Rise of the Republic - Episode 1 - Dreadnought Improvement Project French Campaign

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hello brother Monroe here welcome back to Ultimate a kns and uh well there's a lot of new stuff a new campaign obviously new update 1.5 and a new version of The Mod 1.7 which is very exciting um there have been a lot of well actually there have been a lot of uh really cool things that the deves have put into 1.5 one of the like pretty much all great stuff as far as I can tell so there's a bunch of new hulls particularly uh light Cruisers um and heavy Cruisers late period which is really good cuz there's a lot of seam in there um especially for some of the smaller Nations like Spain China and stuff there a few french ones which is going to be important in a moment um they've split the for me in particular who loves playing as Britain um they've split the N3 and the G3 up um so the G3 the N3 G3 is just been renamed uh as the N3 but um the G3 is brand new battle cruiser Hull for the British which is lovely and best of all for people like me uh who love building cruises and things and playing is Britain we now have new markv Mark 5 gun models thank you there's also a bunch of new um uh American Guns some more Austrian guns and they've redone the Japanese and Italian guns as well so great um however there's some really cool stuff down here rebalanced accuracy um this is so much better than I thought thought it was going to be um when I first read it I was like wow this is actually great I'll we'll get into some battles later and I'll talk about it then the screen there's a new button this thing oh so nice and uh just overall really really great and um the mod has been updated as well with some economy challenge economy challenge economy changes so I've done my best to tidy everything up uh for 1.5 uh there's a few other things uh mostly focused on the economy trying to re in the excessive multi-trillion dollar economies in the late game um and to stop Nations exploding and stuff like that but let's get into it what are we doing well we're going to be doing France yes it's time to uh break open the baguettes and uh get ready to play France I'm starting in 1890 yes hav haven't done that for a while uh we will be on normal difficulty and uh historical AI opponents we will not be autogenerating a fleet uh but we will be using shared design selective but at present at the time of clicking the start campaign button there are no um shared designs loaded because one of the patch notes 1.5 said uh shared designs are Rono um which means that I will have to recreate the ship pack for 1.5 um so keep an eye out because I might do some of that live um so keep an eye out make sure your notifications are on you're subscribed all that good stuff uh so that you um can catch those as I sit and create ships for each Nation anyway I'm going to hit start campaign and uh I'll see you on the map all right here we are the mighty French Empire um now the French navy uh well this a bit of a spotted history hasn't it um up until this point some highs and some definite lows uh our job is to of course make them the mighty force that they were always meant to be so we're going to need uh an overall strategy because we have well we have quite a lot of colonies the Algerian and Tunisian parts of the Empire North Africa that can be covered from our Mediterranean bases here ton I think and or is it n that's the biggest one uh it's actually Mar it's neither of them but Mar tulon and N these are going to be our so we're definitely going to need a Mediterranean Fleet we're going to need uh an Atlantic Fleet based out of breast and we're going to need at least a little bit in the channel here at laav which is also going to be well actually probably maybe a third Fleet here at laav because uh this is going to be the front line against any German problems so this is going to be the main concentration of our Force but we have West Africa here we have some Caribbean Holdings we have uh Indochina and we have a little bit here um in Djibouti plus the odd like little Pacific thing here and there I think this like yeah uh so we are pretty spread out but realistically who are we most likely to be at war with Germany and Austria so we don't need to worry about Indochina too much at the moment we don't need to worry about uh Djibouti too much these islands should be relatively safe but we're going to have to have something in the West Indian Ocean or we'll lose transports and we're definitely going to need stuff in West Africa and the central Atlantic so there's quite a lot to to do in terms of design let us have a look at what we have access to because one of the nice things about being uh French is that we have a access to a lot of ships in this early period we have four battleships to choose from they're all pretty similar in size what is the maximum I can build at the moment yeah so I can build a maxed out Battleship one if I want but we also have the various iron plads now I am going to be playing this with a restriction because that's always fun uh and the Restriction is um I don't know what to call it but uh it's non narcis and campaign like I did the last time I played France um but we are going to have this concept that basically every ship we build I can refit it as much as I like but it has to be an active combatant no mothballing no selling no you know I can move them around things like that put them on defend maybe but all ships are quite likely to be an active member of the fleet for the entire campaign until they are sunk uh so I think probably