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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady where we share stories about folks that are mistaken for employees by irate customers and the first story is Karen pulls the reversal happened earlier today couldn't think of a better sub to put this on so feel free to let me know if it's too horribly misplaced she was at the Walmart in our town doing some shopping I'm not a big fan of heading into stores right now and it's never bothered her I'm Way more nervous about the Rona sue me on her way and she got stopped at the door this isn't particularly odd given the current state of things the policy for this Walmart or all of them not sure is that not too many people should be in the store at a time and that makes perfect sense most people customers and employees alike are wearing their face masks and gloves so generally the environment seems quite clean after waiting for only a few moments she was let in the store was slightly crowded despite the attempts of keeping a low population but my wife had decided that there was one item she wanted more than anything anything else sugar-free pudding not for me that Sh makes my stomach turn wading through the less crowded aisles she made her way into what she thought was the pudding aisle but alas a horrific lack of glucose less savory soft sweets were seemingly absent so only slightly deterred the rest of the grocery shopping took place detergent paper towels hot pockets hmm and food in general came for a while after getting literally all the other groceries she tried to find another aisle for pudding one that didn't exist so she made her way back to where she had started this journey and there she was atop a pedestal in front of all that delicious desirable pudding Karen she was tall blond hair pulled back into a ponytail she seemed older not the typical age of a Karen but one could be forgiven for a slight moment of mistaken assumption that she was an employee she stood atop a metal steppin ladder that had a card attached to the front with myriad boxes of stock waiting to be introduced to their shelves however something caught my fiance's eye the boxes were full of baking supplies flour baking soda the whole nine yards all of which belonged on the other side of the store this this cart and ladder combo wasn't even supposed to be in this aisle and there was no other employee in uniform nearby so she clearly didn't work at the store unless Walmart had introduced some kind of plainclothes division she had her unglued hands reaching all the way back into his shelf of probiotics a shelf that given the woman's height the stepladder wasn't technically needed she even had her face only a few inches away from the product without a mask on trying to read whatever she thought was on those bottles my fiancee ever the non-confrontational woman she is kept her mouth shut and simply watched the woman take the probiotics out look at them put one on the stocking cart put every other one back and continue to fondle the probiotics like she was coming on to them and then the horrifying moment struck her eyes searched around and landed on my fiance I don't work here she scoffed dismissively and then turned back to continue her ministrations which left Beyonce baffled trying her best not to look like she needed anything she didn't mind waiting for whatever this Karen was up to as the pudding she wanted so desperately was gonna be there by the time she was done getting to know the bottles of probiotics after another minute or so of waiting the woman turned again with a loud Huff knowing that the pesky nervous shopper was still standing there awkwardly do you need something I don't work here my fiancee finally squeaked out a little I don't mind waiting which dragged another sigh out of the woman ah unbelievable if you have a problem learn to ask someone who works here next time she stomp stomp stomp her feet down the three metal steps onto the floor of the aisle and pushed the cart forward with such a ferocity that the orange isle marker if you frequent the story you certainly know fell to the ground with a clap the fall had been enough to bust the corner off the sign but the Karen had her sights locked not on the broken property the carnage laying at her feet but instead at my fiance with the speed and fear of a mouse my fiance finally obtained that half liquid half solid gold she had been wanting so desperately the sugar-free pudding like she was holding the Holy Grail and a boulder was about to roll over her my fiance dipped out of the aisle stepping over the broken piece of sign in the process and fled the scene before she could get too far she heard the last of the woman's whinging more masks was hopping and puffing along with another set of stomps stomps stomps - surely start fondling the probiotics once again but oh no no no this isn't where it ends as my fiance was at the self-checkout slowly bagging her groceries to make sure she had few bags is possible another horrid incident with this woman began now to set the stage let me be frank my wife has a peculiar way of handling herself in public she always sat her head down fiddling with the fidget cube in one hand and stacking groceries with the other to the untrained eye she looked far