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hallelujah [Music] [Music] it says the righteous run into it and they are safe [Music] it says the name of god is a strong tower tonight i want to bless his name because psalms it says blessed be the name of the lord most high most high so i want everybody all over the nations tonight just lift your hands there wherever you are tonight [Music] jesus thank you jesus oh god blessed be your name on god bless it be your name o god [Music] bless it be your name oh god blessed be your name o god bless it be your name o god [Music] [Music] somebody's saving me [Music] say blessed be your name oh god [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] oh i'd like to be your name okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] be the name of god [Music] say jesus [Music] jesus [Music] blessed blessed be the name of god [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus is is [Music] [Music] jesus is amazing [Music] is [Music] [Music] holy ghost [Music] holy ghost [Music] holy [Music] [Music] he [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] he goes [Music] [Music] hurricane [Music] holy is [Music] [Music] [Music] let's oh [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] language feel the fire oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes oh my god something sweet and something beautiful let something that is sweet and sweet let it go into the place just let go now let your mouth wherever you are him tonight out to him oh [Music] [Music] oh his name your hallelujah we glorify you jesus christ you are the almighty one you are the everlasting god hallelujah come [Music] you're the on mighty god we give you glory we give you glory come on and wake up your praises come on and give him an excited hallelujah [Music] is anybody great for life tonight are you grateful to the most higher [Music] we hallelujah your name we bless your name come on bless the name of the lord and bless the name of the lord hallelujah so he is a strong tower the righteous can run in and be safe hallelujah we bless your name we bless your name we bless your name hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus glory to your name we bless you god hallelujah we acknowledge that there is none like you we are so grateful to you mighty king there is none like you in all the earth hallelujah can you declare it on tonight can you testify that there is none like him hallelujah jesus we thank you mighty god we thank you lord because whom the sun sets free it's free indeed are you free or tonight are you free on tonight has he delivered you out of anything has he delivered for setting us free for hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] meant to be [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] hallelujah no change [Music] is but now i see [Music] set free indeed [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm free tell yourself i'm free i'm free i'm free i'm free i [Music] i choose to be brave [Music] is [Music] we thank you for giving us the victory hallelujah jesus i am blessed i am blessed so much greater no more change holding me no more chances [Music] i am blessed so much holding me no more chase i am free i am blessed i so much greater no more is [Music] so much [Music] i am i am blessed so much [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus come on come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] victory hallelujah praise praise [Music] say goodbye jesus victory [Music] [Music] victory oh hallelujah [Music] we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless your name [Music] bless your name we bless your name we bless your name blessings we bless the name of god [Music] pleasure [Applause] [Music] we bless you and bless you we bless you we bless you shall we bless you can you bless the lord tonight can you bless us holy name tonight can you bless this magnificent name can you bless this name that is all can you bless the night of jesus can you bless the name of jesus can you bless him can you bless him can you bless his holy name is [Music] me all over the sanctuary tonight can you lift your hands lift them lift them wherever you are all over the world tonight lift your hands before the maker and begin to bless his name we bless your name [Music] he the raised [Music] glory [Music] we bless your name lord you are righteous you are righteous you are righteous you are just so we depend on you on it we depend on we depend on you holy spirit we depend on you we [Music] lift your hands [Music] oh yes god yes god yes god yeah yes god yes god can you worship him can you worship him can you worship him can you worship worship oh [Music] [Applause] oh oh [Applause] [Music] worship him worship him worship him was we worship you we worship you lord you are so great and greatly to be praised [Music] so we [Applause] [Music] [Music] one spirit shall rule and reign in this place and that is the spirit of the living god the spirit of the almighty god holy spirit we give you all glory we give you all honor hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] you are hallelujah so let's start right now why would we wait [Applause] [Music] world everybody so let's start right there [Music] be glorified in this place let's start right now [Music] [Music] you're the king of glory [Music] i just want to be [Music] i just [Music] [Music] [Music] till you come [Music] i will sing is hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] i will [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is that anybody testimony that you will hold on that you refuse to give up that you know that is your lifeline that is your only hope that is your only hope is that anybody testimony that never knowledge until god comes until he responds to your worship then you hold on until he begin to respond to your praises until he responds [Music] [Music] i will sing hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] until he comes until he comes [Applause] [Music] i will not throw in the challenge will oh a hallelujah [Music] [Applause] until the rapture i will worship you lord i will worship you [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't care how long it takes i will continue to hold on to my father cause i love him so much and i know that he loves me how many of you know that he loves you let your hands all over this place generate come on and call upon the name of jesus [Music] call upon the name of jesus if you call upon him he will answer you and he will show you great and mighty things that you know not he will unfold mysteries to you will you call upon his name have mercy upon us have mercy upon us according to your loving kindness according to your gender mercies our mercies for your mercies are renewed and promoting you sinning your word that is our weakness so we want the strength of the almighty god to rest upon us in this place at night be glorified and know him be glorified [Applause] [Music] lord cause all i want is [Music] of the lord is [Music] all i desire is your glory [Music] the lord is in this place in this place come holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] say do you want more of him oh [Music] i want more i want more let me hear you declaring this place tonight say i'm asking you god for more say say i need more i need more my street of yesterday is gone i need more [Music] [Applause] is [Music] me the lord is in this place so come holy spirit can you ask him to come [Music] [Music] with us cause i want more i want more i'm asking for more [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i i yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] say i money more [Music] will you open your mouth tonight will you honor the presence of the mighty king will you honor the presence of the mighty god is he your lord and savior tonight come on and bless him come on and worship him come on [Music] hallelujah our god is a great god and because he is great we ought to give him a great praise is there anybody tonight that knows that your god is worthy of endless praises of endless worship come on and live your voice come on and live your voice come on and live your voice hallelujah well i can tell you tonight that we are so excited oh my god to be back in the sanctuary believers faith outreach ministries once again tonight put your hallelujah [Music] hallelujah come on people of god hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus glory to god well we welcome our global audience we welcome everyone that is joining us here are tonight oh my god we are getting ready for an excited move of god on tonight oh my god look at our zoomers from all around the world [Music] i i i already see you all excited come on way way way way way glory to god hallelujah hallelujah my god hallelujah oh my god again we are excited to welcome all of you in the name of jesus christ here to the sanctuary at believer's faith oh my god we welcome all of you we welcome our youtubers our facebookers our instagramers everyone that is a part of this meeting on tonight we welcome you in the name no other name than the matchless name of jesus christ that name that cannot be compared to any other name glory to god will we have i've been told some international guests oh my god international members oh hallelujah that are visiting through sanctuary tonight come on visitors wave your flags hallelujah oh my god hallelujah those who will take a flight my god just to be in the presence of god those who will take a flight just to experience their deliverance those who will take a flight just to experience their healing hallelujah put your hands together and welcome our guest hallelujah glory to god well listen to me people of god oh my god what a week has it been oh my god you want to clap your hands just for being here tonight in the name of jesus christ well we have so many testimonies that we would like to share with you on tonight please go ahead and take your seats we are going to open our floor tonight for those of you that have a testimony that you would like to share those of you that have been touched oh my god by the commanding your day or the miracles at night or if you've had a prophetic word released upon your life even those of you have had personal encounters with the woman and the man of god if you know that god did it for you then we welcome you to the stage tonight oh my god to share your testimony and we know that god is getting ready to do something powerfully on tonight glory to god so we have even our assumers that will be testifying tonight i'm seeing that we have miss michelle all the way from springfield illinois and listen to me people of god these testimonies are powerful tonight they are powerful tonight about the supernatural working power of our god in the lives of god's people those people who were in commerce oh my god and just one prophetic word released by the woman of god saying get up out of the coma people who were in comas for weeks and months respond to the anointing that the woman of god pronounce over their lives hallelujah and not days later the very same day woke up out of a coma we have testimonies tonight about persons who were who had gun shot afflictions to their bodies oh my god i tell you people of god i don't want to spoil it i don't want to spoil it but please fasten your seatbelts for what god is getting ready to reveal hallelujah tonight come on up here minister kim hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come up here to go put your hands together for minister kim as because hallelujah glory to god oh my god come on people of god we are just so excited yes about the move of god or tonight yes and what the spirit of god has in store oh my god on tonight the testimonies the move of god yes i'm telling you the word that has already gone forth how many of you watched a demonstration about the order of the tabernacle oh my god my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what a profound demonstration oh my god and to think that this is what the children of israel did year after year yes after year yes and the high priest went before god on their behalf but how many of you know that jesus is a high praise hallelujah thank you jesus and he shed his blood once yes hallelujah for the remission of our sins forever once why we praise foreign god this is why we honor him oh hallelujah hallelujah to his name thank you jesus he is faithful he is a good god yes hallelujah thank you and there's no other name under heaven or earth whereby men can be saved that's right but by the name of jesus come on let's just give our god praise one more time hallelujah even as persons come they will give their own testimony yes hallelujah of what god has done for them hallelujah and again we invite you if you are in the house on tonight and you have a testimony and you want to share either as a result of the demonstration yes the preach word your own personal deliverance we invite you come share with somebody else because they know that if