r/IDontWorkHereLady - a WILD Karen appeared!

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[Music] foreign what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host that just got a new Hawaiian shirt that's such a stupid gimmick to have Zach in today's subredded desire slash I don't work here lady I swear it's not a gimmick I just genuinely really like Hawaiian shirts because they're just they're just very representative of the type of person I am alrighty this story is called this isn't your pizza ma'am in our area there are no zoning laws so we have homeowners associations HOAs that way a bar can't be built next door to your dream house you pay an annual fee and there are amenities like maybe a park and a pool the HOA contracts with a company for lifeguarding and pool cleaning to avoid liability here's the cast daughter my daughter the Lifeguard lifeguard any other lifeguards working that day Cameron she's lived here forever and getting you fired Karen's hubby Junior Karen's four-year-old son and innocent family I don't know how to do a voice for an entire family collectively um setting it's a beautiful summer morning in pool Wonderland children are laughing and splashing in several lifeguards including my daughter sitting on her throne of peace and Tranquility pool Wonderland has some new rules this summer one no going down the water slide with a child in your lap two no non-swim wear in the pool if you happen to require a head covering of any kind it must be swimwear material this is an important detail for later scene one hobby take Junior down the water slide sure thing lifeguard Atop The Slide sorry no children riding in your lap we do apologize it's a new rule this year hi no problem junior is disappointed but not an unruly little thing what the heck that's rude he begins to cry as I assume this tone signals to Junior that once again mommy is gonna lose it it's no big deal Karen now addressing my daughter why can't my son go down the water slide with his dad my daughter explains the rules and Karen doesn't like it but complies in a huff scene too innocent family shows up and orders pizza they have a small family birthday party which was scheduled in advance with tables reserved many of the women are wearing what I understand to be Muslim swimwear appropriate fabric for the pool and covers much of the body including a hijab please don't jump on me if anything I said was ignorant or incorrect about the religion or the names I used I'm merely trying to paint a picture I mean no offense and hope not is taken but polite Corrections or constructive comments are always welcome buddy it's okay innocent family decides to get into the pool Karen also gets in the pool wearing wearing a t-shirt and some shorts ma'am I'm sorry but you will have to get out of the pool you can't wear that in the water I cannot tell me what to wear it's a new rule this year we can't allow people to wear cotton fibers in the water because it messes up the plumbing what about them she says disgustedly referring to the ladies in the innocent family if I have to get out so do they daughter now realizing she's dealing with a racist ma'am they're wearing swimwear you are not we'll see about that at this point Karen is now being told by The Lifeguard supervisor on duty the same thing nice try Karen Scene Three Pizza arrives there are four and drinks and breadsticks Karen gets up and takes the pizza which was paid for already I imagine it's no money changed hands not even for a tip octothorperson asterisk Karen juggles all this to her table and sticks her legs in the water on the side of the pool another Pizza arrives and the innocent family is approached by a lifeguard as they were expecting delivery innocent family says no that isn't ours we ordered four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks from Not That Pizza Place my daughter looks around and sees four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks on Karen's table I bet I know who this belongs to let me help you she's thrilled after Karen has been such a nasty Bacha Thorpe percent exclamation asterisk she didn't even say anything daughter walked to the table set the pizza down and helped the innocent family carry the four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks excuse me where do you think you're going without a food this pizza isn't your pizza ma'am she has the order on her phone matching the pizza place and the order your pizza was delivered a moment ago and on your table Karen glances back in confusion covering her embarrassment it wasn't even the same delivery place with pure rage now yelling at daughter and demanding the police be called why would you call the police you have been harassing me all day and I know you have been staring at my son I have lived here for years and I'm going to the HOA born to have you fired daughter turns and walks back to her stand my daughter has had bad anxiety for years she's perfected a stone wall exterior where you think she doesn't care but she will cry later because I mean she's human Karen's trailing behind and yelling expletives now Karen proceeds to use her phone camera to video my daughter hoping to catch her doing what I don't even know I mean she's literally paid to watch and scan patrons of the pool that's most of your damn job as a lifeguard by the end of the day the police have been called because Karen insisted the staff was out of line Karen's disruptive