in terms of actually this has way lower resistance 75 it is more stable and has better floatability though but I think the best mixture of stats might actually be this one the iron clad 2 certainly as our as our starting Battleship that's potentially an attractive option how cheap is it oops uh 10,000 tons so this is 12.2 million base this is 12.5 so it's slightly cheaper too we're going to go with the Ironclad 2 as our start ship we're going to go oh there's something else I need to be doing uh obviously we're French none of this inches rubbish we're going to be playing in metric yes um anyway so we could go For 10,900 Tons I think 10,000 tons might be a good compromise again we we need some numbers here we don't we're not going to have an infinite budget or um 0 knots if we can do it and let's just go standard on everything forun now okay Towers okay there is a big jumping base accuracy going up to the front Tower four but I don't get too much going for the five so the four I think is going to be a good option and the secondary Tower uh yeah there is a jump going to the large let's go for the large one not large two and then let us grab some funnels go two to start with I don't think I have any upgrades to anything so we're going to need more funnels probably four yeah 100% engine efficiency is actually really really good to have um I love the bow on this ship as well right guns um we have mark one everything I don't think there's any point going for the 305s cuz well actually they do have slightly better accuracy what about rate of fire 69 54 41 37 I think possibly the 254 is our base [Music] um might be a good starting point and let's go for a uh 260 wow okay uh plus six can I just type it in yeah okay good um a 260 mm 30 caliber gun it's not the most powerful thing in the world but it'll do uh most of the damage is probably going to be done by our secondaries and our Torpedoes anyway I would love 55 mm secondaries that would be awesome yeah 155 mm 34s cuz I can't increase the length at the moment casements we don't have access to torpedo launchers yes please um can we fit like 80 mm guns on this yeah yes let's get some 80 mm 30 caliber guns as well just for a little bit of extra Firepower yeah I'm liking these so far right we can well we stuck on iron plate Jesus um standard ratio base fuse standard I don't think I can upgrade much if any of this no that's it I'm slightly concerned that we are 3% overweight somehow but I haven't done the armor yet so our quality here is an Almighty 3% which um doesn't Inspire the most confident especially when even these guns are saying that we need 300 plus millimeters of armor um let's go for the 300 now I think 120 will be enough to protect against secondary fire power deckwise oh it's really not very very much at all we could get away with a teeny tiny 10 mm deck plate the tower maybe 330 uh this again can be yeah 2 and a half mm fine on the guns 330 should be fine now the 155 mm guns uh they currently have 180 millim of armor on them we don't need that much they only need I say 120 I can only have 100 mm B bits anyway and the 80 mil guns got 50 M yeah 50 is more than enough I think oh and that has actually brought the weight down okay we are very close to being underweight 48 tons to shave off tell you what can we do it on the 155 Ms no although does help do on these yeah there we go very uh well I mean 10 10 mm is not nothing in terms of armor plate um I mean it's not great but it's it's not nothing and we are underwe with a totally standed Battleship um I could play around with the range in exchange for bulkheads but the range is already not amazing I'm pretty happy with this oh it's engines are starting up I'm pretty happy with this design yeah what's the cost 343 million really H okay okay I'm going to save it and I'm going to head back to the map and see what kind how many we can build yeah how that how does that price actually match up to our budget okay we have uh 190 million or so in our Naval funds and these things cost 34 uh 275 410 we could build at most five um but I think we're going to go for three Fleet strategy so I'm going to build three of these three of these indomable indomable sura and bellers one of them is going to be based in breast this is new by the way it shows you how how much capacity is available in each um Port that you're building to which is really cool I just wish that hey Dev if you're listening could you replace this Max Shipyard size with uh this the ship building cap that would be super awesome thank you very much anyway um so one in bris one and one in Mars I think is the way to go with this maray and love okay so that'll give us kind of the backbone of our Fleet next we need some armored Cruisers and I'm thinking these as kind of second line ships so putting one over here in probably uh here in the a coast iory Coast is West no that's West Africa they need one in the central Atlantic for sure so dhar I think is the biggest yeah so one in daer one well potentially here actually Ivory Coast which would mean that we're looking for about at most 10,000 tons because we could put one over here in Fort D France and we can put one over [Music] here in camera Bay or Fort Bay are four are so we'll need one 2 3 four of these minimum so we don't want them to be super expensive so well we only get one hole the armored Cruiser one which goes up to potentially 6,000 tons but I think a 5,000 ton oh it's renamed it the Brew brew I think 5,000 tons works better it also matches the style which I quite like not intentional um this Tower is what always check him the cheaper Tower