The Last Thing To Ever Happen In The Universe

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The universe today is happy and healthy, with exciting things going on. But at some point the night will turn  dark. Everything that once was  will peacefully sleep forever. But what  is the last thing that will ever happen   and when will it be? It turns out there  is such a thing and you probably haven’t   heard about it. Let's travel to the end of  the universe and look at the last thing. After a messy birth our universe was a sleepy  baby, warm and dark, filled with swirling clouds   of hot hydrogen and helium. The story of creation  is a story of this gas and where it will end up. Shortly after, the universe got busy making  the first generation of stars. They were   massive and lived violent lives, forging new  elements, only to release most of them when   they blew up. Countless stars were born and  refined the gas available in the universe,   cycling matter around, each generation giving  most of its gas and fresh elements to the next. But not all gas is returned. Every time a  new generation of stars forms, they also   make more and more red dwarfs that burn slowly  and live for trillions of years. When they die,   they don’t give their gas back to the universe  but turn into white dwarfs. So red dwarfs lock   up more gas forever. Some more gas is locked  forever in other remains of dead stars:   neutron stars and black holes. Which is bad, as  it reduces the material available for new stars. Today the universe is a great  home for us and will remain so   for billions of years. But most of  the gas has been used up or trapped.   Over 90% of the stars that will  ever be born have been born already. To get to the last thing to ever happen, all other things need to happen first. The next few hundred billion years  will be fun and a great time for   galactic exploration – but step by  step, large stars and stars like   our sun will die out. Eventually almost all  the stars will be red dwarfs slowly dying. The End of Everything – but not quite In a few trillion years the  cosmic gas will finally have   run out. About 88% of the mass of  every galaxy will be white dwarfs,   2% neutron stars and black holes, and about  10% gas giants and sad brown dwarf losers. White dwarfs are the corpses of old stars, not  much bigger than earth but on average as massive   as half our sun, some even much more. This makes  them the third densest objects in the universe,   after neutron stars and black holes.  About a 1,000,000 times denser than   the sun today. Since they used to be active  stars, their surface can be as hot as 150,000   degrees. White dwarfs are dim, hot, dense  spheres that don’t do anything anymore. But eventually even white dwarfs will die because  they are slowly losing their heat – it takes at   least 10 trillion years, more than 700 times  longer than the current age of the universe.   As they do their cooling down, the universe  around them will irreversibly grow dark,   as more and more white dwarfs burn  out, and turn into dead husks:   black dwarfs. Spheres of death, as cold as space  itself, invisible against the dark backdrop. Over trillions and trillions of years,   every object in every galaxy is  eventually either ejected into   the void or its orbit decays and it will fall  into the central black hole and be destroyed. In about a quintillion years, all galaxies  have evaporated and every object is on its own,   in the center of its own observable universe,  emptiness as far as can be seen in any direction,   traveling through black nothingness.  Still, there are things that will happen. Black holes are dying. Slowly. They’ll fizzle  away by emitting Hawking radiation until they   are so small that they die in a final flash  of light. This will take about a googol years,   10 to the power of 100 years, until the last  super massive black hole dies. A number so absurd,   there is nothing to compare it to.  Maybe some living beings could have   survived around black holes – but even  this science fiction option ends now. After this unsettling amount of time we are not  even close to the end. Now is the time of the   black dwarfs. It turns out there is some weird  physics going on inside the dead husk of stars! The Weird Physics of Black Dwarfs A black dwarf is a sphere the size of earth,  as massive as a star but almost as cold as   absolute zero. Stars stay alive because  their intense heat in their cores – so   why do black dwarfs not collapse into  a black hole? What keeps them together? Deep inside a black dwarf, matter is squeezed  to densities millions of times greater than   anything we see on earth. The pressure is so great  that electrons can’t combine with nuclei to form   atoms. Instead matter is weird, degenerate: the  nuclei are compressed by the weight of the star,   locked into a rigid lattice, while the  electrons form a plasma between them. And these electrons hold the star  together. We are simplifying,   but imagine matter as a subway train  and electrons as passengers. If there   are empty seats passengers spread out because  they care a lot about their personal space. But as a black dwarf is so incredibly  dense, this is like squishing more and   more passengers into our train. Gravity  is pushing in, trying to collapse