Rising Against All Odds | Funke Felix Adejumo | NHN Meet and Greet | Singapore

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so it depends on which one you feed and which one you starve when Leah is speaking because you are now aware Leah no time for that can't you look at that person can't you see the Hep one day I was admiring one Hep two HS you told me to be vulnerable now I said good I didn't wait in heaven to receive collect this seed [Music] [Music] hallelujah oh be lifted above all all the gods we lay our crowns and worship let God hear your voice oh oh be lifted above all other gods we lay our crowns and worship oh glorious God oh glorious God we [Music] wor name and we lay our crowns and worship oh glorious God oh glorious God we praise your name and we lay our cross and worship [Music] Lord I know there are many accomplished women and men here but we all acknowledge that you are the most accomplished many mighty men and women in the world but there is no Almighty man anywhere you alone are the almight thank you for this good God great God kind God marvelous God lord Jesus you are honored here we bring forth many crowns in fact all the crowns that life has placed on our heads we use everything to decorate you Lord Holy Spirit the executive director of Kingdom projects thank you thank you for honoring us with your presence I ask as I've told you in private Lord let Destinies happen here today amen amen let there be a shift Amen Let us remember today for good we give you all the glory and we give you all the honor have your way Lord in the name of Jesus we have prayed help me celebrate the King of Kings and the Lord of lords thank you please just minister to her can you please let me hug your sister and tell your sister meet me at the top I'm not waiting for you hallelujah amen amen you may please be seated Pastor Naomi can you just minister to her let there be peace for the spirit of God is here in this place somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah good afternoon everyone what a powerful session we had this morning I'm going to be sharing from my heart with you not just the book of The Book of I'll quot I'm a woman of Faith but I'm going to be sharing with you from my heart Rise Against The Art that's the theme Dr Ki gave us and I believe that he was inspired of she was inspired of the Holy Spirit to give that theme even if this is the last one in terms of because the kind of odds please for our sake but at least God is teaching us that we are more than conquerors that theme is not an advice it is a command Rise Against The ODS what does it mean to rise to stand up get up spring up Revolt Advance increase lead up Riot Ascend grow hike accelerate breakthrough what's the meaning of odd improbability disadvantage unlikelihood I'm so happy that Tara spoke before me because she just simplified my assignment by the graes that she carries practical real ized things I was so blessed there are three kinds of programming that we all whether we like it or not have to battle against because sometimes this programming affect how we live our lives like Tara said I'm not a coach because I'm a certified coach I paid $ 38,800 to be certified so it's the truth I'm a certified coach I'm a certified transformational coach in coaching the first law of learning is repetition whatever you can do today you didn't bring it for from Heaven you leared it repetition is the first law of learning of Education some women have been told to remain in the same state for an extended period of time to remain small insignificant useless purposeless unproductive irrelevant remain poor remain delayed remain in the pit remain broke remain depressed who said what I'm talking about how we were programmed because if you if you're working against something if you're Rising against the us we need to understand how we got here so that after God Has Lifted us we w't go back so that means you have to start filtering what you allow to be said to you I'm going to get there in the gfy by relocating yourself from relationships that demain you I don't care who they are there are seven kinds of relationships that you should have hopefully are be able to get there these three people you must avoid them expired mentors parked Vehicles if you look at the book of 1st Samuel chapter 17 you will see four kinds of people in that passage the anti anointed Goliath ex anointed Saul un anointed elab and the anointed David you must qualify relationships one mistake should not Define your life forever you must learn to change the channel of your life if you don't want CNN then you change two channels stop using your life to please people because some of you you are the odd against yourself [Music] Israel is fighting today the first time I went to Israel those days we could still get to Mount Moriah a mosque is there but now you can't even when you go you to Israel you can't get there I entered that mosque built around Mount Moriah inside the mosque there is a b wire that surrounds Mount Mariah where Abraham sacrificed Isaac I squeezed my hands through the barb wire and I touched that mountain or Hill I said father no matter how long I live on Earth please let there be no trace of my mistake why do we have Islam why is there war in UAE in Middle East because I spoke about you using your hand was it not Sarah that by herself brought a woman into her marriage thousands of years we are still reaping one decision one mistake one odd you can be an odd against yourself who gave that maid excuse me what did Sarah need a maid for Genesis 18 was she not the one that cooked when the Three Angels of God came to the