is better oh France uh yeah might as well go with the top rewer uh speed wise I think 18 knots so they can do the same as the battleships again I'm very much thinking of these as second class battleships of Ault um one really cool thing about French ships though is you really can get them to nice high engine efficiencies cuz the hulls are so nice the their pre-read not hulls are just fantastic right that is okay cuz of the structural boats let uh organize this like so I don't can't remember if these are structural boats or not uh stick me a gun there do they disappear no so these are unfortunately structural boats which is a little bit annoying right Weaponry though um now the indomable had 260 mm guns now we could in theory use those again um I don't think we have any Mark 2os do we I think H I think a 205 might be a good bit I actually no cuz we'll get Mark well 26 to 30 H maybe a 230 although the rate of fire is really good on these I'm going to go for a 205 uh or could go for a 210 I suppose I think we can up up rate these to a 210 yeah let's go for 210 mm gun yes not allowed to fit p bet am I see I'd love to put another one here but the uh the boat's actually get in the way which is kind of annoying so I guess we have a little um after deck actually if I go for 4,000 tons can I just eliminate the boats I can hacks there you go we can have six 210 mm guns very nice okay secondaries we used 155 mm before uh but I think possibly smaller something like aund actually you know what would did we use before we used 80 Ms didn't we use those again so we have 80 mm guns and Torpedoes and we'll just leave the default lengths because we can't really adjust lengths very much at the moment but that is a that's a nice looking vessel right let's see if we can actually get it to work though especially cuz it was very minimally armored and we're 10% overweight might have to drop the third gun which is kind of annoying um armor 220 would be oh you're only going to let me have 150 mm of armor maximum might need to change down to a smaller gun then I mean that that's more like a uh 180 yeah let's do that let's get a 180 mm okay cuz now the 150 mm of belt feels about right um blocking other stuff I think about 50 mm will be enough that should block the AP from the 80 Ms and it should Block H from the 180s which is just good practice uh deck armor yeah is going to be very minimal isn't it yeah super minimal me we get away with as little as five mm on the deck uh and then the tower 170 something like that oh wow oh can only go up to 120 okay the guns though do not need that much armor let's go 180 uh 10 mm on the top 150 and then the 80 mm guns yeah 50 wait don't need 50 on the top you only need five there does actually come in underweight lovely and at about 12 million they are significantly cheaper than the indomables but do offer a little bit of armored armored presents I think H yes I like them I like them they uh they're giving me a little bit of uh little bit of something ooh oh hello would this significantly add to the weight adding a couple of let's say 40 mm no 40 mm guns with very minimal armor on them oh four tons um more more minimal Jesus wow those can just get taken out by anything can't they okay would have to drop something else properly to get them in four tons though uh I just like having the the guns stick out the side but no there's only there's only three of them each side it's probably better off just to not have them um there we go the BR class bre class uh yeah they uh have a certain something about them I I I I do quite like the tumble home okay I'm going to save this and see if I can afford to build five of them uh see you on the finance green okay I crunched the numbers we can afford five of these um and now I can try and remember where I'm going to put them so Brewery can go in uh let's say Fort Bay uh impenetrable um for to France L Trel was going to be in daa I think yep daa con we need over [Music] in let's Po in laville and then 1 2 3 4 5 I was like one two three four where was the fifth one to go oh West Indian Ocean but I'm not sure yes not sure she would actually be any good there uh but the other place that could be useful to have one is chunis okay perfect right now we need some protected Cruisers particularly I must have a protected Cruiser over here in the West Indian Ocean probably two which means they're going to have to be 3,000 tons or less potentially so they're going to be relatively small ships um and I need one there and then the rest can just the game can just spread them around really um okay Cruisers we have three we have the three Master experimental three master and the lc1 the standard three M has ridiculously good resistance but is very slow um I think the LC I think the light Cruiser one is going to be our best this bit um they're 2 million base these are cheaper at 1.7 but yeah let's go for the lc1 uh cuz these could could potentially go 20 knots but we only need them to go 18 um 10 uh a tower they much of a muchness but let's go for the decent one funnels yeah I could get away with two gives it a weird gapped toothed appearance could I make the ship smaller there's no point paying for bulk if we don't need it yeah make it shorter still going to look a little bit Gap toothed but it's not quite as bad let me just cut out unne necessary bits of ship which is nice um yes okay gun wise uh we could used 180 mm but let's be honest here that ain't going to that ain't going to fly uh we can't really reuse 80 mm um so we're going to have to come up with a new new caliber I think for these guys about a 110 yeah