Building the Wings ~ Sling TSi Build Video # 6

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okay today is uh Saturday January 6 2024 and we've got Wings we're starting on wings so probably going to break these videos up into I'll just call them phases phase one phase two phase three and I'll call this phase one because what we've accomplished so far is I've got ribs attached to both the front and the rear Spar um and and the way that process worked was the you start with the ribs and essentially each rib has most ribs have something that needs to be attached and so we go through all the ribs of course peeling the plastic off all these things I think peeling the plastic off is about my God 20% of the this build project but once you get the plastic off everything you clean de bur and get the ribs all organized then it's uh we're going through each ribbon attaching anything that needs to happen to that particular rib in this case we've got a flap hinge bracket that that's been assembled and attached to that rib right there um there are torque tubes in here and then they've got these uh grommets for that um there's some over here I've got Bell crank for aons I'm going to get I'll go through the a little bit more about these Wings here in a minute but I just wanted to talk about that so we we do the ribs and then we assemble the um rear Spar and the rear Spar Channel and this Spar the front main Spar comes completely assembled from the factory so that's not there's a few things that has to happen I'll talk about that here in a second um I'm getting ahead of myself these are the twist uh jigs that are on the root and tip of each of the Wings and um really make the assembly process so easy and keeps everything lined up perfectly um what I did was and I've heard some of the other guys talking about eventually when the when when we've got the final product we're going to use whoops we're going to use an a and7 bolt and the A7 bolt is going to go in there's eight different locations across uh the wing route but the challenge is with these a7s these holes the Precision on these holes the Precision on everything on this kit is just absolutely amazing the Precision on these holes it's it's a press fit so not going to use these bolts for the uh twist jig just simply because I I I want to preserve that that that fit and so instead I'm just using grade five 7/16th bolts and they their the tolerance is just a little bit uh less than the A7 but it does it does work for this application so only using those uh grade five bolts and never going to use any sort of grade eight or grade five Bolt bolts in the final assembly um it will always be these aend these a in bolts um a couple things tools so part of what has to happen with this main Spar is there are counter syns that have to go through so we'll go through each actually the the plans show where to begin where to end these counter sinks but uh countersinks go down through each front and or excuse me top and bottom of both left this is actually the right right wing and that's the left wing and this counter sync tool is what we use for that so put that on the end of the drill and it gives you the right counter syn um and that way you never go too far and you never over counter SN the hole it takes a while to get it to exactly where you need it to be and then I just go along this is not a um this is not a flush rivet this is a button rivet but it's I'll just go along with the flush rivet after for each of the holes just to make sure I've got the right uh the right hole setting so I didn't go too far or well like I said I I I would not go too far but I may not go quite enough so uh that's how that works there's there's actually 600 of these what 75 on each side top and bottom both wings so we did uh or I did over 600 of those so that's the counter sync tool um you know previous video I talked about these Quin bushings and I'm still finding uses for this and what I'm finding a really great use for this now is I'm using these to you can see that I put a rivet on the end of that see if I can get it better so I'm basically I put it up here wherever I got to push a rivet in uh let me put it right here weever got to push a rivet in I've been I've been using this bushing material quarter in bushing material because quite frankly my fingers are about raw I mean I'm getting I got a blister here and on the end of my thumb I can hardly touch anything because it's so raw because I'm just constantly pushing these rivets in all I mean God there's thousands of these things and so after a while like you get a stubborn rivet it doesn't want to go in so you're fighting it fighting fighting and your fingers just get AE up so I'll take this uh I'll just take that bushy material push on there and if I have to I can come by with a little Persuader here and just give it a couple little Taps and get it to go through I'm not going to hit it too hard that I'm forcing it but I can just take that little hammer and kind of tap it in place if that doesn't work uh if if I can't get the rivet to go through then I'll run the drill through and clean it out that way I just I really try to avoid the clean out uh with the drill bit at least not on my first attempt because that