less independent than she really is as the Karen wound up finally deciding what probiotic she wanted she came around to the self-checking area with only that single bottle whatever half liquid half solid gold she had good for her now the self-checkout lines have a generally short length evenly spread out across most a little area therein with only one person to take care of any malfunctions or bagging errors short-staffed likely the Karen bottle in hand upon seeing my fiance once again practically beeline to the assistant my fiance has a massive babyface issue going on so the next thing she heard wasn't surprising excuse me this little kid needs someone to help them do you know that I had to help her in the back because you aren't staffed enough I should be getting paid for this at this point she loudly protested a hair flip going along with her tirade oh uh the assistant clearly caught off-guard asked is that your daughter another scoff no if she was I would be even more upset how little help you have here so do you mind before the assistant can come and help my socially inept fiance she managed to let out a sorry I don't need any help before practically breaking the joystick offer cube in a mortified moment of fidgeting are you sure the Karen were doubt less like a lion and more like a boar because she sure took plenty of time just standing there and waiting for me to help you do I look like an employee here hmm she gestured to the floral short-sleeved shirt she was wearing at this point the self-checkout assistant seemed to somewhat understand what was going on and tried to redirect the wild animals rage ma'am if you'd like I can talk to my supervisor about getting you some coupons for your help tactful upon hearing that she'd finally be paid for all the work she did she let out one final relaxing sigh yes that'd be wonderful she folded her arms bottle of probiotic sloshing again in her hands gosh I'm so sorry all this all this virus stuff just has me so worried right now she emphasized this with a sniffle rubbing her nose against the side of her hand yeah real worried regardless of whether or not the Karen got our precious coupons my poor wife-to-be decided that she didn't want to stick around for the festivities quickly finishing up her bagging and not nearly as compact as she'd like she made her way out of the store after paying the terminal in fact the fact that she had three bags filled up two-thirds and not two fully filled bags is what she was most upset about upon getting home really puts things into perspective the second story is a pre Karen meme Karen in the wild hey first time posting my apologies now for any lingo that isn't right background I'm from the UK and this happened to me about ten years ago reading other people's stories I thought I would add my wine to the mix so I worked in a shopping mall for a small independent chain they made alternative clothing mainly my uniform consisted of a t-shirt with the store's logo on the front shop was called punky fish so it was of a fish that resembled a slightly altered angler fish with a chain in an eyebrow piercing the t-shirt was black fish and writing and gold with studs on it it also read punky fish how can I help you punky fish on the back you could wear anything on the bottom half my go to was crushed velvet leggings in Congress at the time anyway to get to my store I would usually Park in a multi-story space and walk through one of the big department stores that were always connected to it this time was the turn of Marks & Spencer's any non UK residents who were not familiar it's an old-fashioned shop with clothing home where food and beauty products their uniform is too black and green Chalet polo a shirt with smart trousers and shoes this is important walking through I had my bag in hand as well as McDonald's I had picked up on the drive-thru and a drink in the other here goes the story players me equals m and keren equals k me walking through the store minding my own business drinking drink stops a sec to check my phone karen sharpe finger prodding me and my shoulder excuse me me turns to see angry karen a bit taken aback because the prodding yes karen did you not hear me or something I've been chasing you through the store me remembers hearing someone shouting excuse me several times I heard you yes but didn't realize it was for me what's the matter thinking maybe I dropped something or whatever Karen face now red and purple what's the matter is that how you speak to customers this is disgraceful first of all you ignore me then instead of how can I help you say what's the matter me I hate confrontation the penny hadn't dropped yet that she thinks I work here okay how can I help you Karen still angry I want this in size small for my daughter there's no size small get one for me me penny dropped miss I don't work here Karen this was obviously the wrong answer you're wearing a t-shirt that says how can I help you me yes it also says punky fish it also has it on the front I do not work here Karen apparently I press some sort of murder button talkin back the same way she had to me this is ridiculous I'm a paying customer I don't care what your t-shirt says I need a size small for my daughter at this time enough commotion had gone on that a member of staff