RIMWORLD | Stream - Testing RimWorld Stream Performance (RimWorld DLC Gameplay vod part 1)

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so I guess we'll get on with it that'll be a bit awkward but with the let's play going on at the same time considering I've done a 1.1 Series and then I've got the royalty DLC series and now I'm streaming the royalty DLC thing I don't know how long we'll be streaming this though that's that's the thing I don't really know what the plans are this is where it just kind of initially a one-off thing unless there's like a lot of people coming in and engaging and stuff like that it's a really good time for everybody then maybe we keep doing it but you know as for usual I try to stream stuff where people will actually be involved and chat and everything like that cuz I think that's what's which is all about and that's what I would really like to have so we will get on with it we will go with I think just my expanded crash-landed thing cuz I kind of like starting with five people it's just a much faster start I like that I like that a lot and ignore this one that's nothing cuz shoves me around that's nothing don't look at it ignore it it doesn't exist not at all and we'll go with Randi I'm probably just medium though maybe rough maybe Savage let's just go rough I feel like rough Randy random yeah and merciless mode just uh that just makes things go apeshit right but I think we I think we possibly just pass on that perhaps I think could probably just pass I like it rough of Randy yeah yeah seed let's go with uh I don't know as long ball around well long ago has for the moment we've been getting kind of the random things so you can be the seed if this seat is just yes seed yes okay and you know what I'm gonna go for I didn't realize that this actually had like options between Wow look at that I think he added a couple of them aged to be just like the three selections didn't it maybe not alright well we'll have it like a bit crowded long boat can be the seed you know what I mean oh geez nobody tell him I don't think he's here yet I don't think he's in don't tell him or maybe do tell him uh normal baki probably okay with that pixal life gaming hello welcome finally caught a Yeti live welcome welcome happy to have you usually go for all the rain don't you just get like this shallow terrain for us that way then makes fires' a lot easier to deal with oh yeah I suppose so but like maybe I bring it up just wow wow that is that is fairly crowded that's okay hold on what's all the way crowded like I'll bump it up a couple notches that we'll see we'll see we'll see it what a fairly wet and crowded longbow is like we'll take a peek because this also affects the actual trains and biomes that the planet has to look if you make it super duper dry then you get a bunch a desert which if you're into desert then fine what what what I say geez get get your head out of the gutter wherever it is wow that's that's so Benny my god it's like there's confetti on the world holy wow that's that's a bit Benny but it looks like one notch is kind of okay is there still room for me anywhere do we know this my own little private island I mean or you know what'd be great is a embarked search thing so I could just like weed out the crap tiles I don't care about st. X never played a desert biome desert biomes aren't too horrible if you're like if you know what you're doing but you're looking for something a bit different that's not too wildly different Tundra and desert kind of both do that they're not terribly extreme but they throw you off a little bit I was kind of sort of thinking maybe like arid travel under something like that but we can definitely go something a little more wild I think swamp and rainforests are a little too extreme for me like Swamp is just oh god there's so much Marsh everywhere all the time always there's nasty predators everywhere the sickness is rampant Yawk Gail ooh welcome did the ice sheet do I even have much of an ice sheet I'd like how there's a single solitary tribe here at purple pit the nation of sure re actually got a couple places up here and K bar good I'd love to visit them and see how they're actually doing they probably have tubes it cheating bastards if only rumor old had aquifers and deserts all man or like you know at least two dead levels I always thought that the next DLC should be the performance would be asked because this games not terribly well optimized but like two or three dead levels I think would be fantastic like not all not a whole whole lot but a bit man this is a big planet there's a couple boots hanging out down here are they even friendly do we know the purple house dudes they're neutral and then sabelo tent boys yeah they're also neutral like a little buddy squad Donny I mean it's ice sheet which is like oh god you can't really expect anything at all yeah geez it'd be it'd be a fast run that's for certain tundra could be like kind of okay just this little itty-bitty ice she in the middle of nowhere here it's mountainous I can try and see I suppose I mean we're gonna die like kind of right away try it we'll try it will die straight away almost I can practically guarantee it a wooden hand full painful scar you are out of here to bite scars what happened that's okay though it's just efficiency personal efficiency though that might affect you a decent bit no manipulation is still one percent perfect okay intellectual crafting sure sure a depressive wimp perfect an abrasive jogger they shout insults as they run by what a piece Gary what a unit Gary is holy shet incapable of intellectual nice book sleeper though mmm-hmm if you're breathing too careful shooter and too smart you don't do carrier you can firefighting or plant work you know what that oddly kind of works we have nobody for construction let's roll out my god 17 burning passion our region leading master with burning passion oh oh hey longbow are you the one I don't I don't know what they're talking about if they're saying anything I don't know nothing nothing I know of we need somebody with like good construction I don't really know who to rule out here I think maybe this medieval doctor we can get rid of because it's not only going to be really cold and crap but that's gonna affect your act or a curse a your your building accuracy I suppose it's like the adult jealousy don't do violence five construction that's not enough I think addicted to smoke leaf you don't do dumb labor ah there we go found one kind ascetic or as you take one of those and careful shooter you do the building okay no doctors yeah well it we're gonna die like right away anyway yeah longboat changes name but it's throwing me off a little bit at board earth of numbers a couple people changing their names nowadays we have a -4 degrees fantastic um man I feel like the cave systems got a lot more extensive in this too like a lot more cuz this keeps happening got this this crazy little like a little little is Smith's or so some what all right I mean we don't really get much of a chance to haul stuff very far cuz we're gonna have to get heated so yeah yeah - 4 C and 2 pi think it's - 4 C outside right now I just took a walk in this at least seven wheels good business deal 200 of it there yeah it kind of is what it is we'll have to just make do with what we've got so come on in we'll go with steel huddle together everybody we have a bit of wood to start with right I forget where's the third split around we need names I'm going to just take things from twitch chat as hi have been tending to do four streams so if you would like to be a colonist you don't get to choose which one doe dammit then feel free to shout at me why does for C think about wearing a shirt oh man Zion getting in Zion Zin