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[Applause] [Music] spirit of life the words that i speak unto you the spirit of life the spirit of life the spirit of life the words that i speak unto you is [Music] lies my words are to comfort you to set you free give you liberty the words that i speak unto you is [Music] the words that are speaking to you [Music] your spirit [Music] my words have to come for you [Music] set you free give you liberty my words i took up with you to set you free give you liberty yeah yeah [Music] the words that i speak unto you [Music] the words [Music] [Music] my words are to comfort you deliver yours to set you free give you victory the words that i speak unto you is to comfort you deliver you [Music] to set you free give you the victory yeah victory victory victory yeah yeah yeah yeah the words that i speak unto you the spirit of life spirit and life spirit is spirit and life [Music] the words that i speak unto you [Music] the words that i speak [Music] spirits my words are to comfort you deliver you such a breeze to give you the victory [Music] spirit live spirits [Music] spirit [Music] is [Music] the words i'm speaking to you something's falling something's falling yes something's falling something's happening something's shifted something's changing something is rearranging something is turning around something is happening in your life that has never happened before [Music] thank you jesus thank you god for impressing you dave thank you thank you for this moment that we can come into your prayers hallelujah thank you for your glory god thank you lord if there's ever a time god we need your glorious love somebody say god we need your glory now we need your presence and give us your presence give us your power the anointing of fire we need your glory though we need you to say give us your presence give us your power [Applause] that belong to you in this day be your portion in the mighty name of jesus let everything that pertained to life yes and good things yes everything that pertained to life hallelujah [Music] that's everything that pertained to life that pertaining to good things to blessings [Music] that pertaining to good things that pertaining to good health in the name of jesus oh lord i command my day let this day be a day a great place let this day be a day great blessing our great favorite in the name of jesus christ [Music] thank you lord for your goodness thank you lord for your grace thank you lord for your mercy thank you for your mercy thank you for your favor thank you for your favor we need your glory lord somebody praise him i pray hallelujah i need your glory lord somebody say i need your glory lord i need your glory lord i need your glory lord i [Music] we need your glory [Music] i need your glory show [Music] we need your glory [Music] we grow [Music] we need your presence somebody [Music] ah [Music] i need your glory lord i need your glory lord i need your glory lord [Music] i need your glory lord i need the cry that comes your way down [Music] i am i send us your power is is [Music] is send us your presence is [Music] [Music] i is foreign there is liberty wherever his spirit is his presence is there and wherever his presence is just liberty just power just freedom judge victoria just breaks oh god not any anointing but a specific anointing an anointing of fire and anointing of fire never burned up a change it's we need to we need it now we need your glory to come back to the family to come back to marriages we need your glory to come back oh god in the hospital in the name of jesus bring your glory back send us your glory we need your glory love almighty god every man woman boy girl every bastard every prophet every apostle every church everywhere all over the earth we need to glory lord that's our glory [Music] invisible presence your manifested presence all that you are the excellencies of who you are the sovereignty of who you are the majesty of who you are oh god let your presence come again let your glory be upon my head so that everywhere i go favor will be my portion blessing will be my reward and peace will be my record in the name of jesus that will be upon your people today that everywhere they go because your glory is with them your presence is with them oh god no plague will come neither dwelling i speak this in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus let sickness run away from let the disease run away from your people let poverty be far from them in the mighty name of jesus ah we need your glory lord we need your glory lord we need your glory lord [Music] say i need your glory send us your power [Music] [Music] foreign we need your power yes jesus [Music] we need you glory lord [Music] i need your glory lord [Music] lord [Music] i need your anointing [Music] i need your presence we need your presence we need your power [Music] the anointing of fire [Music] why do we need the glory why do we need the glory we need the glory because [Music] you cannot make it as a christian this one [Music] if you try to accomplish anything [Music] in the absence of god's presence will realize you have failed and you will realize that you have failed miserably because the glory speaks to the manifested presence of god yes mom the manifested presence of god yes ma'am it speaks to the sovereignty of god yes the royalty of god it speaks to the very essence of who god is yes that's what the glory speaks to so it means then that if you are if you are seeking to accomplish something and the glory is not there it means that [Music] god is not his presence is not there so if you are trying to accomplish anything that you think in your mind you're going to be successful if you think in your mind that you're going to be accomplishing something it's not going to happen you're right perfect if the presence of god is not present with you this is the reason why mama in the book of exodus yes when moses was attempting to go and god was even the one sending him that's right that's right god was the one sending him yes ma'am he said i refuse to go if you are not going with me if you are not the one going with me to this place it don't matter that you are the one sending me god come on that's right oh yes is it tomorrow you are the one you say you are sending me yeah you are the one you say marry go do my work it don't matter you call your name go and do this for me go sing my sound go and dance my dance go go and be my usher go and be whatever he is calling you to be quiet director who won't be musician but moses was saying to him he said me god i appreciate you calling me and even you desiring to send me but in exodus 33 he said unto him if your presence go not with me do not carry us up from this place in other words we hate being in bondage we hate being under any level of restriction and even if what you