Ridiculousnessly Over-The-Top Moms 🥰 Ridiculousness

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- You really did not do that. Why the (beep) would you do that? What the (beep) Connor? It's below your elbow, don't you ever want a real job? - I already have a real job. - [Rob] Are you sure though, Connor? - [Chanel] This is so funny. - It's not come- - It's not coming off. (audience laughs) - A seashell? - [Rob And Steelo] A seashell? - By the sea shore? - Mom, we can all agree with that one, that was a weird choice. (audience applauds) Okay look, mom's do really hard work. - [Steelo] It is. - Really hard to be a mom, you know what I mean? And it's like, look, I'm telling you right now, as a peripheral mom, right? (audience laughs) You know? - A peripheral mom is hilarious. - That should be a category, peripheral mom. - When the wife is handling business and I'm getting tired just thinking about how hard that is to manage these little fellas. But it's just the truth, like you as a mom, you basically have a certain amount of energy that you can give throughout the day and it slowly gets pulled away depending on how chaotic your little children are, you know what I mean? How much respect do you have for what your mother went through to raise you? - Tremendous. - A lot, especially 'cause my mom did it all on her own. (audience applauds) - That's what I'm saying, like imagine how many times your mom was just on E, just I mean nothing to give and you were there like, "Yeah, West Coast in the house!" - I feel like that's why my mom loves me. I know my mom loves me, but like... (all laugh) - Anything you say after that. - It's like, my mom loves me, I know... I'm pretty sure. - I know I annoy the (beep) out of her though, like we're just not the same person, we're so different. Like I love hip-hop, she loves rock. It's like everything about us is the opposite and I think that me as a kid, I had so much energy that like, I think that's one of the things she would do is pretend to be asleep (audience laughs) and I'd be like, "She's already asleep?" 'cause I knew if she was asleep, I had to be quiet and be good so I think she would just pretend to be asleep so that- - Four o'clock. (all laugh) - No, it's like 2:30, oh. - So that I would calm down. - Yeah, look she tricked you, she tricked you. She just kept looking out the eye until you calmed down then she got up. (Chanel laughs) Well look, every mother in this category, barely hanging on as well. Take a look at Mommy On Empty. (audience applauds) - [Boy] Mom, I made you an egg. (smack) - The girls at church will love it. (Chanel laughs) - Hey Katie. Mama wig ain't glued on that much so it's gon' fall off. (audience laughs) - [Rob] Man, she got... (Steelo screams) She got so serious. (Steelo laughs) - 'Cause kids be on bull (beep), bro. She heard this (indistinct) say before. - Mama wig ain't glued on that much so it's gon' fall off. - [Steelo] And that's gon' fall off. - You can't go no damn where. (Chanel laughs) (audience laughs) - Last time I take you out. (girl crying) (camerawoman laughs) - I hate you! - [Chanel] Mom looked so happy to throw it out. - She is happy to throw it out. - There you have it for Mommy On Empty. (audience applauds) Okay, I know in my household, the mom is the tough one on the kids, okay? I'm a softie, you know what I mean? I get tricked into just about anything, you know what I mean? And my daughter, she knows how to trick me. Her latest thing is, "I'm cold Daddy, can you hold me?" and they were trying to explain to me that she only says it to me and I'm like, that's not true and then they did an experiment where I stayed out of the room, she was totally fine. The moment I walked in the room, "Daddy, I'm cold. Dad, I'm cold." - That's cute. - Oh man, got me, where the wife will be like, "You are not cold, get back in your chair." "Fine." and she's not cold anymore, you know what I mean? - That's funny. - Do you think your mother's laid down the law with you guys? - My mom, well... I realized why my parents were not meant to be together because they're strict about the opposite things and nice about the opposite things. Like my dad would clean up after me, and my mom's like, "Clean your room!" One's strict about it, the other's not. If they were together, my life would've been hell. - I thought you gonna say my life would've been perfectly balanced. Because my mom would've been like, "Clean your room." You'd be like, "Dad, can you get that for me? - I guess actually, now that I think about it, that would've worked. - You could've ran that, you could've finessed 'em. - That would've worked, I just feel like they would've bumped heads, you know? - Yeah, okay look, this category right here is filled with moms you just don't wanna mess with. Take a look at Don't Eff With Mom. (audience applauds) - So my son has his girlfriend in his room and I've decided to