I see a gambit zero one seven why you get the unit gambit you're so lucky gambit zero one seven Neal Z Neil Z we got blue onyx and killer da [Music] and killer dar it's kind of like the XCOM crew really like this could have been an ex calm groove I don't think we had Neil Z&X come to did where did you die mark I'd like to know the story of that [Music] so who did we have who was actually like Coolidge shooting blue onyx is a bit of a sniper as well as Niels II blue onyx is also a careful shooters so you just get a revolver nails you can have the rifle look his careful shooter with the rifle is a bit extra I think oh we have to capture shooters no shot didn't even notice you can also have a flak helmet and a flak helmet and then a bit of melee with our steel mace and then gambit you get the knife and then the pants I don't I don't know we might actually keep our normal pants insulation cold 3.5 yeah 4.4 I think we just keep our pants for now feel free to haul those back bad but fad but but see like I feel like the music here it's a bit loud that man many tracks really quiet I think it is I think that's what's up get the campfire in there get a small steel table seal stools four stools one person doesn't get to you with us but they'll manage no not a new outfit I want to modify the anything outfit we're only stuff in good shape please solved concern tight it happened earlier today early stage oh yeah Niels II was the one with the mad eyes and mask of cars you were scary as hell you were terrifying to look at you're the only one doing construction sure [Music] rolling plant cutting mmm well we got some stony soil around I guess there's there's that just throw some rice I guess rice is resilient right fertility sensitivity hundred requirements seventy think wasn't corn really Hardy or potatoes as Hardy ATF indeed o Zion with a sneaky donation Thank You Anton welcome how you doing in a little bit that's also the same stuff maybe it doesn't much matter did it ever matter I don't know maybe and ever muttered oh there you go since this video 40% potatoes because they don't really care where you plant them they just figure it out and then we can like try for yellowroot it only requires 70% technically so it's there it works who is constantly vomiting Neil Z's ion Jesus Christ it's everywhere I just keep hearing it off to the side this massive vomit stream will also get some sort of need like asked cotton can you manage Khan we got food we got he'll root we got cotton technically that's all we need technically I think watch me be wrong about that man it's been a while the general stockpile just throw it on in here whatever it is why ever it is we have new materials and general skills ah there we are pretty okay nobody's dying yet I guess we can see about cooking simple meals hair like if you manage to find any go for it man it's actually like 10 C uh it's actually pretty warm I think I'm trying way too hard with this like this is no problem the growing is gonna be a pain but yeah well who do we got for mining a few interested people I suppose gardeners Niels II was rifle so yeah you can hunt I guess blue onyx can also hunt I suppose also take care of the animals that you don't shoot in the face feel free to cook afterwards only five cooking skill yeah I guess warden at basic stuff bed rest to cuz its non-critical doctor yes killer DARS the doctor yikes you guys have zero skill you've never heard of it like at all you've never even heard of the concept of medicine Wow alright well let's um it it's actually getting a little bit warm in there but but I might have to hold the door open for a minute yikes we'll just close the door during the during the night wood yeah there's like no wood at all whatsoever so generators are sort of out I guess we got wind turbine because at least we got like a nice open area for wind turbines so there's that probably just the one what what for game is that what it's not saying I have any what just hasn't been hauled yet okay they're working on it you never play in the pro frozen parts me they're usually I figured this time why not well yeah that's in the wrong spot now I figured this time like why not because but I figured it'd be like a quick run and then we could like go for a more serious honest attempt but this actually isn't oddly it's not so bad currently all right don't have batteries yet of course we have some reasearch batteries still Oh out of Steel you know what you can just stand in research I don't care enough to give you a chair you don't deserve it and steel to mine I think we got a deuce mmm searching for there's a bit here not super great oh look there's some here easy no no problem although actually with the water here shall the water walk speed thirty percent it could probably take them out that might not be too terrible and batteries batteries batteries do that and the research is being done by it looks like Neil Z with a whopping five skill excellent beautiful seems ayan is the general crafter after building lo annex doing the shooty shooty niels he doing a bit of shooty shooty as well there is that mega sloth I saw down here we could probably go and get that supposedly the reaction chance is only 10 percent wouldn't believe you if you told me that a while ago oh yeah you don't you don't know what role does yeah it's a colony management simulator where you kind of just I don't know expect to fail basically after a certain point but crash-landed survivors with randomized stats and skills and back stories and what they can and can't do and how well they do it and you just try to make the best out of what you get a bunch of events happen as time goes on and you have to just kind of deal with it you know what the door opens still it's it's still 16c inside - - outside this fire is crazy I almost like cray-cray do kids still say cray-cray probably not huh probably not we can get a heater going if we happen to have wind wouldn't we need heat we can do that because we don't have batteries so currently when there's no wind power if you have just no power you can say cray cray if you want no I don't think so I don't think that's how that works I would get made fun of no thank you I just don't want to be a cool hip rad dude ancient danger oh well yeah obviously doesn't stop me from taking there and so yonk my urn Sal [Music] where he's doing it I mean it's a big target your chance ahead should be pretty okay a 94% target size doubles and the man hunter chance per head is only 4% because of your sneak skill I still someone's grandparents know you should start backing off you did get to take out the lugs early on is ion Zion hope yeah you're just coming down to take a pot and here comes blue onyx screaming down a tunnel back oh good timing nice pollen Helen subscribe for two months on a two month streak thank you very much happy to have you okay we need to put your table which we're going to just throw at the foot of killer Daraa and gambits bed because I don't really have a much better spot for it I don't know jáchym I don't know we're trying it out we'll see how it goes for this stream okay Kimmy guys just like a really quick stockpile for like corpses can also go here actually just corpses how about all that up please don't eat it yet thank you for the subject them six months grats on the promotion nice also Quantic hello sir axial are we done well fourth oh hey buddy an arctic wolf I'll faster yeah five tiles per second so actually not a whole lot faster than us we're 4.6 if you get a good luck shot not be that'd be great phone for that steel there was more steel down here that I had done forbidden we should probably just make a run for it one of these days with the whole colony just grab up as much as we can it's a funny game it's