are trying to do with us is supposed to be to carry us to a greater level or to a greater realm or a greater place but if your presence does not go with me my god exodus 33 and 15 i believe he said if it doesn't go with me yes you might as well leave us right here right don't carry us now notice what he said do not carry us do not what wow so it was even signifying yes that god was going to be the one carrying them yes but it means then that god can carry you but his glory still not be with you oh my god bro hallelujah oh my god am i talking to you this morning you're talking prophecy is saying then that even if you are the one telling me to go number one right number two even if you are the one saying you're going to carry me come on number three he's saying i don't care if you're the one that called me that visit to me and spoke to me in the vision i don't mind if your presence if your glory yes prophet is not with me and upon me if your presence does not go with me so it's signifying that god can carry you somewhere god can send you somewhere god can give you a calling god can give you an assignment god can tell you praise god yes i have called you i have blessed you i have even anointed you all of these things are happening but it is if it is void of the presence of god if it is void of the glory of god you are wasting your time you are right come on hallelujah prophetess that is so good my god hallelujah so the presence of god yes he's saying if you do not go with me i am not going to not carry me from this place people are trying to accomplish many things in life and they're trying to do it void of the presence the presence is significant to the glory yes the presence is significant praise god to the to the glory of god being upon your life yes ma'am the manifested glory what is the glory the glorious all of the excellencies of god reveal his weight his magnificences are you understanding me the glory is is the weight of god yes the component of god it is everything that god is coming in that place my god so is god presence with you if it's not with you you are wasting your time trying to do anything you're wasting your time you are going to fail it's going to splatter like butter it's going to melt like wax it's going to fall down like a creek are you understanding me people of god hallelujah jesus hallelujah oh my god it is an absolute waste of your time so people get up every day and they put on their crew they go into the shower they put on clothes they put on couscous they put it everywhere couscous couscous couscous and then praise god they even tried to put on some type of god right god right gaps then they want to splash old spoils all spice old spice but now no glory no glory no presence oh my god oh my god no glory come on buffet the young boy say probably this with his old spice trust me you don't want to know he's old yeah you say what is this thing what is the use of you trying to start a family that's right without the glory of god oh my god come on how can somebody start a business and the glory of god is not with the business hey but i thought only the glory is supposed to be in church shouldn't just the glory be in church so when we come and we can see hey no it's the glory of god on your life moses was nowhere in church he's saying to god he's in a mountain he's crying out to god in a mountainous region and as he's crying out to god in that region he's saying god wait a minute you're telling me to go up from this place you're telling me to leave for where i am and to go to another place but i for some reason i do feel your presence here i don't i don't never mind i don't see it or i don't feel it i don't even see it because there's sometimes the glory presence is tangible you can feel it you know it's there i'm not talking about your goosebumps i'm not talking about your hair raising on your hair or behind your neck i'm talking about there's a day at a time when the anointing of god the presence and the glory of god becomes so tangible you can almost smell it you're right prophetess jesus hallelujah that's why they came oh my god thank you lord hallelujah so you need to be able the glory needs to be in touch with you yes the presence of god it is the manifested presence of god that's the kind of glory the shaking of glory the glory where you cannot miss the fact that there's a cloud moving in this place this is why the children of israel they were afraid to leave egypt they were afraid to leave for several reasons they knew the power of pharaoh right and they knew that the hospital and pharaoh were being trained from day one when they got to egypt they met the horsemen there they met the charities they saw the chariots with big spokes in the wheel that could grind you right down to the ground they saw no other charity like that where they came from but when they got to egypt they said what is this come on somebody they saw the whip they knew the pain of the whip many of them felt it when they were mixing water and brick attire they knew what that felt like they knew the fury in the wrath of the pharaoh that would throw you in the nile river and watch alligators and crocodiles and snakes devour people they remembered they knew the praise god of a day when that wicked pharaoh rose up and killed every boy baby boy and moses mother and jacob had to run with this child and miriam had to watch moses in a river so they understood they remember they had a very vivid vision yes brother how about you so they were afraid fear kept them in bondage you're right so what god had to do was raise up a man sent him to live in pharaoh house praise god so he learned the weakness he learned the pros and the quotes of pharaoh's when he was time to now go before pharaoh he would stand there even though he had a stutter he was able to say god say let my people go he said i started with boldness am i talking to you so now is another level because just what happened to churches in the vision i saw we go ahead we do this we do that and we see where praise god we put so much emphasis on what we are going to build and what we are going to do and we want to get this right and we want to get them right but if we're doing all of what you're doing in the vision that i saw and i said where is the pastor where's the prophetic voice where is the apostolic presence in the church where is the set man of god that was supposed to bring for the world am i talking to anybody and i saw everything immaculate and everything in the vision i saw it in order but then praise god the choir caught a remote and they came up from the floor and they were on cue and they all move in the right direction and they all turned in the right direction and the musicians were on point no mind that some of the musicians were playing in the nightclub the night before praise god they keep on cute on the