way I know I'm getting that that hole exactly the size it needs to be um and then one other thing here so uh I've had it I've had to drill out a few rivets so this is the drill and what I'm doing the process that I've I've really started using works very well for me is I will drill out the head of the rivet till the head pops off it usually sticks to the drill bit and then I'll stop at that point and then the next thing I'm going to do is I'll take this punch and I'll punch wherever wherever the head of the rivet was until this back piece falls out so I really I'm trying to avoid drilling all the way through the rivet i instead I just want to take the top of the rivet off the head of the rivet off and then come through with this punch until I can really it might take half a dozen or a dozen Strokes with the with the punch until it finally pops out but I know that I preserve the the Integrity of my hole by doing that so all right so um what I'm doing with the the wings I think for me I've heard a lot of guys say just do one Wing at a time and I've got the room to do both both wings and so the process I'm following is I'll start with the right because the the plans the manual uh refers to everything from the right wing so I'll go ahead and do my assembly on the right wing and then just take that over take that whatever I'm working on take it over to the left wing and do that part of the wing and I just did that all the way through so I'm never getting ahead on this wing and then coming back you know maybe two three steps behind I'm always on the same step on both wings but I start with the right wing first um some of the things that are a part of this I think is interesting since there's no skin on it you can kind of really get an idea what what's going on here I'll explain some of this the reason why we got so many ribs here is that this is at the root and so this is the point of Eris and Ingress uh and you're going to be walking on top of this portion of the wing to you know access the canopy to get into the cockpit so that is all reinforced there with extra ribs for foot traffic as we go further out uh outboard uh with the wing then the proper spacing starts to come in for the uh the center ribs and as well you there'll be in this area here we'll have um the flaps and you can see the the flap hinge brackets are here we got three of them um again like I mentioned earlier this is the flap torque tube and then the other thing is this is these uh grommets here the big ones at the bottom that will be the the push rods for the aerons and then we come down to this side and this is the Bell crank for the push rod and then this push rod here actuates the uh the the aileron so um that's one of the things I really like about this airplane that that there's not a lot of cables I believe the only cables in this plane are with the rudds um I love the uh push rod aspect of this um just because it's a lot more the the the touch and response with the airplane is going to be really uh you know awesome this is the rear re Spar this is the rear Spar uh Channel and this is where the skin will end here on this piece all the way through here and you see how it attaches on the bottom it's just a single um and the thing other thing I like about this kit is all of the bends that come from the factory are just dead on so that's everything's bent um there's no bending we I don't have to have a brake here to bend any material so uh I just pretty much just established the where it goes and then put put the cleos in and then come behind with the rivets and there's just there's there's no interference everything lines up perfectly so uh that's the rear channel for the um back of the skin and I've got some nose ribs here this will be the bay for the landing lights out towards the tip um there's a tie down I don't know if you can see it here there's a tie down right there for the end of the wing um and the reason why there are no additional ribs along this main Spar is because this is where it it's actually the Leading Edge of the wing is the fuel tank so I probably will call that my phase two or excuse me phase three of the wing construction just because the next step is going to be skinning the wings and so skinning is the next thing I'm getting ready to do since all of the rib assembly up to this point uh is as far as I can go so there will be the scanning is going to involve uh getting the dimler situated putting it back into place where it should be repositioned um and then it'll be a lot of dimpling that needs to happen and start skinning and I'll report back when the skinning is completed
Channel: Bald Pilot
Views: 2,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bearhawk, bearhawk aircraft, bearhawk 4 place, bearhawk lsa, bearhawk patrol build, bearhawk build, bearhawk patrol aircraft, bearhawk companion, bearhawk stol, bearhawk life, bearhawk aircraft build, bearhawk vs kitfox, bearhawk on floats, bearhawk airplane, bearhawk 4 palce, bearhawk 4 palace, bearhawk patrol aicraft, bearhawk aicraft build, Sling Aircraft, Sling TSi, Experimental Aircraft, Flying, Bald Pilot, Rob Caldwell
Id: epmMlhTg-lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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