Rimworld: More Fun Times ft Empress Evil

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hello ladies and gentlemen my name is rah and today we're going to go back to play with bugs the plan is to set up a spider shirt sweatshop kind of like what i did for the stew video so sit back and enjoy while i enslave bugs to produce me that thick insect milk i mean silk all right so we're back here with everyone's favorite insect breeding shirt making business uh i kind of left it right on the midst of being upgraded so what what an exciting way to start a video it's nothing better than starting a video with murdering a bunch of tribals now is there all right come on then you fools come and mess with me see what happens there they ain't gonna get close are they up there you guys some ones are fleeing those ones are running into like three turrets over there so let's move him around there out of the southern's are retreating that just leaves the north now that was successful there you go off they go oh oh another raid though whoa oh my god this is just hordes hordes of them here comes a load of them we haven't actually got any top bullets in our turrets come on big machine gun kill them breaking through the base over here okay they just murdered themselves that's uh that's okay get a good kid over there the one with the sword start cutting down and you mason are they retreating they're retreating just killed so many people to start off this uh second part anyway after being rudely interrupted by all those raids uh like i said the game plan today is to grow a load of spider weavers and make loads and loads of spider shirts so we're gonna start our own spider silk shirt business it's gonna be gonna be real great we're um definitely giving these insects plenty of food so they're not allowed to complain they just have to sit there keep producing me that milk oh bit big big infested ship crash uh i'm gonna i'm gonna go and shoot it whilst the uh whilst all those royal tribute collectors are there and they can deal with that have fun guys you guys are doing great keep up the good work guys fantastic job really are doing a great job my cook has been in the days for god knows how long now and he's being a little [ __ ] and won't go and cook and everyone else is getting upset because they have to eat just plain rice come on man sort it out stop hiding in all the corpses and oh there we go i don't know maybe that pep talk maybe hiding in the corpses really did help him calm down mason just went to try and put this fire out and ended up having a catatonic breakdown before he even got there all right i think i've got the base reorganized everyone's back being happy because we've got food again uh it it's looking good we're getting back to a sensible state oh yeah i forgot about that infested ship truck i should probably go and deal with that actually that's probably should get rid of that stab it dab it since it's dead nice oh my here comes a lot of insects oh god the giga lotus is getting out there but i don't think he's gonna do very well it's a little bit outnumbered ah run all right good job good job uh phoenix is having a very bad time you boys get over there and help all right well we dealt with those insects that was a little bit annoying um i i know the insectoid isn't really ce compatible that's probably why that died so very quickly but it's still a lot of fun dammit you can't take my phone away from me so back to running smoothly we're still stockpiling shirts up still waiting for that trader to come by but we haven't had any disasters yet i'll tell you what though with those last free royal genetic material i'm going to make myself a princess we go we are growing ourselves a background princess what could possibly go wrong ah here's my background princess uh obviously it takes a few days for her to grow but she'll be laying us loads of eggs that we can eat oh yay oh come on man why is it gotta be another infested chip trunk it's always ship trunks and some form of bugs every time come on come on let's see who these stupid bugs have oh my god oh my god that's a horde of them oh my that is that's that's a lot of bugs run run you fool don't worry about it my kid's got this he's got a big old sword he can just stab all the little bugs get get out of the way just just let him stab the bugs i mean they've cleared a little bit of space for uh some of these corpses i think the rest of them are gonna have to go down here into the swamp still waiting for a damn trailer to come around and buy one of my shirts my whole business is selling spider silk shirts and it still hasn't had a single trader come on i also just need one more advanced component and then i can set up a fabrication table and then we can start pumping out components like no tomorrow but it's just waiting for that one advance which you know i could buy from a trader if they actually rocked up yeah i've also come to terms i'm not harvesting any rice off that field as well um i'll just call it it's my good person bit i'm feeding the local wildlife he wants me to kill i have two raids of three centipedes freelancers and one pikeman i i am i i think not i'm not fighting six centipedes i'm not an idiot okay that much of an idiot oh my god finally a box good trader does does he want to buy my spider silk shirts come on we can make some money oh oh he's only got two really he's only got two thousand oh for god's sake i suppose this just means we gotta play the game of buying everything that he has so we'll take those advanced components which we need we'll take his components take his medicine uh fsx petroleum all right there we go i'll do i'm slightly over but i've bought like pretty much everything i can which will be of use means i can actually upgrade all of my turrets now to api rounds which would probably be slightly better than just using fmj so that's good we can also finally make some more charge cartridges for my charge rifles or pulse rifles whatever the body are they're called means we can finally start using these again i'm actually getting to the point where i could consider just winning the game i might i might do that i might actually just go and win the game since we're not getting any damn traders here we might as well take our shirt business into galactic oh got a high drone oh god's sake i'm actually starting to see a few holes in the body room we might actually have to go kill some more stuff because they are slowly getting through all those corpses damn really really you get upset so you're gonna go smash up 64 balls worth of stoop you [ __ ] i guess it was good seeing we were preserving the local wildlife by letting them eat all my rice fields because now i need to uh shoot them and uh eat them myself i think that's a fair game thanks guys i'm sorry what she's going to destroy a large chem fuel power plant no don't do that don't no no no don't stop stop stop that right now man yes now they're fighting each other perfect let's let's set up a core drill what could possibly go wrong with setting up a core drill right in the middle of our base let's let's let's do it aside from this poor person now asked a whole what 2 000 steel over to it you just watch my warehouse just emptying one absolute machine i was so waiting for him to fail then i was going to cry well can we we can mine everything we can mine deep salt i don't know why that was funny but deep soul nice i could be mind silver