sunday and now praise god everything is set the building is huge it's big like a stadium praise god amen ready to receive masses of people ready to receive the laws ready to receive but now it's a voice is missing yeah that's prophet my god [Music] that's mom are you hurting yes the intercessors were missing my god oh holy ghost helped me today jesus jesus oh god everything was set the wife was missing yes the wife symbolizing the bride was missing and the people were sitting there like zombies in the pews sitting in the pews like zombies my god a dream as symbols may have sangs and a dream you will not understand right away sometimes unless you maybe have the gift of interpreting dreams but a dream is full of always remember this word when it comes to dream symbolism a dream is like symbolic in nature and it it may need to be interpreted because even sometimes even though you dream what you dream which you dream the dream is not the dream right it has to be interpreted yes do you get what i'm saying i'll give you some examples in a minute so you have a dream a dream is different from a vision in that it is in the same arena of the spiritual realm right but a vision is clear-cut you cannot miss a vision and most times vision does not need an interpretation because you see what you see and you saw what you saw yes ma'am am i talking to somebody so a vision is clear-cut this is what i've seen now i want to help you because a lot of people get confused i don't need to be sleeping to see a vision i mean i don't need to be sleeping right and if you ask a prophet god's prophets now i'm not just talking about people of the gift of prophecy if you ask god's prophets amen those who are god's prophets or even apostles ask them they can tell you when they know they have had a vision it is a divine encounter where the spirit of god comes and visits you yes are you understanding or shows you something or i have even been to where i've been carried any vision to a place and i've seen things now watch this i can see things right in front of me i don't want to go too deep into this but maybe somebody needs help yes somebody is can hear me somebody's listening amen but are you people hearing me yes prophet glory to god [Music] i can be carried to a place in a vision and this is what's so mysterious to me about the vision is that this is a mystery but it's not a mystery because i don't know am i supposed to share this people who see dreams and see visions they will understand what i'm saying then okay you can be standing right in front of people your spirit is right in front of them and they don't even see you there god takes you to a place to show you something and then he brings you back out of that place and you're not sleeping you are fully aware there are sometimes even in the dream in the dream that can happen also in the dream it can show you a vision in the dream so while you are even dreaming you can have a vision while you are in the dream and you're saying something that is clear-cut i hope to god i am explaining this the right way because i i want to keep it where you can understand it yes so it's so open up your spirit and you will so this where people are confused in a dream you are having many dreams in the night you don't even realize you're dreaming some of you you're in deep sleep amen and you're having many dreams you have many dreams praise god sometimes you have the rams rams rams rams flashing across you you don't even know and as i told you before sometimes you have a dream that will stick with you forever and ever and you'll never forget that dream but not until that dream will bug you and bother you until the day interpretation come to you yeah when interpretation comes you say ah you are so right prophetess oh my god yes it is exactly oh your spirit watches now you are void of understanding the dream all those years that's right until the lord speaks a prophetic interpretation through the mind of a prophet then all of a sudden the eyes of your understanding became enlightened and you understood what the dream was saying to you the very day you got the interpretation of that dream it felt as though a weight is something lift off of you you are so right yes mom that's right it's the truth i like talking and you you the prophet we were not even there with you in the dream come on but we were given understanding yes we were given what understanding by the spirit of god we were given wisdom from the spirit of god to know the dream that you so you have seen now it was sometimes in my dream clinics in our dream clinics people will stand up and they will start telling a dream yes and then i will say wait a minute hold on you're missing two segments of that dream right yes you're not telling the part we're in the dream so i was idea in the dream was i dare when they were dreaming was idea are you sure i wasn't no i was not no i do i have time to be in every one of your dreams no no i don't know so what happens look listen to me carefully with dreams and visions in particular with visions there is a rebel there is a spirit that comes to every vision and comes with every vision can anybody guess what he is is called the spirit of wisdom but every vision is accompanied by a spirit called the spirit of wisdom i can prove it to you go to daniel chapter two i believe yes i can prove it to you so moses said in genesis 33 exodus 33 and verse 15 if your presence does not go with me i will not go up from this place if you're present don't try to go with me i ain't going i ain't moving i don't care i don't i understand you are the one beckoning you are the one calling you are the one insisting you are the one sending me you say you're going to give me this and give me that and you'll put word in my mind i don't care god please if your presence is not going with me i'm not going to go and make a fool of myself because i understand if your presence is present that means your glory is upon me that means i will not even if i look like a fool i will not come out looking like i may go and looking like a fool but i will not come out looking like a fool i know when i deliver your word because your presence is there your words shall come to pass because you honor your word above your name hallelujah above all things he orders his word to perform it yes he honors his word to perform it god will honor his word to bring it to pass in your life god will honor his own word but now if his presence is there you know his word is going to come to pass the problem is sometimes we as prophetic people we deliver word from god and praise god it was a word given from god but because his glory was absent nothing happened with the word my god the word goes like this a tissue where he goes out a tooth a big sneeze and the word had no impact and without no power so this is now why in the vision that