FODERA and VICTOR WOOTEN as BassDay 2016/10/29-5

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[Music] g-minor how many people know theory music theory if I go to a doctor I say hey can you operate on me does this out of the door so either you do it you know it's not this how many people don't hear music theory good I'm in the key of G minor I'm gonna take a solo for me help me out I only know a little theory I know a the key of G minor I'm gonna take a solo I can use I can use the note G tell me what else I can use G b-flat we skip one what is it b-flat what's after G the being a it's going to order G a B flat C F let's get one though a flat and I'm so we have G a B flat C D in my [Music] natural one shot with negatory right you know a little i'll stay natural okay I'm better at this one certain days but these are my know some of you I'm going to solo for you but I'm only going to use the five notes you didn't mention I'm not going to use those ones you didn't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here's the right numbers here's my house [Music] [Music] okay it took two solos the first one had a wrong note as best as possible the second one I guarantee had right notes what solo did you like better first your side first one okay all right let me ask again cuz I I speak English you speak German it could be a language I want to make sure you understood what I said I took two souls the first one had wrong notes the second one had right notes which one did you like better first you liked the first one with the wrong house why say it again why Beth Beth it grew better growth good time waitressing more interesting feeling wasn't I wasn't overplayed attitude like thought it wasn't where I was down here okay so think about that if all of that stuff makes you like the wrong notes better now think about what you're saying I'm not saying you're saying and when I don't do those things you don't even like the right notes what should you be practicing all that other stuff you should be practicing the groom practicing playing with feel attitude practicing playing down here as once you do all of that you can play any note you want but if you don't do that even the right note doesn't work interesting right most of us spend our time practicing the right note not realizing that in most cases we're playing it on the hood now once I know I could play any note playing is easy because I have no time during the gig am I going to try to play the wrong notes but I know that I can I know that I can play any note at any time and you will still like it that is musical freedom and and it really doesn't take you long to get there we just have to change what we focus on all that stuff you just mentioned you don't practice I do I practice here I practice attitude I practice move I practice feel and believe it or not I practice that more than I practice playing the right note because I'm a bass player no one has ever told me or you that you are in the right note section of the band right what section on a fan are we in the rhythm section just by virtue of our name lets us know we should be focused on the rhythm how it feels but we focus on the scales and the notes that's not bad but you will never get hired to play a scale never know whatever dance is to a C right you need to add that stuff to it and if we know that it's that stuff that makes the note right or wrong that lets you know what we should be whatever thought it's not that the notes aren't valuable they are but our world is what we do to the note not just playing the right one so when I do that I can play with a drummer or without but if I'm focused on getting the right note and I'm messing up the field you won't make it as much but if I stay focused on the field you like if regardless of what note and we're all good enough to I'm not going to hit more right wrong notes denim then I get right notes right I'm always I want to play more right notes even in my sleep so I focus on the field knowing that even if I guess I'm going to play a right now right see here's the thing we only have 12 notes and more than half of them are in every key I pick any key I got seven notes that are right only five are wrong so even if I guess I'm going to be right more than I'm wrong so player right note is easy I'm not making this up it's true all right statistically right I can pick the kids that's the logical colony right she pick a king and I can guess okay now check this out this is a wrong note this note is diatonically not in this key but guess what what do you think is on either side of this note one front away all right no just one note away that's always true always that's right home base well not quite home base because home I would call it a group but one of the seven right notes is always only a half step away I don't care what can you pick there's never two wrong notes in a row right on a piano on at Lego piano there's no two Black Keys in a in a row there's always a white key in the middle that lets you know that there's always a right note on either side of a wrong note so whenever you hit one just like do it again let me slide it the other way all right but when I make the wrong note groove check it out when I make the wrong note groove you stop hearing in this room it's not wrong anymore because now it feels good and I'm showing you where it's going so now I can I can play on them and you like it right it's because I made you like it right so nuts aren't right or