kind of funny and that's like the thing though like they always say that losing is fun but losing and Dwarf Fortress is actually genuinely fun because of all the events that happen to create the event and Rimmer although it's usually just something stupid that just disappoints me you know it's just I don't know chilly something too cold you're an underground ER and you're outdoors you wait without the table you were disturbed while sleeping twice and the barracks garbage yeah well you know what until we get some more steel you guys are bunking together I don't know what the ouya a bunch of the creature man it's so warm outside Oh weird cut for three days how good then how long that meets good for everywhere on the ground yeah two days no cool okay well you're making some meals they got four days to them so I guess there's that we can we can store them up here this is gonna be our fridge don't don't roof this though I'll say that that's a remove roof area don't don't put them there it's a natural fridge you got to go out into the cold box to get your meal in Thor fortress he threw a pregnant female dwarf until volcano and watch them give birth then recount the seconds and call it deep science and dwarf fortress you throw your child by the eyelid it crosses a room and stab your wife I mean that that's how goes down into our fortress and rural it's like now you had like just Mecca Knights or something like that and they just they just died oh okay oh yeah there's an infestation you got a type of like 70 70 bugs crews door is still open and it's 26c in there now Parker Paz yeah gross no off game nutrient paste meals disgusting icky who actually wants those and no I don't care if you saw the video saying that the nutria paste dispenser is some secret hidden gem no that's not it's not secret it's not hidden it's not a job Oh won't they decay to the unroofed technically but I think they would otherwise sooner spoil I'll have to see and they're just putting all the in the MRA is up there come on guys not not the MREs not those and not the nutrient paste mules either though the meals the proper meals please one at a time - fantastic here just drop it on the floor when you're done just count them out please it's funny watching Eddy play this game it's miserable for you playing it I can see that like it's definitely one of those games where it requires a certain amount of focus and a lot of like in a lot of cases where you don't necessarily want to be playing it like he kind of have to be in a mood to play it and so much is just watching somebody else play it then does whatever happens it's not your problem you're just watching something new in like four months what do you mean you think I'll be streaming this for four months a bit of a sadist when you playroom rolled any other game you try really hard to build the best stuff so you build garbage and rubble Oh neat defenses oh yeah these pirate raids gambit gambit gambit steal yourself there's a wolf coming after you you're being hunted everybody wake the hell up gambit you're gonna have to wall yourself in maybe with your zero construction skill gambit there's a lot of Steel here you can do this gambit your skill is zero you've never heard of constructing before but gambit your life depends on it build this wall even a blueprint Rex Thank You gambit it does work right oh a blueprints not enough anymore gambit get back in there you have to build this wall man don't up don't up come on colony no don't up gambit build a bill to build it no not quite not quite almost damn near camp it damn near you'll see with the rifle line up the shot oh wow you did it well that wasn't so bad it went for your ears oddly cool hold on hold all that hold all that transpire then it's your jaw leaving some tears in the skin you try to stab at Bicester then guy in the wolf farm you missed again and then a guy your ear left to go where you wound and then you got it in the body you got a second hit a puncture from the knife point oh no this is the body head I think puncture from the knifes point piercing the wolf's left lung and also body and the Niazi opened fire with the bolt action rifle as you do then gambit with the knife's blade ensuring the left paw body and rear leg leaving a horrific wound man what a cleave when she learned grant cleave Jesus Christ comfort and then he got it into loggin and got it dud man what for the years trying to prevent him from hearing me ah man it could be it alright I'm not giving a medicine gambit so here's what I'm gonna do is I need you to mind that I need you to mine up like pretty badly so I'm just gonna go ahead and build you a sarcophaga know a sleeping spot and then yeah medical sleeping spot rest rest there and while it's on my mind herbal medicine or worse for everybody please thank you and the doctor it's killer dog okay this is why you're not getting medicine gambit I guess I'll just like push this skin flap into this other skin flap and like seal it with the blood do you like it like an envelope to close it and seal it oh geez oh okay that's from before I thought there was another one coming by alright and can me okay can we move these meals I on here's what I'll do the whole room is a stockpile hop on alright move these out of here oops move them out of here and then quit eating them they're forbidden somebody left the steaks on the fire good thing this is the Sims I'll be doing here Wow surprisingly okay 19% quality bandage 18% quality bandage 27% quality bandage you reset a cracked jaw with one medical skill who kneels II tried to woo blue own expire at servation about the connection between charity and identity who a nurse responded well well that's uh what a what a hot hot topic to talk about for something Jesus all right no more bad Thank You gambit back to work yeah okay fine fine is anybody else mining oh wait no not to load our kind of growing plant cutting Neil's II by doing research right okay so like not not really we need to get the rest of that food cooked luolan X you up for that you're on it it's too cold to get an infection you'd think so it's it's warm it's eight seven Co like should I can't too bad at all I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit like I don't know 50 maybe oh yeah and forbid those meals those are for emergencies follow the plus side we got simple meals up like fast really fast yeah deteriorating because they're unroofed and outdoors so they're at 45 out of 50 health but that's okay blue onyx feels like shooting some stuff I don't know man whatever you want the hare ate the MRE what a piece of good thing we shot at dead eh I mean I knew that I saw it that's that's why I opened fire yeah totally now I think we just keep working on some steel 551 steel maybe we actually move the steel outside also like building materials and stuff out here how about that because this stuff doesn't have health it doesn't deteriorate by sitting outside the components do but components are not a raw research they are considered a manufactured resource they're not a manufactured research they're considered and general item they're not a general item either they are considered a I don't know I don't know what they are we'll see if they move on I don't know that damn menu needs a search really badly I think I'll get out of it without being infected thankfully it's just ears and we have 12 health you're already at nine out of 12 health so at 10 out of 12 health so been like I don't know 6 hours like basically shortly after you wake up you'll be fine not a problem a bit of hard snow going on now hmm here's their horseshoe pin in the middle of just everything you'll see watch out for the horseshoes flying overhead this is the wimpy countess being followed by an angry goose that's a