i saw i'm coming back to daniel daniel too yes ma'am he say wherein shall be known here that i and my people have found grace in your sight and it is not in the it is not in that thou goes with us so shall we be separated i and i people from all the people that are upon the face of the earth god if we are going to be significantly outstanding if we are going to stand out in the midst of all the billions of people in the world we need your glory to go with us hallelujah trying to go out there trying to do something silly we are going to look like we are crazy but if your presence and your glory is with us then whatever we are about to do that's why we have come into a season in an hour as bad as last year was listen to the testimonies of the people they were saying prophet an apostle we did not understand as much as what's happening in the world as bad as things looking everywhere it was as if we were under a glory cloud people were getting houses people were getting brand new cars people were getting blessed with whatever am i talking to somebody monies were appearing in people's account we prayed and prayed and prayed for over 300 nights and so when you are doing such a um when you are doing such a courageous act of faith then the presence of god is now provoked and stimulated am i talking to somebody the presence of god come on it's being provoked to come to the place where you are come on you are coming in you are bringing you drawing him in you're throwing him in praise god lust is enticed and when the lessons conceive it bring forth sin the wages of sin is dead well if loves can be enticed can i not entice the presence of god can i not praise god the presence of the mighty god by my prayer by my worship by my fasting by the word hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i'm talking about everything right now i have not even gone to the thing yet and i'm almost finished i don't understand so this is now being led by the spirit of god yes ma'am presence of god the power the anointing of fire together yeah so moses is not planning to go he's telling god right to his face in all humility with all honor all respect and going if your presence is not going to be here so now god has to put moses somewhere in a position to say oh you're serious and moses says i'm sure serious i've seen what happened to people who tried to go without your presence i've seen what happened to lot i see what happened to all those people like what happened i see what happened to all those people and nowadays yes i saw them i saw what happened now i beseech you show me your glory i what beseech you now all english shakespearean language yes i beg you yes that's what he was saying besieged but now in modern day i beg you in jesus name show me your glory hallelujah i'm not going from this place when you look we get separated and something terrible happened god my god so the glory is now a requirement for all christians all believers all pastors all bishops all prophets all everybody potentiate everyone all first ladies you cannot just have on your rouge you must now have the glory right come on papa come on so yes lord i hear you yes father he said tell the people this is a formula for failure without my presence in their life this is why so many people are succumbing to vices of the enemy that's why so many people are falling out in their mind falling out in their mind falling out where in their mind falling on in their fate so the dream is different from just a vision the dream is totally different in that the dream needs an interpretation the dream is full of symbols and all sorts of colors and things that you may not understand when you first see it yeah you know the dream that takes you back to your childhood house is trying to just keep you in a place in your in your spirit in the solo being in your emotion that is trapped a experience that you had at that place yes that you will never so soon forget yes wrong am i talking to you so but you can't understand why you keep going back to that old house to that old school and that is the power of that dream to keep you void of understanding it so that you can stay trapped by reason of your childhood experience or your traumatizing or your whatever was going on in your life that spirit will be the one that is trying to follow you all the days of your life yes the reason why i said the envision is different from the dream yes the vision does not really need a lot of interpretation it is almost clear-cut you are seeing what you are seeing you're hearing what you're hearing god is showing what he's showing you know without a reasonable doubt you saw what you saw when you saw what you saw yeah and you see what you saw because you saw it amen the vision is always accompanied by this one of the seven spirits of god it's called wisdom yes ma'am wisdom is present so this now in daniel chapter two where the king has a dream and he's outraged he's raged right out full of anger full of anxiety because he had no interpretation of the dream he had am i talking see this is where people go wrong they wake up they dream a dream they say i i don't know a stupid dream i had man a stupid dream and then they go right back to sleep or they got up that day they put on trousers they put on hair and they go about their day they don't even they do not even if the dream has troubled you when you walk out of the dream if it troubled you if that dream troubled you so bad you have to do something about that trouble yes prophet come on yes you're right hallelujah if the dream is troubling you hallelujah then it means that there's something in that dream you need to pay attention to that's right if the dream is what troubled you to such a degree you say ah what was the thing i dreamed understand i don't understand what that meant i was running you were running running running running then as you were running you were looking back and by the time you looked you were falling in a very deep pit or from a very high place and then when you fall you say i cannot get up you got up but you are walking with something in pain or your ankle was in pain or your leg felt as if it was broken then you must now pay attention to that dream because that dream is not just a dream to now get you like i need to go and eat now my omelet i need to have my bacon with cheese and i need to know that dream means i must seek out one that god has raised with wisdom someone that is an interpreter a prophet that god is speaking to or one that is carrying the essecarian anointing to be able to design signs and times and seasons means that you are in pursuit someone is pursuing you something is pursuing you something is trying to chase you where is it chasing you it is behind you so it's not in front of you pulling you right it's now chasing you it means even while you're on your spiritual