god did it for you that he could also do it for them amen hallelujah we're going to go with miss michelle all the way from springfield illinois thank you let's put our thank you jesus hallelujah as we bring our miss michelle hallelujah hallelujah from illinois springfield illinois hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus you know minister kim even as they prepared to get miss uh miss yellow on our zone platform you know you talked a moment ago about the demonstration yeah of the of the tabernacle you know and how moses and aaron you know had to go through all of these steps rituals yeah you know minister kim i watched prophetess on that fateful wednesday night and there was not a dry eye in this room that's right even as she began to show us you know all the things that they had to do in order to have their sins you know of course yes and even as she showed that and she she summed it all up by saying yes now let me show you how all of this comes together in one man that's right jesus christ jesus christ and when he took up the cross and he went all the way to calgary no longer do we have to sacrifice a block or sacrifice a lamb or no longer do we have to rely on one priest we need to go into the holy of holies for us when jesus christ you know when he took that cross and he died yes oh my god he died once for all of us the person's sacrifice all of us have access to the kingdom of god yes that was sucked up but so that was so powerful to me i think what really blessed me is as our social media persons were just sharing with us so many people chimed in from all around the world and this one comment i mean this really really blessed us in that they said the teaching of the tabernacle may be intense and it may be a little over you know the head of the average christian but because of the demonstration of the woman of god it made it plain that a child could understand oh my god so let's honor god for our prophets honor god let's honor god for the gift that he has given us thank you and our dear prophet and our apostles hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god thank you jesus thank you jesus i think we're ready for michelle yes all the way from springfield illinois in jesus name hallelujah hello good evening believers faith can you hear me yes we can hear you good evening i'd like to give honor to god who is the head of my life give honor to apostle and prophetess dr prophetess maddie nottage um for being my spiritual parent um i have a testimony um about the drinking water um my fiance he was dealing with a heavy drug addiction i think it was probably about a year and a half or so and i was thinking like god something has to be done about this devil and so um upon watching the the ministry and the um the demonstrations of the engetti water the and getty oil i purcha i called it i called the uh ministry and i spoke to a prayer partner and they were they just said a simple prayer and they they asked me you know what would i go ahead and order the angelic water so i um ordered the angeti water and i started giving i said the prayer on there follow the instructions and upon giving it to my fiance um this was about uh six months ago or so um and he was drinking it and he would you know he followed the instructions as was you know given on the in the instructions so um as he drank it i could see like this demon or something coming out of him and i didn't realize it was uh you know a manifestation until this another partner she gave her a testimony i said oh that's what he was doing then he was manifesting however upon drinking the water he has been free of drugs for six months my god oh my god hallelujah oh my god hallelujah thank you jesus for that and i wanted to um to hold this up i don't know if you guys can see this [Music] can you see that in jesus yes hallelujah if god be f.o.m.i me who can be against me romans 8 and 30. before i just wanted to give thanks and praise to prophetess and apostle i listened to them and when apostle is teaching he breaks it down to where anybody a two-year-old can understand it so i just want to give thanks and praise to this ministry i love you guys i will always support you god bless you all amen oh my god what an awesome testimony hallelujah come on let's give god praise hallelujah i mean free from a drug addiction my god hallelujah six months clean now we give god praise for that hallelujah we've got crystal all the way from huntington beach california hallelujah coming to testify come come come testify [Music] glory be to god hallelujah hallelujah glory and honor oh my gosh i thank god for this wonderful presence the anointing the presence of god is so heavy right now i'm in my car and i'm just so amazed it's on this little phone and and the presence of god is so heavy oh god bless you god bless your ministry god bless you praise team i want to give honor to god and honor to dr god bless you my goodness what a blessing to have such the presence of the lord any day of the week amen by connecting to the ministry yes i i was shot in the head several years ago and it the bullet entered in the left side of my head underneath my eye it penetrated the skull and it hit the left internal carotid artery and it caused a lot of damage and it caused a lot of surgery 17 surgeries but one specific surgery i've been having every year 2014 2016 2019 and then this would have been the fourth one it was been my eardrum one damage the bullet did was the eardrum and it crushed the eustachian tube and uh my eardrum would burst several times it burst uh four times the fourth time was september third of this year the first three times that it burst i had to have major surgery they had to go in and take out infection they have taken out most of my mastoid on my left side they have i had to do surgery it's called a tympanoplasty mastoidectomy and the process is your eardrum burst you go in they check it they see it they schedule for surgery i have been connected my son and i to this ministry for the last three months since july of this year and i have been determined to press on and move forward in the lord no more hindering no more going back and i've been listening and watching the morning commanding your morning with dr prophetess maddie nottage and i was determined no more and um i was just feeling so sick and so much in pain and i went to urgent care and they said your eardrum burst again that was on this this month september 3rd and i just continued they gave me antibiotics but every time my eardrum burst it never got repaired until the surgery so this time when uh i had antibiotics and i kept listening to morning prayer my son and i were three hours behind but i would just open up the youtube and play it at like seven in the morning and still if the presence of the lord was there amen and i just went back yesterday to the doctor and he looked in the ear and he said oh that is healed you don't have to have any surgery oh my god oh my god come on give god praise people of god [Music] oh my god oh my god supernatural healing supernatural healing i'm a supernatural god oh my god god be all the glory we praise god a faithful connected to the commanding your day yes morning prayers hallelujah yes and now she's walking in our healing walking in her miracle in a miracle to god bring all of the glory all the glory we bless him on tonight thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus well we got this ganesha all the way from tortola in the british virgin islands please come miss ganesha and testify amen hallelujah go ahead and unmute your device [Music] we can't hear you go ahead and mute your device and then you can start again [Music] we still can't hear you [Music] oh wow yes we can see we can see you moving and motioning but we can't hear you [Music] did you a mutual device [Music] oh wow well if you can just drop your testimony right there in the chat for us and maybe our operators can share it with us a little bit later we would have loved to have your testimony indeed we would have oh wow and if you share a little bit of her testimony it's so powerful you know when they share their their own testimony but you know this lady had a brother that was in a coma you know for for days for weeks and you know it shows you the power of god minister kim that even when science or even when the doctors will say that you know it doesn't look good yes it doesn't look like he's gonna make it right when you put your faith in god and when you trust the word of his apostle and his prophet yes and when you say you know no matter what i know that this is going to come to pass that lady called the ministry and you know like those who said that you say that you know i'm not leaving this phone until i know for sure wow this getting the apostle and the prophet that's right come on that woman was so persistent and she made sure that that prayer request got on the altar minister kim not even days later oh my god that woman called the call center back to say that beating science her brother is awake she's oh my god i don't think you all understand that testimony when the doctors say no god saying yes hallelujah [Applause] oh my god i love those testimonies about the coma yes because it just shows no matter what where you are yes the spirit of god can meet you that no matter how dark the situation is or how hard the case yes oh my god our god always comes through speaking about a hard case from this again we had a lady that called into the coast and her name is miss phyllis and she called in all the way from dallas texas and this woman wanted to share her testimony tonight but unfortunately you know she had to work but she remained persistent as well yeah and she sent a video oh chris to the ministry because she said that she wanted apostle and prophetess to know how much he appreciate them and how much he appreciate the prayers of the ministry if our media team can pull up that video i know that the audience will enjoy hey man hallelujah hello family my name is phyllis malden and i'm from dallas texas i give god all the honor and praise on tonight and i give honor to apostle edison and prophetess knowledge for this opportunity to share my testimony my 86 year old aunt fell in the department store on last week and hit her head she fell backwards and hit her head and began to hemorrhage at the brain and the doctors gave her 72 hours to live because there was nothing they can do she had been taking blood thinners so they couldn't do any kind of surgery on her because of the blood thinners on day one i began to cry out to god and i asked god to just spare her life and just just give her a length of days just add to her life on day two i called the press center and connected to the altar and on day four my aunt is woke she's alive oh my god she knows who she know who everybody is wow amazing they call her a miracle and we call her a miracle i thank god for alter that speaks i i pray for apostle edison and prophet his knowledge just keep doing what god is calling you to do because the people are being encouraged lives of being saved and miracles are happening y'all pray my strength in the lord family i love each other in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah oh my god oh my god that was profound that was true [Music] hallelujah glory to god glory be to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah senior pastor hallelujah of this great work the visionary yes that continues hallelujah thank you jesus we give god praise hallelujah our dear prophet hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah come on let's give god praise once again hallelujah thank you jesus beside you mighty god thank you we're gonna go into a time of praise with our praise team hallelujah holy lord continue to give god praise continue to honor him continue to bless him hallelujah as our praise team comes hallelujah thank you [Music] oh yes [Music] king [Music] hallelujah [Music] i just watched your [Music] riding on the clouds [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] riding on the clouds [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] i'm [Music] is [Music] is foreign oh [Music] oh oh [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] know oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] your voice is [Music] thank you jesus somebody give the lord praises tonight [Music] year of jubilee it's my year of jubilee it's my year of jubilee it's my year it's my time for jubilee it's my time for breakthrough it's my time for a breakthrough it's my time to be free it's my time to be free it's my time for victory somebody give god [Music] [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah let those sounds as high as you can get them come on it's your time for victory people it's your time for blessings it's your time for breakthrough victory belongs to jesus victory belongs to him victory belongs to jesus victory belongs to him [Music] victory belongs to jesus victory belongs to him victory belongs to jesus victory belongs here victory