r/NuclearRevenge | I GOT MY BEST FRIEND EXPELLED!!! - Reddit Stories

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today we've got a crazy story of getting a former best friend expelled from school we'll get to that in a bit but first I gave my step-grandmother a taste of her own medicine when I met Grandma Julia or more accurately step Grandma Julia for the first time I thought she actually liked me I would soon find out that I was oh so horribly wrong that woman made my life a living heck and that makes me regret nothing of what I did to her however before I get ahead of myself let me give you a little context to who granny Julia is and why I had to sort her out when I was four years old my parents got divorced no it wasn't messy and no it wasn't as a result of something scandalous my parents just realized that they'd Grown Apart and were no longer really in love anymore so they ended it their divorce was as amicable as you could hope for there was no resentment no bickering in fact they remained good friends and even though my mom got custody of me my dad remained a constant part of my life my parents were so chill about their divorce many people doubted that they were in fact divorced I was perhaps the only child of divorced parents in my school whose parents were in good terms or at least I was the only one I knew in ninth grade though my mom started dating my dad didn't seem to mind he had started dating almost immediately after he and my mom split up but I was a bit freaked out about it that was until my mom started dating Tom to put it basically Tom was awesome he was sweet and thoughtful and Goofy he didn't have an ounce of meanness in him and I was always excited to see him Tom was also a single parent his wife died in an accident months after his daughter Sophie who was almost exactly a year younger than me had been born he had almost single-handedly taken care of her and brought up one of the coolest people I've ever met I got so attached to Tom and Sophie that my dad joked once that it seemed like I had replaced him if eventually about a year after they started dating Tom finally proposed to my mom I was really excited the way I saw it I'd hit the jackpot I'd get to have an amazing father and an amazing stepdad in one lifetime so when Tom told us his parents were coming over for dinner in a few days I couldn't wait to meet them if they were anything like their son I'd be even luckier the evening of the dinner with Tom's Family Sophie drew me aside and told me she had something important to tell me I was a little confused but I gave her my attention Sophie told me that her grandmother was a little intense and might not like me so much I knew she wasn't giving me the full gist so I pressed her for more info after a while of telling me she just had a feeling she finally caved and told me she'd eavesdropped on a phone call between her grandma and Tom where she mentioned that my dad was over to pick me up for the weekend she had apparently reacted negatively and claimed that I wasn't to be trusted and and then my dad would probably use me as a tool to attack him and Sophie Tom had laughed it off and assured his mother that there was no way that was possible but Sophie still felt that she was prejudiced against me I felt touched that Sophie would have my back like that and I told her I'd try my best to impress Julia when Tom's parents arrived I was on my best behavior I was as polite and courteous as possible so when I noticed Julia smiling at me in the middle of dinner I had a little mental celebration that I had somehow salvaged her opinion of me a few minutes later Tom mentioned that school would soon put in for the sessions and his mom suggested Sophie and I spend some time with them I thought that was a swell idea and I agreed to it but Sophie wasn't exactly sold on the idea she kept passing me glances as if she were trying to send a message to me but I couldn't figure out what was wrong as far as I was concerned things were going great but when Tom's parents were about to leave his mum walked close to me and whispered in my ear I know what you are and I won't let you hurt my family then she smiled sweetly and acted like nothing happened that was when I realized she was truly out for me after they had gone I spoke to Sophie about what had happened she told me she knew her grandmother had put a mark on my back and that was why she was trying to signal to me to reject the invitation this was really upsetting and honestly a bit scary but I was determined to make the best out of a bad situation summer break at Julie this place was heck the moment I walked in and saw Julia with that evil smirk I knew I was in for a rough time there were a lot of accidents my food would mysteriously have a cockroach in it and the room I stayed in also had an alarm clock that would randomly go off there was also the incident where one day I was locked in while everyone else had gone out for a fun time at the amusement park Julia told Sophie that I said I wasn't feeling too well and decided not to come along the only positive thing about the visit was the fact that I had Sophie with me she sympathized and comforted me and even suggested I take a few hits at Julia but I insisted that I was going to take the high road no matter how low Julia tried to go it seemed that Sophie wasn't exactly close with her grandmother after two