Top 10 D&D 5e Multiclass Builds | Nerd Immersion

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is wednesday my dudes i couldn't resist anyway folks ted from nerd immersion here yeah top 10 tuesday didn't happen on tuesday uh life man it happens anyway my patrons voted this week and they chose my top 10 multi-class builds for fifth edition dungeons and dragons so uh it could be a little bit of a long one right and we're going to talk about builds so keep that in mind anyway if you want to see what they are and the rules behind it stay tuned what's going on folks ted from nerd immersion here and again uh multi-classes right so fifth edition has by the way did you know multi-class rules are technically listed as optional um but anyway this is my multi-class build so what that's gonna be is only official classes in fifth edition dungeons and dragons we're not gonna deal with anything homebrew we're not gonna deal with accepted home brew like the blood hunter matt mercer's gunslinger uh the artificer technically is in play as that is an option um but we're not gonna deal with any unearth arcana as well we're only going to deal with officially published things as they stand right now and i'm not going to handle any of the previews that are coming out in tasha's or the stuff we think we know we're going to get in it because we can only build this as it stands right now with what we already have and i say a lot of the stuff it's interchangeable like it's a bard and a cleric or whatever and then the type doesn't necessarily matter in some cases it does but yeah anyway stay tuned number ten some of these i have kind of names for others i do not but this one is basically going to be a trickery domain cleric bard combo and the reason that this is so high on the list is because i've never done this before so i don't know how well it'll work in practice but in theory i think it sounds pretty cool also in the comments leave your best names for any of the different builds i have and we'll talk about them so basically i don't have a character built out but we're just going to go into d and d beyond to take a quick look you would likely start as a rogue if you're trying to be the most optimal because you will get the most skill proficiencies from this so and you'd have dexterity as a saving throw you get thieves tools and so on um and you'd get whatever you would get for however many levels of rogue you're gonna take as far as what subclass to take well in my mind arcane trickster would work out okay because arcane trickster typically has some kind of illusionary based magic and you would be kind of a trickery type you could obviously pick any rogue type here and that's i mean maybe this would be better to fit the sunlight for the phantom when they eventually come out in tasha's but given the ones that we have right now it's pretty much the rogue is your choice you pick what you want but then you would take the trickery domain cleric the only thing is you'll have to obviously have i guess i should have said at the beginning we're assuming you have the ability scores to make these multi-classes happen so that's 13 dexterity and uh what is that 13 uh wisdom to be able to multi-class into cleric uh and when you're gonna get when you multi-class over here you're gonna get charm person and disguise self as first level spells here from the cleric list the good news is the sky self doesn't really um it's only it only does the investigation dc to see through it if people think you're an illusion but these are both good spells to have a mirror image a benefit if you take say three levels into cleric mirror image and excuse me in pass without trace both of these don't it doesn't really matter what your ability score is if your wisdom is a 13 you can make use of mirror image and pass without trace without having to worry about how high your wisdom score is and then again uh for this we're probably gonna go at least it's gonna i don't know what the exact split will be but uh maybe 12 rogue eight cleric but the big reason you're gonna do this is for your invoke duplicity so first of all at first level you're gonna be able to give someone advantage on dexterity stealth checks whether that be a party member or yourself to boost your numbers up but invoke duplicity is channel divinity so you're gonna activate this as an action and an illusory double of yourself lasts for one minute and appears um you know in a space within 30 feet uh and you know it lasts until you lose concentration you can move it up to 30 feet uh as a bonus action and as long as it's within 100 it has to stay within 120 feet of you but the thing is if your illusion uh both you and your illusion are within five feet of a creature and they can see the illusion as in they don't have like true sight you have advantage on attack roles against that creature you can now self produce sneak attack for up to a minute as you move your your uh your duplicate around the battlefield after it's already been cast uh then at six level you could use your channel divinity to just turn yourself invisible as an action not using this spell you just become invisible uh and it's so therefore it is not concentration and it's till the end of your next turn so you can mess around with that a little bit and then if we decided to go eight levels into cleric we can deal an extra bit of d8 of poison damage when you hit with a weapon attack that could be a ranged attack so you could be shooting a bow to deal extra poison damage and that that that sounds kind of roguish not to mention you'll still have whatever your number of prepared spells you'll have and again you could take use of things like let's say dis um detect magic for example you wouldn't need to sacrifice if you decided to go arcane trickster one of your spell slots for detect magic you could cast it here plus you also have ritual casting so there are certain spells you can gain access to uh without having to spend spell slots either and i always like the idea because i as i've stated in my trickery domain fixing video i don't think trickery domain works well for what it is it has too many bits that fit into melee cleric too many bits that fit into cassidy cleric and i've always said that i feel like invoke duplicity is better suited for other classes and one of those classes that i was suggesting is the rogue because you can give yourself advantage by moving your duplicate around the battlefield so again i've never tried this combination to see if it works but i like the idea of it number nine next up is a barbarian moon druid combo the type of barbarian really isn't important and you can kind of scale the levels accordingly as you see fit uh we're probably going to want to start with our first level in barbarian for the extra hit points as well as the constitution saving throw if you do end up casting spells as a druid