belongs to jesus [Music] victory [Music] belongs to victory belongs to jesus victory victory belongs to jesus victory belongs to him victory belongs to jesus somebody just [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] whatever you're passing through tonight the victory belongs to jesus whatever the devil tried to bring your way whatever the enemy tried to behind you to stop you to defeat you to destroy you god said be of good chair you have overcome you have overcome i just feel this in my spirit tonight [Applause] i just feel it's so strong that somebody needs to know that [Music] jesus just let your hands as high as you can get them tonight so many people have been going through so many hardships so many torment see a lot of you going through torment all over the world tonight but the lord said tonight i give you my holy spirit holy spirit said i am your comforter i am your comforter is anybody hearing him tonight there's glory coming in this place i see this i just see it increasing and increasing and increasing hallelujah jesus victory belongs to jesus jesus victory belongs to him victory belongs to jesus victory belongs to him victory belongs to jesus somebody let's go into victory belongs to him [Music] [Music] victory belongs to them [Music] victory belongs to jesus victory for lost victory [Music] oh god victory [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] victory [Music] [Music] [Music] victory belongs to jesus [Music] belongs to [Music] jesus victory [Music] jesus [Music] we is [Music] we uh too high [Music] [Music] let all the other names [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] two let all the other names [Music] fire fire [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] every day [Music] if [Music] your demons is oh yes you are somebody jesus [Music] jesus you are lord jesus is oh oh [Music] [Music] yes foreign [Music] [Music] all over the world [Music] worship [Music] [Music] to worship [Music] [Music] and worship [Music] we should go special [Music] [Music] is [Music] me she omega [Music] me just you and jesus just you just you and me let the holy spirit do something deep on the inside [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] unto the king immortal invisible the only wise god the blessings and glory [Music] unto the king eternally be blessings and glory and on earth be blessings and glory and honor and power jesus be blessed by god [Music] the almighty god the one that ruled it from everlasting to everlasting king of kings and lord of lords [Music] i give myself to you i give myself over to you i give myself over to you jesus [Music] so you can use me [Music] so you can use me i'll give myself away oh [Music] i'll yeah myself away so you can use me [Music] away [Music] away i lord is oh yes i give myself away so you can use me i give myself [Music] [Music] i take my [Music] [Music] all my dreams lord i place that lord myself [Music] myself [Music] somebody let go somebody let go [Music] hell yeah is [Music] [Music] say lord i place them in your hands [Music] wanna say it again [Music] i give myself myself [Music] myself [Music] [Music] oh yeah i give myself away [Music] show you can you switch that anybody's cry tonight say give myself away oh yeah get myself away so you can use me [Music] god [Music] just to see oh yeah give myself just but if you could just just get to the place where where you could just give everything over to god you know i discovered i discovered [Music] that all is vanity are you hearing all is vanity [Music] this world he said all that's in it is the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life so we can go through a whole lifetime just trying to build this body up trying to [Music] gain [Music] pleasures of this world go to the whole lifetime [Music] trying to look for trying to look further for the uh [Music] look for the accreditation of people and then you find out at the end of the day [Music] that what is it all for if you don't make it to heaven what is it all for if you don't make it in what is it all for bible said what would a man give in his soul what would man give in exchange the eternal life some trust in horses some trust in chariots but he said we will trust in the name of our god tonight i pray that your trust that your confidence is in god are we hearing tonight that your faith is in god are we here tonight [Music] so hope in god is that what he said oh down in god hold our god our faith is in god our confidence is in the lord build your house on the lord jesus christ he said so that when the floods come so that when the storms of light come to beat against your house your house will stay standing strong hallelujah am i talking to somebody tonight [Music] so that your house will do what your house we'll stay standing strong you know everything in this world we're fighting for do we know that that this thing is going to fade away all the other names are going to fade away fighting for i said earlier the accreditation of man fighting for to keen this you work from morning till night and when you're finished working you look and you say what is this what is this then you want to know what so it's a strife that you will be able to enter in strive what so you can enter in enter in enter in where enter in where god is enter to the place where he dwell so that's where i want to go i want to go where god dwells i want to go to that secret place take me to the secret place [Music] that's where you want to go is that where you want to go people i'm asking is that where you want to go everything is going to fade away even the trouble you're going through now [Music] if this trouble was so powerful it would have killed you by now you believe that you hallelujah jesus [Music] if the devil the demon the demon that's attacking you if the demon that's attacking you is so powerful hey are you ready that demon but a long time kill you [Music] mighty god [Music] it would have slapped you it would have punched you it would have defeat you it would have taken you out of here so the devil is not that demon is not as powerful as you are making him you have more power over him than he has over you thank you hallelujah so now you have to start worshipping god like that and you have to start acting like that you have to start performing like that you have to start worshiping like that you have to start honoring god like he is that one the most powerful hallelujah take me to the secret place do you know it take me to the secret place take me to the secret place to that secret place take me to the secret place take me to the secret place take me to the secret place to the secret place i wanna go where carthwest i wanna go where god's west i wanna go where god dwells when he dwells where god dwells so take me to the secret place take me to the secret [Music] [Music] take me to the secret take me to the secret place [Music] take [Music] [Applause] i wanna [Music] take me to the secret place [Music] i wanna go where god dwells [Music] take me behind me [Music] of [Music] i wanna drink from one i wanna drink from your drink from your world [Music] [Music] take me beyond the veil take me beyond [Music] the secret [Music] [Music] it sounds like heaven ringing in my head angels singing [Music] my [Music] it sounds like heaven bringing in my ass [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] sounds like [Music] [Music] ringing i see angels singing [Music] and people bowing down so i cry [Music] [Music] fine [Music] freaks out [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody open your mouth [Music] so [Music] [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] [Music] sounds like [Music] sounds like [Music] up [Music] [Music] wanna go where god i wanna go where god was take me behind the wheels [Music] somebody embrace the holy spirit somebody embrace the holy i see miracles happening i see the glory of the lord touching many of you i see miracles happening all over all over your [Music] i see miracles happening i see chains breaking you see yolks being destroyed all over the world just lift your hands unto the lord tonight just lift your hands under the lord tonight speak the language of the holy spirit speak the language and holy spirit [Music] some of you are being delivered some of you don't know but i see demonic powers loosen you i can manage to lose you in the name of jesus every demonic attack coming against you come out out loose god people loser let them losers in the name of jesus wherever you are under the sock of my voice every demon attack every demonic influence wherever let me go now come on [Music] i break his power i can manage solution i command you to go in the name of jesus every stronghold every strong man every strong man attacking god [Music] somebody said go in the name of jesus say go in the name of jesus christ you'll come out of this woman come out out of jesus name take your powers out of her youth [Applause] [Music] let it go i put fire all over your kingdom i put fire in the holy ghost all over you come out of my life remove your powers remove your powers remove your powers attacking this woman in the name of jesus christ i destroy your powers every wicked spirit every ancestral power in the name of jesus jesus i destroy your power please control jesus name let him go let it go loose your grip from here jesus christ loose your grip from her lose your breath take your hands out of here [Music] i killed you [Applause] worms come out worms come out everything in the body come out everything that should [Applause] in jesus christ in the name of jesus i set up free from you you spread husband come no more to her life your time is over take your wicked powers from the girl and go now one two three go go leave leave leave leave in the name of jesus go go i see go i kill you [Music] in the name of jesus thank you lord [Music] i don't care what the people say i don't care give my life back to you [Music] thank you jesus [Music] in the name of jesus let every curse the bible said he became christ hallelujah he became sin for you he had knew no sin became sin so that you may become the righteousness of god hallelujah are we understanding together jesus christ who knew no sin became sin just so you could come into righteousness you don't need to carry your burdens like this you don't need to be attacked by the devil like this you don't need the enemy to railroad you like this am i talking to you you don't even need to worry about this don't even worry jesus say cast all your cares on me i'm caring for you in the name of jesus christ the name of jesus everything you're passing through let jesus deliver you from it let jesus if you want to be delivered to be delivered if you want to be delivered to be if you want to be something if you want to be delivered from something bad enough do you know even if they tie you up in a rope i unlock you in a cell in a cellar somewhere in a dungeon do you know during the night while they are not there you are going to be wiggling your way because you're going to start saying [Applause] you mean to tell me i'm going to die right down here in this place like this huh no so you begin to wiggle while they are there they are going to whatever you are dead the rope is high on you but you you're wiggling out hallelujah you're doing what you're trying to work your way out do i prophet when jesus is trying to deliver people they stand right there they say ah you know is the devil here the devil has me here so they stand right there like frozen chosen and jesus say fight your way out wiggle your way out of that pit wiggle your way out of the out of the dungeon and you understand it fight your way out in other words tell the person aside you said i got to fight my way out gotta fight my out of every pit [Music] [Music] coming in the morning in the morning and your morning time has come the morning is now amen so don't be wary and doing some things well as jesus said if you get too wary you will faint the spirit of wariness comes with an intentional mission and that spirit is to make sure that you never complete your assignment never mind on your rule to divine perfection you will hit many portals you will drop in many ditch you will even you may even come into iraq do you stay there where the wreck is and die do you stay where the wreck is and die no you pick yourself up you brush yourself off and you say hey i hear a poor rule and you just pick yourself up you brush yourself off hallelujah and you keep going at the end of the day god will show himself to be god i know i know i know i'm not a prophet am i talking to somebody i say god will show himself to be god so let god be god let god be what let him be god that's why he say serve god keep his commandment oh jesus christ i wish worship you tonight jesus [Music] is the whole duty of man [Music] is the whole duty of man it is the glory of god the honor of kings to figure out the glory of god to conceal a matter and it's the honor of kings to figure it out so some things it is for god's