dope that's nothing minor like hell the geese are mean they're damn mean they got teeth I'll do it uh who wants to be who wants to be royalty what do we want them on that ice sheets flying around oh god no please Tinky Tinky wants to be royalty you're not in the list the unit gambit who wants to be dead that won't die I think gambit could make a good one you're nothing really too fancy you're a records Explorer who became a medieval farm of weird combination gambit the wolf King a second for gambit someone who was into really good in combat maybe I can be good in combat that's fine I'm thinking gambit and there they are invisibility where'll okay so you've got level 5 stuff yeah level 6 stuff Wow okay drive nearby animals into a man hunting rage using a psychic pulse that's a good everybody chaos skip to teleport to target to run a position here where they started focus to just basically buff somebody can you buff yourself because you're slow as okay does it been fast brought you up to 5.5 - wow that really boosts it gambits your honor don't perform your royal duties to the best of your abilities I hope not you better be at being royalty that's the best kind of royalty and there's the goose Barret as it's mad as hell i'll faster you are only 2.3 all they meant so bad that ain't so bad yeah hark that makes terrifying noises rod it's so far away hugely outrunning it kill it R stand by you guys working on the steel actually can beat whoops all work on the steel you all see you never do hauling what do you do you do shooting shooting and cooking but cooking's considered commoner working pretty sure now that you do basically nothing okay good oh come on goose let's go the shuttles here already the very loud shuttle so fun fact the shuttle only has a thousand health you fill the quest if you attack the shovel shuttle and destroy but it does have advanced components and a bit of plasteel raro hold snap okay winters actually starting guys be ready for it major a break risk why the psychic hangover buzzing hi could you both be buffed yourself okay let's just get you to maybe haul ass he'll ever stand by Zion watch out for the goose well let's get you into the shuttle as quickly as you can that goose went down fast refocus haul ass wow it's so far away what happened to it Zion just annihilated its heart with one shot good heads I on a damn alright problem solved you just need to not break that's all that needs to happen just don't break go go go go go okay gamba is now a yeoman and there is your psychic amplifier sir it goes in the eye our usage hi oi you guy kill it gambit it's pathetic noises recorded that I want names who's responsible for the voice of snow hair get out of the doorway close the door now EDF didn't do the voice for it good try two months out of 11 thank you very much I you'd the one next month for your promotion yeah Microsoft me trotting away didn't cook it in time but we didn't have enough to cook so and it is what it is frozen won't spoil yeah yeah I mean we I guess I could build a roof area for it everybody just having a nice chitchat we need to turn this into steel because we don't have any wood we did the construction is that Niazi gambit technically doesn't how because I told them to at Zion okay Zion get on it because it's cold enough it should stay frozen so no problem there we have a heater it is doing its thing so that's good we're completely out of wood though from ma feeling the campfire it's a bit of a problem double beds for two lovers do I have two lovers and Gilzean Niels Ian blue Onix Oh or do you mean because they are - they're a pair I think I know what you mean go Niels iam blue onyx sure rip them down and that's our putback kind of sort of and don't refuel that please we all build with those beds a double bud be fast as ion wait let's steal double but I don't actually want what I just forgot we have actually a bit of Steel yeah you're on it no wood the wood will eventually deteriorate and the batteries don't think for that okay let's go for man week I guess we could maybe go for a tree sawing I suppose it's like a better sooner than later type thing gas maybe a hydroponics but they're so absurdly expensive power was we do have geothermal vents one of them's like pretty nearby I just saw it a bit eco looking for the Oh right there two of them nearby uh although that one's kind of in a weird spot that's not terribly far away though gambits deserves a double but now that your royalty I play said you were gonna be a good royal person what is this mandating a double bed for yourself nah okay there we are that was Neil Z and killer dark no Neil Z and blue onyx right there you go and it says minus two degrees inside that's let's refuel the campfire although just as I did that we got a bit of wind and the heater kicks in god dammit a bunch of went to AA let's get those batteries in a royal bed Oh that'd be cool if we could make like wolf skin sheets and stuff like that I guess if we want you to be the wolf King you could yell Z what are you doing out there Neil Z like the up what a bad sleep with your lover rough relationship already huh you know I know it colonists are hard to please I can't imagine [Music] but heater is doing a great job maintaining 20/21 see very easily with us and we got a bit of battery now so even though there's no wind sometimes we should still be able to keep heated and with that we can continue do we just like live in the mountain killer dar on an insulting spray-on glue on Excel this is the best I love this you just stock the guy hurling insults constantly because you're cold apparently flagrantly disrespecting blue onyx is highteeeee coloured are you dick hates you follow him around just insults constantly I love it the coalition of the new SIA Papa would the kind of name does a Kazan Papa would you alright sure that's okay blue Warnock she doesn't mean it he's just having a rough day it's really cold it's so cold outside of this very comfortably warm room he just couldn't take it anymore or so I don't know man we have a decent amount of Steel we could go ahead and I guess we'll just be mountain people or something I don't know typically that's a really bad idea and this game nowadays but you know what hope will do it I'll do it mountain people let's go you guys get small rooms though three by four that's it that's all I'm not doing anymore that's all you again that's what she can be happy with there's the sleeping quarters you're lucky even get that that's a very narrow hallway can we be a bit more our word for fortress now absolutely just sitting there minding your own business throwing horseshoes into this killer dark talking about the height blue annexes uncle's animal taming ability what a weird insult sure and then called blue onyx and ibis and then hurled invective about blue annexes family background and also blue onyx is opinions a frock your family and also what you think your uncle couldn't hunt or whatever it was I don't even know and I guess if you guys got nothing better to do we can sense you guys to for for mining because why not because why not they'll be really super slow at it but hey even super slow is better than none happening at all and they're getting frozen outside so not to worry about that we could see about getting a proper freezer setup which I guess could just be like an expansion upon this we could kind of make that work and be like there's the freezer don't actually do that yet but like there's the freezer the way into the freezer for the cook and maybe like the way in for the butcher or so dump them like that and then the general dining area thing I guess maybe jáchym time to get something to eat see in a few months I won't be that long we're just a one-off type thing I will see how