r/maliciouscompliance | "Drive to a NEW State?! You got it!"

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the subreddit our such malicious compliance where people conformed to the letter but not the spirit of a request if you new around here please do hit subscribe down below so that you never miss out on another video but for now let's sit back relax and enjoy some malicious compliance all work jobs must have a billing code you got it back in the 80s I was a secretary slash receptionist at a small marketing research firm it was my responsibility to assign all new jobs a job number and to transfer time from timesheets to the billing part so clients could be billed the boss slush owner got pretty upset if there was unbuilt I'm from any department and insisted that all jobs have a billing number and all time be billed to a client it was also his business and he could do what he wanted I wouldn't spend two hours on the phone tracking down the hot tub that was supposed to be delivered to his house special ordered clothes for his wife etc his high school kid had a paper due the boss wrote of the design for the research paper I think the kid actually did do some interviews the coding Department pulled together data the kid wrote the first draft but the boss fixed it and I was given the paper to type there were grumbles from the coding department about how they were supposed to account for the time so I went back to the book and added a job number I meticulously kept track of every minute spent on the kids paper including my time when the boss got the billing report at the end of the month he came out pretty absurd wanting to know why I had given it a billing number when there was no client now it looked like we had a job of several hundred dollars that could not be billed I apologized profusely and referred to his recent tirade about giving everything a billing number I was just trying to follow his rules well we didn't get much information but the boss did sound like a client to me too lazy to walk to the car okay this happened earlier back story I have the same birthday as my mother-in-law and since my wife and I got together we celebrate it every year together they plan it all and I just tag along or drive for them this year my mother-in-law invited her brother and his family wife and son to a lunch at one of the big malls here in my country and our drive from where we live since it is the weekend traffic and parking is a real pain I managed to park near an entrance to the mall which is really hard to come by with perseverance and patience I found a parking spot which isn't too far probably 100 meters by rough estimate the frustrating part of the parking lot system in that mall is if you go out of it you will be led to a one-way street meaning you have to go around the mall to go back to where you are parked that is why I was glad to find a parking spot that is as close as we could get to the entrance after doing all the celebration and wandering in the mall we decided to head on home because we were all just tired from the walking mother-in-laws sister-in-law went out first and as we followed her she told me that it would be better if the car could be in the entrance already I told them that we parked not far from the entrance and that it would be time-consuming to drive around the mall just to get to the entrance again she told me that she's going to tell mother-in-law that it is the grandest idea to have the car at the entrance cue the malicious compliance I said okay and walk to the car they can actually see me getting in the car and driving off I went out of the parking lot and started driving to the busy one-way streets after five minutes I got a call from my mother-in-law asking where I was I told her that her sister-in-law told me to get the car to the entrance she went silent and just said okay after roughly 20 minutes in the dawned one-way aller I got to the entrance no one was smiling parked his clothes - mother-in-law sister-in-law so she won't be walking up to the car got out of the car and opened the door for her and closed it after she got in the car which I do not do normally and drove back home the drive was silent I am ped tired and did not feel like it was my birthday today I went out of my way and exerted effort for that sweet satisfactory malicious compliance well that would definitely be the last time we shared a birthday meal if that was me all documents need to be printed this happened years ago when digital letters are not yet an armed our office usually receives letters / documents in a PDF file it will later be printed and distributed accordingly boss would write a memo on what should be done on these letters / documents we have a copy a guy an office boy and a cleaner well we call him copy by which his responsibility includes keeping our office clean copying letters and documents and distributing them now while we have a high number of documents circulating daily not all of them are printed and copied only some of the really important documents get to be printed copied and distributed however on this particular day one of the bosses let's call him jerk boss is replacing our current boss big boss for several days during his business trip the jerk boss then gives instruction every morning to staff including to copy by jerk boss is known to be a control freak micromanaging and quite difficult to cope with this means everybody in the office is aware that jerk boss is going to make everyone's life difficult during big boss's business trip one morning jerk boss gives a memo to the copy boy to print and distribute letter and documents quite a la 20 plus letters and documents in a PDF file copyboy prints them