we can mine all the silver that i'm not making from selling shirts fantastic oh man hunter pack oh my god it's a load of beer rats coming to throw themselves at me oh no i'm not an alcoholic please be fair it's just gonna be easier just to lock the doors and pretend everything's okay go on let's see if it's more beneficial just to mine the silver rather than sell for it seven silver oh stop it i would probably start mining the steel back that we spent for it if we're gonna mine anything yeah we finally got our tea as well so we can start making our own brew love that oh man there's our princess she's looking mighty thick look at that she's gonna be consuming all the corpses and giving me all the tasty insect eggs mmm insectoid unfertile eggs tasty i'm scheduling everyone to have a cup of tea every day oh my god finally a trader is rocked up finally could actually sell some of these damn shirts and have no money oh he doesn't have the right title hang on let's uh let's see if they've got any money on them no they've got 855 come on man at least they've got some pretty good stuff for sale so i'm just gonna buy all of that you give me all that cloth or glitter world medicine or your steel and i will exchange it for shirts there's not a space battle going on above my base that's just basically supplies me with the rest of components i need for the rest of this game well we're kind of just saying the loop now just waiting for stuff to get researched i mean we researched in the last few texts to get um space flight i mean we got a few more to do but we'll get there we'll get there eventually building a fat hey come on come back here we are building the foundations of my ship here we go our first structural beam come on we're we're almost at the victory point i'm actually gonna have to take up that quest because i need the goodwill so they will give me the location for the core whatever the hell it's called so yeah we can do this i've almost finished the researchers got like three more to do and then i can purely focus on getting the resources i've got a core mine drilling all the gold and then i've got advanced components being made up here there's some uranium down here so i i think we're getting everything we need oh my god another box good trader are they are they gonna buy my shirts please yay they will but do they actually have anything for sale which is of use no not really except from alpacas ah great ship construction is coming on pretty good we got the reactor up we're just building the engines although we are waiting for the advanced components at the moment which i am slowly mining the gold for at five gold a time oh boy here's an infested chip chunk uh it should be okay just to shoot it from afar so we just line everyone up over here there we go finally all right we got quite a few there nothing too major actually should be pretty pretty easy to deal with that it can just sit there and stab any that come around the corner which the turret doesn't kill that is yeah that was that was pretty easy please still give me an advanced component yeah here we go researching our last thing need for the ship uh well then we just got to get the resources but we worry about that later oh finally we can get rid of these damn prisoners who have been causing me nothing but problems and eating all my damn stir fry get them out of there give me all that good will as well yeah thank you very much hey come on man what is up all these space battles that keep happening above my base blowing up chunks of it as well come on well it wiped out small chunks of the base but nothing too major thankfully didn't hit the power plant if hit the power plant we would have had a very bad time oh cool just mined my way into this nice little pocket here this would be a really nice place to set a little base up just got a little fertile zone here all right so so smooth actually quite useful you're calling that raid that's those that's four bugs it sent at me i'm not scared of four insects hey the final research we needed that means we're almost there that means you just need to build the cord we should probably build the sensor there we go and one more engine we just need the resources come on yeah that looks like a mech cluster i do not want to deal with thank you very much we can leave that also thanks for finding me the location of salt appreciate that oh max just land right in the middle of the base uh you might want to get out of there you're going to have a very bad day because there's a fat centipede that's just landed in the middle oh do not go that way that's a bad way to go uh right mr lance is dead it's just oh jesus christ okay we're gonna stun for it uh no just done it please there we go and again you're out the good work you might want to get out of there actually and again right okay i won't too bad actually um except for mason is burning we should probably pick mason up he's having a very bad time down there well and good news the bald goods trader will buy some shirts but they only could afford two of them why can't i make a successful business that's all i wanted like you know what screw up just just come at you just have my [ __ ] have have a load of shirts go on i'm not selling them anyway just just have a load of shirts just scrub just take like there you go 6 000 silver's worth of shirts there you go give me some reputation yay this poor lady has spent most of her life just making advanced components for me poor kid has spent half his life just using this massive core drill and then she's just been spending the rest of her life making advanced components what a joyous life also infested ship trash come on come on come on man walmart there you go okay he's warmed up now he was dying of hypothermia so i just stuck a heater next to him i thought that was a logical wider god damn stupid earthquake ruining parts of my ship come on why can't i just win this game oh my god the box good trader please have what i need please component sure i'll take it uh yes he's got 319. he's had an exotics goods trader now who actually sell me some more advanced compliance it's actually really helpful where were these people earlier why are they all rocking up now when i'm trying to leave this planet all right okay we've got pretty much everything we just need the core and then we just need to turn the reactor on but i think i'm gonna leave that for another part otherwise i'm gonna start slamming my face into my keyboard i've already cut out like far too much of this video so yeah if you um enjoyed this video uh please consider supporting the channel by leaving a like comment scribe all that stuff it really does help the channel and i will see you again at some point
Channel: Rarr
Views: 60,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CyberLink, PowerDirector18, Rimworld, Rarr, Memes, Gameplay, Rim, World, Funny, Meme, Playthrough, nutshell, Rimworld funny, Rarr111, Rats, Raid, Warcrimes, Raids, Modded, mods, Fun, merciless, hard, Lets play, battles, Royalty, Royal, Failing, Mechs, dlc, expansion, royalty, Merciless, Royality, Clusters, Empire, Hard, Brutality, modded, Rimfella, combat extended, CE, infestation, Insectoid, Empress Evil, Evil, insects, insect, Losing is fun, Hardcore, bugs, Bio engineering, Engineer, Insect, Events, New, raid, insectoid
Id: B9hXoSC5EMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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