most of your really good spells are concentration so that constitution proficiency will be of use but the main reason we're going with moon druid is the expanded wild shaped forms and the ability to wild shape as a bonus action we can on the first turn of combat do whatever we want to do as an action maybe cast a spell or something like that then we can go into a rage as a bonus action then the next turn we can wild shape with our uh our combat wild shape as a bonus action while still being under the benefits of rage and then we can attack if we are making an attack with strength which most animals are and natural weapons are considered melee weapon attacks you'll get the extra benefit of the rage damage but the big thing is you'll have resistance to bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage keeping you in your wild shape form for longer you'll also be benefiting from unarmored defense 10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your constitution modifier and you can also don't forget expend hit points while in wild-shaped form to heal yourself this is not casting a spell reminder you can't cast spells while you're raging and this uh circle forms the ability to heal yourself uh is it is it combat wild shape sorry combat wild shape unless you heal yourself that is not a spell therefore you can do it while raging if you decide to go another level in um into barbarian i believe yeah melee weapon attack doing so gives you advantage on a melee weapon attack that uses strength therefore you could use reckless attack in your animal form as well it will also give you danger sense giving you advantage on dexterity saving throws so we're now combined while in wild-shaped form the benefits of rage for reduced damage and increased damage our unarmored defense the ability to use reckless attack if we want to and advantage on dexterity saving throws this will all continue to keep us in our wild shape form longer allowing us and eventually we can get to higher level wild shape forms eventually we'll get magical damage in our wild shape forms uh and then again we can even use also all of these in our elemental forms that we get later on as well i would probably recommend at least three levels into barbarian and we will go with a totem warrior barbarian so that one we're going to get some thematic spells as a ritual beast sense and speak with animals those are very thematic for druid and for our totem spirit for us we're going to choose the bear totem barbarian shocking probably no one giving us resistance to all damage types except for psychic so now while we're raging and then wild-shaped our wild-shaped form has resistance to all damage types except for psychic and who knows maybe you're a khalishtar bear totem barbarian druid combo and you have innate resistance to psychic damage so you're now resistant to all types of damage again keeping you in wild shape longer i would say i would probably keep it to three or four levels in barbarian that way you can still make use of your highest level spell slots as a druid but if you're going to be focusing primarily on wild shape that won't be as necessary um just a reminder it is your wild shape is your uh your druid level divided by three rounded down it determines how high of a form you can turn into so if we're gonna go three levels into barbarian we could probably go four and that way we will get the extra ability score improvement but we'll be losing out on the ninth level spell slot uh and then we're not really gonna get much else from barbarian here um you know yeah it would be extra attack at fifth level potentially but then for our druid we'll eventually get all these extra forms and again not too much for a base druid um because the abilities come into play at 18th level but i really like the concept of this again i've never played a barbarian or a druid in fifth edition so i think this would be an interesting combo to combine both of the sort of wild natures of both classes but just be a powerhouse animal as you're just wrecking stuff with all of your barbarian abilities number eight we have another druid on our next one here and this one is interesting it is a healer but it uses a level of cleric this is probably something that you have all seen or heard before uh we're probably going to take the first level in druid i'm going to say so we can get our um our herbalism kit proficiency here uh and then when we multi-class into cleric we're going to take a level of life cleric that's going to get us access to bless which is a spell of druid does not normally have it's also going to get us cure wounds constantly always prepared and always known from the cleric list reminds you that druid and clerics both use wisdom for their casting proficiency so you can pump all your points into wisdom and it's not going to matter what spells you're casting so bless and cure wounds as always prepared spells are fantastic also you're going to get if you multi-class from druid into i don't think you're actually gonna get anything new you're still gonna have light armor medium armor and shields but if you take a level into life cleric you're gonna get proficiency in heavy armor now reminder you still are limited to the druid's inability to wear metal armor but if you can find a way to get yourself some bone half plate or something like that that's an option that you have and the main reason that we want to get this is for the first level ability here disciple of life whenever you use a spell of first level or higher to restore hit points to a creature that creature gains additional hit points equal to two plus the spell's level so i thought it would be interesting to be a circle of dreams druid which also gets other innate healing abilities from their bomb of the summer court and then you'll have some other useful abilities you can get with like magical teleportation and things as you level up and potentially even a mass teleportation circle with walker in dreams at 14th level so you'll also get access to one of the best uses of this spell or this combination is the druid spell goodberry goodberry is a first level spell that as an action you create ten berries that each restore one hit point well if you use disciple of life in conjunction with goodberry goodberry now heals one plus two plus the level of the spell which is one good barry each good berry now heals four hit points you can heal a total of un you know unfettered no rolling required 40 hit points with a first level spell uh and then again it says the berries lose their potency if they have not been consumed within 24 hours of casting this you could make a whole bunch of good berries right at the start of the day and hand them out to your party now it's an action to eat a berry but it is four hit points so this is primarily going to be for out of combat healing though it could be used for in