weeks of absolute heck my mom picked Sophie and I up and we went home I tried to explain to Tom and my mom that Julia had it out for me but they brushed it aside and said I I was probably just paranoid a few weeks after our horrid visit to Tom's parents him and my mom took their vows and my family officially got a little wider my dad and his girlfriend had been invited to the wedding and I'd been glad to see them Julia now step granny Julia clearly did not share the sentiment she had complained repeatedly that it was wrong for my dad to be there and had even almost walked up to him to tell him to leave it was only after Tom had pulled her aside and let her know he wanted my dad there that she grudgingly accepted to let things be she still repeatedly gave him and for some reason me too stink eyes at the reception right after Julia then proceeded to get tipsy and tell anyone with working ears within a 10 meter radius of her that she felt my dad and I were planning something fishy and she was scared for her son's life she also called us some pretty colorful names and things quickly got a bit messy when my dad dad who had been listening the whole time angrily confronted her after she called me a little witch at the end of it all he had left angrily and the rest of the reception I got weird looks from the guests at that moment I think it became clear to my Mom and Tom that I'd been telling the truth when I told them Julia had it out for me they told me they'd sort it sorting it ended up being them telling Julia that if she couldn't accept me she couldn't contact the family Julia had also angrily left with her husband in tow I felt really happy that my family stood up for me like that and I hope that I would never have to see Julia's face ever again I saw Julia again just eight months later she had come to visit as part of the deal with my Mom and Tom she'd agree to apologize to my dad and I and so we planned a big family dinner after dinner we had a candid conversation with Julia she apologized for causing a scene at the wedding reception and my dad and I made things clear that we weren't inspiring against any member of her family my dad was just around a lot because he's a good father and everyone was fine with that she said she could see that now and we all played charades and laughed together that should have been the end of it right the end that goes and they all lived happily ever after right wrong we didn't know it yet but all the things said that they didn't register with Julia she just said what she thought we'd want to hear so she could get close enough to the family to execute her plans now Julia was expected to spend a little over a month with us and for the first week and a half nothing went wrong to be honest I was a bit careful around her at first waiting to see if she would pull any stunt when she didn't I became more open and related more with her and then one day when I was least expecting it she struck now I have a severe nut allergy whenever I go to eat I always check to see if there's nuts in their meals before I eat it was something I took took seriously and I had a couple of epipens stashed around the house and always left the house with one just in case now when I visited Julia before I told her about my nut allergy so there wasn't any need to tell her about it again during her visit however my mom insisted on telling her again just to make sure there was no mistake I was even there when she spoke to her about it she said that she understood so when she showed up to my room one evening with a plate of what seemed to be chocolate chip cookies I had no reason to suspect that there was any funny business going on smiling she told me that they were perhaps the most delicious cookies I'd ever taste and I giggled responding that I'd be the judge of that so I grabbed the plate and she left immediately I didn't hear the door lock as she left I didn't see that she had somehow previously jammed the mechanical part of the window latch I also didn't know earlier that day she had snuck into my room and take in the EpiPen I always keep in my drawer I just took big bites of the cookies which were actually really delicious might I add and then discovering too late that there were nuts in them as I gasped for air while my throat closed up and my lips swelled I tried to find my EpiPen when I couldn't find it in my drawer I repeatedly tried to open the door to get into one of my mum's medicine cabinets when that failed I tried the window after trying as hard as I could while my throat just kept getting more restricted I realized what Julia had done I didn't care about that though I just wanted to find a way out of the room scared that I'd be part of the 0.3 percent of people to die for anaphylaxis I try to take deep breaths while I banged on the door repeatedly hopefully Sophie whose room was beside mine would hear and come help just as I was losing hope Sophie burst in looking at me and then the cookies she seemed to get what had happened in less than a minute later she was back with an EpiPen while I sobbed as I recovered Sophie told me this couldn't go on and I really had to do something that was when we really started to plan my revenge now that I think about it it was pretty dumb of Julia to try to trigger an allergic reaction while also being allergic so if he told me that her grandmother was allergic to bee stings now