Ridiculous But Fun Character Builds - Builds Character

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hello everyone and welcome to builds character i am joined by our amazing human being i think lauren irvin who is that i'm sorry who is our community manager at dnd beyond and today we on bill's character are going to show you some of the most ridiculous builds that we can think of and uh horrify you with our creativity and the creativity of our community our community as well so uh what what what's on the menu what's on the menu lauren urban so you've done a lot of shows about uh optimal builds or interesting builds for certain adventures or and there's a ton of people who want help with building just the right character for the right story beats uh or want the most powerful character these are not any of that these are not necessarily bad characters but they're ridiculous they're funny they have a concept in them that is just uh amusing or you know just ridiculous in general they all work they are all legal essentially you can build them all with the the basic rules they don't require any home brewing they don't require any magic items it's just putting together fun things and uh making the d and d ridiculousness happen because why not so i'll for example show the character that i've been teasing for a while uh which is my era cochran here sarah fim so this is a simple one just to get you started a little appetizer on the ridiculous ridiculousness to come you'll see she's uh an era cooker sorcerer she is specifically a draconic bloodline sorcerer which means at level 14 you get dragon wings you can create and dismiss dragon wings as a bonus action gain of flying speed equals to your current walking speed which means at level 14 this arrow coker has two sets of wings now why would you ever use the dragon wings when you've got a flying speed oh that's because of the draconic thing oh that's funny that's funny that dnd beyond did that oh i didn't know that so you've got a flying speed usually there's an air cooker of 50 feet but your dragon wings are your walking speed which is 25 feet so why because it's funny because why not i was talking about uh this specific character and a version of it on our discord where the recommendation was instead of going sorcerer to go swarm keeper ranger and then get the swarm of flies and so you're an arachokra with three billion little tiny wings right yeah i like it i like it it's it's just fun it is it's still an optimal character i mean you can totally be an air cooker sorcerer and go have a lot of fun and there's other things you can do but i just like the fact that it's you get two sets of wings why not uh you also created some fun characters let me let me pull up your grapple character here apple grapple is a joy i'm like making characters while we're talking because i keep on thinking of things so this is apple grapple he's a 12 little warlock and here's a couple really fun things about apple grapple apple grapple by by their very nature uh look under features and traits um grunge are poisonous which is super duper fun for me so this apple grapple is also an undead an undead warlock because uh fun so uh apple grapple is immune to poison they can breathe in water that's all cool but any creature that grapples you or otherwise otherwise comes in physical contact with your skin must succeed on a dc-12 constitution saving throw or they'll be poisoned for up to a minute you can apply this poison on any piercing weapon as a part of an attack with that weapon though uh you know and the poison will react uh the target must succeed on a dc-12 constitution saving throw or take 2d four points of poison damage so that's pretty cool right that's pretty cool point is i took the feet grappler that means i have an advantage on any attempt to grapple my target i'm also a grung which means i can jump i have also taken otherworldly leap as an invocation as a warlock this allows me to increase my jump by five times there it is so wait so what what what what is my jump as a grong right now uh on on top of that there's like a it's under features right yeah you also took the mobile feet yeah which increases your speed so yeah let's let's come what what we get in here oh we haven't even added it in okay so as a grung uh let's see your long jump is up to 25 feet and your high jump is up to 15 feet with or without a running start and then so let's look at what spells to see what's how spells interacts with that so jump you touch a creature's jump distance is tripled until the spell ends okay so how many fear we get so that's uh well do you want the standing jump because that was 15 was the base right so so yeah 30 45 so you can now uh after that spell jump 45 feet straight up so i can jump on top of a building at will because i can make cash jump as often as i want to now because it's a warlock invocation that says so uh i'm gonna like close the distance it gets better kids because i took the poisoner feet which means even if you're resistant to poison i can ignore that and i can again add a layer of poison to my weapons if i spend a little bit of gold i can add extra poison onto any of my weapons that i want to use against somebody so i heard you like poison and so i got you poison with you so i got you i got you more poison so the poisoner fee allows me to make you uh take up to 28. 2d8 poison damage and also have the poison condition and that causes you to have disadvantage on a bunch of things and your dc what what exactly does the poison condition do again uh and that's a dc14 constitution saving through kids yeah poisoned if i remember correctly is no joke let's actually just look it up yeah let's go and get get in there sorry i've had a lot of coffee and i'm very excited about apple grapple i mean apple apple grappa i can't even say i can't even say this um oh why is it coming up here we go we'll just we'll just come to here oh this is poison sprite this is the wrong thing i've i've been so excited by this yeah it gives you disadvantage on a bunch of stuff it is uh serious it is a serious condition it's a serious condition kids people in chat are probably yelling at us right now about it and i don't care um but yeah the what i like about this idea is that because of your long jump you were talking about jumping on top of buildings i'm talking about jumping on top of people's heads oh yeah i want to see the little tiny um uh tree frog with the the bright coloring