Rig Rundown - Victor Wooten & Regi Wooten

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Hair ties? I may have to check that out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2011 πŸ—«︎ replies

Godman, I hate playing through Hartke cabs, but Victor makes that rig sound amazing. Also love that magnetic cable, great idea.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Casting_Aspersions πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2011 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey this is Rebecca Dirk's with premier guitar calm we're here with great bass player Victor Wooten and we're about to check out the basses amps effects you're using onto it right now you want to start with the basis sure sure I'm using three four string for derreck guitars there the monarch style two of them are very very similar we'll start with this one this is the yin-yang model for string this one I recently added a Kaler tremolo bar with the bass oh you don't go ahead and point this out this is a snap jack cable it just comes apart with a magnet like that very very cool makes no sound but the bass is still but it makes that you know no popping noise very nice but this is a federa guitar and I have two of the yin-yang models with me I always usually bring two of the same bases just so I'm always covered so the second one is over here in this stand very similar similar but slightly different but they're regular you know strung up regular EAD G this is an older model federa it's still an old monarch style has my name in laid on it this is my second federa that I've ever owned and I uh this one is tuned as a tenor bass I got the idea from Stanley Clarke so it's strung up ad G and C there's no low E string so it's like the four high strings of a six string bass or strung up that way those are the the three bases that I have on tour while we're back here I'll go ahead and look at these Harkey high drive speaker cabinets these are my high drive cabinets the speakers have four tens in this one they're half aluminum half paper and down at the bottom there's a 15 that's built the same way half aluminum half paper made by harking and it's a high drive cabinet and you can't see it from from this angle but back behind there in Iraq I have two LH 1000 Harkey amps preamps they're a thousand watts each and for this show since I'm only using one stack of cabinets I'm only using one of the LH 1000s but I all pretty much always travel with two because I like the power and now with the bases real quick I see you got the hair scrunchies on there you want to talk about how I use us well I got this idea from Reggie my brother who plays guitar and all these are is just a little hair tie ponytail holder from the drugstore I'll go to Walgreens or somewhere and find the ones this one is totally worn out I need a new one but I'm when I have it back here behind the nut it doesn't do anything but when I pull it down I can get various degrees of muting the strings so it can help me keep the open strings from ringing or I can put it right on top of our harmonic and then I have an open string harmonic if I want so one of the many ideas I've stolen from my brother's yes techniques theories all kinds of stuff I get from my brothers alright let's check out what's on the fly now on the floor I start with my sign from our merch guy who reminds me to talk about the merchandise that he's selling in the lobby that's very critical because I always forget but I'll start with this boss GT 6b this pedal is uh just a multi effects pedal and I use it also tonight I'll be using it as my tuner and you know I use it for very little things like reverb a little bit of reverb and sometimes I use an octave err and stuff like that but it does everything then over here I've been switching back and forth between two different distortion pedals one made by a company called source audio but this is one that I found in Germany made by a guy named Rawdon Berg this happens to be the Lee written our signature model but there's two distortions in it there's a the 909 distortion and in there 808 distortion and this 707 is just a clean boost where I can just boost the signal because you know we always need a little more volume and it's a very very cool good sounding pedal and the best way for me to learn what a piece of gear does is to bring it out on Road and test it so I'm bringing it out here and checking it out and it sounds good and I I've also been using a an effects pedal in place of the boss I've been trying out a new pedal by zoom it's like a b9 I think it is but it's a similar pedal of multi-effects and I use that one too so different tours I'll go back and forth between different gear yeah you definitely like to kind of try things out I was reading on your website about how you came to get the Harkey cabinets and stuff through a quite a an in-depth testing process I took a whole year just to try out as much equipment as I could and then set it on the Harkey anything else especially want to discuss like strings or anything that you use I can tell you that the strings are made by the same company that makes the basis for error for there are strings there nickle strings I like the nickel over still because the way they feel the still strings for me seem to grip my hands too much the nickel ones allow me to slide a little bit better and the gauge is from my g-string high to low as 40 or my G 55 75 and 95 so for a lot of people they're they're