the viewership and engagement and all that is we'll see gambits had an office ball will catch the Varg if to see if you make more demands all right gambit thanks for stopping in have a good one yes she don't get you started on pyromaniacs one of her first counties went up in flames they set some chem fill on fire yet can feel stored in the generals stockpile who knew oh geez killer dart couldn't reach couldn't reach gambit so they're just focusing on somebody else now or they couldn't reach blue or Nexus they're working on gambit or something man a rude at least it's alright now finally got some nice sleep what can I do for you insulted times 10 minus 33 mood ah it's something to heat my off it's not that hot come on just move and if we dresser yeah it's like a community dresser nice will for the moment throw that they're not out of steel please it's like okay the end table I don't think directly adjacent to the head of the bed right you know okay well that can maybe work for those and then just a community dresser I don't know why not seems to be okay since then you've been making chem fuel storage bunkers yeah you kind of have to annoyingly countess will still be line turret it because they just I don't know they know that's the most effective way to the colony I guess I don't know yeah 0.85 comfort no not that you really needed to be higher than point eight spittle well and this guy point nine five comfort because it's a good bet by default nice so gambit has the best bed at least there's that I did it out a steel on purpose I don't have that much wood Steel's fine I should probably switch all of them over to steel honestly and looks like we've reached the end of this steel which is fine by me what happened to two point hospital we are side tracking is an experiment test type thing we'll see how this goes I don't know we'll see I'll probably get back to it though we're like Sunday's gym or something I don't know we'll see apparently I've got some frame droppage going on mm-hmm nothing terrible looks like it was just a pretty small hiccup just done under random this is zero point Hospital nobody has any points of medicine there you go it's a hot hot new game oh we got one guy with a pointed medical and starvation yeah that that's happening we need to which oh that's not about do forever will that be why get that butchering he's doing that blue on axis okay don't eat the rock goose okay the campfires out let's just build a electric stove how about I'm sure we can afford it production electric stove just here in the middle of kind of everything nobody eat for a minute Zion you gotta wake out brick on the stove don't don't eat that gambit you either don't eat that just everybody stay put those paints meals no never don't ever suggest as a horrible thing we are fine everyone actually cook I've got we could go go go go go they're still storing them up there okay Xion you can eat ah blue onyx what a ninja and another butcher real fast sure fine you know what actually yeah just drop these on the floor for now we got plenty of people who can hold it gambits can eat gambits doesn't want to eat Neil's e no no I think blue 1x actually pocketed that one damn it nope Oh guys it just quit pocketing the meals and stuff to be a lot easier okay has everybody eaten are we good now I think we're re okay we're good I don't want to dip into the Emery's yet okay so hunting not a lot of good hunting coming on there's a wolf is anybody you want a wolf go for the a wolf with Neal Z and blue onyx I think I'll have the two of you like work together on it in case it retaliates and stuff like that any bugs on the map yeah absolutely we got it we got caves their dormant hives so I don't have to really deal with them for a while but they're there they are there there's a third one [Music] Neels II take the shot 27% not awesome hulloa next be ready to run like kind of fast it's not retaliating oh it's only 5.2% manhunter chance manta t nerf these values like a bunch things used to go ballistic pretty much right away all the time yeah not really you'll see just wait there a minute and retaliated all what a wimp what an absolute wimp Wow all right well good job a fine job because chunks we can get going somewhere out here too just to get them ah de just I don't know up there no mad corpses just chunks okay endo lamps so we can actually see what we're doing oh yeah we got back seating going on a bit fairly minor I'm not gonna bother with the insects it's fine they can exist up there sian making a bunch of noise getting ready really the one who's a quick sleeper no do I even have a quick sleeper anymore yeah I do a gambit okay it just called me a veteran Rimmer gross gross you take that back you take that back now although I guess that makes us even considering uh what I mentioned about something something a wet sand a wet and dense long ball was it I already forgot no slugs back to the gutter get out of there and once all this crap is out of the way we can actually get the end horror rooms still super duper unsure about like committing oh my god the marriage is on man that's so fast only seven days this time hell we got a marriage going on to the Lutz play also would stay like 14 though this is a new record for me I'll pass in the marriage spot get made wherever you want I don't care maybe invite the unsex to the marriage who knows Exodus made the rumours of your death are greatly exaggerated nice to see you backing well though nice good time Exodus main you're a little late but overall pretty okay thank you very much Exodus man yeah that uh that didn't go very well form or poor bastards and then the proper bud and then hey we even have prison cells if you'd believe it holy I don't believe it did you just eat something raw that sounded rough now you just say something raw what'd you find that was raw aqui aqui aqui yeah no no good huh yeah I mean there's some people that just died down there if you like find the insects for him anybody want to just like maybe I don't even know where that was or was that where is it I like down south somewhere oh yeah here way south there are better pemmican and stuff down there too hmm are the dead links in there too I could I think we got to see about taking out the spiders all right I'll have to go for them tomorrow let's also get these people from the same schedule goddammit I'm sick of somebody waking up early and just making it a little nice for everybody else but everybody up come on rise and shine No rise and shine it or isn't shrine wake up and enjoy you just passed on the floor okay fine I know it's your seat barb come on curl up with the good old sleeping Rock that'll keep you warm well scions ready at least you guys need food yeah but we don't even have food why am i waiting for them to wake up and eat we don't even have food for him everybody come on down except maybe gambit you're not but I guess you got the knife you took out a wolf maybe I'll manage it took out a wolf just check the workshop solo Maude adding back in fear Tech oh man fear tech was so though like absolutely absurd Wow firing a little bit early Zion sure though it's fine it's prone be careful it's a difficult target to hit you managed everybody position science pulling them out but where's where's it going what's it doing guilty you need to run with the right a light show how am I supposed to know what that is three point six you are faster than it five oh yeah you're the jogger right got the medleys on standby in case I need them otherwise we'll just keep Titan okay don't know who it's going for that little shits coming around Neil's a focus this one please yeah it's a bit quick ah well done okay we can finish them off and I guess maybe cook them Hecky at pemmican Pollitz plus Neil and