New Hire thinks he is the Owner of Worksite. I'm your boss And You're Fired r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to the new episode of r slash i don't work here lady today we have another set of three new stories to tell but before we begin if you're new here don't forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss a new video every single day get off your damn chair and help hey guys i'm currently working for a third party vendor for one of the most well-known retail stores in the u.s hintent blue vest era my priority is selling mobile data plans and mobile accessories in other words i'm the phone person this also means that while i work at the electronics counter in the store of blue vests i don't actually work for them this of course means there are certain tasks i'm not supposed to do including ringing up people that aren't purchasing any mobile accessories there are sometimes exceptions like when the rest of the electronics associates are swamped because of understaffing while i try to help out when they're super busy the point is i'm not supposed to do it one afternoon when i was adding some inventory into the system one of the associates asked if i could ring up this lady who's now karen who was buying iphone screen protectors he was the only associate working at the time there was a mini line of five people he wanted to help the next customer while i rang up karen so one thing i forgot to mention is that i have my own little area at the electronics counter there i have my own little seat and computer that many customers have mistaken as a cash register it's understandable since there is also a card reader there not much happened while i was checking her items out it was just any normal transaction at the cash register she thanks me and i tell her to have a good day afterward i go back to my seat to complete the inventory about 10 minutes later while i'm still sitting at my computer it happens karen taps her nails on my counter i look at her smiling yes she then shoves her pointy finger right in my face you need to get off your damn chair and help everyone that's in line right now i'm a little annoyed excuse me we have been waiting in line and you've just been sitting here doing nothing it's not the other associate says ma'am she isn't actually a walmart associate and is actually supposed to be strictly in charge of phones surprised he came to my defense she says oh i was just trying to help you the other associate says yes i understand but if you could just wait in line i'll be able to assist you soon oh oh okay you see i just thought i saw her yes i understand the other associate says then the karen left without apologizing of course just kind of waddled off the other associate and i just shared a look like wtf was that karen didn't even go back to the line in fact she wasn't in line in the first place i'd already helped her and she left and for some reason felt the need to come back and yell at me but yeah so that's my little i don't work here story i have a couple more but this is the first one that came to mind i think a lot of people could get useful perspective on humanity by going back to working as a retail associate and our next story i'm nine months pregnant and wearing a suit no i don't work at this drug store sir long time lurker of this sub first time poster honestly never thought it would happen to me i was in a generic drugstore pharmacy yesterday after work to pick up some sore muscle balm for my back i'm nine months pregnant and clearly heavily pregnant doing the waddling all and dressed in a suit because my job requires it suit jacket unbuttoned because lol i haven't been able to close that for about four months now i'm on the phone with my mom because she and i have a daily ritual of checking in with each other after work every day i started doing it when she lived alone to make sure she was okay and it just continued when she got it live in boyfriend as i'm walking up a random mile to make my way to the counter to pay talking to my mom with my cell phone in one hand and the muscle bomb in the other a gentleman blocks me in the aisle and says where are the razors now he's looking right at me and we're the only two people in the aisle so i know he's talking to me but i can't imagine why i respond with i'm not sure pardon me though i'd like to get by dude doesn't move he just stares at me for a minute it's at this point when i have to ask my mom to hold on because i want all of my focus on this dude as i'm beginning to feel unease finally what do you mean you don't know i respond with sir i just came to get some muscle bomb and i'd really like to pay for my purchase and leave please let me through the aisle then he takes another good long look at me and finally says you don't work here at this point i'm just annoyed tired and wanting to get on with my life and my stomach is too big to squeeze past him because he's still not moved so i get kind of snippy sir i'm nine months pregnant and wearing a suit and heels talking on my cell phone what made you think i work here he finally just stared at me dumbfounded and stepped to the side a bit so i waddled as fast as my fat pregnant ass could pass him i booked it to the front cashier not super dramatic but it did take me off guard because well i never thought i'd encounter someone so oblivious who knew and our third story for today yes i am in charge this is my first time posting and it's about an incident that happened when i turned 27 or 28 it was part of an electrician apprenticeship program through my local ibew that's the international brotherhood of electrical workers i was entering my fifth year of the five-year program basically making me the equivalent of a high school senior in july of that year i was working with one of the largest electrical contractors in my city and was assigned to work at one of their contracts for one of the local slash largest oil refineries at