uh with those big webbed um the suction cups on the end of their feet and they just go into your head and now you're poisoned on top of your head you unfortunately are a weapon you are an attack role so the poi when a creature has the poison condition that creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks that's the disadvantage on ability checks yep so this is where it gets super fun because i also took hex and what i'm gonna do i'm gonna try to maintain my concentration you're probably not even gonna get get me because i'm i'm on top of your head poisoning you i also have cloak of flies it's an invocation flies erupt out of my body and poison you you're not mean to that point you are taking that poison damage every round that you and i are near each other and the poison from my skin and the poison from my poisoner fate and uh you have no ability to get out of this but when i cast hex on you i do extra necrotic damage to each of my attacks and i get to choose one of your abilities that you have disadvantage of and that's going to be constitution there you go your your checks with constitution are going to be at disadvantage you're probably going to take the poison damage and you're never going to get me off you because you're at disadvantage and all my friends also you've been grappled so my friends have advantage on attacking you you aren't going to survive apple grapple though this is the perfect way to take down a raging barbarian this little tiny grunge is kind of the perfect answer to you know my barbarian rages and now i can't do anything well throw a grunge at them the most innocent of creatures and i'm also getting a little i'm getting a boost i'm getting a little extra necrotic damage from being undead from being down to warlock i i take on my undead grunge form which i don't know what that looks like so that happens and i have relentless hex which means even if you run away somehow i'm just gonna teleport right next to you because you're the victim of my hex i can teleport up to 30 feet right next to you or back to square one you're never getting away from apple grapple apple loves you this is your new character right that's that's that's my new character apple grapple and if it was if it wasn't for the fact that um you're technically required to be a dwarf i think you've talked in the past about putting that spiky armor yeah so that they're also doing uh piercing damage so it's the hug of death yeah yeah because then you get that bonus action that you can like stab them but i was kind of like well yeah i mean that is doing a little extra poison damage but having that cloak of flies and i can you look right now and see what the koko flies feature does for me right now once per short rust there's a bonus action you summon yourself you surround yourself with a five foot or a flies that grant you advantage on intimidation checks but disadvantage on all other charisma checks a creature that starts his turn in the aura takes two poison damage um so yeah it's it's um yeah that's fun it's just automatic it's just willing away it's just it's just whittling you away but little by little i i want to use this in combat in a 1v1 game and see how effective this is but listen you can jump over a building you can jump at any target they're never getting away from you they're going to get poisoned again and again and again and they're going to hate you i think the the practical applications of this character are not necessarily that you're doing it like you're doing constant poison damage it's cute it's the most adorable of damage really um but because of all of the disadvantage and because of the poison being able to do that against a a target that would normally be incredibly difficult to take down so that your friends who might struggle with doing damage can now uh lay on damage and because they've got disadvantage to a bunch of stuff if your friends have advantage that's helping your rogue that's helping that's helping a lot of people so this is this is good ridiculous thank you i care about this character a lot i can tell i can tell all right well we're gonna we're gonna move on to something uh ridiculous in a different way so i did ask the community if they had suggestions for some of their favorite ridiculous characters uh and this is from enoth who uh submitted this i mean first off eric okra yay so this is specifically mixing two different concepts they said one is getting as many cantrips as possible and to also be kind of an azamar without having to actually be an asimar so uh this fun character this uh four level warlock one source or one cleric as you can probably see by the number of can trips they have a lot specifically they have 21 cantrips which is a fun amount of hand trips i thought i like this i like this concept i wonder how ridiculous we can go with this and so um because anath has created a character that is still relatively viable and reasonable and especially at low levels having access to that many can trips is incredibly useful but we can go a step further so at level 10 uh i created this fun character who has 25 cantrips at level 10. god freely eat your heart out oh oh we're not even there yet so at level 10 this is a forest gnome which gives you the minor illusion cantrip a divine soul sorcerer one which gets you four cant trips a celestial warlock three pact of the tome which gets you a bunch of a bard two a wizard one an arcana cleric which also uh not only gets you cantrips you can choose but it comes with a cantrip and a druid circle of the land and so with that ridiculous multi-class and a little bit of point by what we have here is a level 10 character with 25 cam trips if you wanted a canter if it's there um as you can see the the spell attack in dc is a little ridiculous the nice thing about the bard is it gives you half proficiency on everything so you're kind of a jack of all trades so i created this and i went we can make this more ridiculous right we can have more can trips right yeah it's true so we can't like to introduce you to my level 20 character who has 38 cantrips because and i will i will say if you check out this character later i went through the process of making sure that not only do i have 38 cantrips but they are all unique there are no doubles in here these are all the cam trips all the con all the can trips all the time pretty much it's it's it's almost every cam trip in the game it's a little ridiculous um so what does this character