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the dragon the beast and the false prophet the dragon the beast and what the false prophet the dragon the beast and the false prophet i i want to expose to you tonight and i know so many people want to talk about the rapture tomorrow night we're coming back to the rapture praise god we're coming back to the rapture praise god because but i need you to understand because even when the rapture and when the rapture takes place and rapture happens praise god amen before the rapture happens you need to see the spirit that's working in the earth that's working praise god through the systems of the world praise god that's moving through this one world order praise god you have to be able to see the spirit that is behind amen the scene working because it's not only going to affect you before the rapture praise god it's affecting it's affecting you now but it's going to affect you now and it's going to be trying to affect you after the rapture has taken place so remember now these three spirits the dragon the beast and the false prophet does not want you to make it to the rapture come on so what is going to happen their intensity their praise god their warfare is going to increase even more now than it will praise god than it has ever in times gone by are we agreeing tonight so because he knows he has what what a short time so now god is saying the spirit of god is saying that if you have an heir hear what the spirit of god is saying concerning these truths three spirits i showed you last week that amen that their demon powers that have been released from the earth praise god that has come to cause amen many people to air and we showed you the bible said be not deceived god is not mocked whatsoever a man sow it that shall he also reap if you sow to the flesh you will of the flesh reap corruption but if you sow to the spirit you shall of the spirit reap life eternal so i'm showing you something tonight if you are going after the world and the flesh and the things of the flesh you're going to continue to reap what is called corrupt seed you're going to you're going to repraise god corruption you're going to reap sickness you're going to reap pain you're gonna reap disappointment you're gonna reap rejection you're gonna repress god amen oppression because if the sowing means if you keep continuing to give yourself over to things that are of this world to going after things your riches the bible talks about deceitful deceitfulness of riches if you continue to go after to the sinfulness of the riches of this world then you are going to read the world well there's a scripture i think it is it says if you sow to the wind you will reap the world with amen increasing as it is so now what is he saying if all you are going after in this world is the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh and the pride of life so this is a spirit amen that god is trying to say to you to shun praise god to things of this world that's going to generate less and more lust this is speaking now to your innate desires lust is speaking to praise god your desires it is a part of this human soul that deals with what you desire am i talking to somebody it speaks to what you really want so ain't nobody can tell you what that people can say whatever they want to tell you they can try to sell you what they want to sell you but if you don't really want it you ain't gonna really buy it so lust is speaking praise god to what you really really want so that's why jesus said all that is in the world the lust of the eye what you see the lust of the flesh praise god and then just talk about this skin and this and this tissue and all of this is the flesh now is talking about the unrejuvenated part of your being that you have not spent time developing spiritually does anybody hear me tonight the lust of the flesh is speaking to that part of you that you have failed to a man to to grow to develop and to mature into a spiritual man or a spiritual woman so god is saying now if you have not take time to develop your spiritual desires your spiritual praise god amen amen wants your spiritual well-being all you are going to reap from this world praise god amen is the lust of your eyes the lust of your inner desire your flesh and then you're going to walk in a level in a spirit in a demon that's called the pride of life jesus is anyone agreeing tonight so this is not the bible listen a lot of times he will say well that's why i don't like money the bible never said money is evil it says the love of money is the root of all evil whom what many have gone after amen they'll pierce themselves through with many sorrows so this is now people who did not take the time out to love god more than they love money god will give you money as long as you keep him and stay in love with him but if you in love with money and all you want is money money money money money praise god amen you will begin to realize that your love for god is going to dwindle your love for god and the things that's why people are out of church that's what everyone talk about the devil take them out of church you know devil take you out of church people are out of church because the bible says paul wrote about a young man named demus and he said praise god he said demons has forsaken me because he loved he did what he loved he did what he loved this present world more than he loved god so the thing that gets people out of god out of the church out of fellowship with god is their lust their own lustfulness their own lasciviousness their own prayers called him an inner desire that they think if they can get rich that they can amen still begin to amen have the world and still pray is gonna have jesus in their back pocket but one thing about the spirits and the demons that come from hell that is controlling this world and this cosmos is these are strong man demons and if you don't know where they are coming from if you don't know what how to identify them they will overpower you and overtake you