Rivian R1T: Overview and First Impressions!

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[Music] okay so I just got back from the new  rivian space that opened up today morning in   Vancouver BC and this is in fact actually  the first rivian space that opened in all   of Canada so this is the first rivian showroom  where you could actually check out their cars in   Canada and for me I've seen a lot of rivian  cars on the street lately and I've seen them   like pretty much every second day if not everyday at this point but at the same time I haven't   actually gotten a chance to like to explore the  car in and out so while checking out the car   today morning I really got to check out all  the small details and like everything inside   out all the big features like the gear tunnel or  even the Frunk and more importantly I actually   got to go on a demo Drive with a rivian  employee so I really got a taste of how the   car actually drives and how it performs and  I gotta say I am impressed. Now to be honest,   I did have a bias for rivian before already  I really like their trucks and fine yeah it's kind   of subjective but I really do like what they  make and that is why I have a bias but to be   honest I personally believe that this is the  only electric vehicle that I can really see   myself buying right now despite the expensive  prices but regardless in my opinion at least   this is one of the nicest electric vehicles  on the market right now as of today and dare   I say this is actually one of the only vehicles  that does provide a high level of value for what   you pay for it so anyways let's take a look  at this car and what I like about it what I   dislike and what I really noticed about it overall  and why this car actually did impress me [Music] [Music]   rivian is an electric car company founded in 2009 and  they largely focus on an outdoor-themed platform   for electric cars for activities such as hiking  camping off-roading and all of that now currently   they offer two cars on their Platform One is the  r1t which is a small-size pickup and the second is   the r1s which is a seven-seater SUV now both the  R1T and r1s are basically the same for the first   60-ish percent and then the back as you would  expect is a bed on the truck and an extra two   seats and the trunk on the SUV now aside from that  from what I've been told the cars are largely the   same aside from like the back side so basically  you get the same battery the same driving quality   for the most part and even like the same  infotainment the same features they're pretty   closely priced although I do believe the SUV  is a bit more expensive but aside from that   you basically get the same package with either of  them now as I mentioned before these are cars that   I at this point see at least every second day if  not every day on the road and they are nice cars   they do catch my attention maybe it might just  be because I really like the car overall and it's   personally something that I tend to notice more  but yeah other than that as I mentioned before   this is my first time checking out the car and I  was truly impressed even though I do have a bias   I didn't expect it to be this good and some of  the downsides I did expect were not as big as I   thought so anyways now let's get into the car and  check out what I really like about it and dislike   now walking up to the car the first thing you  obviously notice is the exterior and I've already   mentioned a couple times in this video I've seen  this car a bunch of times on the road however when   it's standing still in front of you you definitely  notice some smaller details that you don't really   notice when it's zooming by on the street now the  first thing I want to talk about is the headlights   so the headlights are definitely a subject  objective design I think a lot of people at   this point are at least used to it and a lot of us  do like it including myself but there are people   that don't like it and I mean like I kind of get  it it's not exactly the more traditional design   but I think it's still pretty nice so if I had to  describe the front of the car it's basically this   long light bar that wraps around the edges of the  front and then you have two headlights that are   on the light bar so they're oval headlights on  they're actually pretty cool because if you look   on the inside of the headlights you see these nice  little light bars and they're really cool they   wrap around the headlight and inside the headlight  you see these four bulbs and then you see the   rivian and the rivian logo which is obviously  they're gonna brand it but is it had like the   sign that I haven't really seen around before and  I think it's pretty cool overall it's something   that you really notice and they've really put  the close attention to detail now moving behind   the headlights you also get this really big Frunk  I've seen YouTube videos of people fitting people   inside it; I'm not gonna try that at a showroom so  it's something that you can definitely check out   on YouTube though but yeah that does tell you  about how many things you can fit in it there's   definitely a lot of at least groceries you can fit  in there if you don't want to utilize the bed now   going on to the rest of the car let's talk about  the paint now the R1T the truck that was there   it was in white and I would arguably