Rise of the Ronin - 10 Skills to Unlock First

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if you're looking to make a name for yourself in Rise of the Ronin you're going to need the skills and we mean that literally spending points in the game skill tree is the only way to unlock certain techniques and abilities many of which are crucial to fully exploring the world and surviving its many encounters here are the top 10 you should go after first before we rattle off our list there are some important things to keep in mind number one half of the starting Origins Grant you one of the skills we're recommending here so if you already have it great just go for the others second some skills are unlocked via specific strength dexterity charm and intellect points rather than General skill points you can earn all of these by completing quests filling out your map and consuming certain items you will never lock yourself out of earning any of the abilities on this list speaking of our first pick is repel arrows and bullets from the strength tree you're going to need to master rise of the ronin's counter spark maneuver one way or another and this skill gives you a bonus for countering any shots fired at you by default deflecting bullets will ignite your blade which not only looks super cool but also adds fire damage to your strikes for a limited time with this skill you will also send both bullets and arrows flying right back at the shooter if you mess up while countering or get hurt in any way you'll obviously need to heal therefore you're going to want the autolife recovery skill while you're clearing Bandit camps or engaged in active combat you'll have to use medicine pills and other items to cure your wounds but with this skill it'll automatically replenish as you're exploring the world it may seem silly that this doesn't happen by default but hey that's why we're recommending it with that off your plate you can focus on all the fun activities the open world has to offer the next skill you'll want is weaken enemies or morale down every time you clear an enemy camp and restore public order you'll encounter both regular and formidable foes depending on the layout of the Bandit Camp you'll end up facing some of those tougher enemies before you Whittle down the others that's where this skill comes into play for every formidable foe you kill every other bad guy in the camp gets weaker this is a big boost for clearing out Bandits especially as the game goes on and their hideouts get more and more elaborate moving on to the dexterity skills the first one you'll want to grab is rapid assassinations as you're playing the game you'll come across enemies bunched up in pairs and trios just begging to be taken out all at once that's exactly what rapid assassinations does get the drop on those Thugs and you'll be able to oneshot a bunch of them in one Fell Swoop while you can't kill formidable foes in the same way you can still chain this into a free critical attack immediately under rapid assassinations is the grappling rope ass assassination and you're going to want that too sneaking up and stabbing enemies in the back isn't the only way to take them out quietly with this ability you'll be able to Yo them off the ground from the rooftops Spider-Man style keep in mind that grappling a Target directly next to another enemy will most likely alert them but when you use this in conjunction with rapid assassinations you'll be able to thin the herd before you even meet your foes on the ground the next skill on our list will allow you to use your grappling hook under one water this is exclusively for exploration but trust us you'll want it it's the only way to swim through certain underwater passages without drowning just note that to unlock it you'll first have to unlock the grappling rope jump attack that's a pretty fun one too it's the best way to zip closer to your enemies and it lets you pretend to be Spider-Man again now for some utility skills you'll find Health recovery wave on the charm skill tree listen we we all have to heal in team ninja games a lot so why not spread the love with this every time you restore your health your allies will get a boost too this applies to all your in-game partners whether you're teaming up with an NPC or playing with friends online even better the amount of healing you share increases as you rank up the skill it's the closest thing to a mega potion the game has if you don't start with the speechcraft liar skill then definitely make it a priority it does exactly what it sounds like it gives you the ability to lie as a dialogue option we can't promise lying will always end well but it's good to have the option this has some combat utility as well it also increases the duration of an enemy's Panic State giving you more time to execute a finishing move as you can imagine that timer gets even longer as you rank up the skill over on the intellect tree you'll find the gentleman's version of the same ability speechcraft persuade as before it's self-explanatory letting you persuade NPCs in conversations which can affect how quests resolve there's no combat benefit to persuasion but there is another bonus as you rank this skill up you'll get better deals from all the gamees merchants cheaper prices and more money for selling your old gear is a win-win is there anything else lastly you'll want the ability to craft bolstering medicine you can Master fighting styles and counter Sparks as much as you want but using an item to boost your key will always give you an edge as with most skills on this list you can rank this one up with more points for additional benefits initially you'll only be able to craft base level medicine when visiting an apothecary but at the second rank you'll be able to make the really potent stuff and those are our picks for the 10 skills you should grab first in Rise of the Ronin if you follow the path of the Samurai over to IGN you'll find plenty more guides just like this one to help you make the most out of your adventure
Channel: IGN
Views: 75,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rise of the ronin, rotr, rise ronin, rise of the ronin skills, rise of the ronin which skills, rise of the ronin special skill points, rise of the ronin best skills, rise of the ronin starting skills, rise of the ronin which class should I pick, rise of the ronin blade origin, rise of the ronin reflect arrows, rise of the ronin reflect bullets, rise of the ronin grappling rope assassination, rise of the ronin rapid assassinations, rise of the ronin best dexterity skills
Id: Dw-rarWPnK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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