glory hallelujah it is for god's glory so we honor god tonight we give him glory thank you jesus we give him praise hallelujah we give him thanks jesus we honor god tonight for the holy spirit [Applause] mighty god i'm gonna go out tonight for our apostle hallelujah we honor god for apostle tonight and we thank god that god has favored us so powerfully and given us an apostle amen of faith and so tonight can we again appreciate god for him thank you lord jesus [Music] thank you jesus so we give him praise tonight [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus let's just pray for one more moment tonight just take a minute and just pray for one more moment tonight thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus christ foreign thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus foreign thank you jesus i want you to take your bibles with me for a short while and i need you to turn tonight to the book [Music] of revelation just go there quickly for me tonight revelation chapter 11. thank you jesus and verse number 15 revelation 11 and verse number 15. thank you jesus i just want to speak with you for a brief moment hallelujah i just want to speak with you for a brief moment hallelujah it is well thank you jesus in jesus name hallelujah holy ghost fire [Music] holy ghost fire [Music] holy ghost fire thank you jesus if you have it tonight just say i have it praise god revelation chapter 11 verse number 15 i want to just read for you tonight if we can just read it together hallelujah i just want to speak something in your hearing real quick tonight we're coming back tomorrow morning at 9 00 a.m for training for raining yes ma'am anybody ready to be trained for the for the kingdom amen hallelujah so we hope to see all of you with us amen those of you that are on zoom you will just be as much as a part of this as everybody in the building so you don't want to miss it tomorrow those of you it's not too late some of you can still get in praise god to register for it and praise god amen those who don't want to even sow you can do it right man normally at this time we receive your gifts we receive your seed so those of you that want to give you can prepare your envelope so you can prepare your apostles whatever you want to be however you want to be giving tonight those of you that are watching us all around the world welcome to believers tonight welcome praise god amen to am i amen online global church amen thank you so much for being with us praise god amen god is doing something great in our midst and we are happy we are glad praise god amen we are so happy that god is with us amen and so we give him praise tonight somebody said be of a good courage look at them say be of a good courage god is with you tonight god is with you tonight i can't hear them out there say god is with you tonight god is with you praise god thank you jesus amen revelation chapter number 11. i'm not going to be long praise god some of you keep missing your cues amen so when the holy ghost is trying to deliver people that's the time you are standing up and looking and then when the deliverance is all over you and it's time to preach the word you're sitting and looking oh my god as if to say hey what about me praise god amen i thank god that the holy spirit is the one that does the deliverance and that's why you cannot miss your visitation you know people all the time they they like to see and watch they want to wait for a special moment you know they need the prophetess to call the prophet to call their name praise god amen and then you miss your moment because sometimes what the holy spirit can do no man can do i welcome all of you tonight let's stand up on our feet one more time and give god a praise hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus amen amen we're still in that hundred and twenty dollar sea tonight those of you that want to sow it you can still do the number of overflow praise god if you don't have that or you can do more god bless you praise god amen 300 some people have been sowing it we've been in this season and if you don't have it just get the best you have there's no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus amen so the god be the glory tonight thank you jesus those of you that are visiting with us tonight we have people i'm told from all over the world praise god amen from all over the world if you are visiting tonight from somewhere wave your flags wave your hand and i want everyone in the building to give these people our believers fate give them the biggest welcome the biggest biggest biggest biggest biggest biggest biggest come on y'all make them feel welcome wave your hands come on wherever you are from thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus all over the world they are with us tonight on behalf of our esteemed apostle we welcome you and we pray that amen as you come with us this weekend that something great is going to happen for you and you will not regret praise god amen traveling all the way to this beautiful country amen called the bahamas amen let's go tonight to the word i would like to speak with you for a brief moment and we are getting ready for tomorrow we've been dealing with this sea this series on the end time praise god amen because why we are living in the last days praise god amen so revelation chapter 11 verse 15 let's read it together and the seventh angel sounded and the what seventh angel the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying and there was what great voices in heaven i can't hear you people reading come on i want you to open your mind i want you to read the seven angel did what sounded sounded and what happened and there were great voices in heaven they were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world the kingdoms of this world i become the kingdoms of our lord have become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and of his christ and he shall reign and he shall reign forever and ever forever and ever and ever and ever and ever hallelujah somebody say god's kingdom god's kingdom shall reign forever and ever shall reign forever and say god's kingdom god's kingdom shall reign forever for reign forever and he said in the book of isaiah when he was prophesying concerning the coming of jesus christ he said of his kingdom yes there shall be no no and now in luke 1 he goes back and verse 23 and he confirms the power of that kingdom by saying of his kingdom yes it should be he shall be called wonderful yes mighty god the everlasting father the everlasting father prince of the prince of peace amen of his kingdom of his kingdom so in other words every kingdom on this earth is going to come to an end am i talking to somebody today that's prophet you may close your books give god a praise hallelujah every kingdom of this in this world is going to come to an end but of the kingdom of god god's kingdom shall never come to an end god's kingdom shall do what never come to an end never come to an end amen so it means that that when you gave your life to the lord you can sit down if you feel like it's your choice when you gave your life over to god you were engrafted into what is called an eternal kingdom yes ma'am praise god is anyone hearing me tonight yes prophet when you gave your life over to the lord praise god you are instantaneously praise god translated to what is called the eternal kingdom which means praise god that amen amen this world is going to fade away this world that we are living in is going to pass away did not the bible say this they say yeah you people still here tonight come on just give god a little praise god this world that we are living in is going to pass away this world which means praise god the world as we see it now praise god is not going to last forever praise god amen the word i already showed you through the scripture praise god that man in all of his efforts praise god amen to amen to invent to reinvent praise god and to even praise god amen to try to amen sustain sustain himself praise god amen it's going to fail at the end of the day praise god setting up their own kingdoms in this world and they're going about the praise god at the expense of humanity praise god is anybody hearing me today we are your look as if you're interested praise god thank you jesus so man is doing what they have to do at the expense of humanity amen it means that that whatever they feel as if they need to do praise god to advance their agenda amen that's what they are all about doing praise you are prophetess you are sorry [Applause] [Music] whatever they feel as if they need to do to advance their agenda that's what man is doing right now praise god amen so if even if he is doing it at the expense of other humans praise god if he got to kill a baby praise god to conduct an experiment praise god just to a man to come about the conclusion of his studies this is what man is doing praise god so now you as a christian praise god i mean you've got to wake yourself up to the reality praise god and try to ascertain and figure out praise god amen what do you need to do praise god to sustain your life praise god if you're going to go to heaven come on prophet come on prophetess so man is setting up his own kingdom so when we say tonight that we are in the end times praise god i already told you praise god what that means and i already told you praise god amen that it means praise god that there is a series of events that god has said to man that's going to come to pass amen and what we are calling the last days so if you either you was awake or you were sleeping for a hundred years then you would have praised god missed some of these signs praise god amen but if you were a waker praise god you should have seen the signs of the times are everywhere praise god and so everything that we have seen praise god throughout the edges of history is now pointing us amen to amen to the understanding that jesus christ is coming again praise god are we agreeing so fast man is setting up what is called a one world order a one-world system and this one-world system is being set up for the implementation for the beast which is called amena in revelation 30 in the anti-christ and the reason why press corner to anti-christ amen even though we are seeing the spirit of the anti-christ in the world praise god the antichrist is going to be a literal physical human being because the amen that devil already understand that if it's going to have power in the earth press god or dominion or authority it has to use a human come on prophetess [Applause] [Music] a human being so the person that's going to be the antichrist already know praise god i'm going to peter and he's going to be the person that the antichrist is going to use amen to be what is called the false prophet already knows that he is going to be the false prophet i told you in this series amen that nobody is going to take the mark of the beast by shock and surprise everyone that will receive the mark of the pizza and their right hand or in their forehead is going to be sensible enough to know that they are receiving the mark of the peace because why in that day praise god of the tribulation you will not be able to buy or sell anything except you have the mark you know why prophetess accept me you have the man and so praise god amen we already concluded in our teaching praise god amen that amen that we don't want to be here during that trying time we concluded praise god amen that there are some bible teachers that believe that we are all going to go to that great tribulation but praise god amen the apostle and i believe that god is going to rapture the church praise god out of here before that time comes praise god amen am i talking to anybody tonight but how do you know praise god because he said as it was in the days of noah praise god no i preached for 120 years and then the flood came after he entered into the ark so what am i trying to say is that god is going to bring judgment on the world press quarter but it's not going to happen while we are down here this is the reason why you as a christian you got to give your life over to god for real am i talking to somebody tonight you that praise god amen i go to church gotta give your life over to god for real why because we are in a state right now where the rupture can [Applause] amen which means praise god the bible said nobody knows today or the hour where the son of god the son of man shall return but so what is happening there now he's giving you enough signs he's given you enough time to prepare but praise god amen he said they would be eating and drinking her amen people will be saying take your ease praise god and then leave inherently preach forever so people a lot of people are not going to be prepared and a lot of people are not going to be ready for the coming of jesus christ so that's why the lord said praise god don't just amen try to get ready but you want to be ready yes yes so be ready so somebody said prophetess what is the emergent what is the emerging church and what is the