(Part 2) Ridiculousnessly Funny Clips That’ll Keep You 😂 Best Of: Ridiculousness | #AloneTogether

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okay sterling when you went skydiving did you think if the parachute didn't open that you could survive you don't you don't think about that you know you don't want to be going up there thinking like if the parachute gonna open if the parachute all hope is too late no no no just for next time you squirrel out right yeah like bring you down from like 300 miles an hour to 170 okay then you look for like a hill okay you like use your arms as flaps and you try to like slide into that hill you you've done this no I just think about what I would do if I got there okay because believe it or not you know a body can withstand to fall from eight stories eight stories is not skydiver what a night mister that's a fact not even I'm not gonna say it's a fact but it's like something similar to it but here's the reality the truth is you can get too much air right and that's someone that that spent his whole life flying through the air there's occasionally you push it too far and you get broken just like everybody in this category TMA too much air okay hit him low fare tripled [Applause] yeah he didn't expect to be 20 feet in the air okay everything like preschool electric motorbike first BB gun rough water landing Bay let's just rough all together you gotta what do you do there like about right here it's time to bail out higher there and you're about to start going down who failed at the wrong car let it live [Music] [Applause] body room it looks like a chicken [Music] killing man is amazing never last one he just knows everything's bad [Applause] the white man with dreads in Jamaican flag okay look first of all how come it's too windy it's like someone's got to say hey it's not that safe out there today we'll get this nod stop talking like that [Applause] I didn't see that coming who ripped his dreads right I'll do it heimo going to faint there you have it for too much air okay I need some friendly advice from you guys my children are getting older and they need to be punished yeah how do you suggest I punish my children tell them you put him in timeout okay timeout I think timeouts are the most effective for me okay as a kid if I could not like if I had to be in the corner and couldn't like play look at the TV it was devastating it was like my life was over it was only like five minutes in the corner but like you know oh [Applause] eerie voice so I just listened you know you mean like nachos wrong tone of voice no quarter in this category they need some form of punishment we call them pre Linkwood take a look [Applause] oh she don't want no siblings man not only that but he came here to get up to punish her she said yeah I mean if she rolled my got time to save us some money what's up grandma you'll be a star man one day and be like if it wasn't for my grandma Wow do you know another word how about a different word no any other words yeah just [Applause] kids are crazy [Music] what whoa [Music] that was amazing now that I'm that baby's body language was like well sorry say it all the time what she's pissed there are 1 million Canadians in America right now is that a road you hit us with numbers Oh every episode I'm like I'm too lazy to research so give you a whole number no show of hands how many Canadians are in here one thing we got 300 million people here there's a million of them there he is now how do you spot a Canadian well have you hear them talk you know yeah I mean you can tell by his laugh right here he's kind of going just one Canadian in here and look I don't want to be specific here but Canadians also like really like gene colors right Canadian tuxedo yeah that's what it's referred to right look everybody in this category right here is clearly Canadian take a look let's light them up get off of me clothes it's too warm out here for a jersey beer and take skating [Applause] wait here pickle let's get it there was so much passion that within a hardhead built for drinking beer it almost like bled canadian into here [Music] that gives camera yeah that was a Canadian balcony he was an American man Canadian man said I'm gonna tell you what you're gonna eat this foot into the food right now right yeah found it Kennedy mother tango wolf bait ain't gonna eat me beautiful though [Applause] you guys serves strombolis can I get a beer I think because things can drive on the street pause it pause it pause I'm going to say this right now this is Canada okay this person coming this way is American [Applause] if this man was Canadian he would have known that moose ain't doing possible yeah [Music] all with a little baby looks so cute Miller fight there you have it for clearly Canadian everything I had visions and dreams of being a great singer okay on me too yeah I say it like weekly at least five times I tell my friends about Kasane I wouldn't even know y'all what I have a little thing called a museum what is that yeah it's a problem okay I'm tone-deaf are you telling government I am when I say are you your head that sounds good flawless okay you know what I mean horrible right so like what I just heard right there was like literally you should have changed careers early on that's me - yeah that's me - if I'm in the car at a shower anywhere I believe and it's sad because we're just like everybody in this category right here tone dead take a look [Applause] [Music] so how much would you please lady just suck the Christmas spirit right out of me Christmas carols I was about to say we're not gonna know any of the songs of their home movie tasting I'm gonna sing five others on the piano here we go you ain't got Nick to sing what is you need to have shoulders you max a wide [Music] [Music] like what does this is lizard cage in the background lizard [Music] killing a new car we got hella rise y'all lucky aren't we got the mic okay how passionate are you guys about going to the gym very passionate very passionate now do you get there and fake it no no that pre-workout like everybody who knows about my pre-workout calls it my crack juice that works if I don't drink pre-workout I can run on the treadmill for five minutes if I drink pre-workout I could run for like over an hour oh that might be crap I'm sorry it sounds like steroids well look everybody in this next category goes to the gym for no reason we call it no sweat [Applause] come at me bro come at me bro everybody Gomez Nikki ain't nobody here that long I'm lazy I just like to do one thing at a time and she pregnant now she's just lazy but she's sweet adorable [Music] somebody grabbed me in my cardigan this is one of my greatest pieces of doing no work no work look it's like this you don't need to be in shape to like that's true just in here hanging out I like to go to the gym to wear gloves Oh [Music] there you have it for no sweat is there anything that you can remember in your life that you saw that scared you so bad that it showed up in your dreams for years to come that's dark no look I did not only do dark not look and I'll tell you like when I think about this show and its ability to scar I think about that one pimple like we're like gross like like [ __ ] like it's like it's in my soul now okay and I can't escape it and it's just a form of video and it's everything that this entire