somebody say help me jesus oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god so now is talking to us so the lord began to speak us about this at least he showed us 15 spirits that emanated from the gates of hell from amen the kingdom of darkness these are what i call last day demons those of you that want to learn more about them you can go to our session praise god amen on thursday night praise god on friday night where we broke them down praise god for you and i'm going to be teaching on them as we continue to go in this week but tonight amen so i talk about the spirit of egypt the spirit of babylon the spirit praise god amen hallelujah of all of these of mammon i begin to expose all of these the spirit of baal praise god the spirit of the python hallelujah the spirit of witchcraft amen i begin to break all of these down for you amen but tonight i want to show you praise god i mean i don't miss tomorrow night whatever you do praise god but i want to show you this spirit as the lord spoken to me of praise god the dragon praise god the beast and the false prophet hallelujah and so watch this now to try let me read a scripture for you amen and out of revelation 16 i read this on last week i'll read it again revelation 16 and verse number 13 praise god and said and i saw praise god three unclean spirits like frogs praise god come out of the mouth praise god of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth praise god amen of the false prophet amen revelation 16 and 13 somebody can put it there in the chat so that people can have it and see it and i saw three unclean spirits amen like what like frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the beast out of the mouth of the false prophet the spirits that came out of their mouths look like what frogs these unclean spirits and the bible says specifically it is an unclean spirit the unclean spirit is representing a demon spirit the bible specifically calls it amen unclean spirit that came out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the false prophet and he said they looked like frogs are you hearing me they look like what frogs and the bible said praise god amen for they are the spirit of devils now it said the spirit of devils it did not just say it was the spirit of a demon it is saying it is the spirit of what devils now we know throughout scripture devils demons is used praise god synonymously praise god but i asked i began to ask the holy ghost i said why did you specifically say they looked like devils amen amen and they looked like devils that were working miracles i wanted i want you all to circle like tonight the first thing is they were like frogs like frogs circle like frogs then go in your bible circle or write it there they looked like devils these are spirits that came out of the mouth of the dragon that came out of the mouth of the false the beast and then it came out of the mouth of the false prophet amen no i want you to see the like frogs as they came and watches now good so watch us now as it came out of the mouth of the dragon and the false prophet and the beast the bible said they were the spirits they are the spirit of devils working miracles amen which go forth amen unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world okay okay so come back to me now so these are spirits like devils working miracles which go forth into what go for unto the kings of the earth the leaders of the whole earth these spirits that came out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the false prophet are the spirit that goes now to influence amen to influence praise god the lives of governments of leaders of kings of rulers of every capacity all right onto the whole earth right to gather them amen to the great battle amen to get them to the battle of that great day for the almighty god okay so jesus said behold i'm coming like a thief in the night okay blessed are he that watch it and keep it as common unless you walk amen and naked and amen you see your shame so the first thing i want to i want to show you tonight is the spirit of these frogs that the enemy now is releasing and the bible says that as he release these spirits praise god amen into amen coming out of the mouth of it i want to show you now because i told you the dragon represents the devil himself the dragon represents what the devil himself the beast is representing the antichrist okay you got that preschool amen the dragon represents the devil the beast represents who the antichrist okay and then number three the false prophet amen is without representing amen a a religious or a spiritual leader of sort that is going to rise up praise god as the correspondent or the amen amen amen a part of the confederation but that will be what is called amen the informant or will be amen the mouthpiece that will be here praise god to represent and to present praise god amen the antichrist and the dragon are we understanding so far so now these three are going to work together they're going to do what they're going to work together but the dragon is the one of the greatest mystery because the dragon is not trying to be revealed right now even though he is at work and he's working behind the scenes he is not the one he wants to be a showcase the next thing i want to show you people of god is that this is a demonic trinity remember now god the father god the son god the holy spirit please is everybody remembering that god the father the son holy spirit the trinity tree in one so satan everything he does he wants to do what he wants to represe uh he wants to emulate the trinity of of god he wants to everything he saw in heaven he wants to reproduce that on earth so this is what is called a demonic trinity praise god amen amen imitating praise god the father the son and the holy ghost so now the satan now he doesn't want to be revealed too early but he is going to be at work in each of these participants the false prophet and the beast which is the antichrist you are going to see this you already seen it in these