combat healing and each berry provides nourishment to sustain a creature for a full day so you could potentially have uh use this just for travel purposes um and then i guess you could in theory if you wanted to go up to sixth level in uh in cleric here to get this ability when you cast a spell of first level or higher that restores hit points to a creature other than you you regain hit points equal to two plus the spell's level so when you heal others you gain healing as well but the main thing is just the one level you could potentially take two levels to get a little extra healing with channel divinity uh and then you would actually also get spiritual weapon with two levels in there spiritual weapon is a pretty good spell for anybody to have because it's a bonus action and it's non-concentration and druids typically don't have access to it also if you wanted to go up to sixth level you would get access to revivify which as it stands right now druids do not have access to um but yeah one level dip pretty much you could go in the 19 levels in druid you'd have all the the great stuff of circle in dreams or circle of dreams but you could heal ridiculous amounts of uh hit points with the good berry spell but also think about this for things like mass cure wounds which is 3d8 plus your wisdom modifier but that is a fifth level spell that's now 3d8 plus your wisdom modifier plus an additional seven hit points two plus the spell's level of five so if you happen to have a twenty wisdom your mass cure wounds heals three to eight plus twelve hit points and that's pretty nutty um also again something to consider if you were to take a couple levels in cleric and get mass cure wounds or mass healing word rather mass healing word is a bonus action that heal that is a third level spell so you'd be healing a d4 plus your wisdom modifier plus five and for a bonus action spell that can be a significant boost to the party number seven don't really have a good name for this one call it a skill monkey the expertise master it's a barred rogue combo this is something that i see happens a lot uh mostly because towards the higher level of bard um or you know earlier depending on how people are going to go about it they're thinking about multi-classing out for different reasons so the main thing we want to try to get here is as many skill proficiencies as we can and as many expertise as we can so right off the bat the rogue doesn't necessarily matter as far as the options go some of these will give you other i don't believe any of them give you skills other than scout so if you want to get the most overall you're probably going to want to look at scout road because at level three it's gonna give you nature and survival proficiency and double proficiency bonus aka expertise in this at level three with for nothing so you don't have to take nature or survival and you will get those for free also part of the reason you're going to want to start as a rogue is because the road gets to choose four ability score improvements that's the most i'm sorry four skills that's the most skill proficiencies you're gonna get out the gate now i forgot i just closed the window by accident because i wasn't thinking when you multi-class into bard you get one skill of your choice and an instrument of your choice so just multi-classing into bard by itself gets you another skill you'll get two from your background and then choose a race that will get you access to additional skills for uh the race again this is a multi-class build we're not necessarily talking races but things like a half elf will get you two skills uh tabaxi will get your proficiency into specific skills you could even go variant human because variant human with the feet that it gets plus the one skill proficiency can gain access to a bunch of other things as well um and then for bard really if we want to do the most possible we're going to want to do lore bard because at level 3 you're going to get additional proficiency in three skills of your choice so by taking a bard and then eventually three levels in bard that's going to give us an additional four skill proficiencies so right out the gate not including racial modifiers we're gonna get four from rogue we're gonna get four from bard two from our background is gonna put us at 10 already and then hopefully ideally two from our race is going to put us at 12 skill proficiencies without taking any feats and or ability score improvement based things to get so if we take say the skilled feet that could get us an additional 3 that will get us up to 15 and if we choose scout rogue that will get us two more and that will get us to 17. um which is great and part of this is we're going to want to go at least 11 levels in rogue because with 11 levels in rogue we're going to get access to uh reliable talent which is any skill that you are proficient with you will get where you roll a nine or below it's treated as 10. so if we built this out the way we just discussed that is 17 skills on that list we will automatically have a minimum roll of 10. and several of those will also have expertise as we discussed because we're gonna get at this point we would have two we'd actually have six skills with expertise from rogue two at level one two at level six and two from being a scout rogue at level three uh and then if we take a couple more levels in bard let's see how we break this out at bard and we probably wouldn't do the full um the full 10 and we wouldn't go like 10 and 10 because we need at least 11 in uh in rogue so we'd probably go maybe 12 8 but that will also get us jack of all trades so the few skills that we're not fully proficient in we will have half our ability score uh half our proficiency and at level three we'll get an additional two expertise from uh from bard so currently again with scout road we'd be sitting at eight skills we have double proficiency bonus in not including again if we did something with a feet um or or some sort of racial feat as well um and then we'd get font of inspiration we'd have our bardic inspiration back so we said we were going to go lore bard that's also going to be really great because it's going to get us cutting words and it's going to get us magical secrets at level 6. so if we were to go i'd say you'd want to do at least 12 8 but you could possibly if you wanted to go uh 14 6 into uh into bard and remember we're going to make up for that a little bit because rogues are going to get an extra ability score improvement at 10 and if we went 14 that would get us blind sense as well plus a bus ability from our class if this instance was scout it would get us ambush master which would be advantage on initiative roles which would be great because we'd already be adding um the benefits from uh jack of all trades so again i'll say this here if you guys want me to do a further build video where i kind