house of what use was hagga but see what he guy left till tomorrow what good did she should she do verbal programming number two is modeling modeling what was said or what was being said that one is verbal this one is what you saw what you've sayen what you are saying some of you come from families where your mother disrespected your father you didn't know that it's stuck some of you came from families where a woman Works in absolute pride and arrogance you are saved now but it has been modeled to you some of you come from families where marriage is nothing dishonor is the way of life meling you've been programmed some of you come from families where your mothers took every nonsense from your father every nonsense anything where a woman is not allowed to be anything meaningful where a woman must be totally dependent on the husband where a woman is the housel glorified slave and with all your PhD you take all kinds of nonsense you show a man how to treat treat you if your husband is treating you anyhow if anybody's treating you anyhow you were the one that sh that's the truth that's the balance he said but it's not my fault you didn't know it's an unconscious thing because you took the first laap because he came and night I'm so sorry it's the devil I read one book Billy Graham's daughter she said as a young girl she used to steal and the mother will beat her and beat her so this particular and the mother will say I'm casting out the devil I'm casting of the devil she said this particular day she's St again Billy Graham's daughter I heard what Sarah said I'll get there I'll get to many things today you know she said this day she stole again as the mother was coming today I'm going to drive this devil out of your life she said mom the devil devil ran out when she saw you come when he saw you come so when the man says the devil the devil the devil every time you take the abuse you take and then you wondering I've been in this thing for eight years I've been in this thing without asking for help you keep nurturing the man's ego evil ego not knowing that you are modeling something to your children to you know you have five kinds of children everybody some of you think it's only biological every woman you have your biological children if God decides that you should have number two you have your natural children these are the children that will marry your children number three you have spiritual children whether you born again or not you are reproducing you're passing yes after your kind you're passing your spirit down number four you have adopted children those people learning makeup those children they may even be 50 year old and then you have Destiny children there are some people that if you don't succeed you will slow them down there are people that if you don't wake up in the morning and and manage just encourage yourself to go a step further they going nowhere they too much believe in you they want to dance like you want to talk like you they want to do everything in fact they have forgotten their Destiny you are the expression of their Destiny I do a conference in Lagos I've stopped doing it in Lagos now because you must not only hear what God said you must he what God is saying God said go and offer Isaac the same God said don't killed the child again if you had killed the child I would have been in vain so you must always check before you now move check again there was a time I went around the nations of the Earth with Mother's Summit Destinies do not change but assignments change life is not lived in years life is lived in seasons can I be bef footed some of you that's how you'll be in pain you will still be pretending and before me thank you ah let me be comfortable job I'm pulling the dresses thank you Jerry you be in pain you see me we thank God God for me so Destinies don't change but assignments change you must know when one assignment talk about was talking about it you must know when one assignment Chang when a season changes in your life when what used to be a blessing has now become a burden is a sign for change Ming that's how we are programmed there are people you love and you don't know that you love them so much you are you are modeling your life after them so we were in Legos in preparation at CBS in preparation you know with the committee members and alls you will be in charge of this you be in charge of that that the user while somebody was talking one young boy just stood up he was in his 40s and walked up to me I thought he wanted to make a suggestion he said Mama you the reason myself and my entire family are serving God don't change don't do the rubbish pastors are doing if not we will backslide and be because of you go to hell then he went back to his seat planning committee meeting I thought he wanted to tell me something you don't even know who you are you don't know the weight you carry you you think you are lost I'm just in this place taking care of three children I understand because you think that until you hold the microphone modeling you don't know that you are been programmed some of you you want to be like so so so and because of that you are killing yourself you don't know what is happening sometimes I'm in my hotel room in Abuja and you see them all wrapped up in the night and they come when they mama please please so because of the sirene you pray God God look at my life which your life is better don't let me even go there your life is better my dear enjoy your Simplicity let's just be quiet there I Mentor them and number three how we programmed number one is verbal programming number two is modeling number three is specific incidents things