hours in this hour praise god where he is now has set up his kingdom he has set up an hierarchy and the bible said that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but we wrestle against in the book of ephesians chapter six it says it's very clear against prince apologies powers rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness in high places so what is god showing us now please come i want to show you this amen so i want you to stay on the focus with me tonight he's showing you now praise god that i'm going i'm doing something but you need to also know what the kingdom of darkness is doing so you will know how to shun the very appearance of evil so that you will also know praise god how to overcome the presence of evil so that you can shun the the appearance of evil and you can overcome the presence of evil what you don't know beloved is what can kill you your ignorance and you can have church we can sing we can jump and we can aim at cha cha cha amen and do the electric slide amen yes even in church but if you don't know the devil that's fighting against you that's fighting against your family that's fighting against your marriage i dare to say you are dead already am i talking to somebody so it's time now for knowledge for you to get known the world is increasing in knowledge but you as a christian you don't even know what is happening in the world i talked to you spoke to you last week about afghanistan i spoke about all these things in prophecy that you need to understand all of the sickness the disease the pestilence the plagues that are in the book of matthew 24 the lord said amen that these things will happen amen you should you shall help your pestilence and you shall have wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes and diverse places and amen he says people are going man's heart is going to fill them for fear of what is to come on the earth well he ain't talking to us christians we are not the ones that are supposed to move in fair we are not the ones praise god that are supposed to get in scale and ready to break off running we are the ones that should know god this is the time for every christian to get yourself up off of some of these chat groups and up off of some of these gossip networks and up offer some of these foolishness that you are wasting time with all night long even while some of you laying down you got your phone on the light off but you are into all kind of stupidness and then when you backslide or you are falling into sin you are looking for somebody to blame no the spirit of god is saying it's time now praise god to seek the lord while he may be found and while he is now hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus can i continue going tonight can i continue going praise god amen please praise god i mean let's continue to go some people need to get some more people they still have a chance and it's still early they still have an opportunity to hear so praise god amen tell your cousins them to wake up praise god and then tell them amen it's time to hear what god is saying cheryl good to see you sophia more people are just coming in that's what i'm talking about praise god i don't know what's happening on facebook praise god amen but i can tell you that i know without a doubt that people are there and they are coming in praise god amen by the masses because amen this is the time to hear what god is saying praise god to his people so i'm welcoming all of you tonight god bless you and thank you for more of you that is coming in to hear the whole counsel of the lord so this hour let me tell you something else people are gone if you're a christian and you're trying to fall asleep right now something is wrong with you your flesh is in too much control of you because this is an hour you should be saying wait a minute i gotta wake up i need to finally understand what my christian fate is all about and right now i have a group of young children these children are young like between the ages of seven nine eight nine ten eleven twelve these are children i can promise you please come amen when i come off of this thing tonight they are going to be texting me with all their notes what they gathered from tonight are you people hearing me because these children are hungry this is a generation he said this is the generation of them that will seek thy face o jacob so this is an hour and a time where you now as a christian have to become so desperate for god and so thirsty for god that you are prepared to do whatever it takes praise god amen to get again and greater understanding of what god is saying so let's continue shall we tonight so the spirit of god what is he saying now it's time to grow it's time to develop going back now so the spirit of this dragon the spirit of this beast and the spirit of the antichrist is already moving in the earth it's already praised god taking over people's minds taking over people our lives and it's now steep in what is called a spirit of deception and why is it doing that because it wants people to not just aim and you talking about praise god make it to the rapture they don't want nobody to talk about making it in the tribulation they don't even want you to live to see the next day so the spirit that is attacking people is a spirit that is trying to take people out in their minds the best people in their minds wanting them to do what to give up and to walk away from god and the things of god so now this spirit the dragon amen the bible said the spirit of the dragon and the spirit frogs amen unclean spirits like frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the antichrist so now let's look at the frog then amen let's look at what this frog is all about so i begin to amen interpret so some of you say prophetess i've been dreaming about frogs somebody said i dream about a frog before i dream about snake i dream about these things in a dream so okay you've dreamt about this but if you've ever had a dream about frog and you wanted to know what did that frog represent