Video #2 Sling TSi Wing Mounting and Plumbing Assembly

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now I'm going to show you how to assemble the fuel pump mounting assembly for the wings before we get into that I'll show you quickly the tools that you're going to need basic hand tools required here number two fill up screwdriver uh a socket or or rather a ratchet with sockets or wrenches um you're going to need a/4 in a 5/16 and a 3/8 so you can see we've got several metal and plastic pieces here uh the metal pieces quick notes on that all of the appropriate holes that need counter syncing will already be done on all you'll have to do is you'll have to attach these nut plates we include the rivets for those as well um and then obviously assemble all the screws and all that so we're going to get into that now first thing I'm going to do this is an intermediate plate you can see we've got three counter sunk holes on one side this piece here is one of our retainer pieces are going to go on the side that's opposite of the counter syn and you can see that those three holes line up and you know you've got it on the right side because this Edge which has a little bit of a taper to It lines up with the rounded edge of the plate so what we're going to do is we're going to grab a few of our number six screws and I'm going to grab actually this more or less washer plate and then we're going to grab our Nylock and I'm going to start all three of these I'll get those snugged and then we'll move on to the next piece okay we got this snugged up with all of these every nut is Nylock all you need to do is get it snug they're not going to back off and uh you know especially with number six screws you have to be careful not to over torque them anyways to not break them uh but even on the number 10s you don't have to go crazy on torque okay this rib insert is going to be the next piece that gets installed onto this plate that we already put that uh clamp piece in and then the piece after that's going to be this insert here the reason I'm showing both right now is because they have left and right marks on them so you know which Wing they go into so same drill as this piece we're going to go ahead and get our counter sunk screws in get it snug down and we'll move on the only difference here is we don't have a washer plate this is just going to get directly screwed down we do have washers for these nuts here though okay so now we're done with this half of the clamshell plate and I didn't mention this before but we call them the clam shell plates because they go together like this now we're going to move on to this half um real quick we're going to get to our first difference between transfer pump or not the first difference is that if you're going to have a transfer pump it's going to be mounted to this side of this plate and this same bracket that I put over here is now going to have to get installed over here through those counter sunk holes so that's going to be your first step on this plate if you have one this one's not getting one so we're going to move on from that first thing that this side's going to get in our case is this insert piece so you can see this insert piece has three holes that line up however only two of them have counter sinks the two with the counter sinks are the ones that are getting the screws for now now we're done with that half next thing we're going to do is get our pump mounted to the pump plate and then we'll be ready to go ahead and start get everything finally assembled here so the pump and the plate again two counter sunk holes all you have to do with the pump here is you have to get the outlet side aligned with the back of the plate and the outlet side has the pigtail on it so what we're going to do here is we just going to line up those holes and the outlet side of the plate has the uh the nut plate on it so line up these two holes and simply repeat the same process we've been doing up to this point try to get you know this has a little bit of a oval hole on each side so get it so that the pump's not protruding over the edge of this uh plate the flange there okay it pumps on the plate again again we actually have a flow indicator on there but pigtail towards the back side of the plate that's the outlet side as noted by where the nut plate needs to get installed on this okay the last thing to do before we move to the aircraft to install is we have to sort of loosely marry these clam shells together so this is where this re rear retainer piece is going to come in so we're just going to lay that on there we're going to push the clam shells together and then we've got two different sizes of these number eight bolts here these are 1 in these are 3/4 we're going to set the one inches as side we're going to take two of the 3/4 in ones and we're just going to start these in the back and now you can see this is you know more or less hinged for the time being and this is going to be how we get it installed into the wing rib which we'll show you next now that being said for the moment I'm going to to finish the assembly on the bench so you can see how it goes together and then we'll show you the installation on a wing okay we're going to assume now that there is a wing rib in the middle of all this so you've clamshell around the rib the next step is take this onein bolt into this front hole here and get it snug down these are number eight bolts but they actually have quarter inch heads on them so they're somewhat non-standard just to keep that in mind um let me go ahead and actually just get those cinched down a little