that happened to you or happened to somebody that changed the trajectory of your life a marriage that collapsed I got married as a virgin I've never cheated I can't believe this happened to me hello who are the specific incidents how can they say cancer how can I ever be broke with all that I do in the Kingdom how how specific incidents I've been serving God since University days how can I be married and I don't have a child specific incidents questions that defy answers that's the reason we're here that's my introduction specific incidents that's to were born a woman you have a minimum of 11 let me break let me say eight minimum barriers to overcome just that you were born a woman I'm not sharing that with you today because I'm going somewhere today I want to use the lives of two women to challenge us Rachel and Leah we want to sit inside and Digest and discuss about these two women Genesis 29 Genesis 29 I'm reading from verse 15 and liban said unto Jacob Genesis 29 verse1 15 because Thou Art my brother shouldest thou therefore serve me thank you why should thou therefore serve me for not tell me what shall thy wages be verse 16 is where I story starts from and lean had two daughters the name of the Elder was Leah and the name of the younger was richel Leah was tender eyed but Rachel was beautiful and well favored and Jacob loved Rachel and said I will serve the seven years for richel thy younger daughter and leban said it is better that I give her to thee than that I should give her to another man abide with me and Jacob served 7 years for richel and they seemed unto him but a few days for the love he had to her and Jacob said unto leban give me my wife for my days are fulfilled that I may go in verse unto her verse 22 and leban gathered together all the men of the place and made a feast and it came to pass in the evening that he took Leah his daughter and brought her to him and he went in unto her and liban gave unto his daughter Leah zipa his maid for an handmaid and it came to pass that in the morning behold It was Leah and he said to Lian what is it that thou Hast done unto me did not I Ser the with thee for Rachel wherefore then hast thou beged me and lean it must not be so done in our country to give the younger before the firstborn fulfill her week and we will give thee this also for the Savage with thou shall serve with me seven yet seven other years and Jacob did so and fulfilled her week and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also verse 29 and Lebon gave to Rachel his daughter bill her his handmade to be her maid and he went in also onto Rachel and he loved also Rachel more than Leah and sat with him yet seven other years and when the Lord saw that Leah was hated he opened her womb but Rachel was Barren and Leah conceived and bore a son and she called his name ribbon for she said surely the Lord had looked upon my Affliction and now therefore my husband will love me misplaced this a IAL image of all of us as women these two women and when I begin to dissect them as the Holy Spirit inspired me you will see where you fit in let's begin with Leah the first thing we want to talk about Leah is her beauty Leah knew that she did not look as good as her little sister Rachel she knew it that she was not as beautiful as Rachel her kid sister not only did she know it it was shown to her we all have our little secret feelings I'm not as beautiful I'm not as rich or wealthy my background is horrible I didn't get married as a virgin maybe that's the reason this beauty we're talking about maybe it was in her figure or her face she understood that Rachel was more attractive than her so she suffered the feelings of inadequacies so the first odd we're looking at this morning is low selfesteem and please before you preempt me we all suffer from it it's just that it is in degrees and it is expressed in different ways that I was sharing with us yesterday at the airport in Doha how she will make a transfer we're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars and she will be shaken you know and someone had to call her do you know how you have enriched this company that you are even shaking for so for her it's in business until she outgrew it for some of us it has to do with the shapes of our bodies some of us over the years have been body shamed and it's difficult for you as accomplished as you are you not a lawyer you're medical doctor you're now chattered chattered abrator chattered accountant chattered whatever but you are there is a leay in you that needs to be addressed in this conference all of us sometimes until you become vulnerable people don't know sometimes until people are close to you they don't know some of your it's your body particularly when there is room for comparism your little sister your kid Sister your big sister comes to visit and you see how your husband's eyes travel can I be real your friend comes and you see things you see attention that your husband gives or your children give or people around give some of you you are ministers of the Gospel guest speakers come to your church they say only God is um um um um good and people are clappy yeah and you you went to bed 4:00 a.m. all kinds of insights and Revelations and and you are not honored and Leah shows up some of you you see on social media how fella treats Tara as if they hardly have any issue and you are wondering is she not a woman like me Le inside every one of us including me there is a Le and there is a richer we'll get there shortly it depends on and let me shock you it will be there till you die you cannot kill there neither can you kill Rachel you can only turn down the