of actually build one of these out to showcase it from start to finish i will but this is a top 10 video so we're trying to get through these relatively quickly but yeah i think this is a really cool concept to just make get as many skills as possible and make as much utilization as expertise and reliable talent as you can number six i didn't realize how similar this one was uh because originally the druid cleric multi-class that i talked about was one i had never researched before or i mean i knew a little bit about it but i'd never done it this is pretty much the same concept except we're doing it with bard cleric so um there's a little bit of a difference here though because bards have spells known not spells prepared which a druid has so that druid cleric one gives you a lot of versatility because you can swap those spells out on a long rest you could swap both lists out so this is a barred cleric and we're going to basically be doing the same thing we're going to be taking one level in life cleric so that way we can gain access to improved healing but for our bard for this actual one the type of barge doesn't matter you could do a lot of different things right you could be say a college of lore bar so you'd have cutting words and you'd have access to additional magical secrets you could do the glamour bar so you have the mantle of inspiration if you want to kind of potentially keep up with the healing concept you can also be doling out temporary hit points to your party through that um i'm gonna say i guess you could do swords that swords is a little more defensive or a little more offensive um whereas my initial thought process for this was to be more um was to be more healing uh and you know protecting the party you could also do collagen whispers that would be an interesting mixture college of whispers mixed with uh with a life cleric but and then again maybe eloquence as well um you know eloquence is an interesting one too um but for the most part i i you know the bar like i said doesn't matter you're going to a bit you're going to start in bar to eventually dip a level into cleric uh specifically life cleric because that will also give you proficiency and heavy armor you don't have any there's no doubt it's interesting because you'll get proficiency actually for multi-classing into cleric you will get proficiency in medium armor and shields and for multi-classing into life cleric you will get heavy armor so now as a bard you have access to medium armor shields and heavy armor so you can potentially stat your kid out a little bit different and almost look like a cleric while still being a bard you'll have the extra healing from a disciple of life and as i said you should make the best use of things that you wouldn't normally have access to for example you have bless a spell you typically wouldn't have access to well bless doesn't require you to use your wisdom modifier at all when you cast that's the only thing you need to have at least 13 wisdom 13 charisma to multi-class but bless is a spell that gives people benefits and it doesn't matter how high your spellcasting modifier is it doesn't come into play so that would be a good one you could also again use the cleric to take spells like say detect magic one that kind of seems like a waste for a spells known slot for a bard uh you could take it for the cleric so that way it's you know you don't have to really worry about uh wasting a spell's known slot you still have access to detect magic then again obviously you have ritual casting on both sides so if you could make use of the ritual casting there as well that would be pretty cool i also like to again for this one like to use lore bard because that'll get you your magical secrets at level six which can be useful if you decide you want to go more down the healing side of things you could take other healing spells like revivify or mass healing word um plus you know you've got all bardic inspiration to sling out so you've got a lot of stuff going to keep the party up and this is like i guess your true buffing bard if you will one that's going to be out there to boost the party and keep them going it does however make me realize that like we talked about how the with the druid there was like the circle of dreams was like a healing druid where it had like a bonus action heal that it could do as part of its subclass we don't really have a healing bard we have you know you can see we have actually quite a few combat based bards right and i mean just specifically i'm looking at swords and valor are very combat based um you know eloquence is a weird one whispers is kind of a deceptiony one lore is the best one and has like you know i guess it's supposed to deal with like bardic knowledge like the concept of bardic knowledge i guess um and then glamour has like slight illusion kind of but it's mostly in my mind like in enthralment but we don't have like a true true buffing healing barred subclass and maybe we'll get one in the future number five this next one i'm not really gonna dive too much into because i did a whole video on it it was my not ranger ranger build which uses scout rogue and fighter and a couple of spells and options to basically replicate the ranger and an archer uh like a true archer not arcane archer because people are like why don't you forget about arcane archer and i said no i didn't forget about the class that can do two things do two cool things and then need a rest um so anyway you're gonna use a lot of scout rogue here and then a mixture of fighter in my particular instance i used samurai fighter as the example for you to be able to get automatic advantage by using something like uh your fighting spirit but you could use battle master fighter a lot of people brought that up and i stand by that battle master fighter does have a lot of good things he can do versus you know have with versatility as far as like making people drop things and whatever else and you know battle master also has um a proficiency in an artisan's tool of your choice which can help build out the kind of rangeriness of the class um and then you could also be very straightforward and just go with the champion fighting style uh and get yourself the crits on 19 or 20 with a lot of levels in rogue that's not a bad idea um those were pretty much the main ones that i would say you could use i guess you could use cavalier too because it's going to give you the proficiency in like animal handling history insight and so on and it'll also give you boring to saddle which helps with mounts so that kind of fits with the ranger concept and then unwavering mark is just i think that is that the one that's extra damage now that's the later on version uh but it allows you to mark a creature um and then basically you are good at you know that kind of almost works like the concept of favored enemy where you're marking