarily responsible these jobs pay upwards of 30 an hour and i was making 34 dollars an hour at the time this was my career for decades before i retired last year i now get a pension from them and fully paid healthcare this wasn't just a run-of-the-mill job this was something to take very very seriously our safety administrator retired so a new guy started and decided to audit all of the lockout tag out procedures lotto everywhere in the facility this place employed 4 000 people and was over 1.5 million square feet so it was a massive undertaking many of the machines in my department were large multi-station transfer machines where the part goes into several drilling slash milling slash tapping slash boring operations and are transferred to the next station in turn between operations basically the operator loads a raw part into it and once it comes back around to him or her it's finished the cycle time for this machine was about one minute and was a key part in expensive final products costing upwards of fifty thousand dollars each it was made clear to me that the company lost fifty thousand dollars for every minute the machine was idle as a way of instilling urgency as if i needed it as i said these machines had multiple stations that each had its own specialized operation to accomplish all automatically this of course involved many switches buttons computers motors encoders drives all of which are used in industrial automation and sequencing usually when an electrical part broke on a particular station i would shut down the electrical power for that one station to perform my repairs and replacements all was good and i could usually perform just about any repair within 15 minutes or less the management people usually didn't even know anything unusual happened as the operators were on piecework and would often skip a break to make up the shortfall until the new lotto procedures were released for those machines the new procedure required anyone performing repairs to lotto every station for every kind of energy potential this includes electrical pneumatic hydraulic and gravity since this was a union facility this required the services on an electrician a plumber a mechanic and a millwright it also required something like 38 individual locks to be applied by the aforementioned skilled tradespersons it also required about four to eight hours of work to complete this task keep in mind these were huge machines that would take up an area the size of a gymnasium and cost tens of millions of dollars to buy when i saw the new lotto procedure i grabbed my boss and the production supervisor and showed it to them and explained in detail why this was ridiculous unnecessary and unworkable my boss got the safety administrator and we all had a conference and i was told basically that that's the way it is the very next day a type of switch called a proximity switch failed on one of these machines normally a 5-10 minute repair cue malicious compliance i dutifully informed the production supervisor that he lost his machine for the rest of the shift and half of the following shift he chuckled and said yeah sure i said dude i'm dead serious i got my boss told them i needed 38 lotto locks a plumber a mechanic and a millwright he looked at me like i had three heads remember the conversation we had yesterday it just got real show me why you need 38 locks okay and i brought him to the machine pulled the 10-page illustrated notated laminated lotto procedure off the machine and counted where each and every lock needs to go 38 and i need the other tradesmen here as well i figure the machine will be rendered safe by the end of the shift matt can do the repair and another four hours to remove the locks and set the machine up to be ready to run by the lunchtime also keep in mind that there will be cribbing to make the gravity potential safe and most locks need a special kind of hardware to apply to valves and other devices to be able to function correctly just fix it the way you usually fix it my boss told me put it in writing i said just fix the ding thing what's this unhelpful reply i think you need to give it to me in riding or you need to get my union rep here those are your two choices i'm not gonna get fired over this about this time several men in suits and thai showed up to find out what the problem is called into action by the production supervisor i previously mentioned he and i had a great working relationship and he knew what was going down so he started making phone calls when i let him know his machine was broke to make a long story short an hour-long meeting was held which included my union rep after which i was provided written permission to make the repairs as i always had the new safety administrator had been properly scolded and learned a lesson management learned to just let wire nut do his job and the machine was running 10 minutes after i received the paper that was a loss of 3.5 million dollars according to their math it would have been 24 million dollars lost if i had to follow their procedures to the letter all new procedures were put in place with much input from my colleagues and me this was a test case for how the other 500 skilled trades people were going to be proceeding with the new safety guy as they had also been provided with new ridiculous lotto procedures it just turned out that i was the first to have to implement them it's nice to want to do everything as safely