volume can only turn down the volume of their voices that's all so it depends on which one you feed and which one you starve can they turn down that when Leah is speaking because you are now aware Leah no time for that can't you look at that person can't you see the Heap one day I was admiring one Hep two heps you told me to be vulnerable now I said God I didn't wait in heaven to receive collect this seed this person even after she was coming to to to the plan they still throw through some and this thing is not collectable when and I got close and I saw what the the the way the hip looked in real life this thing called cloth it they cover things oh not all hips are normal oh oh my goodness may ask your neighbor how is your Leah doing only God knows what Leah went through when they were growing up maybe they will go to fetch water and say hello Rachel Rachel and will be wondering at least acknowledge me to Now kill the matter it was time for marriage and the man that came understood that in the Jewish culture even if you look at it in the Bible 1st Samuel chapter 1 the Bible was talking about a man Elena that had two wives God is a god of order and the B says the name of the one was Anna so she was a first wife there order if you look at Ruth chapter one you will see that opa's name was first mentioned I thank God that oper did not follow them because there was only one boas and she have chosen first with that attitude the Savior will come through her God forbid it was now time for marriage and you know how girls G maybe she was even thinking that Jacob being the first that thing was now Amplified on another level just Jacob showed interest in Rachel imagine the kind of nights and evenings and days that Leah hard like some of you and yes you still have to show up in the world as accomplished as the pastor's wife as a very successful woman you see have to show up that's what it means to Rise Against the odds you have enough reasons not to rise you have enough reasons to be silenced you have enough reasons not to show up but you decided with all they said about me am I still supposed to be holding the microphone all the lies number one she's too bold let's silence her and they sold it to the world number two she's setting women free number three she's competing with us I don't want to mention the details otherwise you will know when they told me one of them I had preached for him four times I said stop I want to make Heaven stop don't tell me the other two it took me time to even heal bless you we thank God you're preaching for us bigbs everywhere what have you been through I want to give up ordinary you cannot fly today you will fly tomorrow ordinary ticket see what came out of your mouth see what your fingers typed see the side comments see the discussions you were having who knows I'm not justifying inadequacies and you know whatever deficiencies of logistics but I'm saying that who knows maybe that was an exam my mother-in-law lived with me till she died I brought her in her final years I have housekeepers my mother-in-law she was my number one Mentor she taught me life things my mother did not teach me my mother-in-law as a single lady I had been praying about who will be my mother-in-law when I didn't know who will marry me that God will make us friends and I pray that prayer for my children too so when I met her h she mentored me she blessed me till she gave up I sered her communion till she gave up she was 110 when she was living with us very neat very neat woman one day I went to see her in an apartment this is our own building and then we have a building some of you that know my house you know so she was downstairs I would go I would spend time with her she would tell me stories I and spent 5 hours listening to her so this particular day she excused herself while she was talking to me she excused herself and said she wanted to use the restroom as she was going poo poo was falling I didn't say p poo poo my first reaction then I turned I saw one of my housekeepers he's a man he showed his face saw it and reversed he didn't know I saw him I ran to the restroom I took tissue I knelt down I was cleaning after her without complaining I was cleaning after her while I was clean the Lord said to me you just passed an exam you know one thing about the exam of life no time table you don't know when so when one of my proes made a comment on our page because FF tribe is here I decided to Marge with nhn because of school I CAU her that day I was in Houston I said you know I lead women to different countries every year um but I don't have time this year and it's what I owe my proteges and while I was praying your name came to my mind she screamed she said yesterday the Holy Ghost said to her your mama you have the structure why don't you help her with this that's how we decided and I said okay we'll just come under you you don't need to be number succeed at being number two than fail at being number 15 nhn the one did you see FFA there but my team is here we paid they paid their way there here but there's no FFA there my husband must be a go so you help God to flash your husband hello hello God call my husband please call my husband this you want to start something just because everybody because you don't want to submit anymore does he remove a from my name that my team is here there about 11 of us or so or 12 does that remove you so my name is no longer Complete because I am now under nhn all of us cannot be Founders and presidents so you don't know so when one of my proes said something something you know this ticket you know how the odds were and something happened even me I