a creature um and while it's within five feet creature marked by you is disadvantage and attack rolls against targets that don't target you um if it deals damage to anyone other than you you can make a special melee weapon attack which didn't really fit our archer concept but i would say either battle master champion or samurai would all be really good and again we're not including unearthed arcana so maybe we could possibly look at rune knight or cyanide they might have good options but right now those would be a good way to replicate a ranger with using primarily scout rogue and not taking actual levels in the ranger class number four this next one um is for a character that i designed uh that i made for a game that didn't really go anywhere so i didn't count it when i was going over my character classes and i tried playing a homebrew version um but basically it's what i would consider like a duelist or you're kind of your archetypical noble who's like a noble race from a very well-to-do family has a lot of money also trained in swordplay kind of a thing um that's the kind of general concept for the build and obviously for that we're going to be using rogue and fighter which may be interesting to you but uh this is primarily a martial character we're not dealing with magic so the fighter or sorry the rogue we're gonna go with is swashbuckler uh because swashbuckler has things that are keyed off of charisma this is a noble character someone is gonna be doing a lot of talking uh so you're gonna wanna you may end up being the face of the party so you're going to want to have a very high charisma if you can and you're going to get the benefits you have from a swashbuckler rogue so that's going to be the main one being if you're fighting someone one-on-one if you make a melee attack against a creature that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of the turn and then you have rakish audacity is you also gain an additional way to use your sneak attack you don't need advantage on the attack role i don't actually remember fancy footwork doing that so that's just wild to me um anyway uh you also gain an additional way to use your sneak attack you don't need advantage on attack role to use your sneak attack against a creature if you are within five feet of it and no other creatures are within five feet of you and you don't have this advantage the thought process is you are haha i'm the swashbuckler with my rapier and i shall fight you it's one-on-one combat think like the princess bride sword fight scene um so you've got that going for you you've got this ability to attack and move away with that opportunity tax and your initiative gets a benefit equal to your charisma modifier all of these kind of fit that sort of noble duelist type you'll also get things later on like panache which is again keyed off charisma you can make a charisma check against the creatures inside check if you succeed and they're hostile to you it has disadvantages and attack roles against other targets other than you and can't make opportunity attacks against targets other than you mind you your attacks if you're attacking them will be sorry their attacks against you for opportunity attacks will be at disadvantage if you've attacked them from the first turn it lasts for a minute until one of your companions attacks the target or affects it with a spell or until you uh and the target are more than 60 feet apart uh if you succeed on the check and the creature isn't hostile to you it is charmed for one minute it treats you as a friendly acquaintance again we are kind of a charismatic noble this kind of fits that theme and then later on we'll get things like elegant maneuver which is as a bonus action you can gain advantage on a dexterity acrobatics or a strength athletics check that's kind of a weird one i guess primarily this is to avoid grapples or escape grapples and then again i don't know how many levels the breakdown would go probably wouldn't be going 17 in rogue but where you've got that and then i typically had chosen originally i had built this as a battle master because i thought you know you're a noble you're probably going to study tactics and battle tactics as you know as you would in your you know noble stuff so you might have student of war right you're studying this you might have various maneuvers you might have the know your enemy ability right where you're able to assess them out because you're a noble you're kind of trained in etiquette and understanding people reading body language and so on um but ultimately i'm gonna probably land back on samurai again and that's for the level seven ability from samurai elegant courtier uh so you're also gonna get here uh proficiency in either history insight performance or persuasion uh at third level you're gonna obviously have fighting spirit which can help you be better again that part doesn't really fit the theme but elegant courier here is whenever you make a charisma persuasion check you're going to get a benefit equal to your wisdom modifier then you're also going to get wisdom um what's called wisdom saving throw proficiency so if we were to go what was that level seven so we could go uh 13 and 7 if we wanted to so we could still get elegant maneuver from the rogue or we could go 12 and 8. we'd have two attacks from being a fighter we'd have extra sneak attack damage and then again if we happen to go 12 and 8 we're gonna have quite a few ability score improvements because we're going to have the extra one from rogue 10 and the extra one from fighter 6 so we'll have a chance to make this character really stand out i always like this concept of like the traditional noble who most people based on a face value talking to them will probably consider them to be useless in a fight because they're from money they maybe are just trained in swordplay in the traditional sense of like for dueling but like they actually could be a pretty big powerhouse on the field so this is a role-playing uh you know it's a party face it's a martial class and again someone that might have the connections and have the funding and i thought this could be a really fun character to play number three next one i'm going to go through pretty quickly as well because i did a video on it the first nerd immersion builds video was on this which was what i had called the eldritch tempest which was an eldritch knight tempest domain cleric uh so you can go and check out that video if you want but the main crux of the build without diving too far into it is the uh the destructive wrath ability for channel divinity at level two where you can maximize the damage you would roll on a thunder or lightning damage and then you would be taking enough levels in eldritch knight fighter or three levels and fighter really to get access to eldritch knight because if you were to do so you could get access to the