and buy the book as possible but in reality when you deal with machines so big so complex and make so much money in such a short amount of time you kind of just can't op did absolutely the right thing by demanding getting it in riding because lord knows opie would have gotten in crap if they did it the way they usually did by this safety administrator and nobody wants to get fired over doing things what should have been the right way op definitely was not going to go down in the situation having the blame put on them our next story is by bales the acer overtime that's right overtime here's another tale that's not mine but i love asking people about their best malicious compliance stories and this is one my cousin told me he worked at an injection molding company as a machine operator and one of his colleagues was named danny he was a runner he would show up early and start up the machines before day shift arrived he would make sure that each machine had enough raw materials and boxes for the completed products that sort of thing he would pull the full skids of completed product and take them to the warehouse and wrap the skids for shipments he'd load the trucks and accept the deliveries of raw materials he knew everyone on the factory floor and was pretty much a pivot man for the operation let's call the company can co since it was located in ontario canada they got bought out by an american company amco and amco set up a new guy to be facility manager before they got bought out in 2019 canco was struggling danny was an arrive early slash stay late kind of guy so he offered to bank his overtime and can co-accept it he got it in writing at the end of 2019 he has to be paid out for his accumulated overtime which was substantial in january 2020 the facility manager called him into the office and offered him a six grand annual bump in pay and increased benefits if he accepted a salaried position for 44 hours a week danny took it as 2020 went on danny was working lots of hours and submitted an excel sheet every week with the hours he'd actually worked there was a column that showed hours in excess where he entered the hours in excess of 44 for the week in the autumn of 2020 danny approached the facility manager and asked if he wanted danny to take his accumulated overtime as time off or to be paid out the mco company handbook stated that all pto needed to be used up by the end of the year or it would be lost the facility manager chuckled and replied your salary you don't get overtime that's why i put you on salary that's not right boss i get overtime after 44 hours no you don't that's amco company policy yes i do that's ontario labor law danny handed him a printout of the relevant page from the ontario government website the facility manager said he would look into it but didn't danny pestered him and finally fed up he fired off an email to the facility manager the plant manager can co-hr and amcohr as well eventually he got called into a meeting with the plan manager the facility manager and hr you should understand that hr was a bit of a kirin nobody really liked her but she was a blabbermouth the company tried everything to get out of paying the overtime dany asked do i have the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the company no do i have the authority to assign work to my colleagues or discipline them no then i am not a manager or a supervisor and under ontario labor law these are the only people exempt from overtime oh and see that total you can multiply that by 1.5 so for every hour over time i worked you either pay me an hour and a half or give me an hour and a half off with pay after the meeting the facility manager was furious his little scheme to get free work out of danny didn't play and now he looked really bad in front of his boss danny beginning right now you don't work another minute of overtime without my permission you got that okay danny replied let me put that in an email he did and the facility manager confirmed it in a reply danny was arriving at 5 30 a.m more than an hour ahead of the production team in order to unlock the doors turn on the lights and warm up the machines these machines melt little beads of plastic and squirt them into molds so they take about 45 minutes to an hour to warm up so the next day at 2 30 danny left and shut off his phone there was an afternoon shift that started at 3 p.m and a meeting with the day shift foreman the afternoon shift foreman the facility manager and danny and there was a discussion of any issues and production targets for the shift since dany wasn't there and he had the tally sheets the afternoon shift had no idea what they were expected to produce for the shift the next day danny came in early as usual and when the facility manager arrived he demanded to know why dany didn't attend the meeting danny explained that his shift was over and he went home since he wasn't allowed overtime that's why he shut off his phone too he can't do company work on his off hours that's overtime the facility manager said that danny's attendance at the meeting was mandatory so denny suggested that the only way for that to happen would be to adjust his working hours the facility manager then changed his hours to 8 a.m to 4 30 pm effective immediately and put it in an email at danny's insistence later that day there was a delivery that arrived at 3 pm and danny wasn't there to unload it so they had to turn it away