said oh my God d one of my protes on the platform said this is not good at all I quickly responded because I'm her coach I'm her Mentor I will not deny her from expressing the way she felt that was what she felt and rightly so I just said everything about our lives is good quickly I Chang that negative energy and everybody because it's not easy to organize a conference it's not easy let's tell the truth oh sometime since you didn't plan we just Happ everybody stand up help me tell your neighbor star your L please sit down some of us the reason for this please be seated the reason for this low self-esteem is because of our past did didn't live a great life and so before you met Jesus you were a mess and so and so is it because people are not showing you the video tapes of their lives is it virginity alone that is virtue you can be a virgin and don't have character now so is it virginity I got married as a virgin well done we give you Crown that's the reason you are pressing all of [Music] us that's the only thing you hold and you are flating it everywhere you can't even see wisdom people are correcting you can't even see anything that you've done wrong virgin virgin virgin the only virgin am I demeaning virginity no I'm just balancing life so your past can affect your self-esteem none of us there's none of us here that has not done something that she's not proud of said something that you're not proud of there are messages I preached 15 years ago that I will not preach them the way I preach them then must I kill myself I said this I said it take me to court thank you for reminding me I'm a lawyer in making let's meet yes I said it that time that was the light I had if your husband's life does not increase you that was what I need you I don't say that anymore and then because of that you say you will not listen the people that are listening to me do don't even know your address I beg who has never made a mistake before your own may be different from my own your own may be in business my own may be in marriage that my marriage failed does not mean I'm a failure failure is just an [Applause] event and because you are married you're happily married you will not let us rest you are so insensitive know this person has challenges in our marriage just got me one gold talking to it's not that you are saying it to inspire you know you just be flating just oppressing the person and you know their story it's unfair and you be doing as if you see I had to just do family planning in fact my husband sex you know you know we have five children actually I I know this person is waiting what is it that you have that you did not receive and why doest thou as if thou did not receive it John 3:27 for a man can receive nothing except it for given tell us about the beauty of your marriage to inspire us but please don't use to oppress anybody thank you those of you that are thinking that because of your past let me give you a scripture that will heal you today amen M car chapter 7 message translation don't read it in King James's version message translation Micah chapter 7 beginning from Verse 18 where is the god who can compare with you wiping the Slate clean of guilt Hallelujah turning a blind eye a deaf ear to the Past sin of your punched and precious people you don't nurse your anger and you don't stay angry long for Mercy is your specialty that's what you love most and compassion is on its way to us you will stamp out our wrong doing you will sink our sin to the bottom of the ocean when you sin and you repent God dumps your sin in the ocean of forgetfulness and he puts a signpost there no fishing please stop fishing the New Testament Jesus was talking about a man that employed some people some first hour some second hour some third hour some 11th Hour there are some of us that are 11th Hour Christians 11th Hour women we didn't get born again from our mother's we were not Catholics you were not raised as you know Deeper Life we met Jesus on the way remember when he was going to pay he paid them equally some of us that even came late we are doing better serving him loving him so don't let anybody make you feel that you come you came late don't let any body feel that it was because Don't Let The Devil in his bastard situation make you feel that you don't have a child because there's no because let the devil be reminding you of your past anytime he does it you remind him of his future Satan you are going to hell enjoy where you are look at the things that you you should be grateful for I was in Uganda I went to an an oranage in fact the road to the orphan AG you will not believe what I'm about to say I called my husband darling in case we don't see again we meet in heaven because I am now in the Valley of the shadow of death I just wanted to sight my eyes on those offer there were 50 of them waiting for adoption you telling me you don't have a child I have an offer each and I adopted three they live with us the first one we ever she was the first child to come to that offer age she's 21 now we just relocated her she just finished she graduated international relations we just located her to Canada two weeks [Applause] ago when I heard that because we thought we were done when I heard that some politicians were planning some evils I don't want to be too whatever evils Journey election I ran to the to adopt a set of twins when those children came you wouldn't touch them you wouldn't want to touch them with the longest of poles I could not touch them Mrs abag you you saw them I could not touch them when they brought them today they climb on my head climb on my husband's head I went to court to adopt them