behavior has actually bothered other their patrons mostly the innocent family as ugly comments about swimwear were overheard and made them uncomfortable it was following guards and taking cell phone video that actually got Karen and her family kicked out many lifeguards are miners and this made the staff uncomfortable not to mention it's ludicrous to be distracting a first responder from their job Karen did not return to the pool for the remainder of the summer not because she was banned hopefully she went home and looked in the mirror and was too embarrassed by her behavior Karen Karen Karen you can do better okay you know what you should do go back there and apologize it's not that hard and given how the family handled the situation and because I know my Muslim peeps they probably forgive you and be okay with it but of course a Karen is a Karen and most likely will always want to be a Karen because you know what they don't be caring all that much also we gotta appreciate how lightly op was treading with uh the whole thing but you're not gonna offend anybody by getting the name of the the burkini wrong this story is called I'm not in the military shove off this was years ago my husband was in the Army on his second enlistment five or six years total at this point he'd already been through a couple of deployments by this point we were at a new base overseas and Hyde gotten a job at the after-school care facility on post well his unit was getting ready to deploy for six months so they were in the thick of all that the chaplain was having a pre-deployment meeting for all the spouses to talk about the changes to Expect While our spouses were deployed for unpractical issues to emotional stuff to disruptions in routine bear in mind this was back when if you were really lucky you maybe got a 10 minute call from your spouse once a month maybe an email as well letters were still more common than anything now both my husband and I are pretty easy going and we'd both been through a couple of deployments so I already knew the drill what to expect how to manage Etc so I decided not to bother with the meeting now don't get me wrong this is a fantastic resource for spouses and they would do a post-deployment one as well to help everyone transition back to normal life with their spouses but I didn't feel the need to attend couple days later my husband shows up at my workplace and tells me he's been ordered by his Lieutenant to bring me to the spouse meeting this was a second Lieutenant who is fresh out of OCS was not prior enlisted and my husband had socks older than this guy's term of military service for those who don't know a second Lieutenant is the lowest ranked officer they're the noobs in its very common for them to think they know it all and act accordingly this guy was one of of those I was highly peeved but not for one moment did I blame my husband I could tell he was annoyed as well and I knew that since it was a direct order that he had to obey it I thought for a minute and asked him to hang on a minute so I could talk to my boss now school was set to let out soon and they needed me there because of adult child ratio requirements but I explained the situation to my boss and told her I'd be back as soon as possible she understood the situation and said she'd fill in for me till I could get back she was cool that way and everyone on base if they weren't military was the spouse of one due to being on an overseas base so they all knew and understood when stuff like this came up very rarely you'd get the random GS employee on post but that was highly unusual so I left with my husband but instead of going to the chaplains meeting I told him to take me to his building where the second lieutenant us he knew what I was up to and happily complied arrived at the Lieutenant's office knocked and went in while my husband stood in the hall asked him why he had ordered my husband to fetch me from my job that I was needed at he rather pompously mansplained to me that this was a required function and that I needed to attend oh I let him have it I didn't raise my voice much but I informed him in no uncertain terms that he had no Authority whatsoever to order me to do anything I was not in the military not subject to his whims and while he may be able to order my husband to come get me he could not order me to go to this meeting he tried interjecting at this point to say that I needed to go so that I would learn stuff about how to handle my husband being on a deployment at this point I nearly blew my time I've spent more time with my husband being in the field and on deployment than you spent in the military my husband does not own me he cannot force me to do anything and neither can you I will not be attending this meeting and you will not force my husband to take me there I am going back to my job and if I hear that you tried to make his life miserable because of it so help me I will go up your chain and command and make sure you regret it now the building was not full but it wasn't quite empty either oh and the higher ups were in their offices pretty close by they were also super cool cats my husband might have been enlisted but they respected the work he did and he respected them and this Lieutenant had been getting on their nerves as well so yeah they absolutely could hear what was going on and I'm sure they enjoyed it by the end of my tirade the second Lieutenant was nearly falling over