I think the 110 110 mm guns plenty of them some Torpedoes really oh bring some let's bring some little 40 mm guns because that's funny um yeah why not cool very simple um there's almost nothing in the way of upgrades y it's about it um okay armor 60 mm is going to be what I want but uh yeah good luck with that um 60 and 20 probably more doable deck armor do we even need any it's already on kind of minimum uh yeah minimum just keep everything Ultra minimal and we're 7% overweight damn um what are you so heavy about this Hull fuel engines uh oh the funnels are up there okay everybody always tells me off about funnels so let's get rid of those really heavy ones although I still think they're probably going to be the best funnel cap per turnon 11 ided by 95 so these are 0.11 six anyone oops 101 these are 0.12 so these are actually slightly better those are very clearly worse um these are worse these are also worse these are also worse so these are actually the best ones I'm still going to need two of them but uh we do save a little bit of weight from doing that I could of course upsize the ship just don't want to make her longer there we go if we just increase the displacement a little bit then we're all huny dor um does increase their cost a little bit these are all more than half what a brew costs so I'd rather have a brew over one of these things but these things are small and that is an advantage all to itself because we can put them out in small ports out and about right I'm pretty happy with that most of the money went on the guns by the way in case you're wondering lots of guns means lots of expensive uh things I mean we could reduce it down could do a little bit of cost saving tell you what let's remove these guns and instead put a central for and after gun yeah look look at that that really takes the price down a lot because you know the two guns at the front unless I'm firing forwards or RA are not strictly speaking necessary and we still have plenty of fire out but I think I'm actually going to remove these ones as well just to make the ship a little bit more Balan um but it also means we can get some nice to haves like maximum bulkheads to give these things a bit of survivability CU they don't really have armor based survivability and we can enhance their range CU these things are going to be operating out off out of remote island bases covering a lot of uh lot of sea so a little bit of extra range would be very nice in deed um and I'm call these The Colony class because that is exactly what they are for they are for going out and and looking after our colonies save that let's see how many we can buy actually no I only have torpedo boats right yeah oh what's this I didn't see this one that's so much cooler okay we can compare them this can be our Colonial one this can be our no this is Tiny look at it it's so small oh maybe I don't use the colony class maybe I use these instead cuz this is amazing and then our Fleet will look unified M yes excellent oh please let these be doable look at the tiny towers the yes the minimal Tower oh why did I not see you yes more funnels still not 100% but it's close enough um now the the colonies I was going with 110 wasn't I I think we could reuse the 155 from the indomable instead we're can have three of them it's a hell of a lot more Firepower like heavy Firepower uh oh yeah we can put 40 mm guns on this thing load of them glorious oh yeah oh Colony class you're getting deleted after this probably oh my god look how many Torpedoes it can carry this thing is 100 million times better just let's take another look I mean I'm probably not going to be able to get this thing underweight but uh at the moment I'm kind of loving it yeah it came with no armor at all um so we want 155 and oops negative and 40 mm guns everywhere right how much armor can you put on this thing six yeah 60 mil which is not enough to protect against its own guns I'm going to have to downgrade the guns I'm so sorry we just do not have the displacement to do it in fact even with no main guns or secondary Tower it is complaining uh so I think act about a uh 130 mm gun just yeah just three of them uh 130 mm cuz these things yeah the 60 mm is now something I can can live with uh yeah all that super minimal uh can maybe have a little bit more than the the guns themselves oh Jesus um yeah ambitious very ambitious how do we get you underwe dropping your range cramped o four tons okay how do I drop four tons off you maybe a bit off the turret yeah turrets do not need that up much armor let's go 80 okay can I get St crew quarters back no get a range back also no bulets no so we also have the these now fulfill very different roles so we have a very cheap well I'd say very cheap we have a cheap five actually they're almost the same price but this is way smaller so this I see more as a picket ship for keeping at home and this is for where we actually need one so I'm going to save this design and before I got distracted I'm just going to say I'm not building any torpedo boats torpedo boats are stupid so let's let's get those Cruisers built okay we need to identify where we want Colony class ships they are slightly larger at 2,300 tons I think we want one in s Deni or St Dennis and but I can't fit one in [ __ ] so we're going to put one in reunion uh ship design Colony builds uh one for now in reunion go okay uh uh where else Colony class wise are we going to need it cuz I don't think it'll fit in no but the other ones will uh probably could use one in Ken uh I can't see it there we go French canana um and I'm trying to think where else be an