I have the certificate when it was time for me to stand in the witness box the judge said sit down ma everybody had been standing said sit down ma the jewy said sit down Ma so did not allow me to go into so I sat courtroom the first thing we want to say is on behalf of the world we want to thank you I bust into tears thank you for the things you are doing thank you for the D thank you for the then my capacity from today so so has become a Phim you are free to take them to anywhere in the world anybody that tries to you will face the government God has God places there are six 6 years old you're telling me you don't have a child when we get to heaven we they be giving a word for people that went to the labor room would they be giv award for how many times you do cry yeah is that the award there are children everywhere go and adopt forget about culture saying nonsense do you know the joy that fills my heart when I see those children go to school when they call me Mom when they climb on my head do you know the joy you can't even explain it am I hurting you or helping you both self-esteem many things you may be the 11th Hour woman stop dwelling in your past Leah it was her own was her beauty her sister was prettier Slimmer figure this who even started this figure something start your own figure now you can be you can be big and bold and beautiful is it not in the Bible the righteous shall be [Laughter] fat it's in the Bible now Psalm 92 yes you can be fat and healthy and you can be slim and not healthy and for some of us you thr in the family some of you have big bones there's nothing you can do to be slim so enjoy yourself blow it on the devil's face I love you we're looking at Leah the man came and chose her sister and her father now reimbursed the feeling maybe the father said to her you are the one we are going to give in deception it's not because you are worthy you know the man doesn't love you you have to play along can you imagine when she was dressing up Leah a bride that had no wedding dress I'm describing some of you she had to play along because the father must have told her the man did not Choose You Now excuse me please maybe you will help me because I've been reading the Bible I don't understand this part A man slept with her even Isaac in his old days said HH I know the voice did they not talk even if they are rushing you we not why are you looking like you've not done H [Laughter] before you looking at me I said I'm the only one that does with Jacob not what the body excuse me but they had it they were living in the same house can you imagine what that maybe she she had to pretend to be richer she had to play that role do you know what that lady went through and she was disent she lost it to the wrong man if some of you are here you were raped let me not even go into details you give it to the wrong person I love to listen to Jah sometimes Jola Grace she speaks about who the person is and what the person he's a pastor but who is he we're not talking about what he does he's what and he's who what did you lose to theong person only for her to wake up having made that sacrifice the worst night of her life only for her to wake up to be rejected the man said it I served you for Rachel not for Leah you think she will not hear because she will be if dropping everywhere to know what will happen the following morning I served you for who hurt you and the person that hurt you is now living their lives you are carrying the burden right against it I've prayed for you please let this be your healing let it be the last time you will bleed over your past that person is has moved the person that left you with two children with one child with three children the person is remarried the person is eating something something at KFC you are still mourning you know why this happens when we allow our joy to be dependent on another person husband wife children Mentor your business if anything happens to it you are done your joy should come from within you learn to love yourself if you will ever remember anything I said in this conference learn remember what I said learn is not automatic To Love Yourself learn to like yourself do not let your life be dependent on marriage on business on what you do in church on your titles on your background the money you have in your account the kind of car you drive let it be dependent on God and let your joy come from within it is not the water around the sheep that sinks it is the water that enters the Sheep let me bring a balance some of you because of what you've been through you are not taking a good care of yourself it shows on you I was telling Tara on the was it on the flight or at the lounge that between covid and now I have put on ground 22 projects buildings 22 and I'm a builder when I'm not preaching I'm constructing I'm always on site she said to me I'm you look dark I say I've been in this sun walking so I said to her Tara I need to Rebrand I call another person I need to Rebrand that's why I'm dressing like this so from now I want to I want to start becoming unusual yes because when you enter a room your presence enters before your speak thank you m your thought what you think either about yourself about your thought travels 930,000 times faster than your voice so what are you thinking about yourself you're always thinking in the past always thinking about who let you down you're talking about people that have offended people come ask me so I chose to be forgiving people in advance you look older than your age I'll be 61 in two months time 61 61 you looke 67 and 37 the way you dress the way you carry yourself the way you think think the