say that this  is probably the only color I don't like rivian sun   it's just something about it it makes it look like  an old F-150 like back in the 2000s maybe even the   late 90s and it's just generally like it feels  like old truck it doesn't look like something   new so I personally don't like it and even in  person it didn't really look clean but aside from   that there are a lot of color options that you do  get with the rivian and that is something that I   really like now the r1s that was on site was and  I believe it was a limestone gray which I actually   personally like as my favorite color and this is a  partial bias because the Tacoma we have at home is   also in cement gray which is pretty similar  but it's more gray instead of the more turquoise   leaning Limestone on the Rivian but I think it's  still pretty cool it looks slightly different   in different shades which I do definitely think  is once again pretty cool but that is the color   that I would go for if I was buying a rivian  but aside from that as I mentioned there are a   ton of other colors and they had them on display  there's now another thing I did not expect and I   was completely shocked by was the fact that  I actually like the SUV exterior better than   the truck and it's something about like the overall  shape but I think the SUV exterior definitely did   look nicer and my friend that was with me at the  moment did say the exact same comment and I don't know   it's just something that I didn't really expect  since I usually like trucks better than SUVs but   I guess I would still personally buy the truck  if I was the one buying it but the SUVs exterior   definitely does look nicer in person now moving  on to the back portion uh just going over the SUV   it's pretty simple it's what you would expect  it's two small seats and I'll talk about those   seats later and you also get this trunk nothing  too special now on the truck on the other hand   you do get a gear tunnel which is pretty cool and  it's basically a tunnel which is for storage and   it goes from one end of the truck to another and  it's not something that I believe I've seen on   any vehicle in general like not even just trucks  but I've never seen this at all and it's something   that's pretty cool I'm not sure why any other  company hasn't thought of this before but it's   something that's great because electric cars  have a lot of empty space on the inside and   that is a great way to utilize the space now the  gear tunnel can definitely fit a lot of stuff in   fact I've seen YouTube videos of people fitting  other people inside I'm probably not going to go   to a showroom and try doing that but I trust a  YouTube video and say you can probably fit a 10   enough person inside a gear tunnel now also the  gear tunnel flaps or doors or hinges or whatever   you want to call them they're pretty cool they  can't support a lot of weight from what I've   seen online once again not gonna try that at a  showroom but they did seem pretty sturdy for the   time I was there and aside from that let's move  on to the back portion of the truck so you get a   bed which is probably one of the biggest things I  was disappointed about because it seemed like it   was a four or four and a half foot bed and for  most trucks you would at least get a five and   a half foot bed as your smallest option here your  four and a half foot bed is the biggest option or   in fact the only option you get and once again  with the Tacoma we have at home now Tacomas are   pretty reasonable size they're small size pickups  and they're pretty comparable to rivians but even   that has a minimum five and a half foot bed so the  four and a half foot bed on the Rivian was pretty   disappointing now yeah sure you have the front  and you have the gear tunnel but I still believe   that a five and a half foot bed would have been  nicer in case you're like taking wood or you're   taking an ATV or laundry machines or any lugging  that you're doing for work or personal purposes   it would be nice to have that more convenient  bed but regardless at least it does have a bed   it's bigger than a trunk but I still do think  there are five and a half foot bed would have   been nicer now finally at the back on both the SUV  and the truck you do get this big light bar once   again and it's pretty much constantly red except  for one thing that I noticed which I believe when   it's charging the bottom portion of the light bar  does turn green which is a pretty cool touch now   one of the last things I want to talk about is  a yellow accent and these are pretty cool you'll   spot them all over the car whether it be the text  on the bottom or even the brake calipers and it's   pretty cool it's a nice touch it especially goes  great with the green rivians which it's a very   nice combination now moving on to the interior of  the truck the first thing you're going to notice   is the big dashboard the dashboard in my opinion  was pretty nice it had a big screen and a small   screen now starting off with a smaller screen  it is your gauge cluster and it's pretty simple   it has your street view on the side and then  it's going to have your speed and all the other   necessary details nothing too fancy about it and  it is pretty normal I like the minimalistic design   and that's pretty great now the bigger screen on  the other hand actually does a lot more