we couldn't just find a bunch of bees and throw it at her that would be so obvious it would be silly however with a little research God bless the internet I discovered that we didn't have to have a bee sting her to trigger an allergic reaction I bought a syringe and a vial of hyalurana days which is the component and bee stings that makes people allergic online when it arrived Sophie and I thought of a way to inject it into her do we just run right at her and poke her or do we tranquilize her an inject her with it in the end we decided to wait till she slept on the couch while watching TV which she did a lot when we noticed she was out cold Midway through watching the resident I slowly injected her barely breaking past her skin we immediately went into our rooms to avoid suspicion Julia's reaction was worse than anything I had seen even after Tom and my mom had administered her with an EpiPen shot her face continued to swell and her breathing was labored she could barely talk and we had to call 9-1-1 and for a second I was so scared that I almost confessed about what we had done after managing to stabilize her at the hospital the doctors insisted that they admit her for a day to monitor her and make sure she doesn't have another reaction she looked so pale she could have passed for a Dracula after staying with her a few hours we decided to go home and come check on her and hopefully discharge her too the next day when we had gotten to the reception I said I'd forgotten something back at Julia's bedside so I left everyone in one back the moment I walked in and she saw my face it dawned on Julia what had happened I walked up to her and told her if you ever mess with me again I'll make sure you look fondly on this incidence are we clear I didn't wait to receive a response before I walked out the look on her face mortified and scared was completely worth it after Julia came home from the hospital she cut her visit short and went home I haven't seen her since then and I'm sure if we were ever to meet again she wouldn't dare try anything funny with me again I mean I get wanting to have Revenge but going and ordering syringes and chemicals maybe inflicting severe allergies is not the way of getting revenge it is pretty nuclear though our next story is my best friend had punished me so I got him expelled from school I have known Mike for the longest time so of course it came as a huge shock that he caused my young secondary school life to be a misery terrible Affair which affected my trust issues even into adulthood the hardest part about it is that we've been close friends for a very long time we're both kids of military disciplinarian parents that were posted to the same Barrack town were also close Neighbors in the same high-rise building in fact our houses were separated by mere feet we hit it off quite well we were too Troublesome little boys as thick as thieves we would often play together on the PS4 my parents got me for my ninth birthday or sometimes we would play at his backyard pool if we weren't doing that we would be causing our neighbors trouble as befits two little boys with too much energy we also attended the same primary school during that period our bond was strong it seems that nothing could separate such a strong friendship little did I know that was very wrong it all started in secondary school our no-nonsense military father slotted wise for both of us to be enrolled in a normal boys military secondary school that was complete with mostly Stern military men and women that took perverse pleasure in inflicting pain on young men we obviously didn't like the idea of being sent to live with bitter military personnel or more importantly being deprived of female companionship however we also knew it was a bad idea to argue with any of our respective parents who couldn't see the pain they would cause their little boys it wasn't an ideal situation but our closeness made it all worth it Mike had my back as much as I had his and this kept us through the hard times of the first three years of attendance in the military-run school then there was the incident that involved a beautiful girl named Jennifer Jennifer went to the female equivalent of his school and he met her for the very first time at the zoo when their classes were on a joint Excursion the first in a series of Interest school activities between both male and female schools as soon as I saw her I knew I needed to talk to her and I did albeit briefly she was the class coordinator for her class which meant she was busy the ambient Zoo noise didn't help either it's hard to hold a conversation when monkeys are screeching at the top of their lungs she wasn't snobbish or rude and she smiled a lot when we talked it was a good smile one that I remembered for a while the Excursion itself was not a lengthy Affair when both schools returned to their respective locations I was left with the bitter aftertaste that comes with the regret of not taking your chance with your crush I didn't even get her number I felt bad about this until my best friend expecting some encouragement Mike only made matters worse by discrediting Jennifer I know that girl forget her she changes boyfriends like clothes and you'll be another victim I thought it was weird though I could not reconcile the sweet Jennifer and who Mike described however I was so discouraged courage that I took Mike's