it. The   Passengers are forced to sit and stand  close together, which they hate. And so   the passengers, our electrons try to push  out against gravity as hard as they can. This way the electrons that are having a horrible  time in the crowded train that is the black dwarf,   hold up the star. Everything else in  the universe may have crumbled already,   these tiny particles push against each other  until the end of time. Or they would – if  quantum mechanics didn’t ruin everything. Simplifying a lot: when particles get close  enough, sometimes they can jump at each other   and fuse together. A process called ‘quantum  tunneling’. This happens constantly in stars   because of their intense heat. It is one of the  key reasons stars can fuse elements into new   ones. But it also happens at a temperature near  absolute zero. Just, well, mind numbingly slowly. This is the final step to creating the last  interesting thing to ever happen in our universe. Here, in this lone black dwarf something fantastic  occurs. Nothing happens for a trillion years.   Nothing at all. Can you imagine that? But  then! A single fusion reaction: two carbon   nuclei combine by quantum tunneling to become  magnesium! Another 100 trillion years pass. It   happens again! Then nothing for another bazillion  years. Oh! Two oxygen nuclei combine into silicon! As eons pass, the nuclei in the frozen black  dwarf slowly combine. Making new heavier   nuclei. And these take even longer to fuse,  but given enough time they eventually will. Remember the breathtaking amount of time  it took for a supermassive black hole to   evaporate? That's a brief moment in comparison to what's going on here. The difference between a second and  trillions of years has lost all meaning.   Over a time so absurd that it has no name,  nuclei keep fusing into heavier elements. Until, when silicon nuclei fuse, they  form Nickel-56. Nickel-56 is radioactive,   which means it is unstable. And when it  eventually decays and turns into iron,   it emits two positrons – antimatter electrons. And these two positrons,   find two electrons and annihilate them  and themselves. Which is a problem. Remember how the uncomfortable electrons  produce the pressure to hold the star   together? Destroying the electron means  fewer friends to help them hold up the   star. Losing an electron does not give  them more space to scratch their butts,   it just makes gravity squeeze harder, the  walls closing in on those that remain. In the case of the most massive black  dwarfs this is catastrophic. Bit by bit,   the black dwarf turns into a sphere of  iron, and more electrons are annihilated. For at least 10^1000 years – almost,  but not quite forever – there is   no visible change in the entire universe. And then, finally, the last thing to ever   happen happens. The black dwarf has lost  one too many electrons. It can no longer   support its immense mass and goes into  an uncontrolled collapse - a supernova. It first implodes and then explodes  as bright as a galaxy and fills the   empty universe with light again! A beautiful  moment nobody will get to enjoy. And then,   as quickly as it began, it's all over. Darkness again, emptiness. That was the last thing that will ever happen. The universe may now be truly dead. But don’t be bummed out about it. This is so far  away in the future that “forever” hardly describes it. Today the universe is the best place it  could be for us. And you can sleep tight tonight,   knowing the last interesting thing that  will ever happen is forever long away. For now, there are still plenty of interesting  things to discover - and the younger you start   discovering, the more you will understand  about the world we live in. Our sponsor   KiwiCo helps kids get a headstart there with a range of unique crates on a   myriad of STEM topics, covering science,  technology, engineering, arts and math. Every crate is like a little adventure  in a box. Imagine the excitement of a   trip to the museum or an amazing theme  park – but delivered to your doorstep,   with everything you need neatly packed inside. There are different lines designed for kids   of all ages and interests so  there’s something for everyone. Like us, KiwiCo spends a ridiculous amount of  time on fine tuning each crate - every one of   their 2000 available projects took more than  one thousand hours to develop by experts and   is tested by kids. We really liked the  KiwiCo Tinker crate line which gives   you a hands-on engineering project with  all of the educational and instructional   information you need to complete the project  at home – we might also have decided to just   keep some of them around the office and  not hand the extras to any kids we know. If you want to try out KiwiCo and get the best  deal, click on the link in the infobox or use   the code KURZGESAGT to get 50% off your first  month. Or if you want to try it out first,   they also offer individual crates in  the KiwiCo Store. At kurzgesagt we   love to spark curiosity – and we love to work with companies that share this goal.
Channel: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Views: 5,615,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FgnjdW-x7mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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