Neil Z we'll have you grab that links poor thing oh this one's not even dead yet I guess hold it up I mean we'll cook it insect me Nate great but it is better than nothing waiting for a bullet to ricochet and take you out come on Zion playing with it okay a pretty okay halt we got most of the pemmican in the link to butcher a couple insects to butcher I will take it Ziya fer welcome welcome came in just after all the action yeah a little bit although so far this is fairly action-packed we already had gambit fighting for his life against a wolf clearing out some insects just done we had I'm sure there's more stuff than that action-packed yeah there'll be more don't worry about that raw butchered flush if necessary can be cooked into meals or even eaten raw extremely unappetizing uh-huh but it does work in kibble but people have a super mood deep off thing for getting kibble too so that's not really great fearful raccoons excuse me caravans of Union of bringa near copper wood are being harassed by a pack of two man hunting raccoons chief exec jello barrel wants you to draw the two men hunting raccoons away from the caravan sand torrid squall wood to be dealt with he promises the promises send me transport pods as a reward the pod contained total value six hundred seventy a side trainer for pain block and the venom talent and venom things [Music] I'm not touching their trim pace no never I would sooner die I mean it to man hunting raccoons like sure oh I'll take raccoons its food absolutely I don't know what they're doing here but hey I will take them I'm taking also you're sleeping rock you can't have it anymore you'll have it back if you're really really good ok well the prisoners getting a turn-based no what am i a psychopath no hell no maybe no not even prisoners I think we can just like kind of postpone that one I think we can go for working on this business now mm-hm mm-hm feed the prisoners or dead friends obviously well yeah coming from a gentle food huh weird recommendation with that name you'll see what's the problem recreation bears oh there's a horseshoe pen yeah okay I was the heart of the plants doing yeah okay not very good like less than twenty percent all of them there yeah kinda is what it is well recreation huh steel chess table yeah okay good through a steel chess table people like steel chests it was right there you go right in the corner they're perfect testing the new DLC well sort of ish I've already got a let's play thing going on for the new DLC I'm more just testing the waters for streaming this game generally hey there's the man hunting raccoons finally it took you long enough although they are will they even make it to me probably it's only 7c oh here they come the free food wait gambit you learned pain block instead of stun fascinating good shooting all right back to bed well done and there's this stuff the venom Talon of the venom fangs and the sight trainer for pain block which well will haul it in and maybe sell the venom Talon goodness I don't know we have people with beauty of one medicine of one I don't can be install the still we have a faint idea of what this can maybe be nutrient paste does give the debuff yes it's not pleasant for anybody to eat like it's okay for a meter it's better than raw food but man like only just it's really nothing you want to have for long or in my case ever at all whatsoever I refuse and world wise we don't really have any cool biomes nearby I thought maybe there'd be like a nice herbal and Tantra it could like maybe Caravan over to the tundra and see what's there and maybe like do some remote hunting I don't like I don't know Niazi you feel like the own that you're currently loving blue onyx okay blue annex wasn't really getting into it I look like just dead ass staring at the ceiling eyes wide open okay now you don't need to move the insect meat at all perfect you've seen critical fares and sawing a peg leg that removed someone's head so can you install it maybe yeah critical failures are pretty wild in this first time ever playing that Ironman mode you get all three of your people down but becca sloth just so concentrated and watching the street bow and back ass loss are scary like they're really scary they used to be basically jokes because they'd they would almost never retaliate and if they did they were super duper slow but now they're super fast and for a while we're always retaliating but it seems like stuff sort of doesn't retaliate very much nowadays I don't know Zion I'm sending you on a special trip just you just you alone nothing else going next door oh yeah that that's fine Xion because there might be there might actually be like food there good thing we cleared that out could you have left a more awkward route what what are you doing just leave get off the Babs I on leave shoo stop it there's insects up here literally couldn't have taken a longer way out genuinely I think that was the longest path possible I don't know what I expected honestly you arrived okay uhh it's can't be placed directly next to each other mm okay so it may have been possibly fixed there ain't fun about here then is this no too close no this is fine very short there's no mountains or anything like that we're literally just here for food well nice ruin dear okay uh hauling ass across the map shooting wildly no there's actually a couple down here that'll work get them get them get them give it if it bleeds out that's fine nice nice to more dear and maybe we pick on some of them how heavy are these guys 50 kilograms from right yeah you don't carry a whole lot we'll have to like send the entire county out over to pick that up and hold it all back probably although I guess I could get you to like butcher at all lightning dragons 79 get to make it to another Yeti stream huzzah hello welcome happy to have you oh yeah the dressers in the end tables can probably moved into the rooms too no reason not to oh one shot brain oh yeah brain cool who's gonna say like if there's an itchy star in its body they don't think that's what killed her so let's see here Heather they're all normal except gambits so I don't know I guess you can have the dresser Xion can have the end table and blue-billed and simple copy for killer die how about and that'll bring you guys up to the Comfort threshold to get a nice move but for it you're cooking like zero never heard of cooking you don't know why you're doing this awesome Neil Z was to cook no Neil Z refuses to cook the temp over there two degrees it's a bit of a pen they asked but I wonder if it'd be worth doing the farming out here I'd like there's berries and stuff to like holy yeah the whole colony everybody come on over can - go - okay I don't know a few of the meals just some of them though please alright sure fine everybody moving temporarily okay uh deadlocked holiday well psychic soothe for males there's a second end table I must thank you they really just have to leave through this corner huh Oh Xion how you doin having a quick meal okay do you do plant work at all sort sort of construction construction okay now we're talking so I'm gonna go ahead and claim this whole thing just like just so you do something while you're doing nothing you know and just rip all this out and rip all this out except that table that's a nice table wake up Oh wake up I know it's your sleep power come on help us out one a friendly arctic fox or wolf just as fox arctic fox it all hunts me if it needs to but there's probably some small game around for it a bunch of hairs and stuff around if it gets desperate enough it'll go for me but nothing I really need to worry about not hugely yeah then arrived hello everybody right here so we're gonna go ahead and build a copy of the steel walls and we're going to build