in your dream let me just give you a few little analogies tonight for an example if you are dreaming about a frog a frog can represent a man a spirit of lust a spirit of lust a spirit of lust okay remember i started out with the scripture all that's in the world the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh the pride of life so somebody said they dropped like a frog jumped on them i was doing a meeting a service the other day and a lady said prophetess i dreamt like out of nowhere a frog jumped on me in the dream and she said um after i woke up out of the dream i don't know i felt like a spirit of strange spirit was on me praise god and i don't understand what that dream meant and the lord said tell her amen that spirit that jumped on her was a demon spirit that came from the marine kingdom to release honor a perverse spirit a spirit of lust oh my god oh jesus what is this tonight and the woman began to cry she said providence you so right she said all of a sudden but i had that dream every man that i see past me every cheeto cab the man was married she began to look at the man i said to say oh my god he could be a good husband he could be a good husband she didn't care if the man had 50 children she still said oh i i really want my i need to get his number she said i don't know that spirit came on me but the spirit amen came after me and that spirit began to cause me to look at men different so the spirit in a dream if you dream about frogs it has many different symbolism but one of them is as i taught you in the trinity praise god amen of course it's coming up on the 18th praise god so you don't want to miss it but one of the things i taught you about was that amen this spirit amen indicates a spirit of lust being given to you amen from the demonic realm frogs can also amen represent a demon that comes to a man to lure you amen because every time you hear a frog ribbit ribbit you want to go and see where that sound is coming from so it tends to want to lure you or alert you or draw you into where it is amen frogs amen i i've noticed about frogs if you if you don't know anything frogs are cursed represent a curse amen i don't know if they call it an animal it is an amphibian but amen frogs are known to be what is called curse why in the bible is can frogs are considered to be a cursed animal or an uh animal i guess it's because amen amen the the one egypt had a lot of gods all right egypt had a lot of gods each a lot of gods and deities and one of their gods small god was the symbol of a frog and so praise god amen this was cursed and now how do you notice because remember when moses went to pharaoh to say let my people go amen the foot one of the things moses did was amen stretch his rod yeah and he made let me turn water into blood then lice came up with them one of the things he did as a plague was frogs and the bibles and the frogs covered the entire egypt but right after he did that what did the magicians in egypt did they boys are laughing they say you gotta be joking do you know who you are playing with here and they stretched their roads out and the bible said when the magicians of egypt stretched their robs out frogs came from everywhere even more than the frogs that moses had just released are you understanding but god amen saw it as a symbol of a curse because now frogs amen were considered to be evil in that day to the israelites watch this now if you see frogs in the dream especially uh frogs that are mammoth and size amen frogs that are huge and humongous this can also represent occultism are you hearing me it can represent occultism or occult activities believe it or not if you see an army of fraud if you see a bunch of frogs together in a dream this is a demonic invasion some type of demonic army coming up against you as a child of god am i talking to some people tonight so then i want to show you something quickly now let me give you some other attributes of frogs frogs are amphibians i'm i'm doing this because i'm going somewhere praise god i want to show you why the john the divine revelator saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the false prophet why did he excuse me why did he see frogs coming out he saw frogs coming out because frogs is a symbol of deception frogs is a symbol of what deception frogs is a is a symbol of perversion frogs is a symbol of lasciviousness oh god help me jesus frogs is a symbol of deception it is a symbol of perversion it is a symbol of lasciviousness it is the symbol of something that can kill you if you don't even realize enough some people just don't understand that frogs praise god amen can be deadly and falls can be dangerous there are some frogs that are so poisonous that if they strike you with their tongue you will swell up and die are you hearing me there are certain species of frogs that if they smite you there's some species of frogs if you touch their skin amen you will swell up and die what a lot of people don't know you will get poison a lot of people don't know that frogs don't really drink water to their mouth frogs drink water to their skin are you hurting me a frog like to stay in moist places a frog like to stay in what moist places praise god why because they don't necessarily drink the water through the mouth they drink the water through their skin because why this is now how they nourish themselves if a frog cannot get to water even though he lives on land at some point he has to find where there's moisture and water because once his skin dries out the frog can die are we agreeing here when they have their babies where do they have their babies in water i'm going to show you a marine spirit tonight that's where i'm going praise god because the beast the bible said in the book of revelation i believe chapter 13 that the beast came out of the water and you people listening to me tonight please i need to go to social media because i need to find out if anybody in my group tonight on social media is understanding what i'm saying i want to make sure that i am