r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen STALKS Me For Not Serving Her! Won't Believe I'm a CUSTOMER!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash I don't it's a work here lady where Karen's keep confusing regular people as employees and in today's episode Karen's are running wild yet again they're getting arrested getting embarrassed stalking people I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's Dive In so this happened years ago I think it was like 2016-ish and I was working as a receptionist in an office my boss slash owner of the business was actually a very good friend of mine that I had known for a really long time anyway she would occasionally give her employees gift cards to different places to buy some work attire as the dress code kept changing as the business did on this day I took mine and set out to Target I was in the fitting room trying on some stuff when I hear what sounds like a Stern angry woman talking when I come out it is in fact a Stern angry woman talking she's standing with who I assume is her daughter in front of a mirror that was in the Hall of the dressing room area but not in the room itself she's basically railing into this poor girl who can't be more than 13 to 14 years old saying if she lost weight that clothes might actually look good on her now the lady was actually pretty big herself not that that's a bad thing but hypocrisy and mental abuse says this poor girl looked defeated and I kind of watched them as I handed my items that I didn't want back to the girl working and then said something along the lines of man some people suck in a voice that I thought was pretty low but I guess it wasn't like Karen thought the girl working the counter said it at first and starts going after her I told her I said it because the girl didn't know me and didn't need to lose her job over me I mean I'm sure you can guess what happens next Karen basically marches up to me and screams that she wants to talk to my manager I try the whole I don't work here thing but her rebuttal is I obviously do and I'm obviously here on my day off and should still be reprimanded for being rude about a customer to my friend now at that point I'm about to tell her that I couldn't care less when a new idea Dawns on me I say to her yeah you can talk to my manager while getting my phone out I then say I just have to call her because she isn't here to today which is entirely true my manager was at home that day getting ready for a party that I was later attending at her house so I called my friend and she answers and I say hey I have someone here at Target demanding to speak to you she wants me fired now of course there's some quite obvious confusion on her end all I hear is okay before putting her on speakerphone like I'll be damned if a stranger's gonna press my phone against their face I then say to Karen okay you're on speaker and immediately Karen AKA Mick pants starts yelling at my friend how awful I am and what I did and is also adding spice that it's awful that no manager is on the floor to deal with the situation today my boss starts laughing hysterically which made Karen even more Angry she then says to Karen well if you ask for a random person's manager don't be surprised that they don't work at Target I lost it at this point too I apologize to the nice lady working the rooms put my phone to my ear so I could laugh it off with my friend slash manager and started to walk away of course Karen's still yelling at me because I'm awful and I see what I assume as an actual manager coming to the rooms I tell my friend that I'll call her back and head back to see what lies Karen tries to spin and also try to make sure that she doesn't accuse fitting room girl of anything lo and behold she was trying to blame that girl and starts yelling about that stupid idiot me coming back and I should be punished too luckily the manager saw me and immediately says I've never seen her before in my life she doesn't work here the angry lady then says that she can't deal with her lies anymore and grabs her poor embarrassed daughter and starts walking away the manager apologized to me and the employee but it's not like I ever blamed him he was super kind once I got back to my car I felt bad that I didn't give the daughter the rest of my Target gift card but I knew there was no way I could have so I called my manager back and we just died laughing at the situation we were just in yeah even if Opie were to give her that card mama would have probably thrown it away or just spent it on herself but an awful woman though the way she treats her own daughter and complete strangers and I only wish that Opie taught her a bigger lesson and embarrassed her foreign to me personally but a very close friend of mine on his way home to visit my childhood best friend was coming home to visit from the military he stationed in San Diego he had sent me a text message to inform me that they had gotten back from their five-month deployment had gotten approved for leave time and he had just bought a plane ticket home and he would be coming home the next day I just so happened to be home on leave myself so he asked me to come pick him up from the airport my friend hadn't told his parents about the trip home as he wanted to surprise them my friend took his first flight to Chicago where he had about a four hour