scare the crap out of her. - Here we go. Here we go. Oh yeah. Come on out, Brittany. Come out, come out, come out. - [Steelo] Two days later. - [Rob] Oh. - Geez, my bad, my doesn't have a girlfriend. (Steelo laughs) (audience laughs) - [Rob] Uh, what? - She's funny, she's funny. - She just ran to the internet to- - She makes her own videos but she's funny. She's hilarious. (Chanel laughs) - Do you even have a son? (Steelo laughs) (audience laughs) - That is funny. - [Steelo] Thats pretty funny. - [Boy] It's in there. - Is something gonna jump at me? - No, it's in there, look. - [Rob] It's in there, take a look. - Mom, look. - Oh. - You think I'm a fool? (Chanel laughs) (audience laughs) - I like her. - She played dumb, she set him up, you know what I mean? - Oh, in the beginning she really made me think that she was scared and she didn't know, she did good job. She's like, I don't know. - Look! - You think I'm a fool? (Chanel laughs) - [Cameraman] Oh wow mom, you finally finished the puzzle. - [Steelo] Uh-oh. (audience exclaims) - [Rob] Here we go, guys. - [Chanel] I hate these moments. (audience laughs) (Chanel gasps) - Oh. (laughs) - Like, little asshole. - By the grace of God, it's the most sturdy deer puzzle of all time. - [Steelo] Deer puzzle. (laughs) - Ah, what the (beep) man? - How'd your foot marks get on the God damn wall unless you're twerking your ass up against it? - I didn't do it! - [Rob] I didn't do it. Man, she got busted 'cause her footprints were on the mirror. - I feel like this is at the height of like 2014 Miley era. (Chanel laughs) - Yeah. That haircut right there in the front. - [Rob] Damn, he really got Bieber hair. - [Steelo] Yeah, he does. - [Rob] You know what I mean? He got Bieber hair. - [Steelo] Instagram came out that week. (all laugh) - Instagram came out that week. (laughs) - This is like their first post on Instagram. - You 'bout to be looking good. - [Rob] Oh, you looking good. - 'Bout to be going live (coughs) on Instagram. All my followers get to see (indistinct) does this thing, get to see stuff like that. Who is this guy? - [Chanel] (laughs) Look at her face. - You dirty bitch. - (laughs) Go back, go back. - Called him that dirty bitch off the rip. - He started it, it simmered, her first shot was, "You dirty bitch." - I don't ever get when you can draw your own eyebrows on why you would stop right there. (Chanel laughs) Why you like, "This is enough. I outlined it, it's fine." - Lets get some like, get some layers in it. - Get some girth in there or something. - [Rob] A single line? - [Steelo] Yeah. - You dirty bitch. - What? - All this Coronavirus (beep) goin' on, you putting your hands in my face? Get the (beep) outta my house. - Outta my house. - God damn (beep), what the (beep) is wrong with you, mother (beep)? All this Coronavirus, you don't put your hands in my- - Man, all this Coronavirus. We'll be right back with more Ridiculousness. (audience applauds) - Okay, what type of person calls for their mom when they're in trouble? - A momma's boy or girl or- - A sissy. - A sissy? Now, some (beep) when down in your house, who you calling for? - I guess I'm a sissy. I don't know, my mom's been helping me handle a lot, you know? But it's funny though, 'cause it's like, before she was there, I guess I was on autopilot 'cause I was handling so much on my own, you know? And I'm like, how was I doing it before you came here? But, I guess I'm a sissy. I do that, I call her for a lot of help. - Like anything goes down, will you scream for her? - Oh yeah, when the bird flew in the house, I'm like, "Mom, there's a bird!" The mouse, the bird. - She brought the gun out, where the (beep) is the bird? - You (beep)! (makes gun sounds) - I hope she doesn't watch this 'cause the other day I came home and she was watching Ridiculousness. - Yeah, you tell her turn that off. (Chanel laughs) (audience laughs) Look, this category is filled with people that it doesn't matter what happens to 'em, the first person they're calling is mom. Take a look at Rescue Moms. (audience applauds) - Oh my God, dude. - [Steelo] Why would they leave us in here? - [Rob] Man, I don't know why you're freaking out. It's really nice in here. - [Steelo] Dude, calm down. You know dogs have no sense of time, he's like, "They'll be gone for like two minutes, calm down." They've been in there for a day. (audience laughs) - Look, he's in his happy place, man. - Mom, I'm stuck in the dog cage! - [Steelo] Oh me too, Mom! (laughs) - Mom! You're gonna be on camera though. - She's like, oh nevermind, I can't help you. (Chanel and Steelo laugh) (audience laughs) - [Rob] Uh-oh, uh-oh. What up? - Oh my God, what is that? - [Rob] Oh damn, where is it? - What just got on him? Did we see it? - Mom! - [Rob And Steelo] Mom! (shower curtain crashes) - He's destroying the house. - And it wasn't even, it was just a black string. - [Steelo] Yeah, it was a fluff. - It