light but when Reggie first started teaching me my first real instrument was one of his extra guitars when I was about four or five years old and I played bass on that and so I kind of got used to the small neck the the small string light gauge and I just stayed there makes me feel comfortable yeah any other gear you want to discuss well before you wrap it up you know I don't I don't I didn't bring you know other things that I normally bring if I'm doing some of the shows with this touring with the Stanley Clarke man we're not playing that long we're each playing a little over an hour sharing the stage and also I don't have as many of the pedals and things but I also don't really need them especially having my brothers on you know on keys and guitar and oh Rico I don't I don't have to do much affecting you know so it's a pretty simple setup but hopefully it sounds good thank you very much for taking some time to show us around we're here talking to Reggie Wooten about his gear let's start with the guitar what are you playing tonight today I'm playing asked Ned Steinberger a guitar you see it's a headless model there's no tuning keys up here I started using it because it was small and it could fit on the airplane and they wouldn't make me pay for another seat for my guitar or either check it so it's a great guitar EMG pickups two humbuckers so and it has a single coil for the strat sound and two humbuckers for the more heavier sound a little whammy bar there's also what they call a trans trim so this thing if I press it down it can lock this little metal piece right here will lock I can get like five different tunings now it's actually in tune pretty good so I like it and it's easy to travel with I have some other guitars but I've been playing this one because we've been traveling a lot what's this do you hear now with this that's here a lot of people ask those questions these are actually just hair ties you get them from your sister from Walmart they're nothing special but they mute the strings okay so like tonight I'll do some slapping and some popping and then these these mutes just hold the strings quiet so it doesn't make a lot of noise if I didn't have these up there'd be like a lot of banging around so that basically mutes also keeps the strings quiet when I'm doing tapping or any extracurricular stuff and I would answer you're playing through them okay I'm mainly playing through this PV here my clean sound is coming through the PV and then I'm just using a little bit of course actually made a course from a harmonizer I just kind of detuned the guitar a little bit and then put the tune guitar the straight guitar with the with the detuned guitar and it makes a chorus and so that's all I use there I have distortion in the amp that I use sometimes I like the PV Distortion and then when I want to boost it up a little bit more I just turn on the Marshall and then both distortions are running at the same time so so I use the pv distortion which has a lot of gain and then the DiMarco distortion which just has that Marshall sound and when you turn them both on together it starts to rot for he care they think you're crazy and that's basically it but I mainly I pay a lot of clean stuff of Victor and so the clean sound is definitely coming through the PV because the PV has like some extra little that's like a extra EQ where you can pull out it's made for EQ these knobs pulling it out for that bright sound EQ there's another one there so so that's what I like about the pv amps that the real bright time and you've got a handful of pedals on the floor over here too right sure sure it's not that complicated well the first pedal there is just a Marshall pedal which just some changes channels so I used one channel for the Marshall just for off and then when I step on it that distortion kicks in and that's and the second one the long ones my PV and that just clicked from the clean sound to the other channel I do have a I've been a super metal pedal which is another distortion style not quite as small of a crunch sound it's not quite as thick and I use that sometimes we do some tunes we'll have to use an octave box just to get a another octave on the guitar sounds crazy and then there's my tuner on the end that's about it pretty simple straightforward set of it works for you and you have any other you know guitars that you say in the studio or gear like it goes beyond this is this kind of stripped out yeah a lot of people know me for my orange Kramer it's like real souped up it's got like technology and it's kind of weird it's on the bus and that's what that's my bang guitar but for this tour it's just easy to use this it kind of fits what we're doing we're not kind of when I jump I'm not jumping around or doing my James Brown moves as much on this tour so and we're playing a few smaller room so this guitar seems to fit thanks for taking a second and showing us what you're working with night very much thanks this is Rebecca Dirk's for premiere guitar calm
Channel: Premier Guitar
Views: 417,517
Rating: 4.9232411 out of 5
Keywords: premier, guitar, magazine, namm, show, rig, rundown, rebecca, dirks, rock, blues, metal, instrumental, jam, band, bass, victor, wooten, regi, funk, jazz, rhythm, country, fender, steinberger, gibson, marshall, effects, amplifier, tube, hartke, amp, demo, review, video
Id: oPz3Dd754w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2011
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