Richard Pryor- Coked-up Interview

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it's to all black people come here and see don't try to rob a bank because you will go to what's the name of it Jalan is a [ __ ] the whole house is $20 cheaper are you roll yeah I've never got no [ __ ] anywhere until I did this move with gene one gene mono tracks missing gene wanna tracks put on some pretty white boards I wrote a poem one say white girls who tanned in summer and when window come they get white because it's alright that's right and money is green and I planted that but I'm still on Hagar look at how hard the Steve Martin trying to get black Steve Martin didn't try to get black Steve - brilliant Steve Mon took the worst of everything and made it good sure no no I mean is art just artist that man's artists don't like Steve Martin try to build me up yes okay that's the great white hole ain't nobody else funny joy Bishop is dead okay what do I want to say I want to say that we can't hear what you say Kobi nobody cares what I think because if an Americans can kill meself in a war we came out here this morning they laying on a Friday and give them holiday I like the Welcome at this time a gentleman as I introduced him this morning we came out here to do this interview we did a nice interview and we had some technical difficulties with audio and he's at his lunchtime now and like no mother superstar in more ways [Music] richard protector but should i introduced you who I introduced you this morning I said that I felt in my opinion who are watching your work and doing a lot of work you a nice person they have is so fun to do this with you because you really serious no I am I really the greatest comedian you Richard Pryor I'm gonna tell you a few things about myself because later you probably don't know me I'm not a New Yorker my homes in pure Illinois and I'm from average type family 11 kids no mother father just kids when I was young I used to think my people didn't like me because they used to send me to store for bread then they'd move I noticed when I was young like my people if they didn't want to holler at you they make a funny move with their body ever had your parents do this if you're doing something wrong and look I can go but did you have any comedians you look up to in you I've never had a commune now look up to I look up to the Bank of America no I know that isn't what you said this morning that's this morning I ain't no good I ain't no trying to be no good this [ __ ] should be intent entry that's what I'm making money they're paying me two million dollars do this movie do you believe it my grandmother didn't make that all alive she's a better woman than you are man you want to talk about this movie yeah sure what do you want to know about this woman stir crazy sucks all right Gene Wilder said that Gene Autry [ __ ] he's a [ __ ] no come on you don't mean that yeah I mean it gingka but love is that why he said he was gonna marry ya I like do you know because he's funny did he with his queer as a three-dollar before he just no I'm happy man look let me tell you some I got money I don't give a [ __ ] about nothing it's yoga if they take my money got take yours okay did you ever let me be intelligent like Malcolm at the black man risen the revolution had come down I don't know nothing do you understand me I don't know [ __ ] I'm lucky I threw seven seventeen times when my numbers up but I kept the money like three and Midwest I was one of them I was giant but I had my [ __ ] together million mo good morning I went under to the Oriental it open vote got some buzz they do only thing that gave me up when I was coming oh [ __ ] always wanted to be something I never wanted to be white hope not online no I always wanted to be something different you know then a [ __ ] cuz [ __ ] had it so rough I tried to be you know a black cat would need hair I thought that was a problem the hair I see if my hand was straight then white he did me so I got a process wrong I lived in neighborhood a lot of whorehouses not many candy stores or banks liquor stores in [ __ ] houses you know who [ __ ] love to drink they say no I don't like through like white neighborhoods you had a banks and [ __ ] you have to go for miles to get some liquor [ __ ] can get liquor and just walk out house hello this is a liquor store and I remember tricks used to come through our neighborhood that's where I first met white people they come down through our neighborhood to help the economy it's nice white douzo cuz I could have been a bigot you know that mean I could have been prejudiced I I could have been prejudiced I could have been a man but I meant nice white man he's coming polo little boys your mother home I like a blow job don't wonder what would happen if [ __ ] go through white neighborhoods doing that hey man gee my mom tell the [ __ ] we wanna [ __ ] I'll see she says you'll have to come back after lunch and uh sir okay we're ready this is a nice person thank you Richard if he was white or black nobody would give a [ __ ] about him we got that oh good he's a nice pal I started to say this yes I'm gonna be serious okay gene said that he thinks this is gonna be better in silver sure I don't give a [ __ ] what gene says genome I'm not the name in additive this movie has just been shy agree with that no you can edit a movie different than it is you know the movie they paid me I got my money [ __ ] them okay [ __ ] you didn't let my grandmama talk I'm talking this with Murray boy Doug all you [ __ ] I got my money I'm rich I'm a rich black ignorant [ __ ] I don't believe it oh good you don't like the rest of my day in the audience no I dressed some of these cowboys if they want to lynch me or not I think we're gonna see the day ooh I think we're gonna see the day when Richard Pryor edits or writes stars and directs a movie Richard Pryor would never do nothing y'all want Richard Pryor's a criminal I come from criminal people I will be a criminal I didn't get caught yesterday buying seven pounds of cocaine in front of a please they couldn't catch me I am a lucky black greasy mother I'm happy I am happy I'm happy because 74 Tiaras directing the 10th on Tim million dollar movie and a no mean [ __ ] to me in dollars pilot there's been four billion dollars on the Americans that went to Iran and their crap sake God and it was all that talking about your dad my dad yeah he said he was a strong disciplinarian oh my father would just say things that make you pee on yourself stuff yeah would have disappeared huh yes it was playing fear and others your mother my mother was my mother cougar she knew she could tell him see look at me no I'm going to tell your phone and I panic because my father had an approach about things you know you just say things like you'd be reading a newspaper give me a piece of paper get it right he'd be reading the newspaper and he wouldn't never say they go trouble I've had in a man next door the kids next door door was really panicked their father was mean Gus the man would come out and the kids if they did not hear him come out on the Portland golf if they didn't hear that and get home in three minutes that was it and that's all he would say go and kids