was a fluff. (laughs) (audience laughs) - [Rob] Oh, oh man. - We're done now. - Mom! - [Rob And Steelo] Mom! - Your mom's gonna have to massage that now. - Oh my God, and the way he grabbed it and shaked it at his son. - Your mom's gonna have to massage that now. (Chanel laughs) - We'll be right back with more Ridiculousness. Welcome back to Ridiculousness. Give it up for our guest, Blac Chyna. Okay, you have two children, what is the most rewarding part about being a mother? - Man, just like teaching them. I think teaching them and doing things at my own pace just watching them grow, it's the best thing. - Because how old is your son now? - King's eight and Dream's four. - Okay, yeah, oh man, 'cause even like, four is where it turns into a whole different world, right? Where they can talk back, they got their own way of, it becomes like a whole entirely different management system, you know what I mean? Would your children consider you a super mom? - Yes, absolutely. - Okay look, this category of is dedicated to that same mentality, Super Mamas! (audience applauds) - [Man] I'm sorry, what's this about? - [Rob] Oh yeah, what's this about? - He wasn't raised right. (audience exclaims) He online bullying people, cyber-bullying, so I'ma need you to come on down here 'cause we here now, we gonna solve all of this. - [Rob] Let's go, let's go. - Mama don't wanna hear it. - You wanna talk that (beep)? We're here now. (Chanel laughs) - Okay. - [Rob] On the Ring. - [Man] He wasn't raised right? Listen, my son don't even have no computer. - He had a cell phone, do he got a cell phone? Yeah he do, and he online bullying people. Come on down here, we here. He gonna catch these hands, let's go. We here- - [Steelo] I love how he gotta fight her. - [Chanel] She's gonna fight the kid? - I love how he gotta fight her, though. (baby cries) - Go to sleep, mommy'll give you money. - (cries) Okay. - [Steelo] How much? Con artist. (Blac Chyna laughs) - [Rob] Wait, go back. - This might be me as a baby, is this footage of me as a child? (laughs) - Okay, go to sleep, mommy'll give you money. - (cries) Okay. - Okay. (laughs) (Chanel laughs) - Hey look, this is my life exactly. - Let's cut a deal. - But it's it's cookies and chocolate. - Yeah. (laughs) - [Camerawoman] Okay, what did you say? - [Rob] What'd you say? - [Woman] This is your hair, I've been saving it as DNA just in case of something, God forbid if anything happened, so they can track you. - Yep, that's right. We got your DNA just in case somebody gets you. There we have it for Super Mamas. (audience applauds) Okay, is it okay to abuse your mother? - [Chanel] No. - No, what? - No, it's not, it's not. - [Steelo] No, never. - What about do things that are mean on purpose but you shouldn't do it but maybe your mom deserves it? Not if she deserves it. You do stuff mean when she doesn't deserve it to let her know it's a joke 'cause when she deserves it then it's kind of not a joke. - Yeah, you're an abusive child. (laughs) - Look, I didn't want to go down this route, but you took me there, okay? A category dedicated to abusing mothers. This is your guys' words, not mine. Take a look at Mommabuse. (audience applauds) (man yells) (dishes smash) - [Rob] Uh-oh. - The (beep)? The (beep) wrong with you, bitch? Keep on doing that (beep) hollering and shit. - You can get stabbed, you will get stabbed. (Chanel laughs) - Stop doing that, Austin. You think I'm (beep) kidding? Stop (beep) doing it, 'cause I'll beat your (beep) down next time, right in the (beep) face. - Stop, bro. Stop. (Chanel laughs) - You know he's just done yelling, he's like just stop. - [Woman] Okay? Stop (beep) doing it. - Bro, come on man. - [Rob] A frog? - [Steelo] Yeah, why she hold it so tight? - Get that frog! (screams) Get the (beep) frog out of the room! (beep), have you lost your (beep) mind? - Man, she really doesn't like frogs. - They didn't find it either. (all laugh) (audience laughs) - [Rob] Oh, oh she's down, she's down. - [Steelo] Oh, they might be drunk. - Okay, go back, there's dogs, there's baby. Like what... is this baby just setting mama up? I'm right here. Yeah, she's more than hurt, her spirit's broken. All right, that's it for our episode today. If someone's mom calls you "sweetie", where do you think that person's mother's from? - The South, or Midwest. - Or Midwest, yeah. - Oh, come on, Midwest? - [Steelo] Or moved from the south, yeah. - You go sweetie in the Midwest? - Well I'm mean, if you put on that weird accent, I guess what kind of South are you? - Sweetie? Is that Chicago, sweetie? - That's some Chicago people. (Chanel laughs) - Look, there ain't nothing quite like a southern mama, take a look at Southern Mother'n. (audience applauds) - [Woman] You don't leave my yard in a mess. You don't throw your banana peels and your yogurt packets in my yard. - [Rob] Uh-uh. - [Steelo] She's right though. - [Woman] And