because   this is your infotainment screen and this bigger  screen was actually surprisingly very responsive   and I did not expect it to be like that and that's  great because from what I've heard they do have   a lot of Tesla Engineers on the Rivian team which  is great since they've carried on that technology   from Tesla's to rivians and the Tacoma or even the  Lexus that I use at home they're not exactly the   most responsive screens like they work but they  do like a lot of the times especially on the maps   and it's just great to have a really responsive  screen in your truck especially when you're trying   to use it in traffic or you're trying to find a  new route on the map and it's just something that   works yeah aside from that it has everything  you're gonna want on a smart truck so it has   your Maps it has all of your car settings it has I  believe your heated seats and ventilated seats and   off that too basically once again everything that  you're going to find on a Tesla you'll find it on   the origin 2 and one of the coolest things that I  really like is once again I wrap for Tesla feature   and it's rivian's own version of Sentry mode  which is your car is always recording from its   cameras and it's basically a dash cam but without  having to install an actual separate dash cam and   pay extra money for it now I believe every car  should have this not just reviews on Teslas but   it's great to see that some cars are adopting this  now one of the last things I want to mention is   OTA updates now I didn't even realize anything  about over-the-air updates until our demo Drive   employee did mention oh yeah we're gonna  get Spotify sign-ins next week which made   me realize that a lot of cars now especially Ford  GM and all these other electric car manufacturers   are installing OTA over-the-air updates on their  screens which is great because it's just like our   iPhone switches you get software updates pretty  regularly to keep your phone running and getting   new features and all of that stuff and similarly  you get new safety features or new performance   features or updates to keep your car running  and all that stuff which is great because now   you kind of have your car getting better over time  and stuff depreciating over time but yeah that's   enough about the car software let's take a look  about some of the actual physical stuff inside the   car now one of the biggest things that contribute  to how the car feels is the ceiling on the top and   it's a panoramic sunroof it's great it lets a lot  of light in but it's also very heavily tinted so   you're not going to be burning in the sun which  is great because they don't have a cover for the   roof it's just open all the time but yeah aside  from that it's great it has all the convenient   features of a glass sunroof it lets light in and  you can also see above so it's great for camping   it's great for off-roading where you want to see  trees outside or all that stuff and all in all   it just gives the car an open feeling to it like  you have the sky on top and you have Windows on   your side it just feels very open which is great  for a small size pickup truck now another thing   I want to talk about is the seats the seats  are very comfortable I know the front seats   were ventilated I want to say the back seats are  ventilated too but I'm not 100 sure about that   but they're great they're very reminiscent of  more luxury cars such as Alexis or even rage   Rovers and all those other high-end cars which  is great because it's not something you really   see on Teslas or any of these other electric cars  that are coming out nowadays and you really see   Tesla especially cheapening out on their interior  so this was great for Rogan and they have really   nice comfortable seats and I'd suspect this is  going to be a great road trip car now on the   topic of the sea quality the overall quality  of the Interior is very great like I'd give   it at least eight or nine out of ten it's great  it doesn't have any moving parts or any creaking   parts or anything like that everything feels  like a very great finish even the wood on the   dashboard feels great it feels like real wood  which is something that I don't even feel on   my Lexus at home which it just feels like very  plasticky on that but here the wood actually   does feel very real and who knows maybe it might  even be real wood but it is very great it's great   to see and once again all the parts are great a  button moving nothing breaking nothing creaking   none of that bad stuff now once again I mentioned  before that this is a small pickup truck and the   ceiling does make it feel more open but let's be  honest it is still a small pickup truck here and   I'm gonna get a huge amount of space as much  as you're gonna get on a big Denali or F-150   or anything and it's more comparable to Tacoma  but from what I realized it does have slightly   more space limited Tacoma it's something more like  maybe a RAV4 or maybe even not a RAV4 maybe a bit   smaller but it's definitely bigger than a coma  so if you do have a Tacoma or a Ford Maverick   or a Ford Ranger even you'll know that this is  slightly more open which is great on our demo   drive we were setting three people in the back and  we all had a little bit of space between us which   is great which means it fits a lot of people  and especially for kids you'll be