journey with god even while you're on your place doing what you feel god has called you to do yes please god something is still trying to catch up with you your past is trying to catch up with you so what you saw at the old house your bad experience where you saw a child knocked down in front of your yacht or you saw someone drowned or you saw someone injured or somebody got molested or you got hurt in that place the dream is trying to take you back back there right the dream is trying to pull you back so now it's running after you now running after you yes always running after you how about preference even when you're not conscious of where it's running after you yeah but now because you're looking back and looking back is dead yes you're looking back you're looking back to see who it is what it is without knowing that you have come to an end of a road and back you'll fall into a ditch into a hole wow the falling amen amen it's not a bad thing because you can fall into grace you could fall forward into time but the falling into a ditch means that you're going down to a lower place the enemy is trying to pull you i don't know maybe i'm speaking prophetically to somebody the enemy is trying to pull you to a lower place at the same token by reason of your past experiences but he's also trying to pull you into a lower place into a ditch and you already know praise god there's no one there to pull you out there's no rope there's no ladder so in the ditch now you climb out you eventually climb out when you climb out of the ditch now doing this all on your clothes all on your hand watch this now but you're trying to walk away from the ditch and you're dragging because you feel as if you broke your ankle or you broke your leg so prophet what are you saying what is what is happening there it means the enemy is trying to pursue you by using your mind your past experience your soul rather the emotions that have been dense there's been damage the emotion the trauma that came to you and your childhood that came to your brother that came to your sister you saw something happen to your mother you saw something happen in your family so now it's chasing you because you want to marry you want to have children but the enemy from your past is who's pursuing you [Music] lord i'm feeling this for somebody today oh my god hallelujah glory hallelujah because you want to succeed so badly yes wow but success is even though it's in front of you but something is chasing you from behind and you look into your family and you say wait a minute nobody look as if they have gone this high everybody just went to this level but who in this family has gone up what's going on who has elevated who has gone to the higher plane who has gone to the new place who is walking in power is there anyone in my family anyone in my household that has the glory on there jesus come on jesus hallelujah some of you don't understand this how you're being fought some of you don't understand this how the devil is fighting you out of the kingdom trying to keep the voice from speaking to you trying to not let you hear the prophetic voice of god or the apostolic voice of god so it keeps your head down you supposed to stay around people that is just saying to you that don't make no sense why are you going to that church those people are witches they want you to keep hearing their voice that's right come on right so this why now in the vision i saw the church grew from a matchbox to a storefront look like a regular building then it blew up into like a stadium size my god three levels of praise got through three levels of growth and development and maturity growth development and maturity the three levels that is amen can happen in your personal life growth development and maturity spiritually growth development i put away childish things so you as an individual you are supposed to go grow go from from levels amen and god yeah the presence of god yeah amen you were supposed to go praise god from just being saved to being anointed to walking with power to now experiencing the glory of god glory to god hallelujah but the enemy will keep you stuck right where you are these are the people that are going to be taking our voice because in the book of exodus chapter 17 when the amalekites came to take the children of israel to fight them in a place that was called after them and there was no water there amen the enemy attacked them from behind he took out the weakest people that was in the battle the people that was frail the people that didn't have much strength he killed them he took them he captived them sorry and that's why moses got angry with the amalekites because he said you all are scumballs because y'all came after the weak people the people that had no strength no might to fight the people that had no no glory on them why didn't you all come fire us from the front come on somebody because the devil know if the glory is in the front praise god he wants that's why he wants to smite the shepherd he comes after the pastor he comes after the prophet i don't know why god had me talking like this in this hour he comes after the anointed people anyone who's anointed that's what we come after he ain't trying to listen he takes out the weak voice [Music] yeah why didn't you all come to the front to find us are you understanding because he know the glory is at the front the glory carrier so that's what i'm talking about now so two two two two in the dream you're running you fall in a ditch you broke your leg some people didn't even realize they broke their leg until it's time to walk some people don't even realize that they have lost out with god until it's time to do something wow until they're under an attack on prophet and they say why am i going through this attack in my mind why am i feeling like i need to leave the church why do i feel as if i need to backslide they didn't even realize they broke and bruised their leg a long time ago so in your dream you tried to get up and you tried to run and you tried to walk but you didn't realize you had already broken your leg something damaged you the breaking of the leg was showing you that something damaged you from way back there yes so you can't walk on your leg right you can't run on your leg because it's broken so what most most christians do they drag on the leg instead of going to seek help they drag on the leg that's good my god they try to bandage it up themselves right right but a bandage does not heal a broken wound right a open wound like that you have to heal first you need to be healed you need to be delivered so they're running on the broken leg they're dragging on the broken leg then they go to try to still do ministry with a broken leg wow i'm going somewhere and i'm good they tried to do ministry with a broken leg yes they come with all their broken pieces and then they