do uh well we made them a water gynosis because why not shape water it's got a lot of the same features as our other clear as our other character i also added in a row rogue arcane trickster up to level three a artificer level one and then two feats that uh help you a lot in this which are pretty obvious which are spell sniper which gets you a can trip and magic initiate which gets you a ken trip uh which gets you two hand trips sorry so if you would like to be that character that just never has to worry about spell slots ever if you would like to be the the because a lot of the damaging cantrips get more powerful as you level up so you can still do some stuff but when you think about when people say what is the spell that you wish you had in real life a lot of the spells people want all the time they're can trips they're things like presta digitation minor illusion mending message mage hand um so you can basically have them all and then you get you know some other fun slots too i haven't picked spells for the rest of them because i don't care about other spells i've got 38 can trips why not so yeah that's that's my uh ridiculous character of level 20 cantrip master i haven't come up with a name for them yet we'll figure if you have a suggestion for a name let me know in the chat uh but let's go back to one of the ones that you created i saw there was shadow the cobalt here shadow the bold this is this this is not as crazy as uh say uh yeah this is all happening on the fly so shout out the bold you know he doesn't like light so he's a shadow sorcerer and he he likes to have friends so the whole point of this kobold is he likes to use like shadow blade he likes to be in the darkness all the time especially he likes to summon his pet dog he's a good doggo he's a he's a hound of ill omen oh and the hound of ill omen technically has the same stats as a direwolf which has pack tactics that means that when you're near it it has advantage on all of its attack roles this also means because you're a cobalt and you have pac tactics you have advantage on all your attack roles against somebody and the person who's the victim of the hound of ill omen has disadvantage on their saving throws when you target them with your spells so a sense of theme here in the characters that you like to create i'm not just going to be really powerful i'm going to make you of disadvantage on everything and i'm going to be cute by doing it i mean why not right so yeah you're just and and also you can cast darkness on yourself if you really want to you just cast darkness and then you're already getting advantage from that they're not getting away from advantage it doesn't matter advantage is going to happen it could just be you and your pet doggo and you can even ride on top of your hound of el omen maybe um probably not but i'd like to think that you can i don't know what turn well can you click on helen development what turn does it act is it at the end of your turn target one creature i think you have to press on it well yeah let's see peers with the number temper hit points at the start of its turn roll initiative on the hound on its turn so it you roll initiative and it it has its own initiative well it's got its own initiative and it attacks one target that you've determined relentlessly so actually you don't have to be commanding it to do really anything you could ride your hound of ill omen yeah but why ride when because then you're using movement to get on top of a hound when you can summon you can target one creature you can see within 120 feet so just be like fido sick them and then 120 feet later yeah and plus you know you got shadow blade and that gives you advantage and dim and dark light as well it's just it's it's mr advantage so that's that's shadow of the bold oh and then is is shadow the bold uh tell me that he's one of those brightly colored kobolds so that when he's not in dim shadow he's this i think he's a sparkly kobold i think he's like yeah got diamond skin absolutely or emeralds he's shimmers he's like twilight he's just like twilight oh oh now i'm upset he's sparkly no he fell asleep and yeah his origin story is uh he fell asleep in a in a giant vat of cubic zirconium and now he's just covered forever and fake diamonds are worthless we have um more characters that are coming up from our community but i actually want to skip ahead for a second because this brings up a topic somebody somebody asked about uh specifically cj gilbert said i've been challenging myself to make the edgiest characters with the happiest backgrounds this sounds like it's pretty edgy like on on the surface when you're talking about you know shadow sorcerer with darkness in a hound of ill omen but now you're talking about them being covered in sparklies and i want their hound of ill omen to be called like daisy and to them them be inside the darkness but you just hear them giggling like a you know like a small child which is also creepy that's also kind of creepy no that's a that's a warforged we got to build that later sorry i don't know if anyone got that okay uh let's reference everybody there you go watch watch watch that so we got this on twitter from yoda leahey who who put together a warlock rogue barg bard cleric carefree super spy that is good at everything meet jack's bond so before i'd mention that i'd added bard in on my kentrip characters and it was kind of fun that it gave a whole bunch of half proficiency this is a character that is all about being proficient at everything they are the best at i mean this is an amazing amount of of rolling in your stats for a level 20 character even uh getting a plus 15 to stuff is amazing um and it's all about just maximizing what that bard and the rogue can do together as as a a pair um between jack of all trades and being oh that's the other thing because you are a rogue not only do you get extra proficiencies and everything you eventually get where is it oh see i thought this rogue had the thing in where you uh you automatically if you roll a 9 or less you actually count it as a 10 if it's anything that you're proficient in um which is amazing as well so if you ever wanted to play james bond who frankly is not an amazing like he's an okay fighter he can do some okay stuff but you want to be able to talk your way out of anything if you want to be able to examine everything this is the character you want to go with um i do like the cleric in there just to have a couple of