up a steel door we quote-unquote live here or a moment I need a butcher table yeah yeah rich soil yeah there's a bunch of rich soil here loads that's what gave me the idea that we could maybe start up a little farm here to flubber uh while we're at it the big steel table mwah oh there's a door there all sorts of cool I like the new ruins think contains unknown gambits sarcophagus actually that brings back memories dente and de let's play that way we're like I set off the psychic animal whatever thing and just everything went apeshit and gambit only just barely made it to a cryo sleep casket man good times yeah just generally here like an absolute load of rice like so much rice you won't believe we'll also harvest what is around and ready or berries man I might actually just like move here just straight-up like man I don't know the insect me you're out it alone well actually why did it right oh boy Oh cuz it's not being stored in the freezer area yet that actually makes sense I don't have raw ingredients being stored in here just meals yeah okay well you know what all food can go in there that's okay that butcher table done uh yeah oh we need a little bit of wood we can chop a bit of wood that ever finished researching trees sawing now almost we're almost there I might just like live here though a new quest trade with Sparta excuse me they want to purchase 180 human leather [Music] and return the faction relations with on BOM will improve by 16 and receive 2000 silver worth of stuff this is weird it's so Spartan for glitter world medicine a tech proof a sub persona core and a social neuro trainer it's about four days away a hundred eighty human leather is a pretty good amount of human leather but like they're still fresh they're still fresh we'd have to leave like kind of now though how many cooks do I have yeah lured our or skill six skill that's a lot of money where the stuff I'd like to do about it I don't think I can currently we need more steel than that there we go so butcher creature do forever infinite range get it done and I will set up a stockpile out here or everything even corpses all of it and everybody's set the hall of nothing else is there to do so the corpses will get down here all right yeah that's a that's a nice sir I'll probably come back here like the same pad this ain't bad at all there's like things to hunt and stuff I look at us as curling up with some corpses fantastic how much leather you reckon you could get from three people 5,180 though uh we did more we need more bodies who feels like being sacrificed maybe gambit it won't mind right I'm sure you won't mind ray to the Confederacy of Olga sky with a knife okay okay we need to come home now somebody there's a dude with a knife the guy with knife is going to our colony Zion it's you half a day yeah that's fine bring nothing go go go go go Josiah Josiah all ass new get out of here termite was he waiting then attacking oh he is he's waiting been attacking Oh perfect Zion you've got a chance boof yeah you're pretty hungry it's okay there's some fresh meat there it's waiting for you took his iron you can make it save the colony [Music] girls i n'gou he's not attacking yet oh now he is no Zion wandering round a psychotic state because of poor booties recreation deprived Zion new you have to go man now where you going what what a piece of this guy is and then he just suicides into the insects you alright we'll see how this goes Zion oh god that's that's it's already over basically here Zion you may as well just come back man we're moving we're moving that that settles it we're moving yeah it's almost 800 C in there and now it's only five see ancient danger Otto Zion still wandering in today's I swear some of the soft brakes are worse than main breaks like hiding in your room or whatever is probably the most obnoxious one oh growing period never wait growing period never growing season here now I mean it was so cold with what we planted it died we'd have to go for potatoes I think but seem think it was maybe possibly warm enough that we could get play with it ah world's fastest mad hair blue onyx wake up gambit the wolf Slayer help das sings pest Juke and blue onyx ah gambit a hero this dude he's the scariest guy with a knife all right well remember just sleeping wherever we feel like okay we'd be going for technically a fueled stove they can't share spots anymore so here's your stool and technically we can just start cooking here I know I'm starving we've been like an entire day without real food we got a bit of berries but not nearly enough the roof collapsed Oh God now this the pets are safe like we didn't lose everything the batteries are still there and the raw resources are still there I guess I guess there's not I think his biggest win was just taking out all those stuff we had laying around now God gambits constructing and he do it cargo pods a bunch of her both medicine some of the herbal medicine blasted in through the batteries so now these are exposed and they'll probably short-circuit cool Pirates of fortune Zook Zola Barrow chief of unit of bringa want you to help save one of her caravans the caravan is being hunted near Povera spy three groups of pirates from Ivan's grenades signal the pirates to drop them away for the caravan and towards you the hey drifter a gunner a Thrasher to similar sized groups will soon follow after man gives me a plants Nero trainer in twenty five hyper weave it's a lot of you know what though let's do it why not it's almost time to industry many ways so we'll probably just die you know what that beat that be okay you saw things catch fire well on the phone what happened we had the guy with knife of all things showed up and I couldn't get Zion back into the basin time to fend him off because I decided to have a mental break whoo he's still having the mental break I'll have you know so dad with the knife just set everything on fire and that's that book simple meals forever we're butchering forever expand our stockpile by a bunch I mean we can stash some meals and here actually you know what the raw food - why not there's generally that whole area I don't trust it actually copied proper right chef Rick was gone gambit I'm assuming food Oh recreation you're just really bored hauling is a fun thing right do you maybe have burning passion hauling is that a fun thing no it's not okay steel horseshoe pin yeah the roofs falling apart every time one of these burn there you go horseshoe pin that's a fun okay stop stop preparing these just please gambit I know you're probably like getting a lot of practice with construction doing that but please for sake just rip it down man you're gonna be at it all eternity food we have food do we have components here still I think we lost the components right yeah we have like nothing hey well design whenever you're a playable character again we'll see if we can maybe salvage something back from that to bring it over here to our new home which we may not be able to keep for very long if you are still wait nope you're okay again you made it could your your first instinct when you come here is I'm gonna eat that guy over there Zion have some of the jelly you I guess deserve it you don't really deserve it like it all you did eat it about as bad as possible i Arthur's corpses over there that I could eat that'd be good but gambit matric back where he's still super bored you're still super bored are you crawling into the sarcophagus repairing it and repairing it have a little more recreation your guys's lives I don't know maybe just have a bunch of recreation while you can I'm sure you're not already bored of a horseshoe pen it's a new fun thing there you go play with blue onyx I had the ones I on have you bought the awful bedroom you've