booming blade kantrip which does damage when you swing with the hammer or my character had them all so that was why i said with a hammer but anyway you deal damage with the cantrip that does thunder damage and then between the extra d8s you get to do from booming blade the extra d8s you get at 8 and 14 uh for for tempest cleric you'll be getting yourself up into the oh what is that the five-ish or so d8 of thunder damage which if you crit you then double and then you could just maximize that damage so you could be doing a significant amount of thunder damage and that's something that no one can block it's not like something they could uh block with a spell uh you know unless it's like a shield spell and they divert your attack but if we're talking about critting there's nothing they can do there um and then you know it's just it's a very interesting uh build i have it right here this character sheet does exist we showed this here right you've got 3d8 thunder damage on the base one the extra 2d8 so we're at 5 d8 thunder damage if we crit you know that's 10 d8 thunder damage we're now looking at potentially 80 just flat 80 damage plus you know whatever modifiers and other things you might do again there's more to it the build really explains it all so you can go and check that out if you want to know more number two you knew the paladin multi-classes were coming so this one is going to be a paladin sorcerer multi-class so i have a lot of thoughts about paladin multi-classing and i think it all comes down to how far you know the game is going to go how much fun you're having doing what you're doing at the moment and is there a large gap in the party and if if you want to be the person to possibly fill said cap so i'd like a level 20 paladin if you can go 1 to 20 in paladin i say go for it but reality how many people are actually gonna get a chance to do that and then also uh for example i did a video on my blues brothers paladin the reason i went with a paladin bard multi-class for that video was my party had a cleric and he never healed anybody so me as the paladin i was doing all of my healing with either lay on hands or my cure wound spells and my spell slots were better served using smites so i took bar levels to get extra healing this character is going to be using really the paladin and the sorcerer subclass don't actually matter what you want to get from this is you want to get meta magic that's the big one is you want to get meta magic so that's at least three levels in sorcerer and you want to get it for quicken spell so what this is going to let you do because you're a paladin you can attack you can attack and deal a ton of damage by attacking you can use quicken spell to cast your spell slots at second you know i'm sorry as a as a bonus action and then deal your damage with your attacks as an action potentially smiting you may find yourself burning through spell slots quickly but hey you have sorcery points so you can use those to convert to spell slots if you need to you're going to have more overall spell slots than you would normally have because you have levels in sorcerer and you're gonna have a pretty diverse list of spells to choose from by having paladin divine spells and then the kind of arcane spells from the sorcerer the bit like i said the big thing is going to be quicken spell so that you can on your turn cast a spell as a bonus action and then still attack twice now yes there are some spells that paladins already have that are bonus action so it's pointless but i mean for more you know let's say hold person right you quicken spell hold person as a bonus action you're going to have charisma as your casting stat for both of these classes so that means you're going to have plenty of charisma you and spell whole person someone and then you fight as a paladin and attack them twice they're paralyzed those tacks are auto crits you just set yourself up for two auto crits with smite you could just decimate i'm sorry decimate someone and depending on how you build these levels out you could start doing that relatively early on right all you need is really two levels in paladin and three levels in sorcerer to be able to do this because whole person's a second level spell realistically if it was five levels of paladin and three levels of sorcerer then you'd have two attacks as a paladin but the higher you go in paladin the better things you're going to get i would say at least you'd want to go at least 12 levels in paladin um how those are broken up is up to you but 12 levels in paladin will get you access to improved divine smite so each one of your melee attacks will deal an extra d8 regardless of you smiting and then you also have smites if you happen to do that with 12 levels and then or you could go 11 and 9 if you wanted because ninth level in sorcerer will get you hold monster uh at as a fifth level spell so you could get anything so there's ways to do it but i would say probably 12 12 8 maybe 14 6 depending on how you want to break it down as i said the type of paladin doesn't matter in either effect i always go for ancients paladin because i love ancients paladin again your channel divinity kind of useless as an ancients paladin your oath spells you have some pretty good ones where you are gonna get access to misty step which is pretty good uh moon beam um aura of warting is the big one here right resistance to damage from spells to you and allies within 10 feet uh and then you more than likely won't be making it to 15th level palette and so you won't get undying sentinel which is basically just a freebie death ward but you'll have all of the base pallet and abilities so that'll be lay on hands that'll be a fighting style the ability you know obviously smiting divine health immunity to disease you're gonna have charisma modifier to all of your um saving throws for more of protection two attacks immunity to frighten we already talked about improved divine might where you can go ahead and deal the extra d8 and if you happen to go 14 you can end a a spell on yourself or a willing creature that you touch charisma modifier times um per uh for long rest so again you could jump around and choose different ones i also really enjoy redemption paladin um primarily because they will get counter spell which is something a paladin typically does not have access to uh and rebuke the violent is a fantastic ability which is uh when someone attacks someone uh deals damage with an attack creature other than you you can use your reaction to force them to make a wisdom saving throw on a fail the attacker takes radiant damage equal to the damage they just dealt i saved the whole party with this in an epic against uh d d eventually epic uh for balder's gate where and a demon attacked someone in the party and then i dealt radiant damage to them to and i just killed the demon so that worked out pretty