r/PettyRevenge - He Used my Netflix, I got REVENGE

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foreign what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subredditizarre Petty Revenge all right this story is called we don't share alcohol in this house this story takes place a few years back when I came home from University for Christmas holidays to visit my family I was of legal drinking age at the time as well to set the scene it's just my mom and I having dinner at the beginning of our time off she pours herself a glass of wine from an average bottle I'm not a wine snot but she is I ask for a glass as well to go with dinner she declines her exact words are we don't share alcohol in this house okay not a problem I didn't know this Rule and as I'm not a heavy drinker I didn't see the issue with just having a glass out of her bottle so I go on off to the liquor store to grab myself a bottle to drink over the next few days and lo and behold I I find her favorite bottle of wine it's burrowing owls the liquor store only has a case of it and limits the number of bottles you can buy it's a rare find and I lucked out I buy the max which is two and hid one while I bring the second Inside by now it's evening and after dinner my mom is in the living room finishing her wine I open the bottle and bring the bottle and a glass to the living room my mom eyes up the bottle and asks for a glass I look at her dead in the eyes and say sorry Mom we don't share alcohol in this house she offers me two of her bottles for mine says I won't know the difference but I stand firm we don't share alcohol in this house so I force myself to finish the bottle in front of her while she sucks Christmas morning after my family has opened up all our gifts I come out with the second bottle as a give to my mom she shared it with me that night hey what a very nice wholesome ending I'm glad op took the high road there makes for a great story this story is called you want to invade Myspace with your car while I wait for a tow truck hope you didn't have to rush off this happened this afternoon today was balls hot and between my car's AC not working and my body's habit of sweating puddles and anything over 70 degrees my mood was already a bit thin I was picking up some items from Home Depot and parked halfway in a quarter full parking lot plenty of open spaces around I haven't gone to the store much in the past few months so while I was trying to remember the PPE order of operations I absent-mindedly let my key slip from my lap to the cup holder I'm all kitted up and go get my stuff from the lockers and head back to the car I start patting my pockets and feel that little ball of fear rolling around the pit of my stomach I started walking faster and as I get to my car I see my keys in the cup holder I'm standing there staring through the window while sweating buckets from a three-minute walk annoyed but I contact roadside and get a truck dispatched quickly as I'm leaning against the front of my car a van comes down the lane on the opposite row and pulls into the spot right in front of my car as the driver starts pulling closer to my legs I shout hold it and put my hand out she stops the van about a foot and a half from me and looks pissy like hitting me would have inconvenienced her plans for the day I look around at the nine other open spots all next to or behind her in the area and gesture towards them she gestures at me and mouths why I guess she was asking me why I'm just standing there and despite it not being any of her damn business say I'm locked out of my car she sits in her car for five minutes just adding to the heat around me while I screw around on my phone eventually she gets out scowls at me and goes inside about 20 minutes after she went in my tow truck shows up but it's on the lane opposite me I was feeling a bit Petty so I stopped the guy right behind the van not thinking anything would come of it well right as he goes to get the tools van lady comes out of the store she was lividly muttering to herself as she gets in her car and turns it on I explain the basics of the situation and he looks around at all the other still open spots and sheer confusion when a crap eating grin comes across his face he starts opening the door taking a few extra minutes to make sure he does it right and then has me sit in his air-conditioned cab while he fills out an order form because his phone phone was acting up the dude probably took an extra 10 minutes to do his job while van lady is stewing in her annoyance I appreciated the solidarity and threw him a few bucks for his service he then made sure I got to leave first before rolling out Dear tow truck guy you rock edit some quick answers I lock my door by hitting the door lock button on the door upon exiting the car I may start using the key to lock but I hate that damn confirmation Hawk the car gives I didn't call a tow truck I contacted my insurance who contacted a tow company who had a driver dispatched with door opening Tools in parking lots there are usually two sets of parking spaces separated by a line I was parked away from every other car she decided to park in the space right in front of my car and she was driving towards my legs not sure how much clearer I can make that and it too to everyone