way you speak the people you move with very old riety relationships you know she was my m in second School the person is not improving the person is not rebranded you sit there you look like what you look at you become what you behold maybe my next session I will tell you about those seven relationships you need them you cannot afford people look at you and they think you are excuse me how old are you you say please guess you made the mistake of tell the person now says um you should be you should be close to 51 you become depressed because you are 37 if Leah understood what I'm saying today she wouldn't have decided to play along and whether Jacob likes it or not Jacob would have been the one to lose because she perpetuated Jacob's generation she was the one that gave Jacob six Sons so she had six children in her womb and they were still tossing her like this you don't know what you carry she she had Jesus in her lineage Judah she had the Patriarchs she had them but you see programming she was hearing it's Leah sorry it's Rachel I love I served you for Rachel the man slept with her still didn't know her some of you are using your life to beg your destiny to beg because you think who will I married him because nobody will you know when we graduate there nobody see your life you've made the mistake yes but you can Rebrand you can repackage you can reintroduce yourself yes you can this one of my assignments here to possibilitie your mentality so let you know it's not over to starve the Leah to turn down the volume of Leah's voice in you and to implify you and tell you that Judah is inside you ribben is there Dan is there all of them six boys and she was still using her life to beg because her father exchanged her destiny because a man showed up and said because she felt that she was not beautiful self-esteem please any relationship I don't care whether it's your Mentor even if it is me that demiss you walk out walk away without saying goodbye no human being has the right to demon you they may call it pride it doesn't matter it is self-confidence use your mouth to deliver yourself yes ma' say only mouth you can say I get something if I don't get money I don't get mouth say I get something that's the first or two points about Liam she became the bride without wearing the wedding dress the package her she was made to appear cheap they forced her on a man that did not love her maybe laan threatened her if you don't coate you will not get a husband marry a married man marry against your faith marry against your wish but it came to pass in the morning there will always be in the morning behold it was there and he said to Lian what is it that thou has done onto me can you imagine a whole human being did I not serve you for richer [Music] let's look at her marriage youve looked at her beauty after she was married to Jacob Jacob worked another seven years to be able to marry Rich inside the marriage seven years he was never content with with her she could never please or satisfy her she was hated because the Bible says and when the Lord saw that Leah was hat so she was hated and shown that she was hated he did not care for her and Jacob never failed to express his love for richer let me pause here and say this women hear me very well all of f women were like Rachel and Leah Rachel had what Leah wanted Leah had what Rachel wanted Leah had children that richel wanted Rachel had the love of the husband I wanted and you will notice that there was bitterness there was Envy sibling rivalry remember one day that Leah's son got mandri and Rachel asked for some Leah showed up and said I may not be beautiful so sometimes that's your response that's your reaction say ah this little thing there's something Excuse excuse don't talk to me like that at the airport and the is wondering what did I do it happened to me transfer aggression and when I left I was asking myself what did the gate man do say what did he say that CA all this because of an untreated ailment mandrix did you hear what Leah said you took my husband do you want to also take my son's mandri there are some of you that have inherited battles from your mothers some of you inherited battles from your mentors some battles from your friends she did not offend you but because somebody said something something you now hate her inherited there are people that I relate to today that they want me not to relate to and I said let me find out myself I will have missed human beings I will have missed so if you think that they're not talking about you I was hearing talk today you know when I was watching if you think they not talking about you they talking about FFA loone or about NH or about you are joking they talking about you except you're not leaving because once once you get to the top you become the topic if don't want to become the topic then don't get to the top people are talking about you your driver he's talking about maret women they're talking everybody's talking about you but you see what is important is avoid distractions and you don't need to explain to everybody people that matter don't need explanation when I was abused Muslims supported me more than Christians Muslims po they gathered and were scattered because you will reap what you s i will reap what I saw please don't let anybody change you Leah had what Rachel wanted Rachel had what Leah wanted and sometimes it is what other people have that is entering our eyes if I can just have that kind of Tara's marriage if I can just and you don't know what Tara is also looking learn to love your life you're not complacent but please enjoy your life while you can some of you can fly