himself to apologize sorry ma'am I apologize ma'am it won't happen again ma'am he knew he was in the wrong and by this point he also knew I'd make a right Royal stink if he tried to make me do anything or tried to punish my husband for my actions or lack thereof I laughed and my husband took me back to my job grinning like a fool I was still pretty enraged at this point but was cooling off pretty rapidly for a few weeks afterward I actually was concerned that there might be Fallout for my husband because of what I did but there wasn't at least not more than the usual Beaver sausage he dealt with on a daily basis it was one of the most satisfying moments of my life like I said I'm pretty laid back normally but I will get steamed on other people's behalf the problem is that I almost never ever have the opportunity or the right to get involved and I recognize that sometimes doing so would definitely make bad worse so having this opportunity was just golden wow um well she definitely definitely tore that guy a new one all right this story is called the double I don't work here whammy unbearable formatting will suck typos will happen late 2000s background I'm shy about Jack squat I work in healthcare Tech and I was a Hospital volunteer growing up periods don't bother me squeamish men can piss up a flagpole as far as I care I live near a mall a big one three floors with four anchor stores I'm a professional and I wear a shirt and tie to work every day press slacks nice shoes I have my work ID and mag lock door card on my belt here's the cast there's me I'm on my way home and my wife calls asking if fly will pick up feminine products period pads guys for her I swing by the mall as it's literally two minutes from my exit and I go to a big store named for something a marksman would aim at I enter the aisle for feminine products looking for my wife's brand of pad no look I assume that I'm the and so I keep looking scanning the aisle where's brand I happen to be looking forward to no idea ma'am if you see any let me know what you're the one who wax ya not me why would I help you find your own products uh no ma'am I don't work here I'm looking for pad brand for my wife I can see you're a manager you even have a tag now help me find brand of pad I don't work here I work for company I really work for this this is my ID and door badge wanna see I pull it off my belt and show her the logo is red but it looks nothing like this store named after a block of hay that an Archer would shoot at Karen one proceeds to Huff and move on so do I this store really missed them [Music] I move on down the mall to the grocery store that anchors the other end yes this mall is big enough to have a full grocery store and a department store that also sells groceries I go looking for a pad brand enter Karen too the store did have the pads I needed to get but I hadn't picked up the pads yet so my hands were empty to save space the conversation was almost identical except that she wasn't looking for the same pad brand she wanted to know where something else was and she didn't huff and leave she went full Karen before the badge was shown well what are you doing in the feminine products aisle if you aren't a manager my wife needs that's a likely story show me your badge there here you go Karen too doesn't register the completely different logo this store is not red themed she just wants my name I'm going to call General Manager my husband knows because he used to work here and I'm gonna have you fired okay but when you do that tell him I quit Europe dollar sign Amber sand OCTA thorpor setting Amber sent octothorpe dollar sign hole do you know that lazy and so it went the woman practically spitting on me as she spat expletives I having had it and having picked up the pads by now because I'm not stopping for some batty Karen head to the only Express checkout lane with an employee working Karen two follows Karen too Cuts ahead of me Karen to his sales the poor checkout clerk this man has been accosting me how dare you have such a horrible manager I'm gonna have him fired would you call security this Euro OCTA Thorp Amber sand dollar sign has been accosting me and I'm about to lose it Karen too screeched literally screeched there is nothing more powerful than delivering the worst curse word possible in a matter of fact voiced as somebody who has already lost their cool 10 miles back and is now in full Karen mode the how dare use were almost as prevalent as the purse clutching manager comes over Karen too gets the truth from the horse's mouth being Karen she then proceeds to Huff and say that the general manager will hear about how badly she's being treated and so forth I declined to press charges because honestly I don't want to spend any more days talking to lawyers or cops than I have to for my job twice in one day in one mall because I'm not afraid to buy period pads tampons or any other product my life needs wow our double whammy I was thinking the second one was gonna be more tame because usually these twofers they have one that are one that's uh one that are one that is crazy the other one's just whoopsies but no it got progressively worse uh well he got out alive and his wife got her uh stuff don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 8,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: Eu-C7D8Zxks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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