next category is we call it [Applause] like a psychopath like you just pull that out of the toilet it's scary in like is it a possum like is it any refrigerators like a real thing yeah sorted like all I started hearing my name I'm not doing heat six nails crackers yeah she knows crack juice got his calves going wild is he he might be I never see signing I'm haunting you guys we're done [Music] where do we do it coming up my house step outside butcher man no you can't tell me that's not a person what is that I refuse to believe that this is a very well shaped piece of ham baloney I might be there okay there is no chance that's not someone's face they're bleeding - this ain't legal oh that just gave me like somebody might be dead we just paid him a licensing fee [Applause] [Music] it's mayonnaise [Music] white people love me Oh ah they do me you know me I do you really want so I don't want no mail baby girl okay that it's too much it's too much welcome TP man let's talk about when it just all got set off right when when I don't like hit what was it for you in that era when all of a sudden like the buzz exploded I'll still live well Ramon okay the streets trying to lead our way you know lead out along yeah this first category is dedicated to people that also don't like a bunch of different okay take a look at I don't like [Applause] [Music] there it is [Music] and you know he just ended up at the wrong job wait a minute lay [Music] hey Jen I just picked this to my ears [Music] [Applause] how do you get so high pitch just so angry Bheema goddamn alone no I thought it was like somebody's ass in first and some alone taking a back now Sam I hate the beach why are you even here why why she hates her friends right I don't even know why I hate when people under estimate in my fastness I'm fast I'm so fast you couldn't even comprehend how fast I am okay seeks us out okay what are we even doing here do you have it for I don't like you did three mixtape curious and back from the dead why'd you call it back from the day because I got into some and people thought I was dead everybody thought I was dead but I wasn't did and so I named my tape back for this and then back from the dead - it was like you think I'm dead again I'm back you thought I was gonna be dead here's number three exactly though look this category is basically people that you think are dead they pop right back away take a look at back from the day [Applause] [Music] now look what he's gonna do is smell beer [Applause] ready he's passed out with the clouds in the background [Applause] straight back okay okay you are the flash right yeah do people try to challenge you to foot races yeah I've actually since the show started I've raced like five people you Father know yeah that's not even when I ask that I'm like like now he's a refined gentleman he's not gonna break out in a footrace I feel rude if I say no to somebody yeah they want to race I feel like I should race it did you take it easy mate euros I let them win man no he did look the flash is high-speed and all these people in this first category are trying to do the same with their trash flashes take a look [Applause] everything I got I left it on the high school hallway got me now if the flash is going full-speed can you hit can you hit things you can face through things yeah your molecules get off yeah yeah okay here we go got it this forum is trash trash flashes better ooh he's gonna smash the games like walking No he's still coders I'm built for speed the thing broke I'm gonna go with all the above there he is everybody's party and here comes old Derrick all the way back to the parking lot across the street at the Chinese today here we go [Applause] one more try guys Russian dashcam look out coming in hot he left his family first of all real for real no I'm making it you can't make it we're all gonna go together trust fall yeah I just did one in my music video the other day what yeah it was supposed to be like I was getting shot and so I was like well how am I gonna do this and so like this dude had to just like lay there behind the camera and I knew he could drop it he worked for you yeah but my question is how come it wasn't multiple people just to be safe because she's [ __ ] 90 pounds okay okay was it a clean catch yes do you regret trusting him no he got me okay everybody here they regret it and they should trust nobody take a look [Applause] so yeah life you guys are really strong send me hi [Music] it is both it's higher - we're talking about inexperienced big fellas trying to act like cheer men for Brittany down all right guys we're not you me [Applause] it wasn't jump he PA that was aggressive [Music] so got me [Applause] trust me my shoulders would be there yeah but the timing was so perfect yeah hey signal him in the front three three oh yeah they got him here we go here we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you did that I want to I want to blame your friends but we know good well we should drunk on [Applause] well I can't tension mom mom you gotta cut your Jeff he just died some land oh man I am a man yeah that has gone through a lot of pain because I was a professional skateboarder I used to hit the concrete all the time right and when I would get hurt skateboarding I would be mad at me okay each and every time my father grabbed that skateboard take it out on that bam bam smash it blame everybody in sight when I get hurt I get angry just like everybody in this category pay angry take a look [Music] oh yeah they're suspicious what that [ __ ] wall there that could have been so bad man he's just so mad he just went like 30 minutes yeah I just want to drink my time I feel hey I get it to what okay okay I think I get it this guy was jumping onto what he believed would be a table right but but Derek over here thought he would start to play the beer pong game a little bit early he had no idea it was a wrestling jump he was [ __ ] he hit the brakes oh oh yeah here we go not me chicken coop we're gonna go cricket all similar ass papa there you have it for pain green okay all talking about the new skateboard take it out on the skateboard mm-hmm the harder I would break that inanimate object the better I would feel probably why I don't play video games all right I'm like 30 seconds seeing him fine okay pieces back together get some batteries in there I'm gonna be calm on this one this doesn't even [ __ ] work there's no just like everybody in this category what'd you say to me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] three dollars for no accident [Applause] we're not gonna let me cross don't say another word slap your silly fool hey what you want man kind of quick though all right [Applause] sorry about that somebody let's go oh man I can't Oh [Applause]
Channel: MTV's Ridiculousness
Views: 3,636,209
Rating: 4.8572474 out of 5
Keywords: funny clips, Chanel, Ranked, Ridiculousness, sink holes, open water, elevators, Yummy, Hailey Baldwin, biebs, belieber, what do you mean?, baby ft. ludacris, skrillex and diplo, i'm the one, beauty and a beat, nicki minaj, Amazingness, Chanel West Coast, Steelo Brim, chanel west coast, comedy, fail, fail compilation, fantasy factory, rob & big, Machine Gun Kelly, fears, fear, scary
Id: 8Dps3vSSw-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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