and have them return in the morning the next day denny arrives at 8 a.m as instructed only to be met by a furious day shift foreman when the foreman arrived the entire production staff was in the parking lot as the doors were locked he opened them up let them in and then had to wait around for almost an hour producing nothing as the heating coils on the machines came up to temperature the facility manager arrived in the middle of this policing and danny simply pointed at him and said he changed my hours to an 8 am start didn't he tell you this turned the wrath onto the facility manager who now had to take responsibility for a 12 to 15 percent drop in production for the day there were also occasional saturdays when the company fell behind only danny wouldn't be there to bring the machines raw materials or take away finished product that would turn into a cluster truck too so the facility manager gave in and gave danny blanket authorization to work any overtime required the raise he got to bump to salary ended up boosting his pay by 2.75 cents an hour but the only downside was that dany couldn't bank it it was paid out each check the kicker remember karen the blabbermouth from hr somehow and nobody knows exactly how word got around the office that anyone who wasn't a manager was entitled to ot and they all started submitting timesheets that included it i mean to be fair if i was danny and they were trying to do me in like that i'd go around and tell everybody hey if you're working overtime and you're not a manager or a supervisor you're entitled to overtime if i'm danny and i'm working at this place i'm running all around i'm doing all these tasks i'm not working for free there you can't take advantage of me like that so i'm totally with danny here and our final story of the day is by killa brew breaks are at 12 2 and 5 every day no exceptions so i just read about someone's experience with lunchtimes so i will share mine at a very large worldwide retail company i worked overnight stalking at this place and every day the meat and produce would show up at any given time the only person who ever had to unload and put away the 10 to 15 pallets was me so my wife worked at the same store as i and we like to go to break together one good thing about a crap job i was a smoker and she was not so we would break at different times than most so she wouldn't have to be in a room with 10 people blowing smoke in her face at some point some bitter crap bag went crying about it to the manager who then calls me into his office and tells me breaks are at 12 2 and 5 period i try to explain what and why but was interrupted and told go to work so now flash forward just a few weeks when i hear on the pa op to the back for a truck at 11 55 so i stroll on back and the support was there and opened the door and started to walk away when i said don't go far break is in about a minute if you want this done you're gonna do it he then tells me no i'll do it before i go anywhere that pissed me off instantly so now in a rage i kindly explained dave the overnight manager your boss said with finger quotes told me break is at 12 2 and 5 no exceptions then i started walking to the break room as he is now on his walkie-talkie snitching on me as i enter the break room i hear on the pa op unload that before your break and guess who it was yup dave sure's crab now wanted his cake and to eat it too i calmly put my smoke down and walk to a phone where i then page out dave i'm sorry but brakes are at 12 2 and 5 without exceptions and what you want is the definition of an exception so there is not a thing i can do for you now please stop interrupting my break it is against policy to do so so now having dropped a turd in this punch bowl i know what's next and i leave the break room and start walking towards dave's office and i'll be darned not 10 seconds later op come to my office i round the corner before he even hangs up the phone and say what's up big guy you call for me he just looks at me and says dude what the freak was that i reply you made the rule i'm just doing what you said no exceptions doesn't mean when it's in dave's favor okay we will do that no exceptions means freak you go at 12 2 and 5. now go to work so if you will excuse me i got crap to do he pushes the door shut as i turn to leave and i think here we go i'm gonna have to beat this dude's butt i was wrong though because he says fine you win break whenever the heck you want to but you better never leave a truck unloaded again after all that i stop and look him square in the eyes and say see dave was it that freaking hard for you to grasp if you want crab done around here who gives a freak if the person doing it uses his left or his right hand if it gets done don't micromanage me and we will never have another problem as long as he was the manager we never had another crossword i'm just surprised that op strong enough to carry those steel balls around like that i mean op must have not been too afraid of losing their job being able to just walk up to the manager and talk to them like that i mean i know opie was in the right but man a lot of times people would just fire you right away anyways for the way you were talking but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 43,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: 8jKiUWtR2XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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