pick that baby up on the way back. (audience laughs) Yeah, that one. - Yeah, she got more babies? - That baby? That ain't my baby. - Y'all. - [Rob] Y'all! - I was 16 and if I was standing around in a clothing store going ah mm mm mm and my momma saw me, she would call the doctor and say, this child is having fits, I think she's possessed. (growls) (Chanel laughs) - You also didn't have a cell phone when you were 16. - I think she loves the Devil. (growls) - My two boys decided not to join me today. - [Steelo] That ain't big Karen, this is big Karen. (all laugh) - You can't have big Karen when big Karen here in the room. - They come home and they sleep all day, in my house, in their beds and I get to have the aftermath to deal with. Today we're gonna take that option of a place to sleep away. - [Rob] What? (gun shot explodes) - [Chanel] Were her children in there? (laughs) - [Rob] Now where you gonna sleep? - [Woman] This is all that's left of your beds. I'm sorry, but they exploded. - Well, nowhere for you to sleep. We'll be right back with more Ridiculousness. (audience applauds) - Here's the thing about being a mom. You gotta be able to do everything that you want to do and manage a child, okay? It's difficult. When you have a child, should you leave that child at home and hit the club? - No. - I mean, gotta find balance, first of all so you can't just be leaving your kid at home and hit the club. - With that being said, is it okay to take that child with you to the club? - 100%? - My dad was a DJ so I spent actually a lot of time in clubs as a kid. - This makes so much sense. (audience laughs) - Being a mom requires a lot, okay? And all these moms are kind of pushing level right here. They're doing a little bit too much with their kids. We call it Multi-Momming, take a look. - [Steelo] Multi-momming. (audience applauds) - [Rob] All right, I'm gonna get a little bit of that. - [Steelo] Oh, that's real. - [Rob] You ain't going nowhere. - Every time I see somebody with a kid with a leash, it's like a little monkey leash so like maybe that's where this came from, the idea of it? - Does she have on nipple covers is my question? (Chanel laughs) (audience laughs) She's like, don't expose me out here. Oh, okay. Okay, okay. - I'm not on the drugs, so it's fine. - I'm not mad at that though. - [Rob] No? - No, that's fine. Now don't take the baby over by the crack head over there. - [Rob] What's up, you want to be a dad? (Steelo and Chanel laugh) (audience laughs) I love my cats, but I love my baby just as equal. - Hey, she been pushing swings too much, her back staying like that now. (Rob groans) I've been pushing swings for 10 years straight. - [Rob] There you are, Mr. Peppers and Julie, is it not so fun to swing with Mr. Peppers? - Mr. Peppers. (Chanel laughs) - [Rob] Yeah, I support this. - [Chanel] Let's just put the baby right next to the speaker. - [Steelo] Let's blow his head off. (Steelo and Chanel laugh) - You're ruthless, to use your child as a booster? - First of all, we assume that's her child. (Chanel laughs) (audience laughs) - Yeah, she said, hey you mind if I use that? Look, when you're a mom, you get to enjoy yourself, sometimes you gotta do weird stuff. We'll be right back with more Ridiculousness. (audience applauds) Okay look, you're in the club, things are wild, okay? You see someone that's clearly a mother. How does it make you feel? - How do you know they're a mother? Do they have the baby in the club? If the baby in the club... - Could be baby in the club. Could be sort of age vibe, right? - Well, it depends. If it's somebody I know is wealthy and probably has nannies, I'm not as concerned, if they don't- - [Rob] Oh. - [Steelo] Oh, right. - Well, if they don't have nannies, then I'm concerned for who's taking care of the child. - That's a very good point. - That is the most L.A answer I've ever heard in my entire life. - And you wanna know what the problem is? Is like, it resonated with me. (Steelo and Chanel laugh) Like instead of being like, damn, that's so Hollywood, I was like, oh damn, that's true, that's true. But look, every single one of these moms, I guarantee they don't got a nanny and their kid is wandering off in the streets somewhere, in a category we call Moms Gone Wild, take a look. (audience applauds) Give it to me! Give me the beer, yeah! Yeah, she might be trickling into Grandma Gone Wild. (woman screams repeatedly) - She has so much passion for there to only be three people there. (woman screams repeatedly) - All hail Satan. (audience laughs) Uh-oh, oh boy. Oh, get it girl. All right, gon' ride her like a horse now. She's gotta get back to her kids. - Ain't nothing wrong with that. I mean, how else you become a mom? He hits her with the peek-a-boo on both sides. - Oh man, over here, nope, now I'm here. Oh, now I'm here, oh man. Oh, oh boy. (audience exclaims) - Oh, I didn't get that. - [Chanel] I've