Ricky Little Legs | Ali Siddiq Stand Up Comedy

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difficult in my family if you handicap we don't give you no pass like we don't treat you no different that you hand we don't help you more we don't give a [ __ ] that you handicapped you got to deal with it that's how my family is and it make my family stronger than other people my my cousin Ricky has what they call the little legs okay what I call the little legs it's not the medical term that's not the medical term the little legs you know them little legs he can't even stand up on them little bitt [ __ ] they just they too brittle he can't get up on them he can't put his weight he can't put no weight up on them they brittle this is my cousin this not your cous this is my cous so and and he been talking [ __ ] since he was little you know he talk I get out this chair we get your little leg ass up then boy that's what we call them the legs so that's when he was younger now he he big he grown big he he 48 you know what I'm saying same age as me now how you thought I was man how did you think I was so you already you you aead of the joke you got to stay with me you laughing in the wrong [Music] spot I said 48 she do I look older than 48 this is the first time [ __ ] I thought I was living my life good like no get your goddamn old face ass out here [Music] so and and it's it's a lot going on with me up here y'all don't realize hey I'mma tell before I finish that I'mma tell every man in here if you take vitamins read the directions don't just be taking no random vitamins like you know like godamn Flintstones read the directions and I'm only telling y'all cuz what I'm going through right now up on this stage I took my man gave me some vitamins called Mega Man and I didn't know you only supposed to take one I took two of them [ __ ] it's like I'm on cocaine up here y'all don't understand it is a goddamn hamster on a wheel running fast inside my goddamn body cuz I wasn't this hot when I was back there I sweating to death up here these goddamn Mega Men working the [ __ ] out my ass whatever I'm trying to burn off it's going to be gone [ __ ] I'm about to get out this little jacket this little jacket is too hot for me so my cousin we at the basketball court he not playing he not playing he got L I never said he was playing so we at the basketball court and Men know this men know this when you hooping you always ask if a call is called you ask the person on the sideline hey man was that a was that a travel cuz everybody on the court going to cheat so you ask somebody on the side line so my cousin is on on the side in his little chair doing it and the dude ask hey man was that a travel and my cousin say yeah that was travel now this other dude come out of nowhere your [ __ ] ass don't know nothing about [Music] traveling it's a lot it's a lot of cousins out here is we we and we deep we so man you better hold up with that [ __ ] dog you asked him a question he answered it don't say [ __ ] else to him and my cousin like n n n let him say something there I'mma get out this chair whoop his [ __ ] ass now now all the cousins we know we know we know when he was little he couldn't get out that chair now he big and he been in his chair since he was little so he he he's very big up top and we know that my cousin can catapult himself out that chair we know he came we know he could did he can Missle himself towards your ass now now all of us we didn't backed up my cousin say he got it we didn't backed up and I'm like hey little legs don't doing bad he no no no I got it now dude talking [ __ ] walking up on my cousin too close yeah man what you going to do and we already saw it my cousin put himself in catapult position he locked in too he got the radar on that Bo and I keep trying to warn dude I keep trying to tell him I said man you getting too close dog you getting too close cuz he keep walking up on him and [ __ ] you know man as soon as that boy got close enough he put his arm I who man my cousin grab that man on pull him down cuz you know he been in his wheelchair he's strong but grab pull him down and and catapulted on top of that boy beat that man up on the ground crawled and got back in his wheelchair that boy roll out somewh man you boys be out here [Music] tripping the man didn't know my cousin drove up there my cousin Drive asra Van boy put his wheelchair in the back of the that boy Roll by he going to stop in front of hey man don't tell them [ __ ] my name and then walked out this man got his ass whooped by a man with no legs at the basketball court
Channel: Ali Siddiq
Views: 188,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Def Jam, Showtime, HBO, Comic View, Laugh, Comedy Central, Comedian Ali Siddiq, Funny, Creative, TV, stand-up, stand-up comedy, Ali Siddiq, the domino effect, somino, effect, domino effect, one hour stand up special, stand up, houston, tx, def comedy jam, nbc, bring the funny, it's bigger than these bars, the joe rogan experience, live from gotham, incarceration, ali siddiq stand up full, ali siddiq mexicans got on boots, handicapped, disabled, little legs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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