say oh they throw on a shirt on them hey i'm new praise god hallelujah i'm new they put a new t-shirt on you they put some in it but they didn't realize that underneath all of that was mud but when you fell in the ditch wow so you need a prophet of god a true servant of god that knows the ways of god i can interpret this dream that you are yes it wants you to fall into a ditch so that you will never rise again wow and if you by any strange chance climb out of the ditch you are dragging on a broken or a crack leg or a bruised pelvis or every time you breathe you're feeling pain in your rib cage because maybe you may have scraped your rib cage so what are you saying prophetess before you lose me okay i'm coming i'm not going to lose you you need to awake and you need to understand that what god was showing you was that you need to face the thing rebuke the thing that's chasing you because if you keep running from it it's going to cost you your life you need to you're running but you need to turn around and say i rebuke you in the name of jesus yes i take authority over you in jesus name jesus whatever you demon is whatever you evil power is yes that is trying to chase keep following me because the chances are you're going to get married you're going to have children to tell you that it's not going to follow your child my god are you seeing what i'm saying okay so i'm finished the dream leaves you in a state of belief bewilderment shock or meaning understanding so as you allow yourself to a prophet or a sermon of god a man or a woman of god that person has understanding he has wisdom of god he will be able to interpret your dream right now do you get what i'm saying so now going back to the vision the vision does not need much interpretation right for the most part the vision is clear it is precise what god is showing you he is showing you so i can have a vision i can be in a dream and even me i can have a vision while i am dreaming it sounds crazy to you people who don't understand and today is not the day for dream clinic so when dream planet comes i will give you better understanding which is coming soon amen hallelujah thank you jesus so getting up and running does not resolve your dream waking up the next day i'm saying what a stupid dream that was god you have just fought the curse to dream you have not dealt with it you just feel the curse that you further add to the insult of the dream oh my god by calling it stupid so the powers that operate and function in the dream and say did you actually just call us stupid so we're going to stay tagging onto her like a menace so but wisdom habit wisdom will reveal the secret of the dream yes as was in the book of daniel yes and the bible said how the king was so outraged he wanted to kill every people yes everyone in babylon in the book of daniel chapter two and and he said wait a minute the people say before you kill everyone right why is such a hurry to kill everyone he said because this dream is troubling me right nobody i mean nobody i paid all y'all all this money around this kingdom around this palace i'm not one of you charlatans not one of you okay what does it call again the chaldeans lord what is this not one of you chaldeans not one of you majas not one of you magicians not one of you that's right sorcerers can even interpret my dream so they say tell us the dream and then we will tell you what to interpret he said no i paying you enough money you need to tell me what i dreamed so when daniel found out in verse the decree was hasty in verse 15 daniel 2 king wanted this to be different and he said if you all can't find the one to interpret my dream i gotta kill all of y'all so when daniel knows how to get daniel in verse 15 say wait this thing is urgent yeah and verse 16 he said tell the king give me give me a moment and this is what he did he said to shadrach meshach and abednego he said to them y'all what he told them to do go to sleeping they were going fast he was going to sleep he said i just need to go to rest y'all going fast i'm going to go and get some rest so which means even for to see clearly now the prophet must be rested the apostle must be rested daniel went and desired of the king i will give him time give me some time sometimes it takes time to interpret some dreams and that would show the king the interpretation after a while and then daniel went into his house and made the daily thing known to ananiah my shayal and azariah these were their hebrew names all right hananiah messiah and azariah they were given babylonian names chad meshach and abednego and they would desire mercies of the of god of heaven concerning the secret notice that he's calling the dream the interpretation of the dream a secret yes because that's what it is it's a secret is a mystery is a what a mystery a a a a symbolic parable a mystery of some sort so when daniel went in amen they were going to save all the wise men of babylon so in verse 19 praise god he was saying then was the secret reveal unto daniel in a night vision then was the secret reveal unto daniel in a night vision so if you can see a night vision it means you can also have day vision yes yes am i talking to somebody so it's showing him now in a night vision praise god amen the spirit of the lord came to him and revealed to him all the secrets the mystery that was surrounding the king's dream and then daniel said in verse 20 blessed be the name of god forever amen and forever for what for wisdom wisdom and might yes the spirit of might courage and power praise god is there might is present but wisdom is always present at the interpretation of the dream so even when people come to me with their dreams and they say prophetess please i i knew you i know you can interpret dreams what is the meaning of this dream you will hear me say father give unto me the spirit of wisdom and sometimes you will not even hear me say that but while you are giving me your dream i am already talking to the spirit of god he's already talking to me and the spirit of wisdom if the spirit of wisdom is literally the spirit wow of god yes seven spirits of god and wisdom is there always yes so and he changed the times and the seasons god is the one who changed the time and the season yes and he removed kings and he set up kings he gave wisdom unto the wise and knowledge unto them that no understanding so god is the one that gives wisdom god gives understanding then in verse 22 he reveal it the deep and secret things he knowing what is in the darkness and also that which dwelleth in the light hallelujah so god knows what's in the darkness yeah and he knows what's in the light he knows whether it's in the palace he knows what's in the prison he knows everything he knows what's in the darkness of your mind he knows what's in the darkness of your heart he knows what is the light of your