never seen that and low-key wanna try. (laughs) (woman inhales) - I was thinking the same thing, this is like Midwest innovation here, you know what I mean? - Midwest innovation at its finest. (laughs) - [Rob] I saw it on the internet. Oh boy. Oh, come on Margaret. - [Steelo] She is feeling it. - [Rob] Oh, let it rip, Margaret. Give it to 'em, Margie! Give it to 'em, let it rip, Margaret! Okay Margaret, you gotta get back to your kids. We'll be right back with more Ridiculousness. I'd like to talk a little bit about the great Mildred Hackenberg. - Who? - RIP, my sweet grandmother, okay? Now let's never forget when she dressed up like a skater when she was 82 years old and propped herself up on a ledge and shot a photo and then sent it to me and it said, "You wonder where you got your skills from?" and it's... Mildred, you know? And she was an amazing, amazing grandmother, you know? Do you guys have any stories of amazing grandmothers? - My grandma, she's pretty crazy. I heard the other day that apparently she was like yelling at Alexa, "Play Chanel West Coast!" and was turning up in her little chair that I got her that like spins and stuff, so. - Okay, cool. Sterling? No? - My grandma, right now I don't really talk to her that much 'cause she be lying on me and (beep). (Chanel and Rob laugh) (audience laughs) She always spreading rumors about me, so I just, whenever I see her, I give her fake information just so I can watch it travel and be like, see, that (beep) never happened grandma, you a liar. (Chanel and Rob laugh) (audience laughs) - Okay look, this next category is filled with grandmothers that are just special. We call it Great Grandma's, take a look. (audience applauds) - My grandma's trying to shoot! - [Rob] Shoot, grandma! Shoot, grandma! (audience laughs) - He's dope, that was dope. She hit a perfect toss. - [Rob] It's going down in grandma's living room. It's going down. Oh, dab! The whole squad! - Oh my God, that's amazing. I mean, you gotta get the full shot, 'cause she threw a white power over there. - Oh man. Man, got too excited, didn't know how to dab it out, just couldn't remember. (audience laughs) Skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, skills. (audience applauds) - And you know that's her record! That's her record to the left right there, she gonna beat her own record. - [Rob] Oh, that's true, that's true. - [Steelo] That's why she mad. - She is legitimately mad, she just made like 40 in a row. Give me another round. (audience laughs) Ah. - Yo, this is some dank (beep). (audience laughs) - That's Chanel West Coast when she get old. - I literally just looked into my future. - [Rob] Chanel 60 years from now. - Yo, this is some dank (beep). - That's so me. (laughs) (audience laughs) - [Steelo] Ooh, ooh! This is Rob. (Chanel laughs) This is 100% you when you get old. She is killing that girl, though. - Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh. - [Chanel] Yo, it's literally Rob's dance moves. - [Steelo] For real, yeah. (Chanel laughs) - Grandma, I'm dancing just like you are. We'll be right back with more Ridiculousness. (audience applauds) Welcome back to Ridiculousness. Give it up for our guests, Jack and Jack. (audience applauds) So let me ask you, when you guys grew up, was your mother strict or lenient and allowed you to do whatever you wanted to do? - Your mom was probably a little more lenient. - Oh my God, yeah, my mom. - She was pretty chill. - She let me get away with everything, yeah. - You ever hear your mom get mad and just go off on you? - [Jack Gilinsky] Oh my God, yeah. - My mom's like hit me too hard before, has your mom ever done that, she doesn't know her own strength? You know, mom strength, it's real. - You just get the back hand? - Exactly, yeah. - And you're like... And then she's like... - Exactly, she's so remorseful. She starts crying and you're like, mom what are you doing? Why are you crying? You smacked me. No, but nah, yeah. - Hey, moms can be powerful, okay? And in this next category they're just outright mean. We call them Mother Goons, take a look. (audience applauds) - [Cameraman] Bro look, this lady wild, bro. She just... - [Steelo] She hate him! - [Cameraman] Bro, my weed, bro. - He's so high as he says that, she's so wild. - [Cameraman] Look, this lady wild, bro. - He's like as upset as you can be when you're high, you know what I'm saying? - My weed, bro. - Bro, my weed. - [Woman] This is what I'm saying about you, get your ass off that pole and go put up your clothes. - [Steelo] You gotta do your chores before you hoe. - Go put up your clothes, Shikara. - [Steelo] Why she ain't got no earrings on the other side of her head? - [Jack Gilinsky] It's a fashion statement. - Why did she let her have a pole though, like? (laughs) - Because this is what you like to do, you want to show your friends that you're a class clown but you get your ass beat at