and began to copy them the printer and copier are separate devices again this is years ago copyboy then stumbled across one huge file that was instructed to be printed and copied and distributed this was no normal file of five to ten pages it was a twenty page rapport with an additional 387 pages of data attachment this huge file was memoed to be copied to all recipients around fourteen people in this particular office copy boy knows that jerk boss might have mistaken its memo so he went to jerk boss to confirm but was then scolded with was it difficult for you to understand print and copy to all do I have to explain it again to you he then adds don't you ever leave that job until it's finished cue the malicious compliance copy boy then just copied them all all three hundred and eighty seven plus twenty pages of useless report and its attachment to all staff in the office copy boy went to the stockroom to take boxes of an a4 copy paper just to finish this job and he started copying from ten o'clock in the morning our copy paper is just a normal copy are not an industrial such Pro copier it often jams and it took hours for copy boy to finish this job now this is the only copier in our office and due to it being used to copy that much every other staff needs to wait until it finishes so they can use that copier this stupid job not only was useless but it delays other work as well jerk boss is not amused why some of the needed documents are not ready yet so he checks the copy boy and how he was surprised that the copied machine is being used to copy 400 pages times fourteen copies he gets angry and scolded copyboy but he simply replied I did as instructed all documents copied to all staff in this room no need to explain twice why don't you tell me copyboy says that he did and you scolded me and many staff are also in the same room wind chick boss scolded copy boy so he can't deny it defeated jerk boss instructed copy boy to stop copying the 400 pages file it has been copied 12 times anyway and told him to continue with the other files this time jerk boss rejects the file he instructed to friend to avoid such a stupid mistake now on every desk in the office stood a monument of jerk boss being a jerk a 400 page document that was nowhere important naught was needed to be printed and copied when big boss returned he then saw those 400 page documents and finally learned about that incident jerk boss was scolded by big boss later and often reminded again and again on how stupid and unprofessional his behavior was copy machine is upgraded a couple years later to a fully automated one nobody knows what to do with the document and being an office document you were not allowed to destroy them without supervision well it sounds like big boss isn't gonna be making joke boss the boss anymore when he goes on a business trip want to extend my hours without telling me okay then this happened about a month ago and I finally got around to writing ow I work at a retail store that rhymes with soles recently there's been some real turmoil at my specific location the scheduling manager is fantastic at looking at availability and maximum hours and writing the schedule to fit perfectly with everyone's needs considered however our general manager is the one with the final say of the schedule it's become a huge problem with the management that the good workers are being scheduled between five to ten hours more than their availability allows this always seems to affect me in the past three months or so I've had to go to management countless times and demand that my schedules fit my availability typically this is an irritation and not really something I want to deal with but it's not anything over ridiculous however about a month ago I went into my shift and saw that my shift was manually penciled in and extended another 15 minutes and signed by my general manager this really upset me I feel like employee hours are to be stuck to what if I had an appointment right after work I'm angry and ready to storm into the manager's office and ask what the reasoning is and how this feels really unethical but the more I looked at the schedule the more I formulated a plan for malicious compliance halfway through my shift I walked into my general managers office and talked to him it's not verbatim but it went something like this hi why did you extend my shift without telling me we needed coverage until the next shift comes in at 3:00 I understand that but I really don't like my schedule being changed with no notification or asking me I know but we needed someone to stay in your department until 3:00 I figured you wouldn't mind I do but I'll stay for just this one time say this means I work seven hours right right and isn't seven hours the minimum to have a lunch break yes well I'll take my lunch now I leave and clock out for 30 minutes I think the general manager finally realized that by extending my hours 50 minutes he gave me a 30 minute off the clock lunch break therefore making it a net loss of 15 minutes work the best part when I took my lunch the department I was working at was completely packed with customers they were all needing help and had to ask stuff from other departments because I wasn't going to help while clocked out that last 15 minutes completely silent and peaceful do you have to be informed like 24 hours before isn't that like a legal thing in most places I have no idea on the laws but I'm pretty sure there's laws around that drive to the confirmed address out of state okay for a little background I am a full-time uber driver and have been one for over three years my original uber vehicle was a burnt orange Suzuki sx4 it was a great little car the cast me