bit so that they're out of the way cuz of course in the aircraft these are going to be all the way down okay not tight but that's okay just for demonstration for now okay the next thing we're going to do is get the pump installed onto this this pump has a flange that sticks out on it and on this plate or rather on this retainer piece there's a recess in there for that flange to go into so we're just going to line up that flange and get it pushed in and then the pump plate should sit perfectly down onto the rib plate here so what we're going to do is going to take our 3/4 in remaining 3/4 in here we're going to get that snug down and now we've got this a dough clamp and we've got this fuel filter that came in the uh the kit so we're going to push the filter into the clamp and we're going to install that in our remaining hole of course this one will be a little bit challenging because you have to overcome the spring pressure of the clamp so that's why we did the 1 in on this just to make it easier for you one thing I did one step out of order that I'm going to show you now is this fitting of course with some thread sealant should already actually be installed into the inlet side of the pump and one of these hoses should be installed onto that to make it easier to then install it onto the filter so something like that by do by at least having this installed ahead of time you're going to uh make your life a lot easier because you're not going to be trying to work inside the wing over here next piece then or the last one of the last pieces anyways again thread sealant get that installed get it snug and then this is going to be the outlet for uh your hose that comes off of the aircraft or one of these fittings if you wanted to do it that way and then finally on the inlet side of things we include these little hard lines and all that you're doing with this actually first you're installing this 90° 6m adapter and then the hard line goes on that and then the other end goes into the outlet on the fuel tank okay now we're going to take everything that we just did here move over to a wing that has the root exposed so this is going to be particularly helpful for any of you that are still building your aircraft we're going to show you how that gets installed on there the steps are going to be much the same as doing it on an airplane that already has the wings attached and it is possible it's actually pretty easy to do um but just for demonstration we're showing on the exposed Wing okay we at the wing rout of the left wing here and I've got my pump removed from this assembly and all that so I'm going to show you how this goes in so this clamshell that's going to be kind of how it looks going in there if I separate the halves you can see the insert pieces over there and this is the outer insert if you well the outer uh shim I suppose there so we're going to go ahead and push that in and it will self locate into this lightning hole on the rib okay so I'm going to get this mostly snug down here but not all the way of course we're open so I'm just going to have a nice long extension to help me if you're working in the wing Ro you've only got you know basically this much room and so you're going to have to get in here with a smaller ratchet or an air ratchet or something to get that snug down okay the front snug down again this Mount self locates because of the fact that the lightning hole is somewhat triangular so now we can just go ahead and get this backside snug down now that that's on we'll get the pump assembly installed okay so we're going to get this assembly with the pump installed now again like I was showing you on the bench it's helpful to have all of this pre-installed make sure that these fittings you're using fuel resistant thread sealing on there because these are pipe threads torque your fittings down to 150 or between 150 and 190 inch pounds and then uh you'll be ready to get it installed so we're just going to get that flange pushed into that recess make sure it's going to sit flat okay now I'm going to there's one uh 3/4 in Bolt that's going to go in from behind and then the 1in bolt is going to go through that dull clamp into that hole there so I'll get that done now okay now we've got our short hardline piece and that's going to be what goes into that 90° into the filter so we'll get this on the wing first on the outlet now you can see ours has a little bit of a Bend to it to bring it this way uh so you're probably going to have to do the same to yours now we'll get everything started and you can see that the height is just a little bit on off on the filter so what we can do to fix that is we can just simply loosen the Adele clamp and we can just draw our filter down a little bit until it all matches so there it is installed in the wing last thing of course is make your electrical connection and make your connection to the line in the aircraft one word of caution that I want to give you real quick is before you get this filter snug down and you get this bottom feed line installed if you're doing a transfer pump get that in first because that goes in on the back side of this rib here so your life will be a lot easier when this is out of your way trying to get that installed
Channel: Midwest Panel Builders
Views: 1,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avionics, Experimental Aircraft, Experimental Avionics, Garmin, Garmin Aviation, Garmin Avionics, G3X, Sling 2, Sling 4, Sling TSi, The Airplane Factory
Id: fq-yE58yprQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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