the house because I don't play these games. - [Rob] Oh my God, that's it. - In front of all the homies and everything? - Really, the greatest lesson is that three year old in her arm is like, I'll tell you what I ain't never gonna do. (all laugh) (audience laughs) I ain't gonna be (beep)ing around in school, I can tell you that right now. - [Girl] Second time you yelling at me and I really don't care so do something. - Bitch. (audience exclaims) - Oh, oh, oh hey. - Said, "Bitch." - [Rob] It ain't murder if it's your mama. - Look, I'm sorry, but- - I'm sorry my ass, you chilling like that? I'm sorry, my TV broke and you chilling? - Your daughter. - Uh, pictures of shoes, online yard saler in (beep). Online yard saler, shoes, TV, (beep) replace. - [Rob] My shoes? Pause it, he's meek right now, okay? He's got his head in his shoulder, he's feeling a little bit intimidated but he's about to puff up and make his move, go. - You always make the situation not- - [Woman] How the hell I'm supposed to work? - Okay, no, he's not about to do anything. All right, that is it for our today. (audience applauds) Thank you to Jack and Jack! Tell me an inspiring story about what makes your mom so great. - Oh, this is some (beep), man. I'm saying you putting us on a spot, like you gotta tell the best story now ever or your mom gonna be like, "You ain't (beep), son." (audience laughs) - Well, just get close. - I mean, she's just an amazing woman. - [Rob] Okay look, I apologize- - No, she really is like, she was the mother for a lot of my whole block and community where there was lack of parenting and she's just always been an amazing mama, you know? - Were you an easy child? - Was I easy? Oh hell no. (audience laughs) I was the worst child, I used to get suspended all the time, I talked back, cursed the teachers and she was still always there for me though. (laughs) (audience laughs) - [Rob] Okay, what about you Chanel? - My mom really was always very inspiring to me because she was a daredevil, my mom went skydiving a bunch of times, bungee jumping, I always saw her doing this crazy, very tomboy stuff so my mom always inspired me to be a tough girl. - God bless. (audience applauds) All right, well this next category is dedicated to the difficulties of being a mother. It's called Mommin' Ain't Easy, take a look. (audience applauds) I love all the new toys. Let's have some fun. What's the worst that could happen? - [Woman] Ow! (audience exclaims) - Why does he still have a pacifier? He's like seven. - Man, he's a seven year old with a pacifier and a mom with no front teeth. (audience laughs) - Mom, put your seatbelt on. Mom? - Go back, go back. This is a lesson to all the mothers out there to always be safe. - Mom, put your seatbelt on. - [Rob] Put your seatbelt on, mom. - No? All right then. (brakes squeal) - I'm gonna (beep). - I told you to keep- - Yeah, yeah. - He trying to save her life. - He did, he might've saved her life 'cause he's a (beep) driver. (audience laughs) (woman thuds) (audience laughs) - Ivy, that was not (beep) funny at all. - Like, there was a part of me that I thought that this was in fact an accident. But if you go all the way back, she's got like a full set-up here. - [Steelo] Oh. - [Rob] Man. - And then she smirks at the end, look at the evil smirk at the end though. (audience laughs) - Yeah. - [Woman] Mom, quick! - [Rob] Come on down, ma. - [Woman] Quick! - [Rob] The old cellophane door. (woman laughs) Just trying to keep your face fresh, mom. (both women laugh) (Chanel and Steelo laugh) (audience laughs) - All right, Warren. - [Rob] Uh-oh, this old classic behavior. - I love how she has her shower cap on. - [Steelo] She's here for charity but not to get her hair wet. (audience laughs) (water splashes) (Steelo laughs) - [Rob] Okay. (smack) Oh! - Oh, oh. (audience laughs) - Okay, that's terrible. All right, we'll be right back with more Ridiculousness. Welcome back to Ridiculousness. Give it up for our guest Big Ed. Okay, let's talk about your mother Norma. - (laughs) Oh, mom. - She's amazing, you know what I mean? You guys got a great relationship. Now you guys still living together? - Sorta. - Okay. So she had got her own place. She needed independence, you needed independence. Who decided to part ways together? - Well, my mom has 13 grandkids, nine great grandkids, two daughters and a son in Arkansas. So she's looking to spend her retirement there. I think she's kind of had enough of my ponytail. I'm kidding. (Chanel laughs) - Does she get recognized all the time down in San Diego? - Oh my God, people love my mom. She's the sweetest and my mom's great, just the best. - Yeah look, I know it and I love my mother but she's never shaved my back, you know? (Ed laughs) She hits you with the mayo, man, she trimmed down the back, she really committed and she even ponied you up. - She did, my first date, yeah. - Very, very sweet but just