completely   fine now as I've also mentioned earlier in the  video the SUV actually has two seats in the back   now from what I've seen on YouTube and what I saw  in person the seats are pretty tight you're gonna   have to either sit cross-legged or you're only  going to fit small children or even adults that   are under the height of five foot so basically  it's great for children but anybody other than   that you're probably better off just using the  front seats or even the middle seats yeah aside   from that there's three finishes you can get your  interior in I got to check out black and white and   there's also apparently a green interior on their  website but I didn't get to see it in person but I   think it looks great and I really got to see it in  person to really decide if it's something for me   or something that's not for me but on the website  it looks definitely different than whatever's on   the market right now but once again you gotta see  it in person to actually know how it looks now   let's move on to the biggest part of this video  and that will be the demo Drive which lasted about   20 minutes and it was pretty cool we checked  out a bunch of neighborhood streets we went   uphill downhill and we even went on a pretty busy  street and we checked out 0 to 60 and off of that   oh my God so let's talk about how the demo  Drive really went so first thing first let's   talk about Comfort now one of the biggest things  I was really surprised by was the overall Drive   quality now this is something where I did how my  expectations set quite low primarily because I sat   in the Tacoma a lot at home I've gone on drives  on it pretty long drives also short drives in   different cities and I've also sat in a couple of  model 3s and both of them did not have great ride   quality it was subpar it wasn't horrible but at  the same time it wasn't something like the Lexus   which I actually do Drive pretty often now when  I thought of the rivian I kind of did expect it   to be more of a combo between the Tacoma and the  Tesla so having great ride quality was not really   on the list of what I thought it would do great  but it was actually quite smooth and maybe it's   just because I didn't expect it but it was  pretty great now you may want to know that   we were on the 20 inch all-terrain Wheels which  may make a difference but I don't think it might   make a huge difference to a point where the ride  quality completely changes but the standard is   21 inch road wheels and we were riding on the 20  inch all-terrain Wheels but overall I think it's   not going to make a huge difference and I was  definitely still impressed by the ride quality   now on that topic it was also very quiet inside  which is something that's pretty standard for   electric cars I haven't sat in a ton of them I've  sat in Tesla's a couple of times now my problem   with Teslas on the other hand is there's a lot of  road noise now for those of you that don't know   electric cars are very quiet because they don't  have any engine inside them but Teslas don't do a   great deal with this because they don't have great  insulation and that makes a lot of road noise come   inside the car and this isn't something that I am  personally happy with and Teslas Now The Rona is   on the rivian on the other hand was pretty minimal  and that is something that I definitely liked it's   something that gives a more luxury feeling to  the car which once again it's something that   you definitely want at that price point and it's  something that's great to have now aside from that   another thing I definitely did notice was is the  pedal driving which is on electric cars you do   have a lot of regen braking and in our specific  drive we have the region braking strength set   to the highest so what this means is when you let  go of the pedal so you let go of the acceleration   pedal and it comes to an immediate stop now this  immediate stop something that I really heard about   Tesla as I felt myself is this immediate stop  is a pretty harsh jerk and Teslas don't have   smooth driving like that like you let go of the  accelerator a bit and it completely makes you   like haul to a jerk now the Arabian all the other  had yeah it's a pretty immediate stop but it also   does stop smoothly to the point where like you're  kind of like this not straight back if that makes   any sense yeah that is definitely something  I did appreciate having great region breaking   because once again this is something that does  add to your battery too so like turning it off   is gonna definitely make your mileage go down  and it's gonna result in you having to charge   the car a lot so having regen breaking is great  especially when it works too and this also means   you don't have to use a brake pedal almost at all  so this is great this is convenient so using only   one pedal like down and off down and off that's  great to use now on the topic of region breaking   you also have instant acceleration with three  two one oh my God that's something you definitely   gotta feel to know what I'm talking about a video  is not going to do justice but the Arabian has   a 0 to 60 and I believe 3.5 seconds on the quad  motor the retested and if you notice it is very   instant acceleration my head and my body all in  all just slammed back which is great it's very   exhilarating and it's something that you're gonna  get when