warnings and put her out of my mind as much as I could I managed some measure of success in this with the help of a rigorous end of the third year in the school I would later meet Jennifer at one of the several parties that was organized by the boys and girls of both schools Jennifer looked even better than she did the last time I saw her however I hesitated to talk with her because I recalled Mike's warnings when she noticed me she greeted me with the warmest smile ever and at that point I was more than willing to go against Mike's warnings and darn the consequences Jennifer's personality was just as nice as her beautiful face if not better and at the end of the night we exchanged contacts I didn't tell Mike about our encounter I didn't want him to spoil the good vibe between me and Jennifer I and Jennifer stayed in close contact from then on and eventually entered into a relationship but Mike's warning still rang in my head and it bothered me so much that I went and did a little digging I casually talked with some of her other friends and gleaned as much information as I could from them I also asked around some guys that would typically know about her Social Circle each account had disputed what Mike had asserted about Jennifer in contrast I learned that she was quite conservative with her dating life and only had one estranged X that was a relief yet something was off what made Mike give such a false warning I decided to ask Jennifer myself she only laughed and said that Mike had tried to ask her out twice but she turned him down he's been bitter about it since then she heard he spread such rumors just to spite her Mike tried to ask her out after discouraging me from doing so and then he went behind my back to try and get her and failed he didn't stop there but proceeded to spread stupid rumors I thought this was spiteful and vindictive talkless of his subtle betrayal I confronted Mike the next day I sprang the question on him Mike did you try to go after Jennifer after you told me lies about her he was caught off guard by this direct question the question was rhetorical after all the answer was written all over Mike's face Mike then said that Jennifer had no right to reject him also that I and Jennifer had no right seeing each other if he could not have her I was shocked and hurt that my close friend would do that to me so out of spite I revealed that I and Jennifer were now dating the revolution got the reaction I was looking for Mike got a very angry and started calling me and Jennifer obscene names this made me even angrier and I called him a few names of my own which my mother would definitely not have approved of we fought an Earnest that day with words and with fists we both went home bruised I had to lie to my parents that I'd fallen down a flight of stairs to explain the injury but after a few weeks my hurt pass West End once again I wanted my best friend there I wanted the guy that had my back throughout my first three years in secondary school to my relief Mike reached out to smooth things over just before the break ended the apology was half-hearted and sounded insincere but I still forgave him because I reasoned a lot of people get confused when it comes to the opposite sex which made them do stupid things this was perhaps the biggest mistake I made as we resumed the second half of our fourth year we were friends again with just a little underlying tension I didn't consider he would be salty about Jennifer and would hit me where it hurt we were back in school Contraband items were at an all-time high in the school system cigarettes food that wasn't served in the mess hall and any electronic device that was not a phone were prohibited in school this didn't bother me too much and I generally steered clear that mess I mean I was no saint at this point I had a few dealings with some Contraband movers but nothing big enough to be on the school's Authority's radar Mike was a different issue after the Jennifer incident he'd been hanging out with some Contraband movers and then he began smuggling Contraband to students it was starting to seem the school authorities were getting close to catching him and he was becoming desperate I tried to warn him but it just became another thing we fought about yet I never even considered telling on Mike once even for the substantial reward that whistleblowers were given however what Mike did made me wish I had reported him to steer attention that he was starting to get from the authorities he decided to use me as a scapegoat and deflect attention away from himself Mike initiated his plan on a Sunday everyone was out of the dorm for the compulsory Chapel service presided over by a wisened army man the boy's nicknamed priest who also doubled as the chief disciplinarian of the school I was dozing lightly through the sermon wondering where Mike was he wasn't at his usual Chapel seat halfway the priest stopped the sermon when another younger serviceman whispered something in his ear after a moment the priest made an important announcement they had arranged a raid on the dorm rooms and it caught another Contraband Smuggler it wasn't the first time this would happen at any social Gathering of students from assemblies to classes and even in the school Chapel the school would take any opportunity to expose and punish students Smugglers punishment was suspension with 12 lashes of the cane in