like you and I, everybody in this category is Mamaboys, take a look. (audience applauds) - I'm here to give you your goodnight kiss. - What? - Um, I'm in college and I'm 23 now. - I'm here to give you your goodnight kiss. - She probably broke into his house. (Chanel laughs) (audience laughs) - Oh, get the, there we go. There we go. - [Ed] Is that his mom? - [Steelo] That's her manager, yeah. - [Cameraman] Yeah, make me look less fat. - Yeah, yeah yeah. - Dude, I'm not gonna lie. I was like, dang, I need a kid. (all laugh) I'm like, I need a little personal photographer. - I'm passing the phone to someone who never wants to sleep in his own room and always wants to sleep with me. - I'm passing the phone to someone who vapes a lot. (all laugh) (audience laughs) - Vapes a lot! - That's called payback. - You trying to tell me that... - [Chanel] He is so cute. - [Rob] He hit her with the vapes a lot? - To someone who vapes a lot. (all laugh) - Yeah, there you go, there you have it for Mamaboys. - [Ed] Oh my God. (laughs) - Man, it's been a while, man. It's been a while, you know? It's like, I wasn't sure if you guys would have your hand gestures right. You know what I mean? Eventually just went to some go-to's, you know? It's funny, like we may not shoot this show for a while and then we're back here and it's just like, we're just flowing again, okay? - [Steelo] It's true. - Do either of you have a nana? - A nana? - A nana? - I got my grandma still, you know, she's probably watching from the nursing home right now. - My grandma... I mean, I don't call her nana though. - Yeah, does anybody? No, I don't think anybody... I don't wanna say it, but I don't think anybody black says nana. - Yeah I mean, I've never called my grandma nana either. - I've never known a nana, you know what I mean? - Yeah, but if you saw one though, you would probably know. I feel like nana has distinct smell and- (Chanel laughs) - I swear I smelled the smell as you said that, it's like that exact little old lady smell. (laughs) - Yeah, it was nanas house and nana can't smell it. - As soon as you said it, I (beep) got a waft of it. - Didn't you smell it? Like, I smelled it. - Aw, there's a nana like four blocks from here. (audience laughs) Ah man, well look, here's the thing about nana's man, they're fragile. You know what I mean? - They are. - You gotta be careful around them, you know, and some people just don't understand it and they're always out to hurt 'em, just like everybody in this category, Sorry, Nana. (audience applauds) - [Steelo] Man. Ooh, oh no! - [Rob] Okay, oh okay. All right. - [Steelo] Nana is dressed like she's on a hockey team. - [Rob] Man. (Chanel laughs) - [Steelo] Oh! (woman yells) - [Steelo] Oh, you could have killed Nana with your feet. - [Woman] I'm sick of you, you little (beep). - 'Cause you're still age yet that you don't realize you can kill Nana. - [Rob] No, that's it. You don't understand that you almost gave her a heart attack and that was it. - Why is she dressed like she a D to the Mighty Ducks? (all laugh) - She literally is. - [Rob] All right, this seems safe. Oh, oh! - He didn't even care. - [Rob] He does nothing. - He doesn't understand, he don't appreciate nana. - [Rob] I don't even think he appreciates hitting the ball. (Steelo and Chanel laugh) (audience laughs) - I'm coming. - [Rob] I'm coming! (man yells) (woman yells) - You son of a bitch bastard. It made me curse, all my good prayers were down the drain. (Chanel laughs) (audience laughs) - All your prayers went down the drain that quick? - She snapped and then immediately felt guilty and like, ah (beep), there goes all my prayers. - She said all my good prayers too. - I like how she said good prayers, like you got bad prayers? (laughs) - So, roll it from your head into the bottle. - [Rob] Okay. - Into the funnel? - You just simply... (audience exclaims) - Oh, you bitch! You bitch! You bitch, she poured water down my pants. - Man, you gotta know you're being set up. You know what I mean? You got a funnel in your pants, what do you think's about to happen? - [Steelo] What good could come of this? - There's not literally one scenario where a funnel in your pants is going to provide you with something beneficial. - You just simply... - Oh, you bitch! You bitch! She poured water in my pants! - [Steelo] Nana's losing it. - There you have it for Sorry, Nana. (audience applauds) Okay, when you hear the word MILF, what does it usually mean? - Mom I'd like to F, right? - I'm not sure how the to got left out, but... - Yeah, it's funny, like I don't, I never thought about it until right now. I had to go back and check the monitor. I'm like, what? Like where is the to? And then there's like a to in here, I'm like damn, there is a to for no reason in here. It's a MITLF. (Chanel laughs) It's a MILTF, a MILTF. - MILTF. - Growing up, people loved to use it when they saw my mom. "Your mom's