wrong is how we use them and I practice how I use them rather than just knowing where the note is does that make sense so in a word I practice the whole chromatic scale and every keep I know how to use twelve notes in every key not just setting or not just five because it's a pentatonic or because I'm a basically or not just one I know how to use twelve and any key and it's not difficult all right that's the skill none of us practice the chromatic scale if we do practice romesco it's just the exercise to get around the base we don't pick a key and use all twelve tones and I recommend you do and if there's a note you don't like don't leave it stay with it find the notes you don't like and learn to make musically but it's those five long notes those are the ones that really pull emotion out of it it's not the right notes it's the wrong notes if you learn how to use those people will fill your music even more and it's sad that we don't teaching that as teachers you have to study a long time to get back to those notes well I think you should start with them in every language they teach you all the letters first they don't teach you some of them first you have to graduate to use the other ones music sometimes it's so bad words we only let you use some of the notes first I say let the kiddies along teach them always ready you might want to use these more in this key but you can use these two the music is easy there's no more wrong notes really now there will always be notes I didn't mean to hit I didn't to hit that but doesn't make it wrong right but we teach you from day one these are right mills these are long nails so most of us grow up scared about hitting certain notes and that's the same I'm just not I don't have that fear and it's because of how I learn does it make me better it might make me freer and when you talk to free you know you can say anything you know that there's right words to say at a given time there's wrong words but you have the freedom of saying what you want I play music there and it's fun cool last question no leave it alone we'll go somewhere else yes sir what do you think it's the way to be the cool bass player and do your job but still be a little bit more extending what if you want to be a cool basement and do your job but still be outstanding that make it grew okay seriously make it move I it's mine maybe I have a baseline I'm cold [Music] Marcus doesn't have you don't know what he's done as far as knows but it grooves right that grooves secure what the note is I'm good enough for Marcus don't care you just make it move all right so whatever you do whatever you do you base it off of the group yes sir you got it right oh that's my film that was wrong right you didn't care because it felt right I played the whole lid a half step out of key and you didn't care because it that's it right there so do you make it feel good you can get away with a lot you know who the most in my opinion like a lot of us basically they always say stop overplaying because we pay too much here's my number one bass player in my opinion who always overplayed who you think it is in my opinion do you think it is Jacques you listen to like Joni Mitchell they got the world's greatest guitar player Pat Metheny they got all these whoever it is Michael Brecker whoever and chuckles guy feels right it feels so good so nobody cares but if you didn't make it feel that good Joni was a taco don't play chords we got a guitar player but if you can make it as feel as good as jock oh yeah you can over put you can do it right so the key is feel that's the key cool and stop trying to impress bass players that's honest bass finished we try to impress each other probably as we don't hire each other basically is don't hire a square so we're trying to impress the wrong people Persinger's at porn when is keyboard you play keyboard I need to impress you so you hire me I just sell playing basement started playing well you know you know you know what do you like them I basically do you want a bass player to play your chords no it depends on which hand you play okay I'm into the show bass player doesn't warm you playing bass yes alright if I'm playing bass let me play bass if you're playing piano I'll let you play the chords we gotta agree right there you know by virtue of our instrument now if I go up and play the chord it's going to be for an effect and it has to feel good rush you're going to yell at me you know because a lot of us bass players we know how to play tints right we know how to make a chord dominant will take up you know a major chord and make it dominant but I need to be aware is are you making it dominate or whatever so I'm going to play a chord I need to really understand where you are and a lot of us don't have that understand it's the reason why I stopped playing bass to understand bass playing very violent we understand each other before the most part let's just stay out of each other's way you know our instruments were designed to do a role this start there because you can't groove down here like me I can't play chords like you so why I just let you do it that's a start but make it grew and that's the key thank you hey if anybody could give me one word it could even be a German word I don't care what so what's your one word that describes me
Channel: BassSclar
Views: 156,002
Rating: 4.9351521 out of 5
Id: 8UzYhyodvfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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