addition to some manual labor it was a brutal combination made to embarrass the culprits unfortunate enough to get caught thoroughly I felt sorry for whomever they had caught even up to the moment when my name was called op stepped forward I made the short walk to the altar in Dazed confusion the priest called for some boys to bring something to the altar it was my box and it was filled with Contraband materials a whole lot of Contraband materials they definitely weren't mine the priest announced that he'd received an anonymous note that implicated me he waved around this piece of paper for the whole Chapel to see being up front I got a good view of the note my breath caught when I saw the handwriting on the paper I knew that handwriting anywhere it belonged to Mike no doubt about it my heart sank at the realization Mike had framed me in the perfect setup he had access to their six-person dorm room and he also had access to this type of Contraband not everyone could pull off this kind of haul I received punishment right there in the chapel before men women and God himself the priest exchanged his Bible for the cane and went to work the punishment heard like Heck on the ninth hit of the cane I raised my eyes that had been fixed on the floor and the first thing I noticed was Mike sitting at his usual spot where he wasn't just moments ago our eyes locked on the 10th hit of the cane and when the 11th struck he smiled at me the smile hurt way more than the last stroke of the cane then the herd was replaced by burning rage how dare he do this to me someone I considered my best friend I knew he had never really forgiven me for Jennifer and the opportunity to direct the school's Authority's attention from him was too much to pass up on but to go this far and throw me under the bus was unforgivable I was given the hard labor of clearing clogged gutters for the week then I was suspended for two more weeks my clean record was gone and I was thoroughly disgraced in front of everyone I also got suspended from the basketball team even as I served My Punishment even my parents were scolding me in what would be the law Longest Ride of my life I took it all in stoic silence and I plotted my revenge Mike had been my best friend for years so it didn't take me too long to think of a plan if Mike was going to frame me then I would return the favor when I returned for my suspension I was equipped with all the tools it would take to help me carry out my revenge the first thing I did was steal a student ID Mike was no longer staying in our dorm room he had transferred to another dorm and that was fine I waited a few weeks then one night I snuck into his dorm room and he was asleep and stole his ID card that same night armed with my tools for Revenge I snuck into the principal's office it was locked from the outside so I used the maintenance hatch that was left open in the corridor to enter through the ceiling after dodging a few spider webs and mice that had made a residence inside the ceiling I reached the principal's office and crashed into it I had done my research nobody patrolled this area until after 2 A.M which gave me an hour to do my business more than enough time the principal's office was a moderate room decorated with trophies medals and pictures of the achievements of both the school and the principal anyone that knew the principal knew that he cherished his office possessions so I went to work I smashed pictures and trophies using the last two years basketball trophy as a pseudo baseball bat I used a screwdriver and Hammer to force open the drawers and then I packed all of the contents of the drawer that looked valuable which included a watch and some money then I took down the picture of the principal posing with an important figure some Senator or someone of big influence and peed on it lastly I dropped the ID card I'd stolen from Mike in a way that made it look like I'd forgotten it in a haste to get away then I left the way I came I made a detour to The Clash area unlocked Mike's locker with a combination he hadn't changed in four years of our stay in the school and I dropped the principal's watch and money inside and locked it up it was a long shot and there was a good chance it wouldn't work but it was worth a try it worked better than I expected the principal had found Mike's ID card in his vandalized office you'd also found his watch in money in Mike's Locker after a thorough search of Mike's properties the consequences were severe for Mike after getting 15 Strokes of a lean cane he was expelled from the military Secondary School Mike's father also had to pay for the damages done to the principal's office before the end of the term I heard Michael's family had to relocate because they couldn't find any local schools that would take him to this day no one knows I'm the one that vandalized the office I caused my best friend to be expelled and I do not regret it one bit the things you do over competing for somebody you have a fun for this all happened because both of them were crushing on the same girl ain't that crazy but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy story of Revenge check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 22,097
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: dKFoq55Je4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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