extra spells but mostly this just makes me happy this this whole giant list of everything being proficient or expert in it you also get a ton of languages and it's i i want to play this character so bad i want to be this character the one that sits in the back and just every once in a while casts you know vicious mockery on someone and is just the the the truest skill uh skill jockey it's amazing it's pretty good yeah so thank you for that and then this inspired me to pull up uh something that a lot of people do know about especially when it comes to rogues but if you take the right feats you can have some pretty impressive passives i i actually had a character that was like this so this is a a human rogue with a couple of feats that let you have a passive perception investigation at 32. which i will remind you the official rules say that a check of 30 or higher is considered impossible so if if your dm tells you you gotta roll over a 30 that's technically impossible unless you're like well but i can just see through space and time uh so this is the fun of adding the observant feet onto characters that are already super observant and so this specific human because they're a rogue they get expertise and as you can see i've maxed out their insight and their investigation i'd even have to get to level 20. you just get to level 17. these are the characters that let you uh hey i didn't roll really well so i'm just going to pretend that's a 10 and you just see everything i played a version of this character in the demon play game that i played with james and her castle and it got to the point in where we joked that she could just hear what the dm was saying we'd walk into a room and he would describe the room and then he'd say oh also rock you see and she would just talk to this voice in her head because she could see the dm so if you want to be that character and it doesn't take long to get there like especially if you take the observant feet your passives jump super high really really quick you could be at level 12 or 13 and have a passive that's just amazing which i love so much um we have some questions from chat let me pull those up before i pull up some other ridiculous yeah i may got something i may i may have something new for you i may have something new for you i see you i see you working away i see what's happening um arlena wants to know a dragonborn that can fly is it ridiculous yes uh lemur101 asks do you think a barbarian hexblade fighter would be fun oh yeah anytime you can rage and run at people that's that's the best that that's the best uh lord garth on wants to know todd uh do you have any error coca that you've built no because they're garbage i would like to have proven you wrong in the last 30 minutes they are not i will work on the era coker actually you know what that's a lie i do have an era cocoa i have an arachokara that is actually an owl and they are a cleric of the twilight domain oh that's cool so they can see forever um in darkness and uh they're all about that that that creepy twilight moment the moment between light and darkness and that's where that's where my my owl boy lives that's my era cocra and they can do that fun thing where they turn their head 360 degrees which is yeah that's that's super cool and also very creepy right before a bar fight yeah um yoshi guy wants to know on a scale of one to ten how ridiculous are true polymorphed characters yeah so i've got a build coming up a little later that uh versions of it involved true polymorph but i was trying to avoid getting into too much of that but once you start talking about true polymorphing a character that i mean that that goes into a whole other level of ridiculous but here's the weird thing about true polymorph can't you get rid of it with dispel magic yeah i think so yeah yeah isn't the spell magic like a third level spell yeah i find it kind of fun that you can use this amazingly powerful spell to turn you into some incredible creature with all of these abilities and it doesn't take much to make that go away and uh but if you wanted to have that fun uh true polymorph it's pretty ridiculous it's it's fun although if i'm gonna go that way i'm just gonna play druid and get to level 20 and then be able to turn into practically anything i'm a dragon now doesn't make sense um and yes oh people are asking if we can get links to these characters so that they can uh check them out later yes i will go ahead check out our forums i'll go ahead and post links in the forums these are a lot of fun uh so that if you would like to build your own and then we had a question come through on socials from eric vela who speaking of arakokura although we can talk about a couple of different other characters what's your take on era coker wherebear or an era coker aware tiger or if we don't want to talk about arakoka basically any of the humanoid pc races that can get lycanthropy which includes things like loxodon war forged some pretty ridiculous all right you know lycanthropy what actually happens oh i mean uh tabaxi the werewolf is just a just an existential nightmare isn't that just a work hat yeah yeah but you but you're turning into a dog so like are you very like are you chasing yourself around like what happens like you know what does a cat look like when it turns into a werewolf you know yeah i guess i just assumed they turned into a wear cap but yeah well no no i i it turns into a dog ah well if they get if they are bitten by a werewolf but they could also be bitten by a wear bear that's true yeah where bear i think i think era coke or where bear is um well everyone's surprised [Laughter] flies too high above the clouds sees the moonlight changes into a bear and a bear plummets and dies literally a character that lives long um you have to aim very very closely you have to be the correct drop bear or you're a tabaxi that turns into a wear rat and now you are the opposite of the werewolf oh wow and then all your friends are trying to kill you yeah or are you trying to chase yourself yeah there's a lot it's a lot confusing it's a lot confusing so my favorite part of looking this up was i found a because i actually went looking for rules i was like all right sage advice jeremy crawford give me give me something tell me you talked about how this actually works uh when the centaur first came out is ua and i think the centaur now is also a fake creature so it doesn't actually work with the centaur but when it first came