Opie Christina she was the one who ordered Sarah didn't really say anything to me and Cathy the obnoxious loudmouth so to begin this tale it was a Saturday night getting close to midnight in the Rocky Mountain State I had received a trip request from a club downtown for a Christina at this point Ubah gave very little info to his drivers about the ride we were about to get just the name of the passenger and passenger rating no indication on how far or what direction even the passenger was going so when I arrived to the club three college girls pile into the car ah you Christina Cathy speaks up yes this is Christina in a pretty aggressive attitude Christina what is your driver's name the girls pretend to not hear me as I am asking for confirmation that I am in fact their driver ladies who is your driver you are I laugh along putting on my customer service face I may be but we still have to confirm that we have the right people I was very adamant about doing this after someone tried to steal another person's uber one night like I said and your phone it says this is Christina this Cathy sounds like the epitome of an entitled wedge I make no move to leave and after much grumbling Christina finally confirms that I am Who I am you're Opie now if you're done wasting time let's go yep I'm Opie sorry about the trouble I have had people tried to steal another person's uber in the past this gets me no response and I do all I can from visibly sighing in despair I begin the ride and this is where I normally would confirm the address but before I can even read it give me your orcs cable we need good music crank Rihanna Cathy all three girls scream okay here you go sorry is not long I hand the quarter Cathy which barely reaches beyond the front C's Wow cheap this was said quietly but in my tiny car everything can be heard it honestly hit harder than I expected though because I am a prideful person when it comes to my work crank the music after she gets the music playing I'm about to comply when I actually read the address it was one two three dad's house which occur Kansas I obviously don't know the real address hey just to confirm you need to go to one two three dad's house Wichita Kansas the girls are laughing and promptly ignoring me as I Drive slowly along excuse me I need to confirm the address really quick Cathy cutting me off yeah it's right just drive turn the music up and go at this point I just shut up turn up the music and start driving with purpose I ignored most of what they said in the backseat at this point I knew that they didn't want to go to Kansas they had no luggage and I picked them up from a club but they told me to drive and I refused to listen so I was going to get as much out of this trip before they would notice that we were driving east at a rapid pace it was about 40 minutes later that the backseat had quite and down guys where is he taking us I start to slow down now and turn the music down a turn we are no longer in a city but in the plains with basically only the stars as light we could see the city behind us in the distance where are we you could hit the confusion in her voice where are you taking us one two three dance house Wichita Kansas is the address you put in and the one I said at the start of the ride that's my dad's house not mine turn around yes ma'am I turn around more aggressively than necessary where to Cathy explodes into a stream of insults drowning out anything else in the car me speaking up Christina what address am I taking you to Cathy quiets down coloring it me allowing Christina to tell me they are at the college outside of downtown let's get your there I say and then crack their music again and start driving the whole time I am driving I am in a panic because I just know that they are going to try and contest this fair and probably try to get me suspended from the app nothing really eventful happens when I'm driving and these girls are pretty quiet but I can hear them say some small comments about reporting this and how messed up it was as we approach the college campus I began to try and cover my bar so I just wanted to say I'm sorry about this experience y'all it really sucks when there is a miscommunication on this level I will say though that I will be saving my dash cam footage from tonight in case there is trouble with uber over the fare as it is a strange one I pause to see if they have anything to say about my dash cam Bluff but they say nothing I come to a stop close to the dorm area of the college I hope you all have a great night now and good luck with your studies they all get out of the car without a word and slam the doors I pull away and rate Christina with a single star and give the reason as wrong address entered in and rude the ride would have been close to a minimum fare if they would have put the right address in but it turned into a $70 astray Christina never gave me a low rating from what I know because those are the ones we drivers actually hear about I now know that I could have done a lot different to avoid this situation but at the time I was still fairly new and it took a bit of time for me to adjust to the work ah no when he said dash cam Bluff does that mean he doesn't have a dash cam because he definitely needs to get one of those ASAP hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Storytime
Views: 171,246
Rating: 4.8311572 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, Storytime 2, FakeJake, Storytime2, Imagine if, malicious, compliance, maliciouscompliance, r/malicious, r/compliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance
Id: tmbLNW41VKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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