who commented it's possible to turn off the Locking horn you have just changed my life thank you why would she Park right next to him that's like going into a near empty restroom and using the urinal right next to the one other person in there this story is called won't pronounce my name correctly okay suit yourself obligatory apologies because I'm on mobile so when I was in third grade think eight years old I had this teacher who was retiring at the end of the year and knew it she decided that she didn't like me for some reason so I have a very popular white girl name for sake of anonymity I'm gonna use a fake name here let's say my name is Bailey pronounced Bailey pretty straightforward right well uh this teacher always always pronounced it Bali it hurts because I was like eight and wanted to be called my own name when I asked her why she pronounced my name wrong she said it was because of her accent okay fair however I had a classmate named Kaylee somehow that accent disappeared and she was able to pronounce her name perfectly fine once I heard her call Kaylee by her proper name I went right up to her with my eight-year-old bravery and asked her why she wouldn't say my name right but she would say hers right she didn't answer me like legitimately ignored me okay my turn so this teacher's last name was pronounced something like Tanner that was the way it was pronounced and on the first day of that year she made sure that we knew it was pronounced Tanner and not toner or Tanner so guess who was called Mrs toner for the rest of the year the teacher who called me Bali oh and as an added layer of beaver sausage when we had parent teacher conferences she pronounced my name correctly interesting okay that teacher just sounds incredibly dumb someone that immature should not be teaching kids the good thing she's retired now right this story is called payback for my horrible roommate after college I accepted a job across the country and moved in with a vague acquaintance I had met a couple of times it quickly became clear that we were not going to get along he was incredibly rude and condescending routinely making snide remarks about my intelligence since I had been in a sorority in college he would instruct me on how to redo all of my chores in his way always insinuating that I just wasn't as smart as he was this led to a few heated arguments and we ended up basically avoiding each other my room was in the basement and he was on the second floor except for going in and out I stayed in the basement to avoid him one night I returned home and my cat was missing he is a huge fatty and never misses a meal so so I was immediately worried I texted the roommate to see if he had let him out by mistake he ignored me I looked everywhere in my room and in the common areas no cat I could hear that he was home so I texted again asking if he could please check his room or just let me know if the cat got out by mistake again no response I couldn't search the neighborhood much after dark since we were in a pretty rough area so I stayed up all night making flyers in online posts I called animal control and my parents in broadly had a massive mental breakdown I figured the most likely scenario was that he had escaped and wandered into the road early the next morning Saturday I looked all over our neighborhood losing hope I returned back home right before I went back down to my half of the house I heard a faint distressed yell I followed the noise upstairs and realized it was coming from my horrible roommate's locked bedroom I phoned him repeatedly and waited several hours for him to come home unlock his door and let my poor cat out of his closet no explanation was given and this cat being an OG fatty and also a jerk there is no way he silently slept all night simply put there was no way this could have been an accident at this point we had one month left on the lease and I was able to make arrangements to stay with family for that final month interestingly enough our internet service was in my name I paid the final month in full and loaded my stuff into a U-Haul I gleefully unplugged and returned our rented router and OG fatty cat and I left town a month early wouldn't you know it later that night my phone starts blowing up with texting calls this man is looking for his missing internet somehow I couldn't be bothered to respond okay so I don't know about y'all but that straight up sounds illegal um not not the internet thing not the Revenge but the actual act that required the revenge like locking a cat in a closet sounds like animal cruelty but whatever at least he's safe and at least uh he went without internet for a little bit this story is called use my Netflix account for free have an ugly profile pic okay so this is truly a very small victory so I got the highest tier of Netflix account so I have the option to have five profiles I have one for me one for the kids one for my wife one as a joint profile for me and my wife and the last one is for guests basically freeloaders one of the things you can do with Netflix is change the Avatar of each profile which I did for each account while leaving the guest account one of the defaults my sister-in-law crazy rude violent just a really bad person got permission from my wife to use the guest account which