got it without the table chilly unsightly in darkness catharsis +40 is always a good one their name let's I guess haul some of the herbal medicine or so and the silver and although still you can carry and come back put your life on the line every instance I'm sure I'm sure you probably fought off like eight grizzly bears two on the way right is that how that works the downside of this is we have basically no mountain or really any cool protections at all whatsoever so we'll have to wall in I don't even know if this is gonna be around for next stream though if we even stream this again just a friendly guy gaming hi Yeti longtime YouTube watcher first time watching me on Twitch what's my opinion on the DLC so far I think it adds a bunch I think it's cool I don't have a lot of problems with it I still think that the some of the abilities that you get her like a little overpowered and all that like some of them are just a little too fallible they need cooldowns and all sorts of things I feel like the when you're what ever gets down to zero after casting spells you get like a debuff type thing that affects your mood it turns out but I don't think it affects your mood enough I feel like it it could do with being a little more severe [Music] mm-hmm psychics youth for females dude they love that horseshoe pen okay Zions headin back finally hypothermia on Niels II it's pretty cold in there huh all right here here's what I'll do we'll get the heater set up we'll get a power conduits set up we'll see how this goes it I'll risk it will soar the battery indoors and a wood fueled generator yeah that's that's gonna be great okay chop some wood should we be getting attacked by a group of at some point soon like they accepted that cost I was kind of waiting for the cost to happen stone and metal bridges that'd be cool they still does have the basic wooden bridges that don't hold a lot they'd be great at these could be stuffed like Jade bridge and gold bridge oh oh right in components we can mine so they can actually build those and then after that we'll see about mining some of the steel that's around - and but still working on preparing stuff find fine nutrient paste bridges there you go that's an idea that'd be actually really cool if you could have like organic things as stuffable materials I'd like that I would definitely build walls out of human meat 100% make that the cannibals bedroom holy they'd be ecstatic oh god what have you done ecliptics ten gifted subs super trainers love you thank you very much I do have more than just EDF shouts I promise you they exist they do exist Hey somewhere in there hey there's one ah man [Music] shouting EDF watching Zion Hall medicine and a struggle to get going again I [Music] think there's one more that's the last one hell man thank you very much what's EDF oh well there's there's another one I lied oh that was an actual sub Falcon laughs at the church prime that wasn't a gift one thank you very much welcome EDF is Earth Defense Force a funny little third person frostbite yeah frostbite taking out your toes boggy rain can be not be outside just everybody indoors please we'll see if I can build a little porch thing but EDF third person thing you're just a soldier man going around and there's giant insects taking over everything and you have to fight them off the game is absolutely stupid but it's really fun Lauren broad sure why not oops just stay there sleep on the meat piles on the medicine on a stool or wherever you gotta I don't mind okay you just you want to go back out fine yeah I actually met everybody may as well soft and nobody has medical skill oh okay blue onyx and Niels II refuse so we'll have to do a little medical sleeping spot for you like us Russ until healed and dr. killer d'art sure use the medicine I guess maybe it helps I don't know that's one degree Celsius view and not not really zero percent one percent you did better without medicine before but I think you've probably got frostbite your manipulations terrible right yeah but don't sleep outside you fool cheese let's have everybody curl up here get in cozy it's fine I guess those dudes like aren't coming I accepted the question die except that 2.1 days ago I was waiting for them to show up and we could just like end it there mr. desirous with the host thank you very much sleep rolls a tribal thing or a mod I think there's bed rolls that you can make yeah other cloth though I think only yeah oh no I can do leather I could do leather bed rules I could make two of them oh boy what a what a state damn bit about to break again and in thy recreation bored with dexterity print play it said arrive in three days oh good all right well I gotta kind of end it here so uh I guess that's not happening but that's kind of okay cuz I'm pretty sure that what he killed us anyway Oh berries but this is on the other map 224 berries and gambits in two days yeah so that didn't go very well at all as a certificate oh how the mighty wolf King has fallen yeah yeah I like that he's a really big dude and the armor chest just strapped on to him I don't know it's a weird sight it it's not really protecting a whole lot Anya not really yeah well sort of an experiment to see generally how streaming room rodeos and all that opening for opening the danger okay we can do that but it'll be a quick way to end it anybody up for actually doing that Xion come here you're the savior or whatever tato plant died because of cold you all those aren't gonna make it some of the rice is still trying amazingly it's minus eleven C but up up up Pike man Scyther a Lancer another Scyther and another Pike man whoo tech print for cataphract armor though hmm [Music] okay killer Dart hold the line pike that up close I think it's technically the way you're supposed to do it because there's a super sniper guys but Wow Najee actually actually got it down well I wasn't positively be able to actually pierce the armor these dudes in melee are really scary this went better than expected oh okay that's about what I expected just then all right and there they go to up the world so that's that they don't look like a squishy sniper thing it looks like a hover tank yeah they look a lot scarier than they really are but I don't know maybe they get changed at some point gambit don't don't wake up ignore the sounds gambit everything's fine right oh yeah psychotic state that it doesn't matter just ignore don't Oh Oh Bravo it's not even gambit made it all the man in black yeah come on man in black his name is jerk the bar Keith great awesome thank you rim world here's the students gonna save you from this that's going on it's a guy with a handgun and one point in shooting an utter beginner maybe he's holding together the right direction I don't know you showed up even on the wrong map jerk that's it's the wrong map that's the wrong map god dammit room reeled I expect nothing less ah social 11 Diddy yeah baby he just talks to mechanoids out of there I don't know Wow alright so that's that this is more of a test stream just to see generally what the interest is and the like potential viewership is for rim rel to see if it's even worth like sidestepping and checking this out otherwise I'll just go back to two point hospital I don't have the twitch stats up so I have no idea but we'll see I'd like the last events of their life that's kind of cool
Channel: Yeti
Views: 24,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld stream, livestream, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.1, rimworld royalty, rimworld dlc, yeti rimworld, closetyeti, yeti
Id: 57vW4dibRo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 41sec (7121 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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