a MILF!", it was like, nobody, no boy from school could see my mom and not say it. - But no, you know, a lot of times it's not about effing somebody, it's about friending them. - That's true. - You know what I mean? A lot of times you see a mother that you would like to be friends with. - [Steelo] That's true. - I guess my mom still crosses into that MILF category, she's cool too so I feel like even if she wasn't hot, she would be that mom. - That's what this category is all about, you know? It's not necessarily about effing, it's about friending somebody. Take a look at MILF: Mother I'd Like to Friend. (audience applauds) - Best thing about isolation is spending time with the kids. - [Kid] Mom? - (beep) off, I'm doing TikTok. (all laugh) - Doing what? - TikTok. - Aw (beep) off, I'm doing TikTok and shooting vodka. - She pouring up. - [Rob] Man, there's no mixer. You're drinking vodka like water. - Smirnoff straight. - [Rob] Here we go, ready? Through the baby straw, dog is strong. - [Steelo] We're getting drunk. - She's already blacked out. Whose baby is this? (Chanel laughs) (audience laughs) - [Cameraman] What have you been doing on quarantine? - Well, I get drunk and I read Harry Potter books backwards to get hidden messages from the devil. - Oh, oh okay, there we go. - Mom's a witch. Okay, she whipped. She whipped. - [Rob] Hey, hey, got a (beep) gun, squirt squirt squirt! - [Steelo] She thinks she's still young for sure. - Man, I'll tell you what. Barbara here, she is risky, okay? There you have it for Mom I'd Like to Friend. (audience applauds) Okay, how much does it hurt to disappoint your mom? - A lot, you know? You don't wanna disappoint your mom. You'd rather make her sad or mad than disappoint. Disappoint is another level. - Yeah, I mean look, I feel like I've been disappointing her basically all the way through, you know what I mean? You know, 'cause every decision I made, she would've preferred I made a different one. - At least you're consistent. - Yeah, no yeah, you know, I tried to explain it to her the other day, you know, it really led to this very high quality life. Well, you could say that, but you don't know what it would've been like if you just never moved from Ohio, you know what I mean? I guess that's right, I guess that's fair, you know what I mean? But yeah, I basically made lifestyle outta disappointing my mother, you know what I mean? And it doesn't stop, doesn't stop, you know what I mean? Well, look, this category right here is just filled with people that are disappointing mom, take a look. (audience applauds) - Uh-oh, oh don't, I don't know what... I don't know how your mouth does that. Okay, yeah, um... Please. - She's more disappointed that she made another her. She's like you are, man- - Ah man, you know, yeah, like as a parent, you wanna make a better version of you, you know what I mean? - Nope, just doing it again. - [Rob] Here it is. Oh boy, okay. Give me everything, Santa. Give me everything you got... oh! Oh! - [Steelo] Merry Christmas. - [Rob] Man, look. - [Chanel] She has the vibe like, I'm done with children. - Yeah, and you wanna know who won't do this, Jeffrey? A cat. (audience laughs) (girl plays Jingle Bells off-key on violin) Oh man, you're a bad parent if you're being disappointed right now. - Yeah, no more lessons, it's just not working out this year. - Yeah, no more lessons, let's end the violin phase. - You really did not do that, why the (beep) would you do that? What the (beep), Connor? It's below your elbow, don't you ever want a real job? - I already have a real job. - [Rob] Are you sure though, Connor? - [Chanel] This is so funny. - It's not come- - It's not coming off. (audience laughs) - A seashell? - [Rob And Steelo] A seashell? - By the sea shore? (audience laughs) - Mom, we can all agree with that one, that was a weird choice. (upbeat music begins) Oh, yummy. - [Steelo] Yeah. (audience laughs) - [Woman] Don't. - [Rob] Okay. Yeah. - [Woman] Don't post it Lex, I swear to God if you post it... - Don't you post it, I swear to God, it's gonna end up on Ridiculousness and everybody's gonna think my son's addicted to sugar cane. There you have it for Disappointing Mom. (audience applauds)
Channel: MTV's Ridiculousness
Views: 1,697,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mother's day prank, mother's day fail, mom fail, moms, mother's day, over the top moms, mother, influencer, Rob Dyrdek, MTV, Ridiculousness, Fantasy Factory, Amazingness, Chanel West Coast, Steelo Brim, cat videos, rob dyrdek, host, internet, clip, celebrity, steelo, chanel west coast, viral, clip show, show, language, fail, stunt, fail compilation, diy, fantasy factory, rob & big, viral videos, scared, Ridiculousness MTV, big black, best fails, worst fails, best of ridiculousness
Id: jKHv0tpPWiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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