out it was considered a dual uh creature where it was a fae and a humanoid and patton oswald tweeted at jerry crawford and said hey if oh if a werewolf bites a centaur what happens i encourage you to just go through that thought experiment look for that tweet it's amazing also i kind of want to do that it gets into um it gets into some weird ideas about what a centaur actually is um but yeah we had um warned hawk on instagram said they made a tabaxi monk that could run twice the speed of sound for one turn yep um yeah i've got a i've got a go fast build that we can look at in just a second now i do have a another dark character we could like uh take a look at we got dr edgelord i'm gonna go there right now so dr edgelord isn't a one-trick pony he's a two-trick pony so he's a fallen asimar already undead warlock extra edgy yep he's a roon knight and now we're going to explain why so because i'm a fallen asthma i am going to only use vampiric touch all of the time that's all i'm casting and let's go ahead and look at how much vampiric touch damage i do when i hit you so vampiric touch 5d6 necrotic damage and then i get where would i get half of that back as healing that's pretty powerful except for once per turn as a fallen azimur i can add necrotic damage to any of my attacks up to my level that means 20 levels 20 points of extra necrotic damage so now i'm doing 5d6 necrotic plus 20 plus i'm an undead warlock i'm doing the math that means as an undead warlock i get an additional die on my attack so instead of 5d6 i'm doing 66 so i'm doing 66 plus 20 necrotic damage but once my dread form hits around 14th level as a an ability with any necrotic attack i do i get half the health health back that i do in damage on top of vampiric touch so now i'm doing vampiric touch i'm gonna go to any dice right now real quick because i just need to know what happens here um so we're looking at let's let's see how much how much healing no let's let's look at how much i'm not gonna ever die that's that's what we're looking at here so 66 plus 20 yeah and i am getting all of that necrotic damage and half the healing from vampiric touch and the other half from being on dead warlock back so i am doing an average of 42 points of damage every time i hit you and then i'm getting 42 points of health we get half of that so no but it's it's half a vampiric touch and then half of any time i do necrotic damage oh you'd added those together okay so you have those together and i'm like i'm hitting you for 42 and i'm taking 42 back i'm i'm constantly healing at a nightmarish rate it's the best vampiric touch build you will ever find but if that's not enough for you we got something else and gross so it's not enough give me more give me more all right well under features we can eventually we we hit our final form that allows us to drain all the energy at somebody so um i'm gonna take polymorph and i'm gonna take my dreadform and become a spider okay i'm going to enter into someone because i can pass through solid objects because of this ability i i enter into your body as a tiny little spider but as we know if i take any damage i return to my final form my regular four i'm gonna i'm gonna one up that and i'm gonna go this is why we have three levels of rooney i'm gonna go from tiny to huge inside your stomach and i'm going to explode out of you now we don't have official rules on what happens when a giant appears inside your stomach but i would like to think that they just die so i mean you can make some some pretty educated guesses yeah i think some bad things happen to everyone involved but it's delightful so if you want to become a spectral spider enter into someone's stomach and then explode as a giant well that's that's that's your oh by the way if you hit zero hit points you also explode as this undead warlock and so you're doing another radius attack damage on top of that and you go back to one and everyone's happy do you have any way to bass bypass resistance or immunity to necrotic damage i i personally am immune to necrotic damage but i don't know but but the creature that you're attacking do do you have any way to make them uh to bypass their resistance because that'd be the only thing is i'm gonna throw some zombies at you this could be a problem yeah that could be a problem it could be a problem come up with a way of doing this and it's not like you are not able to that's when you go inside them and explode maybe uh and then they they make their constitution saving through and they just rise again and that's they just they just get big yeah it's just one big distended belly this is great it's funny that you bring up the rune knight because um so friend of the show luke mckay hi uh asked in chad if you have a larger character like a goliath and you gain wings i assume they'd be proportional as such could they be used as sales for a small watercraft with their sail speed equal to their flying speed probably not but i wonder if you did rune knight and you actually became so goliath isn't considered a large creature but if you actually used this kind of build you would become large you become large including your wings so if you were an arachokuru knight uh or or we go back to your fallen asimar oh they're fallen asmr so they don't have uh wings that can fly not functional wings now but i can fly because yeah but i'm not yeah i'm not a good sale i'm not good so so that's my fault it's a bad build i'm sorry it could be an excellent sale i think i think you're selling yourself short i think you become a redemption uh azamara you get your good wings back you get huge and then you're just holding on to the boat and we're all listening to sail away and it's amazing i don't want to lose that vampiric touch though you don't have to use a vampiric touch you can get it other ways it's you're you're a spell caster it can happen and then and then you this is the version of the character who is the edgiest of edge lords but you're a happy person oh yeah dr edgelord is very excited he's very much just like oh foul wind is blowing he's he's excited and dramatic okay he needs a level on bard and this is how edgy dr edge lord is it does take a bonus action to take on your dread skeletal zombie-like husk form but then it takes a full action to erupt your spectral wings so like all in one round you like turn into this zombie lich thing and then wings pop out of your back as well and no one can out goth you now i didn't know this was a goth