one of the multiple plants they had in the area in july the apprenticeship started sending out what were unindentured apprentices who'd not yet started classes but were working to see if they would qualify for the program and had a lot of new faces arriving daily since i was a senior apprentice i was placed in charge of the apprentices that were part of the wire pull crew that did multiple thousand plus foot wire pulls daily to help complete the new process unit we've been assigned to do the electrical construction on as we made our way up the many platforms and ladders at least 40 feet into the pipe rack and into the cable tray that supported the cables and wires i would pass out position assignments based on skill levels after two pulls we all got down to take our morning break i noticed a new face amongst the crowd hanging around our little break area where we had our tool boxes slash gang boxes slash lunch boxes i saw one guy sitting on top of my lunch box square ice chest i approached him and said hey buddy i guess you didn't notice the name written all over that lunch box you're sitting on who gave you permission to sit on my lunch box the new guy stood up and looked at me being a few inches shorter than me but also looking to be in his mid-40s you can't tell me where to sit and not sit who put you in charge at that moment the younger guy he was talking to stepped between us and led him away after the union mandated 15-minute break me and my crew were gathered around the wire pole foreman little blue print shack to get ready for the next five polls they had planned at that time a few of the new faces show up led by the union steward who introduces them to the foreman as we broke up to go to our assigned locations as usual i was at a lot of the pull lifting the wire up from the ground level over the walkie talkie radio i heard a lot of chatter and felt the wire being jerked from behind me despite having a seasoned crew working multiple calls on walkie-talkie demanding whoever is pulling and jerking the wire to get in rhythm and not pull so forcefully since we were at that moment pulling data wire that had fiber optics inside which could be damaged after the pull and tie down of the wire i rushed down my platform to the ground after my foreman called us down on radios at this point i am livid and seeing red i finally get to the bottom with my pole partner next to me trying to calm me down i stop when i see my foreman yelling at the same guy who sat on my lunchbox are you some kind of idiot we might have to do the entire poll all over again because of you and your pulling of the wire despite nasty telling you over the radio to stop jerking the wire and stay with the pole count one two three pull the guy looks down at our barely five foot four inch foreman and looks like he's gonna punch him i proceeded to run up and stand at my full five foot eleven height between him and the foreman when the ahole opens his mouth get the hell out of the way this is between me and him who the hell are you anyway you act like some big shot i calmly stood there in my foreman as cool as a cucumber goes he's actually your boss the one in charge of the wire pull and you just broke his perfect poll record of 400 polls and no issues a-hole my boss he can't be he's just a kid barely 21. he's telling me what to do yeah that's right i tell him i'm your boss old man because i'm a 28 year old 5th year apprentice and you're over 40 barely entering this program i'm also your senior in the union rolls that's why i make the max 25 bucks an hour to your 12 bucks an hour because i have more time on my electrical license than you do he stood there with the realization that he was up the creek without a paddle because he thought that since he was older he'd be placed in charge of things the union steward showed up and stood before him between the two of us then turned to me and asked nasty what's going on here the look of realization on the new guy's face got even wider and he actually got pale when he realized the name on the lunch box over the radio and the one the foreman mentioned were all me as i explained the situation and now the new guy had basically ruined at one hundred dollars per foot a thousand foot wire pull the new guy turned even paler when he did the mental math and i mentioned the one hundred thousand 000 cost of that ruined pull the union steward looks at him then at me then at him and asks me directly well nasty you're in charge of this crew and in the air what do you want to do with them move them to another crew different plant fire him since he's not officially in the program yet the new guy almost looks like he wants to faint as he looks in my angry eyes silently pleading not to fire him start the termination proceedings if chaps chapero or shorty the nickname we had for our foreman agrees with me since he's a financial and safety liability since it's obvious he can't control his anger let alone listen to instruction my foreman looks at the steward with a gleam of joy in his eyes i want him gone not from the refinery but the company and the local older new hires who think they're higher up simply because they're older can be hell and thank you all for watching the video to the end i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 73,621
Rating: 4.958549 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, New Hire, hinks he is the Owner, of Worksite, Owner of Worksite, the Owner of Worksite, I'm your boss, And You're Fired, You're Fired, Hire, the Owner, Owner, I'm the Owner, I'm Owner of Worksite, I'm the boss, reddit stories, r/, reddit top posts, reddit, comedy, cringe, work, I'm Owner, r/IDOWorkHereLady, Best Stories!, r/idontworkherelady, idwhl reddit, i do work here lady, idontworkherelady, reddit i don't work here lady, r/ i don't work here, funny
Id: Cn3UDVT2rz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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