cool um so again the paladin type doesn't matter but the key is you want to have access to quicken spell from the sorcerer you're also going to get another metamagic option um at level three so what you choose here is up to you um i might choose probably extended spell as an option right double the duration um it's a minute or longer you can double the duration this could be potentially useful depending on what spells you have access to also subtle spell has its uses and then obviously twin spell is really good for you know basically allowing you to break the action and concentration economy where you could say cast cure wounds on two targets or whatever you want to do and that's pretty much all you're going to want to get is at least three levels in sorcerer like i said what you what sorcerer subclass doesn't matter if you want to be thematic you might choose divine soul sorcerer so that's going to give you um some options off of the uh off the cleric spell list here right so you're gonna get a freebie spell here from this choice uh and then i think you can also get uh you can choose new spells from the clerics bet list or the sorcerer spell list um so that potentially means if you go six levels you could get access to spirit guardians as a cleric spell on a paladin sorcerer which is nutty because spirit guardians is one of the best spells in the game and it is whenever your class lets you learn a replace a sorcerer can trip or uh it lets you learn or replace a source for a cantrip or a sorcerer spell so you could potentially also get access to guidance off of the cleric spell list so guidance spirit guardians on a paladin with mult with quicken spell is just a stupid great concept like that's awesome i've never done this so i haven't tried it but i imagine it's going to be great um favored by the gods is going to give you the 2d4 extra on an attack um or failed saving throw which is always good and then the six level ability here is empowered healing whenever you are an ally within five feet rolls dice to determine the number of hit points the spell restores you can spend one sorcery point to re-roll those it's not super great but it's an option it will be useful just because it's always on um and then again you'll have access to the regular source or spell list so you could choose things again like your paladin could take detect magic so you could save your sorcerer's spells for something else shield for example you could also be a paladin that has counterspell from paladin you have shield from cleric you have heavy armor you have a lot of things going to make you really survivable and like again one of those scenarios where no one's going to be upset to have you in the party um you could go draconic bloodline i don't see a lot of benefits uh for this really uh because you know the draconic resilience um you're probably gonna be wearing heavy armor anyway um shadow magic could be interesting right you're gonna get the darkness ability you get the potential lead kind of death ward stuff you have going on at first level and you could do some funky stuff with the hound of ill omen um storm sorcery again if you want to get resistance to thunder and lightning damage that's potentially an option for you and some movement without attacks of opportunity and i hate wild magic so i'm gonna say don't do it so i think it could be really fun i i this is definitely a build that i would like to try in a future campaign i don't have access to campaigns to play in but this is an option i'd like to try number one i wanted to give you uh a couple of runner-ups that i sort of thought of as i was going through this process one of them was a tempest cleric storm sourcer i tend to avoid sorcerer pretty often because i don't like i've made two videos on fixing the sorcerer because i don't like the way it's handled if you apply those fixes to the sorcerer in my mind that does make it a lot better but what i would say is you could do a storm source or tempest cleric they both have a thunder and lightning vibe for them tempest cleric gets that really cool ability where you can do the reactionary damage you also get the really cool thing where you can maximize thunder and lightning damage the storm sourcer has access to the arcane spell list so they're going to have access to a lot more thunder and lightning damage spells than the clerics going to have access to it's also going to give you resistance to thunder and lightning damage and potentially immunity if you go all the way to level 18. uh and then you also get the ability to kind of deal retributive and like circular um area i'm sorry area of effect like thunder and lightning damage to people or damage to people when they hit you so you have multiple options to deal thunder and lightning damage that you could then maximize with your channel divinity and if you really just only wanted the channel divinity you could go 18 levels in storm source or get all of the storm sorcerer stuff take those final two levels in uh tempest cleric to get yourself the channel divinity also as a point of fact tempest clark gives you proficiency in heavy armor and martial weapons so depending on where you take that level you could just now be a source for running around again in plate mail with access to the entire weapon list the only downside is again the multiple ad multiple attribute dependency on being based on charisma and based on wisdom but you could potentially choose the spells from the cleric list that are going to be non super dependent on your wisdom modifier choose the cantrips that are more the flavorful can trip the thalmaturgies the mendings the guidance and then use the more damaging cantrips on the sorcerer's side and then yeah there's there's different ways to go about doing it but i just thought it was an interesting one so that's my runner up but my final one here that i'm here to talk about is hex blade in anything really if i'm being honest with you because hex blade it broke it didn't break the game but it rewrote the way the game works with how its abilities are handled hex blade allows you to just get around so many things and it's just really well done um so the main thing comes in the hex warrior ability here and if you've played a hex blade or played with one you know what i'm talking about hexblade has a warlock base which is unfortunate because you are stuck with your limited spell slots most of the game but you get proficiency in medium armor shields and martial weapons right out the gate and whenever you finish a long rest you can touch a weapon that you're proficient with that lacks the two-handed property and when you use that you can use your charisma modifier instead of strength or dexterity for the attack and damage rolls so now if you have one level of hex blade and have a super high charisma you could then multi-class the rest of the time in fighter