that i'm reaching somebody tonight because if you are an intercessor or a prayer warrior you may say prophet is what frogs got to do with me prayers god i'm only the deacon in the church what i mean i'm in the choir what frog's got to do with me it's not the frog i am talking to you about tonight i'm trying to reveal to some of you people that life is spiritual everything that happens in this world in the natural it has happened in the spirit before it ever happened in the nature oh jesus holy ghost somebody said holy ghost everything that happens in the natural in your life it is it happens because something happened in the spirit realm and people of god if you don't get to the place where you begin to recognize that life is a spiritual platform that your whole god breathing them out and not became a living soul but whatever you put in the circle part of you is going to determine whether you are a carnal person or a spiritual person this why now you cannot be a dry christian you cannot afford to live in this hour praise god on the threshold of dryness and deadness depending on your spouse to pray you out of every valley depending on your mother to come and rescue you from every warfare your church you better rise up and pray you're gonna depend on the church nowadays to talk about amen i'm gonna wait till i'm passing troop and then i'm gonna call amen the praying sisters of the church the praises of the church need prayers for themselves am i talking to anybody because the spirit of the dragon is releasing out of his mouth spirit like frog how many babies does a frog have anybody ever count fat frogs don't have one tadpole they are you will never see tadpole pull singular you are going to see poles and you can tell because they're floating on the water in swarms they're floating on the river in swarms and the frog don't really mind once she has delivered her hundreds and thousands of babies she she abandons them she's not like a chicken she's not like an eagle that's going to sit around on any nest to try to aim and warm them up and wait for them to hatch and wait for them to become property the frog owns it with such an interesting character that all it does is it releases his egg and takes off are you all here it is not a nurturing it is not nurturing at all i got pregnant i had a million tadpoles i'm out of here my job is finished are we understanding here so it's incumbent now for you to know the spirit that is releasing the earth as a prophet one of my managers to deliver god's people i'm preaching the gospel yes but it's to deliver god's people that's why so many people are sick because the spirit when we go to do deliverance and i say i kill every demonic egg in your life in your body am i talking to you tonight it is not just and i say the egg of the snake the egg of the serpent every amphibian spirit every reptilian spirit i'm talking about these demons the bible says in revelation chapter 16 came out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the false prophet was a demon like frogs so frog now is a demon spirit that is showing you tonight frogs eat things like flies frog eat things like other insects and frogs or even eat reptilians amen frogs are dangerous they will eat baby snakes baby worms they will eat it people of god you may not see them eating and all you know what i'm to say is a rip it but they will eat it are you hearing me praise god amen so they croak because they're calling to other frogs they're croaking they're croaking is calling to other frogs there's a kingdom they have their own kingdom their own world and so what am i trying to save you tonight amen is that these uh so this spirit of the frog that one of their their um one of their delicacies is flies a fly is a nasty little creature a nasty every time they land they drop something they poop on everything everything they blow on it they smell it then they poop are you understanding me and there you go with your juicy burger amen hey man you're talking about sanitizing your hand praise god but now i know you ain't gonna put no sanitizer on that burger are we agreeing tonight so the fly is so nasty but the fly the frog enjoys the fly as a delicacy and they will slip that tongue out and they will grab that fly and crunch that fry swallow that fly now the fly is a belzebaum spirit a lying spirit a spirit of deception so when the bible says amen that the dragon the beast and the false prophet emits out of its mouth vomits out of his mouth spit out of his mouth demons that look like flies this is speaking now to a time that we have come to where the spirit because the dragon is not the dragon he is not revealing himself as a dragon today the antichrist or the beast has not yet announced his arrival but we agree his spirit is here yeah are we agreeing so watch what is happening now when they open their mouth they are emitted in the spirit realm come on a demon power like a miss that covers the whole earth the bible say it does what it covers the whole earth praise god amen it covers the whole earth with its lives with its deception with its amen last season so let's look for us at the dragon the dragon as we know is going to be the devil himself amen you can go to revelation number 12 we don't have much time tonight i'm in a hurry but revelation 12 the bible said he gives seven names to describe amen the devil himself am i correct i mean in the book of revelation of the 12 and verse 12 the bible said there was war in heaven michael and his angels fought praise god amen michael and his angels praise god i mean he starts off by saying woe to the inhabitants amen of the earth but he said rejoice oh heaven woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea and of the sea so we living on earth but we need to be concerned about what's coming out of the sea oh jesus have mercy i'm gonna tell you people watch us now because you heard me teaching about marine spirits you heard me teaching about spiritual husbands and spiritual wives so people who just living in the earth