competition but now i'm excited and you have all these spells available to you as a warlock you don't want any of them you just want vampiric touch that's all you that's the only reason you got into this game i don't know you take darkness you take a couple of other things or you take the spells that's true it has to be darkness you're the edgiest of edge lords with fairy fire i don't know i don't know how to make that i mean you are edge you are like so do you have the haunted one or urchin background because it has been wrong those are two of the edgiest they are very edgy like he feels bad for me because of all the trauma i've endured which is interesting because i'm the trauma yeah well or the other option if you're going to be hanging out in wild mount you could be the volk strucker and then you could be vocabulary yes my german is pretty bad but there there it is so you could you could uh if you are the pain then then you might want to go uh hang out in wild mount sorry we're getting a bunch more questions um there isn't space to grow larger as per roon night rules did you take that into account oh well i feel uh oh no oh there's not space i would make um it does make you large doesn't it yeah even if you're a spider it's not like one size larger it's just makes you large so just just i just do it all at once you know once the spider form changes yeah it's it's a rough one it's you're right there's a flaw on that but this is the best vampiric touch build i think you're gonna get maybe oh that for sure yeah also at edgiest edge lord of of whoever has edged um we got some more suggestions yeah so we were talking about uh fast moving builds before and before i get to the the one that um i built up this is from silva who says uh so this is a human monk druid i call her hit and run kung fury beast base speed unarmor movement and mobile feet allow me to do hit run tactics when i run in attack and then run away best to use wild shapes with pounce and charge tactics she's a lot of fun to play and yeah this is another example of kind of a ridiculous build that's super impressive because of the amount of speed that you can get i mean look at this character's walking speed already and then i love the idea of changing into a a creature that can pounce or charge and then using your your monk abilities to help because it does work with wild shapes i looked it up and you just get all of those bonuses so turning into a panther and charging at somebody uh is it just sounds super fun and then being able to run away because why not why would you why would you want to stick around because you've got i think uh yep you got the the mobile feet and you don't provoke attack of opportunity so you just you literally pounce out of nowhere attack attack attack and then bye and you move so fast who can catch you who can go after you you know it's almost like that teleporter build i made where all you do is thunderstep and and then you like you have that teleportability that you naturally have yeah as a forget a conjurer conjurers can just teleport yeah no as in that yeah yeah as a bonus action or an action they can just teleport anytime they cast conjuring spells the effect redoes itself so you're like moving around 120 feet every round yeah dropping thunder the good thing about this is you don't because the thunderstop i think attacks or hits anybody within a certain radius of use you can hit your friends it's still epic and it's loud it's super loud which is half the fun this you don't get that that explosion of of damage but what you gain is stealth and what you gain is being able to run away quickly and hide and being able to do this with a friend who is locking someone down um making sure that they can't run away and then you're just constantly bouncing at them from like 55 feet away i find this amusing and i love it and i i can't wait um i don't think i've ever actually played a druid before in fifth edition uh this might be my first druid i'm super excited i'm super excited about this one i might i might have to steal it um we got a lot of people who were um i should have brought this up when we were talking about your grunge build there are quite a lot of people who want to play ninja turtles uh that's true that is true yeah i mean i i don't blame them it's interesting to see all the different builds i didn't pick just one because i literally got about a dozen different versions of all four of the turtles some were grung some were tortles uh some were re-skinned humans um being able to put them in i liked the ones that weren't all monks i thought that that was interesting um i definitely think we heard a lot about the teenage mutant ninja turtles when the total package first came out um i think i think everybody talks about playing that that game i do want to know has anyone actually played a game as the teenage mutant ninja turtles ah i'm surprised i haven't yet it sounds like such a fun good idea but it also is one of those ideas of like oh it makes too much sense now we can't do that that'll be cliche um but yeah but yeah if you have actually played as as the teenage mutant ninja turtles let me know i want to know how that actually went i see you building something else over there have you already built no i am listening to uh i it made me it did make me occur i'm just i'm testing out a concept i'm testing out a thing but yeah we're doing we're doing the thing we're doing the thing we're doing the thing so we're building things live building them live so we're gonna do it live we're gonna do it live super live so we might as well talk about speed speed characters so i'm going to preface this by saying that the idea we got into for these ridiculous characters was to avoid things like magic items or homebrew rules or anything like that so you technically can go faster than what i have here if you start talking about boots of speed or anything like that but i figured what i wanted to do was build characters that didn't require essentially the dm to give you something because you really want to talk with your dm or or have gotten a specific magic item in a campaign before you just give it to your character especially something like boots of speed but everything we have done here with my tabaxi gotta go fast is just created in the character sheet um so they've got a speed of of 70 feet uh their walking speed they've also got a climbing speed of 60 which i find funny we can actually make it better so that's