Rigging vs Frame By Frame Animation

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rigging and frame by frame are animation techniques rigging relies on technology to make the process of Animation a little easier while frame by frame is a traditional technique of Animation rigging is composed of two main aspects the object to be animated whether it is a drawing or a 3D object and the rig also known as the skeleton the ladder is mapped onto the object to be animated and its purpose is to move it in all kinds of ways the reason it is also known as a skeleton is because it sort of functions like one the body is the object of animation and the skeleton is the rig that helps move the object around it also helps understand hierarchy in rigging for instance the knee bone cannot move the whole leg only the thigh bone can the hierarchy is also present in rigging and helps make the animation more complex and realistic this technique is used in modern cartoons a lot an example would be Rick and Morty and it is safe to assume most modern cartoons use it as well frame by frame on the other hand is the traditional approach to animation the simplest way to understand it is the flip book animations we all made when we were children you have a small notebook and you draw a series of consecutive actions on it so that when you flip it it would look like the action is taking place frame by frame animation was used in Legacy Disney animated movies and this technique is largely the reason why those animations are so flowy and dreamy let's talk history frame by frame animation is the oldest of the two so it only feels appropriate to start with it frame by frame animation traces its roots back to the 19th century starting with the phoenixus dis scope a spinning cardboard disc that has an action sequence drawn on it with a handle and small openings that you peer through facing a mirror to see the animation it then became the zoat Trope replacing the disc with a cylinder and lastly it evolved into the praxinoscope where instead of slits there were mirrors to reflect the rapid succession of drawings happening an important evolution in the history of Animation is the first ever animation Gertie the Dinosaur by Windsor M which is widely known as a pivotal moment in the history of Animation from there came the Walt Disney and Warner Bros and their animation wonders the quote unquote last evolution of the history of frame by frame animation is going from the use of pens and papers to using computers becoming what we know now as the frame by frame animation as for rigging it was introduced in 1988 by Nidia manuna falman Richard laier and Daniel falman and their paper joint dependent local deformations for hand animation and object grasping rigging first started as a technique for 3D animations naturally so as 3D animations rely heavily on it well 2D animation were initially based on the frame by frame technique but then briging became the next step in the evolution of 2D animation after the digitalization of frame by frame animation software and tools used for each usually any software that is dedicated for 2D animation contains tools for both frame by frame animation and rigging animation but of course some are more specialized in one thing than the other tomb boom Harmony is the leader in the 2D animation industry these days it is a jack of all trades and dare I say master of all it has frame by frame capabilities with rigging and 3D elements integration remember Rick and Morty it uses tomb bam Harmony for animation CR is a free software and has some frame by frame animation capabilities blender's grease pencil is a bit of an oddball it allows you to create 2D animations in a 3D space it is definitely not a traditional approach to animation at all but an incredibly interesting one that's worth a shot who knows maybe it is the next step in the evolution of Animation TV paint is yet another household name when it comes to frame by frame animations as well as clip Studio paint open Tunes is also a great 2D rigging software there are so many options some even use their favorite drawing software and then use the rigging functionalities elsewhere like the game engine unity and then they use 2D animation packages that contain rigging tools and go from there in the iPad realm procr dreams is more of a frame by frame animation software while toun squid features rigging tools although it definitely has frame by frame animation capabilities let's talk about these two methodologies of Animation in the context of the industry it is no secret that the frame by frame animation has slowly fallen off the face of the industry the more rigging became prominent and normalized in the 2D animation industry why money simple as that rigging is a far cheaper and efficient way of animating no longer do animators have to hunt over the animation of each frame separately all they have to do is slap a rig on it and go from there this has revolutionized the 2D animation space and saved so much time time and cost that it is only natural that corporations are favoring it over frame by frame animation this has its downfalls of course no longer are animations flowy and dreamy like they used to be they lack the artistic Edge and Charisma but so long as people are watching and the corporations are raking in that money does it really matter if you think about it the average Joe does not differentiate between something that has been animated frame by frame or rigged heck even an animator might not with the way technology is advancing and helping make rigged animations look smooth this might not be as bad as it looks if making animations and weaving these drawn stories is becoming easier and more accessible how is that a bad thing besides frame by frame animations is still very much alive in the Indie scene like all good Legacy things but one thing's for sure when it comes to the industry rigging is King hold on though that is not completely the end of frame by frame animation in the industry well maybe in the western industry for sure however in the anime industry frame by frame animation is still very much a thing animation giants like Studio gibli proudly use frame by frame animation and their works are beloved and idolized and for really good reason like Disney's old Works they are of a Timeless quality even if they use frame by frame animation nay because of it this brings up an interesting question which should you focus on learning to land a job in the industry for Western Industries it is safe to say that rigging is very much in and so learning it is very important to land a job although learning frame by frame animation will help Grant you valuable and Priceless skills and will help you understand animation on a much deeper and solid level than rigging would for Eastern Industries and namely the anime industry learning frame by frame is a must as it is still very much in use however learning to rig can be quite helpful as I am sure not everything is done in the frame by frame Technique we often see the implementation of 3D and rigged elements in anime all in all understanding which industry you're aiming to join and then focusing on the technique that is mostly used but also making sure to have a solid understanding of the technique that is not used much this is because there's value in both and they are usually used in Tandem and are complimentary to each other which to choose for personal projects okay what if you want to use them for personal projects that largely depends on preference of course but if you want to weigh your pros and cons before delving into what you want to do here's the gist of it rigging makes for a much more efficient and easy process the systems might be difficult to learn and get used to but ultimately once that learning curve is surpassed you would have a much easier and faster time making your animations although rigged animations are hard to make look natural and usually lack that artistic feel looking more commercial as for frame by frame animation well the effort that goes into it is immense but so is the payoff if you do it well that is frame by frame animation gives you Freedom that rigging might restrict for an easier time animating that freedom comes with a lot of effort and a great result it's hard and timec consuming but is the result worth it for you it is also worth noting that these techniques do not have to be separate you can use both of them frame by frame for high visibility elements in the animation and rigging for low visibility elements this way what your viewer focuses on the most would be what a lot of effort goes into and thus what looks the best and what is not a focus would be easier to animate with lesser quality that wouldn't matter as much since it isn't the focus you also gain valuable experience in both which is great all around and that was that for our video what did you think we'd love to hear your input in the comments with that being said we hope you enjoyed the video and we hope to see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts 2D
Views: 1,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FRAME BY FRAME VS PUPPET, Rigging vs Frame by Frame, PUPPET, FRAME BY FRAME, Rigging, 2d animation, animation, anime, Animation Tools, Character Animation, Animation Process, Keyframe Animation, Animation Styles, Animation Comparison, Character Rigging, 2D Animation Methods, Traditional Animation, Rigging Techniques, Puppet Animation, Frame by Frame Animation, Animation Tutorial
Id: pX68qQRfNrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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