they don't care about what coming out of their camera that they said i don't believe there's such a thing as marine spirits i don't believe in that such thing as you know this spiritual husband and these amen the demons that are coming to attack you in this hour it's not just demons coming from the gates of hell it's not just coming praise god from sheol or from the grave these are spirits that are also in the waters that's coming out of the waters that's coming up from out of the waters so jesus now is telling us in revelation 12 12 the heavens can be happy oh yeah but as it relates to us on this earth and on the sea he says woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for what happened the devil has come down unto you having great wrath oh my god what that means satan is angry right now am i talking to somebody the devil is upset right now satan has come down to you having what great wrath satan has come down having great right the devil ain't happy when god trying to bless you you're definitely happy but you go in the church because definitely happy with your marriage and attack he wants to bring chaos in your house he wants somebody start acting out that's right he wants somebody to stop doubting he wants somebody to stop feeling whole this don't make no sense this don't make no sense this ain't working out here god is man how are we gonna make you start acting like a fool and you don't know how you start acting like a fool the devil has come down having what great ride because he knows how much time he has a short time now isn't that amazing the devil knows he have a short time but church people acting like we have plenty time we have all the time in the world just take your time any time and the devil knows based on the signs he is seeing happening around the world time is short are we agreeing now look what verse 13 revelation 12 and 13 when and when he says that when the dry god when the what everybody shout dragon when the dragon saw that he was cast into the earth what did he do he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child now let me just explain this to you and i'm going to give you the spiritual revelation of it there are many revelations of it but i want to give you one of the spiritual revelation that i believe that god is saying about this verse that when amen the devil sees amen okay he was cast on sword and he was cast onto the earth some people say there's a past event some people say this event to come amen but you got to know the devil already in the earth he's walking up and down in the earth the bible says seeking whom he may devour so i don't believe this is an event to come only i believe that this is an event that was already a warfare in heaven praise god and michael and his angels fought against the devil and his angels and the bible said and his place was found no more go back out to voice seven for me prayer scored his place was found no more are you people still here somebody type no more no no more so michael and his angels fought against and then there was war in heaven and michael and his angels fought against what the dragon and the dragon fought back yeah the dragon falls back yes they thought there was a fight going on in heaven like this everything was happening and then the bible said the michael and a group of angels fought the devil or the dragon also fight them back and his angels was fighting against the angels of of god but in verse eight what happened he prevailed not he prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven okay so look at verse nine now let's look at these several names that god gave to the devil it was says in verse verse 9 revelation 12 and 9. if you're just coming and god bless you tonight amen this is prophetess dr mary knowledge and god has given me this assignment to help you to understand these last days and to help you to understand the end times we are living and these are some evil days praise god amen that we are living in but praise god those that are righteous god said these will be your blessed days hallelujah thank you jesus you don't need to fear what is happening in the world right now so i'm just preaching and teaching the good news praise god because jesus is getting ready to come again let's look at let's read verse nine together revelation 12 and verse nine all my students what does it say and the great dragon was cast out okay that's number one the white great dragon second of all he was also called what the old serpent okay what else he was calling number three the devil what else he was called number four satan which deceived the whole world okay any more names there for him amen amen he and his angels was cast into the earth so as you go on down to verse 10 amen go to verse 10 you will recognize now that amen that when he was cast out the lord began to say now has come salvation strength to the kingdom of god but there are more names to the devil he was also called what the accuser of the brethren right he was cast down amen amen amen accuse them day and night satan is the one that is trying to cause you to fall like he fell satan is the wicked one that's trying to cause you as a christian to become discouraged and the backslide like he backs light somebody said that devil is a liar so he's an accuser what does that accuse him somebody was bringing accusation against you now they can bring a true accusation or they can bring a false accusation satan will bring a railing accusation against you this is when he went before god and he say oh i know you got that little boy down there named j.o.b job but i promise you if you took everything away from me you'll cuss you to your face and the bible said god said really you know god said have you really considered him and he said yeah i i've been checking job out which means satan was snarling all around job house all up in job business listening to him and his wife every night looking at all his children trying to possess them but he couldn't get to them because the bible said god had a goat a