our base which of course comes from being a monk we have also added a little bit of barbarian and we have specifically gone with path of the totem warrior because uh we can go elk and while you are raging and aren't wearing heavy armor your walking speed increases by 15 feet so that gives us uh 85 and then we've added blade singing onto our our fun here and when's the last time you've talked to someone who's been a blade singer uh but there's there's reasons you want to go for it here we go wizard uh specifically blade singing if you start to do the blade singing dance um and specifically you're supposed to be an l for half elf so i'm kind of breaking the rules a little bit but you're not really going to lose too much here uh basically i went to baxi just to show you a fun thing you can do um so when you start your blade song you gain a whole bunch of stuff but specifically your walking speed increases by 10 feet so you start to have fun with your your sword you are raging you now 85 95 feet in a uh in your movement basically so that's a 95 base which means 285 feet a turn because as a monk you can move and you can dash and then you can also dash as a bonus action so you can essentially move three times which i did the math and is about 32 miles an hour um and then the reason you go to baxi is because once you can double your movement so for one turn you can double your speed which means you're moving 570 feet a turn and then the reason you go fighter is so that you can action surge so this character without anything else just innately can go 665 feet a ton now there's consequences like the feline agility after that you can't move the next round um and and some other stuff but you you can you can move faster than anything and then if you want to get even more ridiculous you take long strider and then that increases your feet your your movement by 10 feet and so you can go 705 feet in a single turn if you action surge if you double move and dash and do the whole the whole thing so who needs to fly yeah i mean really it's just it's ridiculous uh and it's actually it works pretty well it's still the barbarian rage helps you out a lot when you're a monk it's all unarmored stuff you're basically taking the fighter just to get action surge which is why you've got two levels of fighter so it's not going to help that much but second wind is helpful for when you do get hit because every once in a while that'll happen but yeah it's having that kind of speed um there's comparisons to error coca era coker can go faster on a regular basis but you factor in the tabaxi being able to do that double move in one in one turn and it it it gets a lot of fun uh let's see we got some more questions six foot score i want to know what's the most ridiculous bard build you've ever come across or played so i mean that james bond build from earlier was was amazing um i have heard about a lot of bard builds who are pretending to be other characters so it's less about the mechanics being ridiculous and more about i'm going to be a bard and my deception and my persuasion are so high that i can convince you that i'm actually an artificer uh fighter uh cleric something like that uh so that kind of goes back to that just being able to um tell people you're one thing when you're not i advise you to be careful if you're gonna go that route obviously the dm needs to know but also uh be careful with your players it can you need the right group to play that kind of character in if you're going to try to pull one over on them uh lord garth wants to know would you consider a drow celestial tome warlock with the feet you can go um oh you can do all the extra uh spell castings that's true yeah ooh drow would be a lot of fun and also edgelord yeah todd's just too busy building something else i can see i've sent i've sent something i just don't i haven't figured out the math of like well what what did i do to help this thing to happen we're going to come full circle we're going to go back to apple grapple we're we're going back to where apple grapple so sorry real quick i'm gonna break it down for you we are going to go uh barbarian grunge path of the beast now this means that um well what are am i immune to poison as a grong real quick i know this one's on the fly uh let's take a quick look racial traits poison immunity i mean it makes sense your skin is poisonous so why wouldn't you be immune so when i rage i'm going to go ahead and choose to maybe like put the poison on my teeth or my claws because they are weapons because i form teeth and claws or even a tail with a barb on it and then i coat poison on that right this gives me like a 10 foot reach when it comes to the tail if i'm using my claws i can use a bonus action to like hit you a second time i got to know though before we go too far do you really need to coat your teeth and claws and tail or because they're part of your body they are part of your body bro are they not also poisonous are they not automatically poisoned so that's a good question for your dm or you can add like a little extra poison a little extra on that cemetery yeah a little bit more poison there poison her feet stuff so you've got them grappled you have advantage on on on strength checks and everything because you're a barbarian you're raging you're on top of them you can even choose to bite them and get health back while you're poisoning them over and over again now they don't have disadvantage on their constitution saving throws necessarily but you get one opera options to increase your ability to do different physical things when you're part of the barbarian path of the beast so i chose athletics and then i chose uh i chose jump that means uh when i make an athletics check you're all about that grunge movement aren't you yeah yeah yeah i i can add my strength athletics check to extend my jump by number of feet equal to the checks total now i chose a ua feat that gives me expertise expertise in athletics i'm also barbarian so i have a plus seven in strength plus my expertise for some reason it's saying plus 19 i'm just telling you that's what it's telling me right now so i'm adding that to my jump and i could get like who knows like 30 i just roll a 30. that's 30 feet plus my regular jump as a grong bonus so already i'm just doing as much i'm covering as much distance as if i had the jump spell on me and i'm on you and i'm eating you and i'm poisoning you and then you're basically a facehugger yeah now you're