emergent kingdom praise god amen why is the lord speaking to us tonight about this amen he is speaking to you about press god this emergent amen church and this emergent kingdom because he wants to amend the pride to come to an understanding and to come to the reality praise god amen that something a matter is happening amen in the world and something is happening in the church and man different than anything that has ever happened before please are you hearing me tonight he wants you to understand praise god amen that the emergent kingdom praise god amen the kingdom praise god the kingdoms of this world is rising up praise god praise god the kingdoms of this world is readying itself praise god amen for their time for their time for their work for their performance am i talking to somebody tonight he wants everyone to understand amen praise god one of the churches it's just trying to get ready praise god amen there's a kingdom that is just tied to this world order praise god amen that is already press corner rising and lifting itself so emerging prayers god means it is becoming a man very apparent emergent means praise god that it is positioning itself to become prominent preschooler and i'm talking to somebody it is rising itself praise god amen to become a man very apparent in its appearance and it's positioning itself to become very prominent you're right perfect come on prophet preach somebody said it's rising itself it's rising itself to become prominent to become prominent prepare to be powerful to appear to be powerful praise god prominent it's rising up itself and the lord said praise god amen as this kingdom is rising up praise god amen rising up lifting up it's coming up praise god amen it's trying to become a man powerful right before your eyes and so while we are glorying as the people praise god it's in my corner i got 5g but i can't wait for them to bring out 6g come on somebody amen we are fascinated we don't want iphone 8 we want 1012 we want to be we are in the technology of this world but this is now praise god amen a display that the kingdoms of this world is rising up they are increasing in strength and they are increasing in power and they are increasing in wisdom and while they are rising up and becoming prominent and we say oil heal the kingdom all hail the king all healed this one and all hail amen trying to determine whose side we are and which government we belong to god has said take heed because why the kingdoms of this world is emerging come on probably am i talking to you yes ma'am the kingdoms of the world yes prophet it's emerging it's rising up while the church is sleeping am i talking to somebody today the kingdoms of the world is rising up while the church is not perfecting herself while the church is not perfecting her gifts while you're the christian prince corner it's not amen are you enemy tonight where you are amen satisfied with whatever mediocrity and whatever the devil present to you you just say amen please i'm trying to get you on the uh get a word to you tonight that god is saying to every christian awake out of sleep itself and arise from the dead and christ shall give you light and he said put on strength oh zion hallelujah so when you hear the word emergent you're thinking about praise god something that is ready to exist something that's already preschooler to exist when you hear emerging you're thinking about something that is now preschooler coming from benito coming from behind are you people understanding me when you hear the word emerge you're thinking about something that's trying to rise up something that's trying to mount up and the bible says for satan knows that he has been a short time so satan preschooler is rising up he's emerging he's raising up praise god amen people in his system and in his kingdom and they are boasting of doing a great work against the righteous likely and by tonight to provoke every christian to provoke every believer to provoke every minister to provoke every pastor to wake yourself up out of sleep and rise with power [Music] i don't care how broke you are god will put his blessing on you just to show the world that i can bless you hallelujah glory be to god somebody said i gotta rise up i gotta rise huh hey say i got to rise up i got to rise up find somebody to talk to say i got to rise up i got the right i counted [Applause] am i talking to somebody he's as a roaring lion yes prophet so the devil is trying to use anybody yeah so this is what the emerging kingdom is all about he will use anybody people that you know people that you love come on somebody to try to discourage you to try to speak in your life forget i don't care i'm talking about this world you know let me tell you all right now i don't care about this world everything in this world is going to fade away kingdoms are going to fail you better make sure you catch heaven oh my god what is this somebody said i got to make sure i make you into heaven [Applause] you stress out about the wrong thing heaven will surely be worth it all come on somebody the systems of this world the kingdoms of this world is going to fade away people are you hearing me tonight people are going to promise you and then they're going to change their mind i'm not talking to somebody hey make sure that your name is written on the last book of life hallelujah [Applause] you're right prophet you're right you slap yourself tonight and say make sure that your name is on the book of life that's why you got to make sure your name is come on jesus is coming soon come on somebody he's coming back again and he said i'm coming for a bride a dawn for a husband people are you hearing me tonight i'm coming for pride that has been a dawn for a husband i'm coming for a pride that has been a dawn of pride that is ready to marry your husband hallelujah somebody said i'm getting married see god said i'm coming back for a prayer and you stress out about down here come on chaplain i'm going to say it i want you to start getting ready come on i want the pride to make herself ready i don't care whether you use a man or not you can be a pride come on somebody come on you better start fitting your lace and quinlan come on somebody it doesn't matter my church i'm coming back for a church like a bride that has been a daughter for her husband what is this adornment preschooler it am i talking to somebody somebody said i got to get ready i gotta get ready i got to get ready i gotta get ready for the pride chrome i gotta get ready for what the pride groom so when he said praise god he said behold the bridegroom so in these end times in these last days you got to get ready for the bridegroom you got to get ready who is the bridegroom the blind as jesus christ i'm not talking to you tonight somebody said i'm getting ready for my lord i'm getting ready for my kingdom i'm getting ready praise god oh i want to see him look upon his face dare to sing forever i'll be saving grace on the streets of gloria let me lick my voice curse our pastor whom at last heaven ever to rejoice hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah am i talking to somebody today please am i talking to somebody tonight are you one that's going to get married are you going please go on the marriage feast of the lamb come on somebody that's how you got to live nowadays like you getting ready press court to open for the marriage visa of the lamb press court you got to act press god like jesus is coming back to get you to marry you if he coming back to marry nobody else see people christians you're looking at me stranger do you read your bible come on somebody rejected you here can you just start to get yourself ready for the greatest wedding of the century [Music] am i talking to someone he said no the pride has made us he said in the book of revelation 19 7 let us be glad and let us rejoice and give honor for to him for the marriage of the lamb oh my god i'm preaching to you tonight he said what the marriage of the lamb somebody said prophetess this whole heart just listen man i need i need a man before i leave here prophetess listen i need i got you to understand prophetess i understand may god give you the desires of your heart but oh i want to see the kingdom i want to see prescott my kingsman with jima but whatever it is know that jesus christ the prince of prince the prince of peace the almighty father to mighty consulate will never break your heart looking forward to my wedding i'm looking forward to my wedding please can you believe it tonight i'm looking forward to my wedding i am looking forward to my work i'm looking forward to getting married i'm looking forward to getting married so i'm gonna be wearing pure white i'm gonna be wearing i'm gonna be wearing pure white i'm gonna be wearing pure white all white all right say that's okay don't look at me like that said i am of the chin i'm a vegetarian god said you will marry he said let us be glad and let us rejoice and give honor unto him for the marriage of the lamb is come revelation 19 7. the marriage of the lamb is what has come praise god and his wife had made us oh my god i love the scripture as made herself reggie verse 8 says and what she was arrayed she was granted and unto her was granted that she should be arrayed and oh my god flying and fine lily oh hallelujah somebody said god is dressing me up and the holy ghost say the spirit of god is going to dress you up and holy god am i talking to somebody i don't care what you're going through right now and then he says you shall be water he has given you permission he is going to grant you prescott america the permission to be a reader and find lillian i ain't talking about this cheap lillian what they got in the fabric store i'm trying to find lilliana elegance come on somebody prestige oh come on now come on oh my god somebody said quarter is going to permit me to be a rager righteousness of the sanction some of y'all the devastation ain't nothing good it's gonna come out of your life but i came to declare tonight the devil is a liar is anybody here tonight he is a liar because god is about to dress you up from heaven fine this will represent righteousness righteousness holiness are you understanding me see on this earth amen you could wear all the white lily you want to wear you can wear all the white clothes you want to wear that don't make you righteous and that don't make you holier but what god is saying today when you show up to marry him when you show up to his wedding visa when you saw a press corner somebody said prophetess when is this wedding going to happen amen is this going to happen as soon as we are raptured the bible says amen the trump shall shout prayers called the democrats shall rise and those that are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet them in the air so praise god after we get to heaven come on somebody praise god the people that are on earth is going to be going super amen after about three years the antichrist is going to make them and that three years he's going to make them believe he's a saint he's going to make people in this world that are left out here believe that he is a deliverer he's going to feed the hungry he's gonna feed the poor he's gonna give miracle signs and wonders up to everyone that look upon him come on somebody and after that three and a half years but he would have signed that peace treaty with israel he's to break it are you people hearing me and then war is going to break out against israel the antichrist is going to show himself out his true colossal is going to shine true [Music] [Applause] he doesn't give you clothes he don't give you money he's gonna start demanding now if you want anything else to eat you need my mac you need my neck you need my back a man and your right hand and your forehead by that time so many people press corner could be so desperate they're going to take the mark of the pizza am i talking preschooler because they have already believed in him come on somebody and there are some people that are going to be on the earth that are going to say the devil is a liar i heard the prophets are preaching about this and they say i don't want your america i'm going to get my life to court and in the midst of that they're going to give their life to water press court but when they do that to because you will not be able to buy or sell people are you heavily tonight at the end of that seven years jesus is coming back this time he's not stopping in the middle he's going to land on the mount of olives he's going to come on somebody but praise god he's coming to judge the wicked and the bible said that all the wicked kings of the earth so he's going to praise god cast the false prophet and the antichrist in the lake that pointed with fire people please are you ready tonight he can run there will shut her upon the wicked the wicked kings to wicked governments to give people that refusal and rebelled against his kingdom press court that persecuted the church are you people heading he's going to judge them he's got a ring punishment the