eyes he knows what you have seen so every time you're talking about now dreams and vision you're understanding there's darkness with dreams but with visions there's light that's why he wrote and paul wrote in in ephesians amen let the eyes of your understandings be enlightened be illuminated become a shining bright hungry let the eyes of your understanding be enlightened so that you will know what is praise god the hope of your calling in christ hallelujah thank you lord so if the king wicked king is seeking revelation and wisdom shouldn't you be seeking revelation oh yes shouldn't the government be asking for the prophets to come and bring wisdom on concerning these matters that's right because in the old day every king had a prophet or a somebody in their chima they either had a witch or warlock or they had a prophet yes amen there was somebody a present close to them with spiritual insight and spiritual intuition that will allow them to interpret and know and with understanding the dreams that god is showing to the person yes yes glory to god or the message that god has given to the people of that day hallelujah come on prophetess so because there are seasons and times yes amen that belong to the lord yes yes and you could have had something happening a dream back then but now god because the season of change and the time has changed that's why i don't have a problem i haven't i've written books on dreams but i'm saying you have to make sure that the interpretation of the dream is relevant to the season [Music] this doesn't belong to god yes are you understanding yes ma'am yes ma'am are you understanding yes good prophetess seasons and times belong to god yes understanding yes wisdom comes from god amen so you could be chopped in a dream life that you had a hundred years ago 100 years later rip man rip van wrinkle 100 years later you are still trapped by that dream he slept for 100 years why it was up if the the story is symbolic of a man sleeping but in the prophetic sense i see it as somebody who had a dream a hundred years ago come on even though they are still alive and they are awake they are still trapped by the bars by the vicissitudes of that dream am i talking to somebody by the crutch of that dream they are stuck in a penny all season 800 years that's what happened to people who dream and do not get an interpretation to not get an understanding do not know what it meant it keeps you locked down it keeps your mind in a prison no matter who you marry you are still that dream visit you no matter what college you go to the dreams they'll visit you no matter what university you graduate from the dream still visit you no matter what church you go to you are in that church bouncing and puncting but every now and then the dream will tap you say hey come at you remember i am still here i'm still here the dream will visit you am i talking to somebody until the day wisdom shows up until the day you are connected to the right prophet you are connected to the right man of god the right one the right apostle the right prophet the right woman of god somebody that has been given the gift and the grace to interpret [Music] we give you glory lord so the interpretation the vision is supposed to release you from the bondage of the dream amen that's all the vision is supposed to now bring things clearer so that's why you talk about vision yeah 2021 vision yes yes yes 2021 vision ams if it's 20 20 you have a problem but 2021 the perfect vision yes is in there to adjust you to bifocal you so that you're not seeing tunnel vision jesus oh you're not saying division thank you hey man i see man walking like trees jesus say hold on i need to walk and spit again because why i need you to see claire this is the hour what is god saying to the church i need the church to see claire i need to hear clearly i need you to see dreams and visions yes they are both important joel two speaks of it in the last they said god i shall pour out my spirit upon all men and he talks about you shall dream dreams and you shall see visions praise god so the young is dreaming dreams and we the old old is not an age all does not mean only that you're an old man or an old woman with great because somebody have great oh they are seeing visions no it's talking spiritually it's talking praise god prophetically it's talking to amen to the season of your life and the time you have come into god to a level in god that is so profound that is so amen precise that praise god you can see things that nobody else sees and as simple as the vision is it has such depth it has such a hype it is so much a man full of the presence of god thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord thank you almighty god jesus thank you lord through jesus hallelujah so if you're at dream level praise god i will help you with your dreams your man but those that are supposed to see visions at your eyes of your understanding the enlightenment is what he said so daniel was able to interpret the dream he said that what shall happen i shall pour my spirit upon all flesh in the book of job i believe 2 and 28 and he said after a while i'll pour my spirit out upon my flesh your sons and your daughters shall shall prophesy shall prophesy your old man shall dream dreams and the young men shall see visions so there are some people that will prophesy they will say thus said the lord we will speak the divine will and counsel of god huh we will speak to divine will a council of corporate boldness but yet humility but humble oh yes yes with bullying awake paul with humility thank you hallelujah so that boldness is speaking to authority rights with authoritative power and then still humility humble humbly enough to know it was not your word it was not even your vision that's right you saw what you saw because the grace was given to you come on it was not you you you understand god use you god will use you yeah god has used us he will use his people but the glory now which is another type of glory this is the glory that's speaking about honor right goes to god so there's glory glory the weight of god the heaviness of god the cabard of god amen the visible presence of god but then there's giving glory to god that is the high level of honor that you you you you subscribe to god so that is now i'm giving glory and honor praise it is the level of adoration yes the highest level of praise is to give glory to god even though we say hallelujah hallelujah but we it is the very act of doing it it is the very mindset of doing it it is the very sense of doing it that is now saying i'm giving homage to god whatever has happened here i give all the glory to god all the honor all the praise all the appreciation all of the the credit i love it all the credit goes to god be careful because in this hour god will not fight with man concerning his glory you cannot