business class you flew economy and that money you can give it to anybody God forbid if there's a sickness you'll bring that money out you will see a bag that you like I was telling T yesterday face front face front don't look at don't look at when we landed did you see all those I hope will still take us there we brought our cards the first thing you will do is go to the price you will not bring calculator times when will you start chopping life you served your parents you run errands for your parents you did everything everything you FH water you got into marriage you've been cooking and cooking serving children when will you serve yourself to buy one wig is a problem for you some people could not come here because of school fees they're calculating 3 years time the child will need you wear what you see not what you want let me tell you the truth when you die God forbid my sister she was my roommate on the plane we were sitting inside by side Mrs abag she said somebody told somebody that Daddy spend your money very well because next of King don't know how to spend money because they didn't work for it night we told our children we will chop till we die it is whatever remains huh I pay school fees did wedding for you your children I was there at the hospital hey h hey this remaining one that's how to live Learn To Love Yourself please don't repeat mistakes I want to close on this note we will continue later please I want to close on this note and it's on a very serious note please listen I'm going to speak for like 10 12 minutes or there about every season has it disadvantage when it's dry season we are happy no more rain and other but you know dust when it's rainy season you're looking for cyan I want to stand as a matriarch to S this warning women as this money is gradually coming as this season because it's unfold it's just starting please God said to me there will be casualities there will be bywords and Proverbs skeletons this is not how to treat this is not how to handle it this is not please when men had power and they say have it money wealth some men maltreated women hey beat their wives C money came like this is three wives after let me tell you the reason I'm warning you money is not good money is not bad Neal money is neutral money like marriage takes on the character of the owner if you are a good person and you have money you'll be good you be very kind you be gracious if you're a bad person and you now become wealthy you'll become money m road you be proud cocky unaccountable let's learn from the men that mismanaged the blessings of God when it was their turn women it is your turn God is not taking it from the men he's blessing us because of them so that your will not be the one carrying the loads some men are very wise they are still treating their wives we still have good men my husband is a good and I know some of few here good man please don't perpetuate that mistake now that I have money who is my husband hello hello hell your husband treating him like a king give him the highest honor if you are not married it's a different thing if you are married treat the men in your life with dignity with respect don't open your mouth anyhow and dishonor your husband some of you ladies were there this morning when I was speaking with my husband he's my king there is no honor I will give to any human being on Earth until I've given it to my husband sometimes I have more money it doesn't matter it does not matter what he provides for me are intangible every woman is wired to look up that man is good to you that man was there when we're coming now miss husband drove her you know with the driver brought her what's the name of that car that's my next car gaget brought bulletproof brought her to the airport when we had issues with our tickets the man said to her let me buy you a fresh [Music] ticket let me buy you a new ticket if this woman had been a very in insolent Rude the man waited thank God he waited oh because we didn't know we would not fly that day waited you will not know he's in his 50s you would not know he's that wealthy waited help us to push when we now realize that we were not leaving stayed with his wife in he was telling his wife go with them now I will wait with the load this man is not a mean man he was voted man of the year sometime ago in so I'm not talking of one hear this the Bora was married to lapido lapido the original meaning of lapido is touch light that you be using to see how not to fall how not to enter I told my husband my voice may be loud in the world your voice is louder thank you women I'm begging you now everywhere I have the opportunity to talk to women I'm going to be concluding bless you please be careful I'm going to be concluding in this manner let us not repeat the mistakes don't because of of what you have become or what you are becoming now dishonor number two don't now say because you have your own Alabaster Box remember God refills it and he doesn't throw up he lifts up you now throw your marriage away because of one tiny thing I've been married for 39 years marriage is not a Bed of Roses you wanton say because you now have you're not a billionaire you talk to him anyhow you even raise your hand you tell you can do it know my please I feel like n you know we are extremist women when we love when we hate we are overdue but we need wisdom when you wake up in the morning ask God for wisdom I love you [Applause] all
Channel: Funke Felix-Adejumo
Views: 23,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 74min 28sec (4468 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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