a facehugger you're you're the alien facehugger you're gonna hang out in a fake egg and then you just gotta i'm just gonna hang on a fake egg in fact i'm gonna have an egg a stone egg and i'm gonna ask maybe i do may i build a cocoon right and then i have someone catapult me at my target okay the cat's cat pulp and you're the egg that you're in probably the egg i'm in okay this depends on how the dm feels about this whole scenario i don't really need that i can already jump there but if you want like that that surprise factor um that's pretty great and on top of this like i'm raging so i've got improved critical i've got improved melee damage i'm doing poison damage i got my reckless attack i got danger sense i'm like spider-man the frog um and also definitely the grung build you go in because the other one that you built was was the debuff buffer you're doing some damage and it's all poison damage but it wasn't necessarily an overwhelming amount this is the character you go for you lose some of that poison damage but you gain back and just raw output raw horrifying yeah right yeah you now have a raging grunge on you yeah and uh also when you bite somebody uh you may you can improve your your fellow companions they also get this kind of primal rage seeing you attack so they almost become kind of lycanthropes themselves on top of all that so that's that's what i got i want to pull up real quick the actual grunge rules because um they're they're kind of an an alternate thing that your dm can do uh that is it's not just regular poison where where where there's a grunge there you are because depending on what color grunge you are you do different things with your poison oh what yeah yeah yeah it might not be oh it might uh be in the grunge creature that's probably what i'm thinking of because it's not part oh yeah yeah yeah yeah but each grunge creature has different stuff now how do we get how do we get the grunt if you're on dnd beyond oh that's not in the player's handbook or anything like that uh no so grung are a special thing that you can purchase that are from one grown above it is a uh it's a it's not really an adventure it's basically just um the character class you can play as a grunge and then some information about some characters um you know just just a couple of characters you know no one no one's special uh but yeah this is um this is it's a donation to extra life if you purchase it and then you get to play as grung and um if you play in a game in where your dm will let you use some of the rules that are in the actual grunge as monsters um here we go grung variant grung poison so depending on what color you are not only do you get the poison condition but like if you're green the poison creature can't move except to climb or make standing jumps if the creature's flying it can't take any actions or reactions until it lands um my favorite one is red the poisoned creature must use its actions to eat if food is within reach because then the question becomes what do you consider food well that's good that and and here's an interesting point about uh the the path of the beast barbarian and the scrum so you've grappled them you're on them they can't get you off of you they're poisoned they got disadvantages disadvantage on attacks against you nothing's come and you've got advantage on your strength saving throws and you've got expertise expertise in athletics it's done you're part of them forever you might as well be a symbiote like you just you've just clawed into their soul and that's it well as it turns out with infectious fury if you hit creature with one of your natural weapons while why you are raging the target must succeed on a wisdom saving throw dc16 and if it does it suffers one of these effects the target must use its reaction to make a melee attack against another creature of your choice that you can see so now you're more choice that's the important part you are on top of this dude's head you have your claws deep into his brain and now he's fighting people on your behalf while being poisoned by you slowly yeah you really are the alien facehugger yeah yeah when they win dean d i don't know if that's how that works but i'd fully expect to see this character at some point in in the game that you are in and i'm excited and everyone i apologize i've had two cups of coffee and i'm very excited yeah we will uh post links to all of these characters check out the forums check out our discord we'll we'll post all of the links if you want to take a look if you want to make these characters yourselves as i said almost all these characters are if you just have the character the race in the class you can go ahead and make them this doesn't require any home brewing this doesn't require anything special it just requires you to have have the stuff and the time to go through and add 30 some odd cantrips to a character so many cat trips all the countries that's a character i'm going to play at some point i'm going to all the can trips everything can trip pretty much that's your hero that's your superhero name you have it you have literally something for everything exactly i have ev i am a jack of all trades kendrick master and they all scale they all swiss army knife yep thank you everyone for going on this ridiculous [Laughter] lots of strange creatures thank you so much lauren urban for uh bringing your own weirdness to to the table and for everyone uh who allowed us to show off their home brew as well not their home brew but their weird character ideas i'm terrified of how many wings the arrow coqura has i i feel like you're a dragonfly at that point yeah so many wings it's so much fun yeah and definitely if you create something you know maybe it's optimized maybe it's not but it's just ridiculously fun go ahead and share it with us because i always love seeing that kind of thing awesome all right thank you everyone have a great weekend if we don't see you and uh take care of each other bye
Channel: D&D Beyond
Views: 91,314
Rating: 4.875515 out of 5
Keywords: D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeon & Dragons, D&D Beyond, Todd Kenreck, DnD, Builds Character, D&D Beyond Builds Character, D&D Beyond Character Builder, Lauren Oboe Urban, Ridiculous But Fun Character Builds, Ridiculous Character Builds, Fun Character Ideas, Grung Build, Fast D&D Character
Id: My2iNgnNehE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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