let's say and just use your charisma for your attack and damage roles and you could dump strength and dexterity if you really wanted to probably a more reasonable one would be paladin which is really what we're going to talk about here which is hex blade and then paladin because now you can focus all of your points in your casting stat which is charisma the only thing you'll need to have is at least 13 strength to be able to multi-class out of you know into paladin you're probably going to want to have potentially 15 strength anyway so you could wear heavy armor but you don't have to dump a whole bunch of points into it because hex warrior lets you get around that and if you take the invocations improve packed weapon invocation and take pack to the blade you can now be using a greatsword or whatever else you want to using the hex warrior feature you're also going to have access to things like shield as a warlock spell um it's you know it's unfortunate because shield isn't a spell that doesn't scale with level like other ones do uh but access to shield in general is great especially if you're gonna possibly be a paladin wearing plate mail and possibly also wielding a shield your ac will hit very high numbers you also have the benefit here of the hex blades curse your paladin in this particular example you're going to have a lot of damage you can deal when you uh smite and you now have the potential to crit on a 19 or 20 allowing you to crit potentially more often to rack up that high amount of damage um and then you've got the accursed spectre which is just a great debilitating other resource you get from uh at six level armor of hex is really great here as well whenever you hex someone and they go to hit you with an attack roll use a roll of d6 as a reaction on a 4 or higher they miss you regardless of the roll that's a little bit tricky because i don't think it originally used to use your reaction when it was in the unearthed arcana i think it just like you just rolled each time um but that's tricky because if you have shield you know you might be able to make them miss with shield but this can make the miss altogether but you don't get to know and then lastly master of hexes uh when you curse someone with your hex blades curse dies you can just move it to another creature and when you apply it to somebody else you don't um you don't regain hit points uh from the death of the previous creature so there's a little bit of a downside to it but by that you could go 14 levels in warlock if you really wanted to and the remaining six in paladin that would get you two attacks as your paladin if you wanted to go that route it would also get you the paladin's aura of protection giving you charisma modifier to all of your saving throws you'd have some lay on hands you'd have immunity to disease um and the main thing i'd say you probably want to attempt to get if you can uh is the i think it's life drinker is the you now also deal extra necrotic damage equal to your charisma modifier with your packed weapon we're going to talk about how your packed weapon can be boosted with improved pack weapon becoming a plus one that's also a great way to take a really powerful thing like say a flame tongue sword and now it becomes a plus one flame tongue sword um and yeah let's see i guess you can't i thought you could i guess you can't use a two-handed weapon i thought i improved pack weapon let you get around that but i guess not you summon a packed weapon uh it can be your focus so again they could become up like i said a plus one flame tongue and then you're be using your charisma modifier for the attack and damage rules but you get to deal extra necrotic damage equal to your charisma modifier so you can be doing a ton of damage with each swing potentially having two swings either through the invocation with thirsting blade or extra attack paladin you could also do the crazy combo of eldritch smite and divine smite spending a ton like double spell slots but dealing a ton of damage uh and you know it all could potentially also uh crit on 19 or 20 dealing extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus generating a specter you know you have a ton of options if you multi-class this the right way so again hex blade and paladin is the primary example for what i'm talking about but you could be like a hex blade bard and then be an archer using improved pack weapon which would be an interesting concept an archer hex blade bard maybe whispers bard where you're doing a psychic blades with a bow but it's a packed bow which would be cool uh another kind of runner-up that i thought about is to try to replicate the original hex blade which had sort of like a dark companion uh which was something they had that can kind of debuff enemies and that's kind of very similar in my mind to the hound of ill omen from the shadow sorcerer so 14 levels in hex blade six levels in sorcerer to get the shadow hound you could do both of those that would be an interesting combo as well so once again sorry folks for this being so long when we're talking about multi-class builds it's obviously going to be a long video we have to discuss why the builds are there and some of these are specific ones that everybody will know or have are familiar with but if not if it's something that i came up with in my head uh and like it's never been put out there i have to explain it so anyway i hope you enjoyed all this sorry again it's on wednesday as opposed to tuesday but i just i just you know what it wouldn't have been a good video honestly if i made it yesterday i would have been too sleepy and i recognized that which is me growing as a person and a content creator i would have been too sleepy the video would have been more monotone than i already am i just wouldn't have come across as well and i would have definitely forgot things so i wanted to wait till today sorry that this is i guess technically your fourth video of the day at this point but i wanted to make sure i didn't let anything fall through the cracks anyway thank you all so much for watching thank you to my patrons over on patreon for continuing to support me and for voting for this topic for today's top 10 wednesday i guess anyway i will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 124,713
Rating: 4.9214463 out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragon top 10, nerd immersion top 10, top 10 list, D&D 5e top 10 list, d&d 5e, 5th edition, nerd immersion D&D, D&D top 10, D&D 5e multiclass builds, Top 10 D&D 5e multiclass combos, best D&D 5e multiclass builds, D&D 5e multiclass, d&d 5e multiclassing, dnd 5e multiclass builds, dnd 5e multiclass ideas, Top 10 D&D 5e multiclass builds
Id: v90hzp6rXT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 23sec (3443 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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