bible said that they would be given source that cannot heal the swords that are oozing out praying scrubber can never heal people things are going to fall from the sky can you imagine horses running trumpets blowing things falling from the sky and the bible said that the kings of the earth shall run to the mountains trying to hide themselves and they will say mountains are falling us hide us and deliver us from the face of that one from the light of the lamb is anybody hear me today the same people that's laughing at the church that's laughing at god that's persecuting god's people it's going to run to mountains begging for mountains mountain fall on us hide us from the face of that one it's called the seals of the land and jesus is going to unleash his wrath the church who are saved will not be here you are only people of course we will be there but when we come back with him we praise god for what is called the millennial press court amen up ten years i believe i believe that we will be there for a minimum of about seven to ten years prayer scored in and but don't forget now one day is as a thousand a thousand is just one day so it's going to feel like a long time but god is going to there's going to be a a marriage a marriage of the bride please are you understanding just where everyone now will have their moment hallelujah hallelujah for their profession everybody come on somebody that have trained their filthy garments that have had their rules that were stained with blood washed by the blood of the lamb have you been to jesus for the crimson blood are you lost in the blood of the lamb that's why you got a puss of air that's why i can't encourage everyone tonight you can't black slap you gotta let this stupid world frustrate hallelujah he said they say we say what god say whatever god say serve god keep his commandment that's the whole duty of man am i talking to somebody tonight so now what i'm saying to the lord saying now tell the people get ready for the marriage of the lamb get ready praise god to get yourself in the promotion position and spiritually so now what else is he saying tonight he said this church emerging the emerging kingdoms of this world is that what he said to emerging kingdoms of this world praise god and in the kingdoms to our kings and in the kingdoms they are what kings and in the kings they are nations praise god amen amen praise god and there are governments so satan is working his system through kings through kingdoms through systems you are understanding preschool remember pandemic was not a mistake are you understanding her but they will take everything and try to get in it to work a system to bring about a wicked agenda so some people are being told either you take it or get out in the neighborhood so are you understanding her so every wiki trigger shall be revealed every wicket thing shall be exposed yes ma'am emerging kingdoms and nations and governments and the pride of christ god shall reign over the house of jacob i love his kingdom there shall be no end so you have to stay in the house of jacob you have to stay in the house of god am i talking to you people tonight somebody tell somebody said i gotta stay in the house of course i have the same house of god i don't have time to go into this tonight principle for those of you that have been a part of the school of eschatology over the past several weeks praise god i know that you are being blessed amen hallelujah prayer scorn so what is god showing you tonight in the book of revelation 13 i don't have time to go there tonight when he talk about the peace you remember that had seven heads amen and ten horns praise god i might correct the peace out what seven heads and ten hearts this is representing nations this is representing what amen this is representing nations and kingdoms amen of this world preschooler that after years place quarter amen rule with some level of praise god of power praise god and control over god's people am i correct so this is a man peace that is representing the antichrist a political and an economic praise called rulership has ruled in certain kingdoms and the beasts had seven heads and ten holes i'm not gonna get into tonight but i'll give you an example it is possible that these seven heads will represent praise god babylon a syrian prayer squad amen egypt greece amen to all america and the media persians amen people are you letting me tonight it's going it's representing these nations amen praise god amen amen babylon assyria rome greece egypt preschool america media pleasure praise god and i will break this down another day but i'm just trying to show you something that in every dispensation and every one of these nations you will see prayers going on let the enemies raise somebody come on somebody with a wicked agenda because why the agenda was the snare of people of god the agenda is always after the church the agenda is always after the righteous the agenda was always press court to make people to stop serving god when i came back tonight i want you to understand that even though the name of your country is not represented in that list if the spirit of that power is still influencing nations is the truth it's still influencing many nations amen we can talk again about china amen who amen was amen intrigue and symbolic of the dragon of the sea that's why we have to pray bahamas because why i told you already her because she wants to make her way into our doors our corridors are and she wants to own the ports she wants to take ownership of our entryway our gateway our port because she is the what sea dragon is anybody understanding me today so these are power houses and power no i need you to wake up because this is now where god is saying we as christians you as a child of course got to start discovering your gift you got to start understanding who you are am i talking to somebody tonight i don't care if you work in a shoe store you better still carry an anointing i don't care whether you went to the gas station or in the hotel you got to still carry an anointing to know god you're right somebody said i still got to be anointed you got to be anointed to know god to know god's will to know his kingdom praise god so god wants you to know him tonight god wants you to get a relationship with him people of god because this world amen is going to fade away here and everything in this world is going to pass away so what am i saying tonight god said it's timeline to recognize that there is the demonic kingdom is emerging it's it's connecting itself amen but the kingdom does not just emerge but they aim and they lock they don't just emerge they can emerge and they interlock this why amen big companies all of a sudden now is locking and merging with other companies while this is happening the church is divided the church is so busy i'm pacing each other and i'm talking to somebody hey i'm like talking to somebody the big companies are trying to figure out how can they do more how can they do better how can they increase their richer am i talking to somebody you're talking about companies race cars that is taking over the market like amazon amen people that have a publishing company praise god for years have had to close down because amazon decided they did not just want to sell household items they wanted to produce items they wanted to produce music they wanted to create books amen they were no longer just shippers they say we were comfy producers am i talking to somebody we will own warehouses we will own trucks we don't just want to own no little track driver no little play man break up vehicle when you see their van come to the corner their vans are mercedes am i talking to somebody am i talking to somebody amen press corner they move in fleets their fleets are mercedes have you seen them before coming to your corner have you seen those vines amen in america coming by because now they are so much a man billion billion billion billion billion billion billion the women decide i don't want to be married to you no more she says to her husband does not work to stress her so she divorced a man but prince court when she divorced that man the man paid her out come on somebody in millions and millions and billions the woman popped out of court looking pretty and smiling i want people to understand the kingdoms of this world is emerging they are competing with themselves oh my god amen i'm told by somebody that walmart amen became so so large that they made it only it had no other competition it was closing down mom and pop stores come on somebody stores that been around for years as soon as they move in the neighborhood i had to close down because why they were packing so much power come on somebody hey man they were selling everything so even the christian bookstores had to close down because what they selling their bibles for oh my god [Applause] fabric stores have to close down because when you go to aisle number 15 the cheapest fabric you can find right there what is this the bicycle start to close down because when you go to the aisle you will get 10 bicycles out of there praise god but you go to the one bicycle store down the road it's expensive at killing you praise god the only thing i see that i'm selling here is weave i'm just trying to show you now why god's trying to tell you it's time for you to rise it's time for you to rise and serve you to god and pray it's time to hear what we have to go and pray and say god show us the way show us oh god your kingdom show us your kingdom come your will on earth as it is in heaven give me a wisdom idea i was going to give you an ingenious idea an idea press corner that will surpass the competitors i'm not talking to somebody that's going to make a way out of nowhere come on somebody can i give you a word tonight can i give somebody a prophecy tonight can i give somebody a prophetic word he could have ended up with shuttle instead of just asking god to give you a job or to give you more money can you ask court to make you press quota the solution hey [Applause] i don't think you're hearing me can you just ask say god make me the solution make me the answer to somebody problem and you're not getting me tonight i have to go am i talking to somebody soon so worries amen wherever you are tonight can you just i'll hear my voice stop asking god to give you money money money yeah stop asking god to give you plenty plenty money come on check whatever money in the full of uh in the heart of a fool will pass are you hearing me tonight money in the hands of a crazy person will amen preschool destroy them but if you ask god to give you wisdom to give you knowledge to give you understanding to give you creative wisdom you will be a teacher you may be a teacher and then all your myself god will visit you in that class and give you a formula and give you an idea that could change the whole world hallelujah somebody said holy ghost make me the answer make me the solution say it like you believe money tonight say holy ghost give me make me the answer give me the solution in the name of jesus some of you are like wondering how i can ever get out i like to get on the tap how would you ever get a house how many ever prescott amen get my trooping education how are you ever press court however get married as a poor man as a poor woman if you ask god to give you creative wisdom knowledge and understanding come on somebody if you ask god and to give you press quota a creative idea to give you press quarter to solution to the pollution in this world nobody will be able to deny you nobody saw will be able to reject you are you released as young as you are god could give you one download god can visit you in a dream and give you a vision am i talking to somebody and an idea that will change the entire economy that can change the medical arena that can change the academic stability in every country solution hallelujah not the person on the side of you say i can become the solution to the [Applause] pollution not the person look like they're tired say you with your tie itself i just want to tell you if you just wake yourself up you can become the solution find the ones who look tired shake them say get your tie itself come on get yourself into reality somebody say i all now prophetess i'm always going to be any solution then caleb left egypt caleb was 40 years old one day was coming out of egypt he was only 40 years old and the bible said that when they got to the promised land canaan caleb look around and caleb saw praise god joshua distributing property online to everybody that was there he's so just forgiven this one hey let's get this this ain't man there's ten acres for you hold on to that man when i finish sharing i'm coming back to you amen somebody said oh free jesus he get this one there fifteen acres a man praying squad he get the next one amen riverside property you get the next one mountain top kevin say hold on now hold on hold on hold on hold on how about somebody he come that press squad he said hold on he come never a spit of skin he comes up with