layover now he wanted to surprise his family in uniform so he decided to bring his recently pressed and cleaned dress whites in his travel garment bag when he landed in Chicago he knew he had time to kill so he decided to get some lunch and find his gate so he would be ready for his next flight he got himself comfortable at the seat by the gate and struck up a conversation with a marine who had just graduated boot camp from Paris Island and was on his way home to visit his family now my friend's been in the Navy for about five and a half years and he's a lieutenant he asked what flight the Marine would be going on and he found out they were both catching the same flight after a short amount of time talking my friend asked the young Marine if he could watch his belongings so he could get changed into his uniform the Marine agreed and my friend got changed and quickly came back to his seat as the flight approached the gate attendance prepared to open the gate for passengers and my friend had gotten up and he was in line ready to board he then notices A well-dressed man and his wife arguing with the gate attendance at the counter demanding first class seats that were available the man had become very angry and began to raise his voice to the attendants after some back and forth arguing the wife notices my friend in uniform and she immediately storms up to him the woman says are you really going to let your flight attendants treat us like this do you people know who we are my friend was confused about why she was asking him considering he was wearing an all-white uniform and the pilots had a white top with black pants my friend said to her ma'am I can't help you I'm not who you think I am the woman scoffs and says of course I know who you are do you think I'm stupid it's your plane and you decide where people sit and I need to sit in first class my friend tells her ma'am I'm not a pilot and even if I was I don't think that's how it works the woman then says don't lie to me I know you're a pilot you're wearing that damn uniform and you have the stupid things on your shoulders to prove it my friend then tells her these are shoulder boards and it means I'm an officer it doesn't necessarily mean I'm a pilot at this point the man at the counter finally gave up trying to argue with the attendance and noticed that his wife was arguing with my friend he realizes that his wife has mistaken my friend for someone else and he interjects into the conversation attempting to calm his wife down but this is Sim simply making her more irate as she now starts shouting obsanities at my friend my friend basically says I don't know why you're getting angry at me you initiated the conversation and made yourself look dumb the woman responds I've been flying with this Airline for 20 years and you bet your ass I'm gonna tell your boss how you talk to me I'm not letting a punk talk down to me what's your boss's name I want to know right now my friend doesn't hesitate to pull out his Skipper's contact card and he says here's the number to his office tell him Lieutenant so and so says hello by this point she had her phone out and she was dialing the number when security shows up security told my friend to go ahead and board so he won't miss his flight as he walks up to the counter the attendant thanked him for a service and my friend told me the look on the woman's face was priceless as she was being told she's not getting on the flight Instant Karma for a horrible woman oh silly Karen like even if Opie was a pilot her being so demanding yelling at him and harassing him would be the fastest way to not get onto the plane and seriously it's so funny how some people think that they deserve special treatment for being customers for so long I've been flying with this Airline for 20 years now so upgrade me to First Class like ma'am if you want to fly first class buy yourself a first class ticket [Music] this is my first post here so I wanted to take the time to tell everyone a little about me I'm a retired paramedic and I was recently reminded of this so on this day I just finished a 12 hour shift running on a total of four hours of sleep the night before and I had to make a stop at Walmart I walked into the store still in full uniform now the uniform was easily confused with police and security guards uniforms as they were navy blue shirts with a badge ID French blue pants with navy stripes on the pants legs and work boots with zippers on the sides I was in the dairy aisle getting some milk before heading from the back of the store to the front to finish my row by row shopping method so I got my milk and I was about to push my cart onto the next stop when out of nowhere I encounter Queen Karen now before she made it to my aisle I'll have to admit I did hear some arguing the next style over something about get me that bag off the top shelf then in a more demand ending voice I heard I told you to get the bag for me I'm not asking you so nicely again but followed sounded like two younger boys talking to one another saying something like who does this old geezer think she is so with that she then marches into my aisle she sees where I'm standing and screams you you there now there were several others around me so I thought nothing of it and continued my shopping again as I stopped to get the eggs she says it again are you ignoring me I