obvious put pick dig booty if it'll fit yeah yes okay so that's the colonies we can build more as as we need them but that that should give me some longer ranged Convoy raing power and then how much money do I have left 11.9 million that is not very much because these things cost nearly five so I can build two truers um well I think it makes sense to have one in Bonny fasio in fact let's put one in Bonny fascio one in San Flor Why [Music] Not bunny fio and and then uh once the game starts I will probably concentrate on on building uh building more truder class ships um over the colonies cuz these these will fit basically anywhere and these are basically replacing our destroyers or light Cruisers or what have you so I'm not going to touch the finance slider uh I'm going to start the campaign and uh let's see what our Eco looks like turn one sometimes you do have to go into February before you can really tell right uh Max ship SI is actually decent but it's usually worth building that out early on and of course maxing our transport capacity slide later Tech budget is at 50% which I think early on is going to be fine i' like to get my crew training up to 50% as well nice that gives me a very healthy monthly balance uh all these are on in being which I'm going to leave them on in being for now um CU I do want them to get trained up in case we have an early War wow they all well this one doesn't but a lot of them have uh a lot of flaws um always fun research wise I think I'll just I'll just leave it to do its thing for a bit um given that we have spare money I'm immediately going to order well how much of these per month 6 23,000 a month um so I could order as many as 10 I think no game says no I could build three and again we'll we'll let them distribute those even though I could actually afford to build more it's because it's like you don't have enough Naval funds which is weird because I would normally just pay them out of anyway next turn I should be able to up that to up that order right uh one of our military ships has collided with a destroyer belong really I don't think it has Spanish don't have destroyers uh that is definitely due to Spanish incompetence and there we go there are all the the Canal's opening okay now will you let me order another seven yes you will huzzah so yeah like I said I'm just going to let the game distribute these and we're going to build them up as a bit of a we need a ship out there type of uh type of vessel uh let us have a look at the state of the world though because it has should it should have stabilized out so we are sitting on 1882 billion GDP that's not too shabby we have a massive 13 ships but we do have three battleships okay let's look at Spain who apparently have a destroyer I think not um actually what's our total tonnage 61 a half th000 tons so we have a bigger Fleet than Spain they don't have any battleships um we have a similar size Fleet to the Japanese these guys have much smaller economies than us by the way they only have two battleships Italy has no battleships at all it does have a much bigger Fleet than us but uh yeah they don't have any battleships which is nice to see we are par on parity with the United States we actually have a bigger economy than the United States at the moment thanks to our Empire yeah United States and Spain might be going to war all right uh China rocking a pretty big Fleet sizable economy not too bad Austria has five battleships damn they just gone battleships like Cruisers fair enough Russians have four battleships our econom is actually really good at the start of the game uh the Germans have six which is a little bit troubling and the British have seven hopefully we can get an onon cordial going because you know in in theory in a big War the British should be able to handle the Germans and we can handle the austrians and maybe the Italians depending on whether Italy wants to be our friend or not um actually I'm just going to order some more of these how many will you let me build another 10 be 6 million a month which I no I can't afford that I can afford 4 million a month though let's go for another six that'll give me a ton of like Cris coverage and it should ensure that we don't lose too much in the way of transports um yeah all right I'm going to let do I let the game just throw them out wherever it wants probably it tends to be the way I do it um i' I've made sure that we have I don't think there are any sea regions where we don't have any power projection that's what you really want to avoid you don't want to have a colony in a in a region and have zero power projection although it says oh Southern Indian Ocean well I don't think anyone's going to bother down there but uh let's make sure and put one of them down in the calan islands um southeast Asia yes we have power projection uh South Pacific we don't so again if we ear mark one for French Polynesia and one for the maresis islands French Polynesia Casas islands and then we will definitely be covered okay well um I think I'm going to say thank you very much for watching and uh I think I'll see you again very soon for some more ultimate Aral trip knots bye for now
Channel: BrotherMunro
Views: 21,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brother, Munro, Let's, Play, great, new, campaign, strategy, build, building, mod, modded, battleship, cruiser, battlecruiser, gaming, role play, france, french, marine, national
Id: h7UdjUofNCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 2sec (3542 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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