his king and he says excuse me joe um what your name joe joe joshua i need to speak to you come here come here come here use a young boy come here and he said what happened caleb said listen to me he said well he was coming out of egypt i was 40 years old yeah he said i 80 80 now i know i 80 is easy if you don't overlook me because i'm a little bent over but let me tell you i am as strong today as the day when i left egypt he said don't play with me give me my mountain oh god am i talking to somebody tonight somebody said give me my mom trainer give me my mountain give me my inheritance give me press court everything god bless you somebody fight for it give me my boxing give me my possession give me my inheritance give me my blood right give me praise lord everything say give me my inheritance i want my inheritance and i want it now [Music] now in jesus name you in jamaica prophetess you don't know the dharma is so low right now jesus christ the dollar so low he works with any dollar you ain't trinidad this thing cannot even i he said give me my inheritance give me you come on somebody who's talking about me i ain't got no degree watch you by any degree praise god man you gotta you gotta you got a thermometer okay good but god wanna give you praise god your your mountain your possession your promise your people of god i just want to leave you with this thing but if you don't know how to go up and get your mountain caleb gonna stay right there talk and let everybody get all of the inheritance and they watch everybody walk off dancing shouting doing the japan too into everything come on somebody and they say hold up now wait a minute i see everybody getting their blessing amen praise god amen i was one of them that left egypt i fought every enemy on our way look at the pistols in my hand oh come on somebody so where is my mountain knock yourself tonight and say give me my mountain i want my mountain i want my inheritance come on somebody i want my blessing i want the anointing i want the anointed i want to see the glory of god hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord i'm strong today as the day we left each now we're in keenan we're in the promised land and you're trying to tell me who you my name is on the list no the devil isn't put my name there right now put my name right there but hurry up come on somebody add my name on c-a-l-e-b-b [Music] caleb [Music] give me my anointing people of course there's got to be something in this world you're willing to fight for in the kingdom of god the lazy people get nothing but people who are spiritual people who are go-getters people who are resilient people who got the power to bounce back to fight people who are tenacious come on somebody you will always get your inheritance god said prophesy and tell the people tonight don't let the devil get away with nothing this year that belongs to you i don't care if it's your documentary i don't care this your citizenship your residency i don't care press corner whatever you are believing god for fight for that singer come on trump you i prophesy that your green cards will be released i prophesy that your citizenship will manifest i prophesy that wherever your spouse is that the angels of the lord will go and find them and bring you all together in the name of jesus christ that wherever praise god your baby is in heavenly places that baby will enter your womb in the mighty name of jesus glory be to god [Music] somebody give god a praise we get ready to go somebody give god a mighty mighty praise somebody give god a glorious praise wherever you are tonight i hear the holy ghost it's time now for your kingdom his kingdom to come his will to beat china in your life [Music] somebody salty i'm rising up say i'm rising up i'm rising up i shall not run with wings as eagle somebody get in a position you gotta get in a stupid position cause before an eagle take off it that's a stupa i'm not talking to somebody tonight somebody said god had to let me go low i had to go through something i had a stupid loop so that god could shoot me higher oh my god oh my god somebody said i'm getting ready i'm getting ready to mount up say i've got a mountain with wings as eagles somebody said i brother i got to run i got to run i got to run and not get married i got to run jesus [Music] i just wanna give you praise give me [Music] somebody please jesus she feet i just i just wanna give you i just wanna give you praise i just want to i just want to give you bread just everybody i just wanna give you i just wanna give you god [Music] i just want to keep i just wanna give you i just wanna [Music] i just want to give you praise [Music] hallelujah [Music] my father is the king my father is a king he is the king of kings tell the person on the side of you say excuse me my father my father my father my father is he is my father you know that's my papa as my king of kings my kingdom is my lord of lords and i am his royal israel subject [Music] look at me i'm a royal princess i am a princess [Music] your father's not broke i thought i should tell you he's rich [Music] and houses is everything is rich and of his kingdom there's nothing to end he has plenteous and goods he's rich it's my father you know i said is that your sin father we have the same papa oh my oh jesus hallelujah yes we have to say father [Music] we have the same father so we have the same kingdom people amen we are the same kingdom amen so let us worship the king let's come into his presence i told you on [Music] young people and say you have to get to this place where you die to yourself get to this place where you die or you become point beyond recognition get to this point where when people see you you went on this looking like a pull you went on looking like a bull but by the time it was finished you you just look like something else see that's what selling out to god will do that's what selling out to god will do you come to jesus one way but you will always you can always tell this is called the brazen altar i told you when jesus finished burning you with fire taking everything out of you this some time which you come down to you come down to this it's not kosher it's no medium well it's not rare either i promise you this beef is well done when you leave this altar a prison altar you come to the washing basin when the priest been over in this because it is a reflection he can see himself he sees all wretched man that i am he knows he has to be purified if he's going to go beyond this outer court he has to be purified have to be purged when he comes up now he enters he enters with his call the holy place the holy place in the holy place is the manoa which is the candlestick are you wearing in that place there's only one but there's the candlestick so israel's con revelation from the spirit of god illumination light you're the light he comes to the table of showbread showbread it represents israel's continual presence continually being in the presence of god and then it also shows you the mercies of god for thy mercies i knew every morning grave is your faithfulness are you unless we have a powerful kingdom y'all live a powerful kingdom hallelujah this breath is changed every day every day it's not the same bread he gives you bread new every morning every morning gives you brand new bread brand new bread but remember i told you the priest has to dance is where he has to worship [Applause] he has to dance this way he has to honor the king [Music] so people who don't love to worship they'll never make it to heaven are you here so as you're coming towards the holies of holy you meet the altar incense and that represents the alt of incense represents the ultra prayer can i give you something tonight to go with did you know that the altar of incense is the only piece of instrument is the only piece of instrument that you saw in the old testament tabernacle that you see in the new testament tabernacle can i shock you but in the book of revelation there's also an altar of incense in heaven that's why the priests and elders they rest not day nor night they pray and they worship hallelujah [Music] day and night so this ulta of instance it represents prayer intercession oh tomorrow you're gonna be blessed so much those of you that are coming to my school tomorrow you're going to be blessed beyond measure so this here where the incense is going up before the lord and prayer it represents prayer continual prayer but i told you there's no other way there's no other way to get inside this holy of holies there's no other way are we understanding the veil the whole thing is shut sealed tight all around because there's no other way in are we understanding there is no there's only one way you can get in and the way to get in is the place now has to become what is called [Music] trans fixed are you understanding people this is the symbol of your life every day this would god want from you every day not just a apostle a prophet or some high priest you you as a christian i'm telling you you can enter bully before the truth of god so what does the priest do the priest goes with the ends in the catholic church have an idea they have an idea but they have you know there's a little bit they have missed the bus hallelujah some of them not all but what begins to happen the place worships because there's no way in and then he worships until now he enters beyond [Music] he enters where the ark of the covenant is and while he is in this place where the ark is at the bottom of his garment there are fruits and bells ringing as long as the people are out there [Music] they know that the priest is still alive they know that the administration is going on so the people will begin to play on the outside because they are hoping that the fire of god will fall from heaven and consume the point offering the priest takes the blood that he receive after you kill the bullock and the outer cord and he sprinkles it all over the mercy seat he sprinkles [Music] the mighty god he's seeking the sins of the people and he say lord have mercy upon mount zion for the time to deliver yay the set time has come and the priest is moving around moving in that place moving baby the bells are ringing as long as the people else are ringing they say the priest is still alive the priest was not killed the angels come in the mercy cedar jump out of heaven fire [Music] fire comes it hits the mercy seat the people outside begin to rejoice the people began to dance the people began to celebrate the people began to enjoy [Music] the people begin to rejoice because the glory of the lord comes down the glory of the lord descends into the house the glory of the lord comes inside of the tabernacle the glory of the lord fills the house the people begin to worship the people begin to power the people begin to explore the name of the lord for the name of the lord is the strong tower and the righteous running and they are safe for rejoicing and praise visit the tabernacle of the righteous for the lord our god the omnipotent king of kings lord of lords can somebody whistle my king can somebody wish my king can somebody bow before the most high can somebody honor him jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] holy spirit will come [Music] holy spirit [Music] will come so i say come come come [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm begging you too invite them in your house hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] holy spirit will come it's gonna be all right [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Music] i need you to [Music] begging you too yeah [Music] [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah somebody say come emerging [Music] nations governments systems of this world kings all of these kingdoms of the world revelation 11 and 15 jesus said they shall become the kingdoms of our god it takes people to make a kingdom but to make a great kingdom a great nation it takes people who know god so tonight my prayers that we will all know god emerging kingdoms nations governments kings let's pray that our nations will know god but if they're going to know god they're going to know god by you by us by reason of the church is it okay and no matter it's okay they will know us by our love i love our commitment to god our commitment to serving him by doing our best to serve him regardless of the shortcomings regardless of pitfalls or failures are you hearing it's just knowing god that's what it's all about seven times as a man for one but god picks him back up again are you wearing so don't let people beat you down and keep you down pick yourself up have faith in god have faith in god me i want to see jesus i want to see my king when i see him i want to i want to marry i want to be with him forever i don't want to be left down here people whatever you're going to tonight just surrender to jesus just surrender it give it over to him just let it go to him because we know it's not worth it some of you are going through some hardships you know i pray tonight for those of you that