need your assistance now with that I looked around and I had to ask are you speaking to me she then says in a condescending voice well you're the only security guard I see here so yes I'm talking to you and I need you to stop pretending like you're shopping and kick these juvenile delinquents out of the store now that I respond I don't work here the woman says you can't be shopping you're the only security guard on duty so quit wasting time and get those obnoxious and rude children out of the store I told her again ma'am I am trying to shop Karen then says very angrily and aggressively you either help me or I will have you fired and banned from any job in security you will never work in security again it's at this point things went downhill fast my sleep deprived and normally calm cool and collected demeanor was spent running on four hours of sleep the night before had me in a grouchy mood I had had enough so I told her with my deep voice I do not work here woman I've tried to tell you three times but you kept running your mouth and you never allowed me to she attempts to interrupt but I stop her and say see there you go again I do not work here I just got off a very long shift why don't you find an actual security guard here I'm a medical professional now leave me alone I want to do my shopping and go home I left her as pale as a sheet and made it far enough away from her before before she starts shouting you just go ahead and leave you never think about coming back I know the manager very well and when he finds out there will be hell to pay she then picks up a bag of sugar and she throws it at me of course it misses and the bag explodes all over the floor it just made one hell of a mess the manager now heard what was going on and he asked me what happened first hearing that Karen went ballistic and she screams you already take his side I'll have you know that two other hoodlums harassed me and they made fun of me for being old when I wanted help your security guy was very rude to me and refused to help me when I needed it I demand he's fired and never gets a job in security again the manager let her speak and we didn't interrupt and then I gave my side of the story I pretty much told him everything I overheard the boy say and how she began to be so rude to me even after I told her multiple times that I don't work here I told him he may want to check the security 30 footage because if she laid a finger on those two young boys in any way then assault charges need to be pressed on her by this time she's trying to make her way out of the store but the manager radioed the true security and had them stop her until law enforcement could arrive when I made it to the front she was being put in handcuffs and she was crying screaming my husband is a local mega church pastor and I promise you he'll make sure all of you rude Liars burn in hell for mistreating me so yeah that was the one time I encountered a Karen like this yeah so I'm willing to bet her husband isn't a mega church pastor guys like people love to say the darndest things don't they when they don't get what they want and if I'm wrong and he is one my goodness sir your wife is out there thinking she's extra special so this is a story for the record books it happened hours ago and I'm still trying to process how and why it all happened I live in a mid-sized City tourist trap if you will and I work for my mother's catering business as a pastry chef I work from home and I don't have a uniform also this took place in Wally Mart my mother and I went to sad store in a big shopping center I was wearing a white T-shirt with black leggings with flip-flops I keep earbuds in on silent as a please don't talk to me method I'm in the bakery looking for some Nummies when a nice man asked me what cake I think is good for a little girl I ask what she likes and such and flip through the catalog but he ends up picking a pre-made one with me pointing him to the party supply aisle I then pick my own goods and follow my mom to meet and then baking supplies then Electronics then diapers then I went to the crafts and sewing Department I sew cosplay and I'm making something for my niece's first con so I'm kneeling by the 99 cent Fabrics when I hear the click of heels my mistake was looking up I notice a woman a bit older wearing short wedge heels and the rest typical early summer attire she didn't have the haircut but sunglasses on her head and arms were already closed and a face that just screamed don't bother with reasoning let's call her TK for tourist Karen so I returned to my search earphones in and silent when I feel two fingers tap loud thuds onto my shoulder it's Karen and she says hello removing an earbud I say yes Karen says I need water bottles I say to her okay at this point she's getting louder and she says show me where they are at this point I catch on and I say oh I don't work here so no need to yell that's when Karen says well that's stupid of you to say you just helped a man in the bakery just now now bear in mind that this was over 20 20 minutes ago and as we were taking our time looking at things in the store this nut had tracked me down instead of a real freaking employee so I say what I'm surprised that many in the sub haven't I say to her miss being a decent person and helping someone if I can doesn't mean I work here at this point my mom comes