hedge built around job am i talking to somebody god have a hedge built around you tonight people of god and the only way the devil can touch some of you is if god permit him to touch you thank you the only way to dab the devil after you because god is he already the bible said god asks the devil have you considered my servant job because there's none like him and when god can boast on you people that means you are saying something am i talking to you amen you say you know god but does god know you i wonder come on somebody that's why some people ought to rejoice and be exceedingly glad when the people trying to persecute you and when people trying to say a man of evil against you praise god falsely he said rejoice and be exceedingly glad when god could boast about you when god can amen uh amen praise god put you out there like that and say go on amen make my day it means that god has already tried and tested and you've been proven faithful to him don't let the devil get in your head i'm talking to somebody right now don't let the devil get in your head satan is nothing else but a liar thank you jesus thank you jesus somebody just type it and say the devil is a liar and not only is he a liar but he is a lie and the bible said he's the father of lies he is bound above the lord of lies so don't believe if the devil ever comes and tell you anything hear my voice tonight don't believe him and don't receive it don't believe it and don't receive it praise god amen cast it out so let's go that i already gave you six names of the devil all of these things the dragon the old serpent amen all of these things i gave you the devil praise god amen the accuser of the brethren amen so satan like to accuse you he is also called the serpent the serpent he's an abending serpent so on this serpent is the serpent that wants to wrap itself around you to suffocate you satan wants to suffocate people he wants to choke you and he wants you to asphyxiate on your own saliva so this why the frog out of the mouth of the dragon came a frog out of the mouth of the beast came what frog out of the mouth of the false prophet king what frog people are you all understanding this to me so satan is a deceiver he's an accuser he's a serpent he's a belzebab he's the father of lies is all of the above [Applause] god called you in the purest form he put his oil his anointing oil on the inside of your life you just gotta get our guard to give you enduring power i remember my first experience just to attend the class i was so excited i felt like i was going to a date lord i just want to sit you know at the apostle and the prophet's feet and i want to do those training for reigning and since my connection i can honestly say i am no longer the same amen when i came my prayer life has increased tremendously my faith my attitude total transformation of my mind into the things of god i just wanted to thank god and the apostle and prophet is for the training for reigning sessions my god they have truly blessed my life from everything learning about the carnal and natural man to the foundation the cake example i'm talking about the vertical versus the horizontal prayer come on truly truly i have taken my prayer life to the next level because of this ministry and i'm just so glad to be apart be able to come in if i'm not able to get to the bahamas lower notes i'm on zoom and training for raining at work the highly anticipated training for reigning army 300 plus prophetic prayer seminars with god's kingdom warriors and prophetic prayer generals apostle edison and prophetess doctor matty nottage continues to revolutionize spiritual warfare training for believers everywhere during each session believers prayer warriors and prophetic intercessors from all around the world connect with apostle and prophetess knowledge to help advance the kingdom of god and be trained in the areas of strategic prayer spiritual warfare and intercession so nobody really wants you yet because why you have not been finished you are not yet completed you are not yet past the course so this is what up beginners so we have to mix you and we keep up to be mixing you every now and then in the church we have to add something here a little tear a little we have to add to your gifts we have to add to you are y'all getting me today join doctors knowledge as they seek to raise up a prophetic army of intercessors and prophetic prayer warriors through powerful teachings preachings and practical demonstrations to become spiritually skilled versatile in the ways of god and focus prayer agents in the ministry as the angels are climbing up the ladder the angels are taking his prayers no longer horizontally oh my jesus what is this they are no longer keeping their prayers at the same level but they are taking up his prayers to a heavenly realm am i talking to somebody as this praying okay climbing up go on again to take another level every level there will be a new devil but watch what the power is going to do when every demon does they climb up they're going higher come on he never left it put you can join us online or on site call five 1-888-825-7 five six eight or one two four two six nine eight one three eight three visit our website at maddie knowledge.org that's the training for rainy army 300 plus where you will receive intense training spiritual stretching and personal advancement in the things of god [Music] you
Channel: MattieNottageTV
Views: 15,793
Rating: 4.9685864 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, deliverance, Prophetess Mattie Nottage, revival, intercession, supernatural, prophecy, mattienottagetv, spirit of fear, fox news, demons, money, greed, TD Jakes, Haiti, Earthquake, Tsunami, ISN, Sid Roth, Apostle Joshua Selmon, It's Supernatural, teaching, MATTIENOTTAGE, PANDEMIC, MARCUS RODGERS, MEDICINE, STORMS, AFGHANISTAN, bible, gospel
Id: Gou0XJLOeb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 30sec (2970 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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