came over in full uniform member of staff what's going on here Karen this girl will not assist me I want to speak with whoever's in charge this is ridiculous rudeness and bad customer service staff looks at me looks at my uniform miss she doesn't work here me starting to wonder why I'm still standing here looks at the staff and smiles I'm gonna get to work now can I leave her with you sarcastic grin staff nods Karen you can't go anywhere until we speak to the manager me okay well my shops out the side door by the restaurant up towards Starbucks my manager isn't in today but don't let the assistant manager know you'll be by to complain about closed we don't stock and my attitude it was at this time I left the poor staff with Karen and made my way to my actual place to work I didn't look back but I could still hear shouting about behavior rude staff incompetence shouldn't be wearing tops that say he can help sorry staff that I left you with her I explained the story to my assistant manager we laughed and she said well if she turns up I'll be sure to let her know I let you have a verbal warning not to be rude to customers and Marks and Spencers the next story is Karen do you need a friend this is what I get for going to the store instead of ordering groceries to be delivered so with the corona stuff going on I've been dutifully staying in my apartment like a decent human being and limiting any time I spend outside unfortunately this has been heck on my partner's mental health and the depression is real so I decided screw it we're both food boys and he likes cookies there's a giant the next block over so I get dressed put on my sweet Disney mask go on Etsy the designs are wonderful and head out to get my partner some cookies now for reference my stylist hobo chic so sweats sneakers graphic tee and a hoodie keep that in mind I go into giant head for the cookie aisle I'm considering if I want to do Oreos or if I want to be fancy and get pepperidge farm these are the important questions of life when an older woman who's very short asks if I can grab something for off the top shelf of course I say yes because she was nice enough to ask I'm a simple guy I hand her the item and go back to my contemplation as I decide to get them both I hear them mm-hmm I've worked retail and I've worked food service so I know the sound of a wild Karen when I hear one me what's up Karen what's up is that how you treat I have zero in the way of spoons and even less patients me ma'am ma'am I'm gonna need you to look at me and try that line of thinking again Karen who the f me hey hey let me tell you what we're not gonna do I need you to woo-woo-woo and chill I know you know better Karen still looks mad but doesn't say anything me now I can help you find an employee if you want but what you will not do is yell at me I'm only here to get cookies I pointed my stomach I'm a thick boy me not that I need them Karen cracks his small smile gotcha me but at this point I'm committed to this I didn't choose thick life it shows me Karen starts to crack and laughs a little before all of a sudden starting to tear up I'm six foot three hundred pounds in black a crime Karen is a bit detrimental to my continued freedom me um you okay Karen yeah it's just that this is the first time I've laughed in a while my husband's in the hospital me the virus Karen yeah me I'm not sure if it means much coming from some cookie guy but I hope he recovers Karen smiled and walked away while she didn't apologize for popping off I'm glad it didn't escalate further her husband's condition doesn't excuse what I'm sure would have been an awful tirade but it does serve as a reminder that crap is bad for everyone and the last story is how much do you make a week this is a story that my dad witnessed 30 or 40 years ago he worked at a grocery store and the owner was a real POS would yell a staff on the store floor or if he didn't like a display he would destroy it by throwing the boxes of cereal on the floor and make them stack them the way he wanted one day a young man came in that worked at a hardware store a few buildings down they were aprons like the store staff but a totally different color and style it was the guys break and he slowly just looking for something for lunch the store owner sees this and gets madder and madder as this guy is just lazily walking around finally he can have no more of this and runs up to the guy how much do you make a week he responds $25 the owner opens his wallet hands him a $50 bill and says never come back you're fired and storms off guy is like I don't work here but the owners already stormed off thank you for watching have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 25,305
Rating: 4.9055119 out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady storiers, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, i do work here lady, r/idoworkherelady, i don't work here lady, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, /start, r/, #idontworkherelady, idwhl, i do work here, idoworkherelady, Employee, Karen, r/IDOWorkHereLady karen, job, Karen Wants, store, r/IDontWorkHereLady store, r/IDontWorkHereLady CUSTOMER, work
Id: 41rolGFrb_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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