around behind her like a ninja in the night and says what's going on I'm her mom hearing my mom say that the lady jumps looking at my mom all bug-eyed for all of two seconds she then points at me and Huffs your daughter was extremely rude to me she said I was a bad person just for asking for help my mom kept her cool and sad I was on the next aisle over she told you that she didn't work here and you yelled at her also she's an adult so why are you telling me with that Karen turned up her nose and she stomped off which we thought was the end after we checked out she appears with the manager screaming and pointing at us the manager just looks at her like the the crazy she is saying the employee she harassed wasn't even an employee and if she wanted they could get the footage Karen groans and she goes for the discount rant which I wish I could have seen the result of but we left if you think I'm done this is just the beginning we then go to the store next to Wally Mart a chain grocery store to find what we didn't my mom decided to leave me on my own and goes to a different store while I'm picking out things in the freezer section right as I'm dumping pizza rolls in my tiny carts an employee knocks over a few boxes of stuff on the floor I rush over and help him it looking like he was too scared to be seen making a mistake as I'm doing that I hear a loud aha I then turn and I kid you not I was met with the same displeased face with the worst looking grin it was Karen and she said I knew I would find where you work now I can tell your manager that you were rude and you made a mess I tell the woman I don't work here either I'm just helping this poor guy out Karen says shut up I'm gonna get you fired for making me look stupid I tell her you did that to yourself I don't work anywhere near either place leave me alone the employee backs me up and says ma'am she doesn't work here I've never seen her before Karen says you can shut it too or I'll have your job too just then a manager comes to see what the yelling was about I think screw the pizza rolls we got mac and cheese and I spat down two aisles and out the door still not the end I guess my mom would be in the dollar store by then and lo and behold she was being told I looked like I swallowed a bug I tell her what went down and she says stay close to her just in case this mental patient got loose again so for about 10 minutes it was calm I was reading birthday cards for my sister picking out pool toys for the new pool and just being care and free and then the bubble popped when I hear a very Stern you I look up and there's Karen staring right fight at me as scared as I was I was by my mom so instant Mama strength gave me the patience to deal with Karen a third time today I say to her what do you want Karen says I want you to go up there and explain what happened or I'll get you fired I tell her I don't work anywhere in the center or part of town my boss is right here Karen starts complaining to my mom that I left her standing there and I'm ready to end this at this point so I say you followed me into I don't know how many stars and insisted I work there you leave me alone or I'll get the police I do not work here Karen then picks up some granola bars from the shelf and she tossed them at me she then cussed and screamed like a rabbit animals as customers just seem to look and fun fact about dollar store is that a security guard is always nearby as shoplifters are rampant in a store where everything's a buck and under out of nowhere this big guy comes through and he holds her in a bear hug she's growling fighting scratching and trying to bite before he's able to radio for backup minutes pass and this ladies in handcuffs because the shopping center is very close to a station I get to make my statement in front of onlookers laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing the woman ended up getting taken in anyway for calling the police officer a and kicking the seats as he was about to uncuff her she then cried as he shut the door and she said the one line to rule them all she said will you let me go when I take my meds I hope she never visits again I hate tourists oh man guys finding out that Karen was off her meds actually made me feel a bit bad and also I can't help but to think that a lot of these encounters are Karen's that are off their meds but with that said that was a wild ride guys I don't know how Opie kept their cool and stuck around I'd be out of there so freaking fast the best way not to deal with these people is to just get away from them do not entertain these Karens and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash I don't to work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy episodes and if you missed the last episode of the channel it's an r slash entitled people episode where Karen thinks her daughter sucks and demands op give her daughter to her it's such a crazy story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 103,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, karma stories, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, reddit, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, racist karen, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen store freakout
Id: nVbr4_EciZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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