I didn't mind as long as she only uses the guest account so she doesn't mess up my viewing stats and she understands she shares the account with more people one day I've noticed that she changed the profile picture of the guest account to some actress from some show she was watching and for some reason it really annoyed me so like the mature adult that I am I've changed the profile photo to some ugly creature from some other show such a stupid little Victory if you're going to use my account for free you will use the ugly profile every few weeks she will try to change the pick again so I know she cares but I will quickly notice and change it to something even uglier the last one was the demogorgon from stranger things it's really Petty and small but it's fun to imagine her frustration to have to choose some ugly creature as the account she uses I did the same thing um like my my cousins in New York they use my Netflix profile and I gave them one profile to use and I told them they're not allowed to change it and it's just it just says Diddy in the profile picture something stupid I love it this story is called insult my looks weight and fitness and I will get my slow Revenge this happened decades ago but it popped into my mind when reading this Sub in my 20s I had The Misfortune of falling in love with the rongan he was always in debt because the bank was messing them around Unfaithful she's lying I never slept with her and full of get rich quick schemes that his parents had to bail him out of he was also incredibly beautiful very Vain and fastidious about his looks he worked out religiously or the most expensive clothes and continuously told people how large his biceps and other things were that kind of guy I on the other hand was about 10 pounds overweight and not interested in having a six-pack perfect eyebrows and a tiny waist so he was always insulting me about that not openly but small continuous digs about my size shape and weight insinuating that he could do better I found out one day that he was being unfaithful again and it was the last straw unfortunately we lived and worked together at his business a hotel so I had to find a new job and a place to stay I didn't want to break up until I had one of my few skills was invisible mending which had come in very handy at the hotel so every few days for six weeks I altered his clothes I took in the waist by tiny amounts and let out the chests and sleeves I even let out his underpants so they became looser in the front I got Brave one week and took up the legs of his trousers so he thought he was getting shorter he was too vain to tell anyone his problem instead he went to the gym more measured out his food more fastidiously and became really irritable as time went on he broke up with his mistress refused to go out flung himself on the bed in despair more than once and started to insult my looks even more to make himself feel better and I still continued a few millimeters here a few millimeters there by the end he had convinced himself that he had a very weird shape and the way I had altered his clothes it really looked like he did he went out and bought new ones I altered them too six weeks later I found a new job and apartment and moved out one day when he was out I have not spoken to him since I often wonder if he ever realized what had happened okay honestly this seems a bit more than Petty revenge like she she definitely did something clever there alright last up is called you don't think I should be scared I was picking up food last night wore my n95 mask as usual when I get back to the car I get in and leave the door open while I'm situating the food in the passenger seat out of no nowhere I hear somebody really close to me say hey scared the crap out of me I say oh crap and turn and there's this older lady like two feet away from my face no mask and well inside my door area I couldn't close it without hitting her she doesn't say sorry for scaring me she says oh please it's not like I'm going to rob you as if I have no right to be startled I say I'm sorry but it surprised me and can you please step back a little she says she was going to pay a compliment to my car but she won't now I say fine please step away she starts saying stuff like I'm taking this stuff too seriously I call after her I'm doing this to protect you Boomer but it really pissed me off like I don't have the right to be startled by her so I see where she and her husband get into their car after she gets in and closes the door I hurry over to her side from the rear and knock on her window pretty hard and put my face really close to the window scared the crap out of her for a second I thought she might be having a coronary when she recovered I said oh please it's not like I'm gonna rob you it's not fun being scared is it I walk away as she's blathering on about something freaking Boomers couldn't have said it better myself be responsible guys not just Boomers someone should organize a socially distant protest so that way you know we don't have to worry about spreading things don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 3,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: xLPlTwnlUn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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