you slam the accelerator down and once   again 0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds that's very fast  now aside from the whole Drive quality thing I   think I've done a pretty good job at mentioning  everything else that you need to know the seats   are very comfortable the tent is great we weren't  burning in the sun thanks to sunroof or anything   but yeah overall I was pretty impressed by the car  I was satisfied once again this is something that   I would definitely like to buy so now that we've  talked about my experience with rivians and what   I like what I don't like let's talk about why I  was so impressed by this car and why I definitely   think this is probably my favorite electric  car and this is probably the one the electric   car that I would ever even so you're buying  well you see as I mentioned a couple times in   this video I sat in Tesla's a couple times and  I've already gone over my problems I don't like   the ride quality I don't like the creaking yeah  fine the software is great but when you buy a car   especially at that price point you definitely want  it to perform like a car and especially a luxury   car for like a seventy thousand dollar Canadian  model 3 you definitely want it to be a car that   at least doesn't have any panel gaps or creaking  parts and that is why I outright don't like Teslas   now my experience is largely for Lexus and also  the Toyota Tacoma now on our Lexus SUV which is   the Lexus RX ride quality is great smooth and  everything and that is something I do want an   electric car to be like however the form is an  SUV and rather midsize SUV so maybe a more of   a rivian form is something I definitely would like  and once again this is something I definitely like   more than a Tesla the Lexus I do absolutely love  it now moving on to the last car I've had a lot   of experience with which is the Toyota Tacoma  it is a great value for what we bought it at   and it's a great form but once again same issue  I don't like the drive quality it uses a ton of   gas especially for my dad who primarily uses it  he drives a lot and it's a ton of gas mileage   on that and it's not great so when you combine  all the stuff I like on these cars the software   experience on Tesla is the great Drive quality  and the Comfort all the luxury on the Lexus and   the overall form of the Toyota Tacoma what you  do really get is the electric Caribbean which   I definitely really like and this is why this is  probably the only car I would prefer I also think   it does knock out all of the other competitions  from the ballpark because if you look at some of   the biggest competitors which is Tesla once again  I've mentioned Tesla is something else it's not   on the same level as rivian it's great software  experience great charging and everything but once   again not a great Drive quality especially for  somebody that's been driving something that's   nicer now going going on to the F-150 Lightning  which is also something that this gets compared   to a lot the F-150 Lightning is not very special  if you know what I mean like it's basically the   gas F-150 but where the front trunk a battery  and a bigger screen and they called it a date   so it doesn't really feel special it's great for  people that want something that feels like a gas   car but they don't want to pay for gas and that's  great for them but for me I would definitely like   something that's unique once again like a review  and the other competitions are the Hummer electric   and the Cyber truck which cybertruck's not even on  the road but let's still include that cybertruck   and the Hummer electric they're just very big and  honestly I believe they should be illegal within   five miles of any school zone but aside from that  I don't think there's any other big competition   to rivian which is why I personally do really love  the Arabian now that goes on to the next question   would I buy am I buying at any time soon in this  car market with all these prices absolutely not   but if I had the money I definitely would but once  again that's definitely way out of my budget and   I would definitely buy if they had a cheaper  car but for that definitely not now one last   thing I wanted to mention before closing off this  video is all the Rumblings about the upcoming R2   platform from rivian and I believe even our Vivian  official said that like the upcoming R2 platform   is going to have an R2 SUV which costs between  40 to 60k USD which is significantly cheaper   than the current lineup and it does compete with  something like the Mustang Mach e or the model y   so it would be great to see a lot of the features  that we see in rivian currently but in a different   package for a less price but that also means  Vivian's gonna definitely expand which is why I   definitely believe in the future of rivian so I  think it's great to invest in this company this   isn't financial advice but I definitely think  this is a company that's going to go in the   future and I can't wait to see what they come up  with so if you like this video make sure to like   comment and subscribe for more future video  like this and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Ekjot Singh
Views: 1,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fpsOb0T9hsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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