are going through struggles and troubles that god will deliver you from your troubles i also pray for those because i see some people go into some very hard financial matters i prophesy in the name of jesus christ that the lord god jehovah that visit abraham and made him rich and made him blessed will visit your house in the name of jesus somebody said i receive it in jesus name i pray to god but prosper you possibly you prosper every one of you some people are worried about what is going to happen what am i going to do i don't know i don't know they don't know they say i don't know god knows god knows you're going to be all right god knows you're going to make it you're going to overcome this trial this death if you have to send a raven to bless you if he got the sin of raven to bless you a brook to give you water my god god is going to take care of you tonight amen so all over the world amen i bless you in the name of jesus christ i bless you with the blessings that can only come from god i bless you in the name of the father son and holy spirit i bless you tonight will you just receive the blessing will you just receive it somebody said prophetess you need to rest your hand on my head for me to receive it okay i rest my hand on your head in the realm of the spirit just receive it just receive it just receive it touch in the name of jesus if you're not saved if you're not a christian give your life to jesus right now give your life to jesus right now i invite you to give your life to jesus say jesus forgive me of my sins come into my heart save me right now oh lord i'm sorry for every wrong thing i've done forgive me set me free in jesus name i believe he died you die on the cross he rose from the grief i believe this i believe this i'm free i am free in jesus name in jesus name if you just prayed that prayer you just gave your life to the lord may the lord bless you call the number on the screen 1-888-825-7568 let our intercessors pray for you we want to be a blessing to you we want to get a blessing out to you please we must be a blessing to you if you give your life to the lord you need a bible or you need extra help we can help you so please call up here call center those of you a man amen that have prayer requests you can still get your prayer request on the altar we are still praying for you we are praying for your needs praise god many testimonies you heard those testimonies tonight lady had a gun shot to the head and praise god amen surgery after surgery yes she had to keep repairing the eardrum the tympanic membrane and she said praise god and she began to listen to us just a few months ago tuning in to us now and she said then she went back to the doctor after the eardrum burst again only to her surprise the doctors say the eardrum is healed amen somebody said thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus because the lord jehovah make a miracle for him so so many testimonies please call us send us your testimonies your prayers report amen you the next one amen so senators let us know what god has done for you and we will appreciate it so much tomorrow training for raining session 15. it's going to be powerful it's going to be powerful so whatever you do if you're here tonight amen you should be here tomorrow nine a.m praise god be here or be square amen praise god come and be a part of it is going to be powerful all of our ministers deacons amen all of you it's time now i'm looking for we're looking for intercessors praise god amen praise god even if you are from outside of the country get yourself on that register praise god go to the lobby tonight let them help you praise god all of you to get in the session tomorrow you need to be in the session amen we're raising intercessors zoom warriors those of you watching us on social media all over the world you can be amen i am so proud of my zoomers look at them look at them giving god a praise come on zuma's give god a praise tonight amen let's bless see them tonight quickly quickly bring the zuma's in praise god amen look at them look at them i don't see that man come on bring them up quickly quickly operator bring them up quickly hallelujah bring them on the screen let's see them tonight somebody give god a praise for the zone warriors tonight look at them look at them wow y'all and they are from all over the world all over the world and plus we have some of our spiritual sons and daughters with us tonight from all over the world as far as canada as far as i mean all over the world praise god i understand we have somebody that's coming in from alaska can you believe it god knows they must have been traveling forever are they here yet they're on their way they're still flying amen trying to get from alaska in time to the school tomorrow people are and you you live right there on each street you you live right through the bush there in faith gardens shame on you i don't know if i can make it i'm sorry shame on you you getting me tonight so let's come let's reason together get yourself grown up praise god amen something in life you have to invest in your future amen so make it your business to be a tomorrow i see some of you are wearing your prayer shawl amen your prayers show up to god be the glory god bless you tonight so many of you even in zoom you're wearing it amen praise god amen as we celebrated yom kippur this week the holiest day on the jewish calendar so many of my sons and daughters were wearing theirs continue to wear it it is your prayer garment praise god is your prayer covering amen god bless you sister god bless you my daughter these people they don't they come when they come on this thing they come like they come in the church they come i'm unready if you ask them to pull out their prayer pillar right now they will grab that purple or whatever that is and that would be like i am so these people they love because see what i'm talking about pastor pastor sharon good to see you son y'all let's give god praise for our pastor amen god bless you but it is a great thing god is doing in our midst amen these are what we call sacred things so do we expect the world to understand this they then dribble all over their pillow and they don't know what they talking about pillow hey don't worry about this this is uh you're creating an altar i'm going to show you tomorrow how to build a holy altar under god and the devil will never want to mess with you like that again somebody give god a praise tonight hallelujah hallelujah call the prayer call center get your all all of us have them praise god when we go into prayer we go with us amen so let's do it tonight your prayer everything you need is out there it is the tools god gave us amen so to god be the glory amen the jews have theirs everybody have theirs it is the one he gave to us and we are so grateful clap your hands one more time tonight thank you jesus thank you jesus if you've not given yet praise god you still have an opportunity to do so quickly let's do it real quick praise god let's do it quickly tonight amen get your gifts out and man if you need an envelope and ash's passing some warriors amen you can still sow if you just came online with us this is our revival we've been going for over 500 nights and we are so excited about what god has done god bless you as people are giving don't just ever throw your money in that pan as you're putting it in there praise god say father i thank you thank you for my miracle thank you for my breakthrough thank you god for my open doors did you all hear that word tonight about the kingdom ideas about kingdom blessings about kingdom glory it shall come to your life in jesus name all of you are online thank you for sewing you can go to marryknowledge.org you can use your your cards your debit card you can go to push pay praise god amen cash app whatever is your choice praise god of giving praise god god is going to bless you praise god amen stand to your feet tonight amen if you're in the sanctuary let's stand to your feet tonight praise god praise god i want to see all of you people that are on zoom i want to see you all tomorrow in the training for reigning everybody already know deliverance is not a barrier i will deliver you to the screen hallelujah i will deliver you to the screen amen it don't matter amen god is not a distance like that he is a man right where you are so we honor god tonight what a powerful night i hope that you all were blessed emerging kingdoms nations governments kings and the bride of christ so you are the bride he's preparing you coming out of that city to new jerusalem but we will be a part of that marriage feast of the lamb amen thank you all so much we love you amen we appreciate all of you being with us tonight praise god on behalf of apostle dr edison norwich myself and all the prayer warriors and believers we love you tomorrow 9 a.m sunday morning at what time 10 a.m it's gonna be our sunday service amen so don't miss it people come come come every service every opportunity the spirit of god moves come if you need a miracle come if you need healing come if you need deliverance come if you just need a creative idea from god what to do so god will bless you with it tonight so we love you tonight give god some praise give god some praise we love you god bless all of you thank you thank you god [Music] god called you in the purest form he put his oil his anointing oil on the inside of your life you just gotta get our guard to give you enduring power i remember my first experience just to attend the class i was so excited i felt like i was going to a date lord i just want to sit you know at the apostle and the prophet's feet and i want to do those training for reigning and since my connection i can honestly say i am no longer the same amen when i came my prayer life has increased tremendously my faith my attitude total transformation of my mind into the things of god i just wanted to thank god and the apostle and prophetess for the training for reigning sessions my god they have truly blessed my life from everything learning about the carnal and natural man to the foundation the cake example i'm talking about the vertical versus the horizontal prayer come on truly i have taken my prayer life to the next level because of this ministry and i'm just so glad to be apart be able to come in if i'm not able to get to the bahamas lord knows i'm on zoo and training for raining at work the highly anticipated training for reigning army 300 plus prophetic prayer seminars with god's kingdom warriors and prophetic prayer generals apostle edison and prophetess doctor matty nottage continues to revolutionize spiritual warfare training for believers everywhere during each session believers prayer warriors and prophetic intercessors from all around the world connect with apostle and prophetess knowledge to help advance the kingdom of god and be trained in the areas of strategic prayer spiritual warfare and intercession so nobody really wants you yet because why you have not been finished you are not yet completed you are not yet past the course so this is what we get over so we have to mix you and we keep up to be mixing you every now and then in the church we have to add something hear a little tear a little we have to add to your gifts we have to add to you are y'all getting me today join doctor's knowledge as they seek to raise up a prophetic army of intercessors and prophetic prayer warriors through powerful teachings preachings and practical demonstrations to become spiritually skilled versatile in the ways of god and focused prayer agents in the ministry as the angels are climbing up the ladder the angels are taking his prayers no longer horizontally oh my jesus what is this they are no longer keeping their prayers at the same level but they're taking up his prayers to a heavenly realm am i talking to somebody as this praying to climbing up go on again take another level every level there will be a new devil but watch what the power is going to do when every demon does they climb up to going higher come on he never left it but it's pressed left and look at the angels you can join us online or on site call two four 1-888-825-7568-1242 six nine eight one three eight three visit our website at maddie knowledge.org that's the training for reigning army 300 plus where you will receive intense training spiritual stretching and personal advancement in the things of god [Music] you
Channel: MattieNottageTV
Views: 18,382
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Keywords: prayer, deliverance, Prophetess Mattie Nottage, revival, intercession, supernatural, prophecy, mattienottagetv, spirit of fear, fox news, demons, money, greed, TD Jakes, Haiti, Earthquake, Tsunami, ISN, Sid Roth, Apostle Joshua Selmon, It's Supernatural, teaching, MATTIENOTTAGE, PANDEMIC, MARCUS RODGERS, MEDICINE, STORMS, AFGHANISTAN, bible, gospel
Id: 88PDpuWU_fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 261min 6sec (15666 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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