just let god touch you and bless you and you take the credit back to you god will not appreciate that he does not want that he wants when he does something he don't care what it is you have to not just say because a lot of times we should be careful people say all glory be to god hey are you truly giving him all glory so it's called false humility so people like to say praise be unto god you know all the glory is all the glory truly to him this will be the hour the test of the glory because you better mean your glory god is not playing with you with his glory he is not going to fight and wrestle with you with his glory if you make god a promise that if he bless you you're going to bless somebody or you're going to bless the church you would better bless the church are you better are you understanding if you make god a promise and say god if you bring me out of this hole if you bring me out of this dungeon if you heal me from this i am going to do that for you remember now god is all-knowing omniscient you don't forget not one single thing right so you better make sure all your amnesia is out of your brain and you can remember every promise you made to god because this web y'all are laughing but this is where people go wrong when they are in trouble they say god if you deliver me out of this i promise you lord jesus i will serve you they even want to go and put on the holy prayer garment they say oh lord jesus lord god jehovah if you bring me out of this hole i promise you all the days of my life i shall bow before you i shall praise you i shall give you god i'm not going to give you a 10th a 10th is too low to give to you i'm going to give you a 20 of it my god my god prophet [Music] and when god bring them out somebody say and when and when all the glory is out the door oh all the glory they forget they started i can't make it out i'm sorry they start lying i don't feel well i'm not gonna be in today it's coming to you watch you don't feel well one two three there you go receive it because you are speaking all of these crazy things and you forgot to give god all the glory so that's it the glory belonged to god the praise the honor the credit all is the volume the depth the height the lame the breath belong to him when you do that now watch this that's you giving glory to him now he releases glory on you [Music] he will release his presence to be with you amen his power the anointing of fire this is now where you're able to do things you could not believe you're doing this is the season where we see as i said earlier where we're wondering what is happening this is unbelievable miracles are happening people are getting things that were tired for years are being released that's right people properties are being released people went to the bank from way back then the bank is now calling and saying yes how may we accommodate you i want to prophesy that to somebody today no longer will your answers be no no longer your answer be delayed but i prophesy because of the glorious presence of god because of the multitude of the visions that have been given unto us that you shall walk in favor and power you shall walk praise god in a blessed season you shall be over praise god overcome with good everything i'm not evil somebody lift your voice and get a lot of praise [Applause] god called you in the purest form he put his oil his anointing oil on the inside of your life you just gotta get our guard to give you enduring power i remember my first experience just to attend the class i was so excited i felt like i was going to a date lord i just want to sit you know at the apostle and the prophet's feet and i want to do those training for reigning and since my connection i can honestly say i am no longer the same amen when i came my prayer life has increased tremendously my faith my attitude total transformation of my mind into the things of god i just wanted to thank god and the apostle and prophetess for the training for reigning sessions my god they have truly blessed my life from everything learning about the carnal and natural man to the foundation the cake example um talking about the vertical versus the horizontal prayer come on truly truly i have taken my prayer life to the next level because of this ministry and i'm just so glad to be apart be able to come in if i'm not able to get to the bahamas lord knows i'm on zoo and training for raining at work highly anticipated training for reigning army 300 plus prophetic prayer seminars with god's kingdom warriors and prophetic prayer generals apostle edison and prophetess doctor matty continues to revolutionize spiritual warfare training for believers everywhere during each session believers prayer warriors and prophetic intercessors from all around the world connect with apostle and prophetess knowledge to help advance the kingdom of god and be trained in the areas of strategic prayer spiritual warfare and intercession so nobody really wants you yet because why you have not been finished you are not yet completed you are not yet past the course so this is what beginners so we have to mix you and we keep up to be mixing you every now and then in the church we have to add something hear a little tear a little we have to add to your gifts we have to add to you are y'all getting me today join doctors knowledge as they seek to raise up a prophetic army of intercessors and prophetic prayer warriors through powerful teachings preachings and practical demonstrations to become spiritually skilled versatile in the ways of god and focused prayer agents in the ministry as the angels are climbing up the ladder the angels are taking his prayers no longer horizontally oh my jesus what is this they are no longer keeping their prayers at the same level but they are taking up his prayers to a heavenly realm am i talking to somebody as this praying to climb it up go on again say take another level every level there will be a new devil but watch what the power is going to do with you can join us online or on site call 1-888-825-7568 or 1242-698-1383 that's the training for reigning army 300 plus where you will receive intense training spiritual stretching and personal advancement in the things of god [Music] you
Channel: MattieNottageTV
Views: 14,735
Rating: 4.9204769 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, deliverance, Prophetess Mattie Nottage, revival, intercession, supernatural, prophecy, mattienottagetv, spirit of fear, fox news, demons, money, greed, TD Jakes, Haiti, Earthquake, Tsunami, ISN, Sid Roth, Apostle Joshua Selmon, It's Supernatural, teaching, MATTIENOTTAGE, PANDEMIC, MARCUS RODGERS, MEDICINE, STORMS, AFGHANISTAN, bible, gospel
Id: ng2mdJPXRfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 27sec (4947 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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