we'd be playing basketball I can't be going what yes yes my grandmother used to my grandmother used to give you know them trees with them switches if you ever have to break them off yourself to get my grandma used to make me go get him it would be the longest walk in the world I would be hoping it would snow and you get to switch and be coming home and it'd be killing the wind right you know and it'd make you start crying before you get in the house [Music] my grandma she would just get mad and just whoopee with anything like you know old douchebag car big o hot water bottles that's what they called him right I thought about this whole eight gallons of water it was but maybe they did that on her love about a young comedian about young girls that's me do you like a girl young thing you don't like young girls Elvis smile if I like you yeah I ain't no good ain't trying to be no good I don't care what y'all think cuz you always told me my mother was illegal my father was illegal mother was illegal he just had a heart attack two days ago and he won't live through that I've had a heart attack I live through that here I am they paid me a million and a half dollars to do this movie [ __ ] you I didn't earn it I don't know how much a million is you ever counted Amin you have to have her come a Jew beef they may burn him up any day now if we got know how to come it if we got the beeper oh I'm but I'm wonderful the real people will realize this when you show it at 12:30 in the morning right the rest of people that work will be asleep what do you think of censorship [ __ ] censorship and his mama ain't no good I ain't trying to be no good I'm happy I just sucked three young white girl [Applause] I'm leaving town today after don't kill me breaker breaker what one serious question daesil we go okay we talked this morning a little bit about a young comedian my son let's get started and I asked you how does a young comedian get started today what our young comedian get started by trying to do what he does and doesn't know he's the comedian till he finds out and you can't find out you can meet him by walk around like this black man would have gone on and now kill his ass if there's a robbery he don't know that he think even he think he's important and he's getting paid for yeah they'll kill him if they say it's a robbery they'll shoot do that please yeah did he don't know that he's doing his job was it you did some filming therefore you don't hear that I was in Florence this 60% white people in Florence 40% black but three percent black people in the state now you tell me well the black people was endpoint it was a difficult Richard being funny and oh it's really hard in prison this is the intellectual [ __ ] right Oh God it was murder it was so hard being in prison because this is you heard this before this the tape oh so hard because the people were so depressing and life a song I don't know how to express it but you asked what he was drugged yesterday but they let him go home the black man that was close to take his place they bought him can i play why today do they know I ain't no good listen America I love you all y'all did the best you could but you can't whoop us because we're the best ever did it cuz we can take all kind of [ __ ] I'm an exception I can't take I ain't [ __ ] ain't trying to be [ __ ] don't want to be [ __ ] and ain't nothing but I respect him you're never a good person I interrupted this is not my language you know you ain't got no film in the camera just [ __ ] just flashing in the flash and set your ugly ass back [Applause] right - you'll see exit I don't want to never see normal police in my life at my house taking my ass to jail for killing my car [Applause] and it seems they had to kill my car to me right because my wife will do Levi does it not in this [ __ ] if you leave you'd be driving a hush puppies you got off [Applause] because I'm gonna kill this [ __ ] yeah and I had one of the big old magnums you know that noise that make when you shoot someone shot at guys it it got good to me I shot another one and that black guy was drinking a girl here she's not milk I shopped a motor the motive now laughter [ __ ] motors a plugin when the police came I went in the house because they got magnums too and they don't kill off [Applause] I'm good as Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin gang it on I got to steal money from myself I got to go to bahamas and steal my old cell money then i pay taxes on ain't trickin nobody but me I don't care about air air is free y'all talking about time and space y'all have to pay for this y'all scared I ain't I won't put 800 [ __ ] to work trying to edit this Oh I'm helping society and keeping the crew that the Ku Klux Klan don't catch me before I get to plane I'm over but if the Ku Klux Klan catch me before I get to plane I'm all flaming on somebody else mr. couplet a lot of ways it y'all could burn crosses but I got to see shotgun what's this why I was taking out my leg this is God a little dick from the valley as a whole this is easy it's the interview I've ever read no man you're good you oughta run this you think some [ __ ] up you got money I don't have anything properly in real estate no I'm high school teacher I didn't sign it but you authorized high school t what now break up fire department paramedics found writer and comedian Richard Pryor wandering dazed and badly burned over the upper half of his body near his Los Angeles area home last night when he first arrived at the Sherman Oaks hospital officials gave him only one chance in three to survive as his condition stabilized today circumstances the accident which hospitalized him remained cloudy Harold Dahl reports Richard Pryor remains in critical condition tonight doctors described a 39 year old comedian as lucid and say they're encouraged by early treatment but refused to estimate fires chance for survival his body functions have stabilized by the very fact that he has done well his first night the doctors and staff at Sherman arks Burn Center are encouraged officials reporters and onlookers gathered in front of friars home today police and firemen finally scaling a fence to check the house for evidence of a butane cigarette lighter which might have exploded setting fires close on fire they didn't find it nor did they find any chemicals which they suspected might have been mixed with cocaine to produce a narcotic hi something known in drug circles as freebasing fire told the doctor at the burn ward at the hospital last night that he had used freebase which is a combination of cocaine and ether and when he ignited it whether it on cigarettes we don't know the ether exploded causing has closed engulfed in flames Pryor is a highly popular uninhibited and controversial comedian who has starred in his own TV show at a variety of movies such as car wash he wrote several others with his zany streetwise humor Richard Pryor has become one of the country's best-known comics but the road to that success was filled with many challenges the biggest one debases now buddy here almost say [ __ ] do you think that's what I don't care what you say thank you see you never choke me we understand here he has lived a long time I got to go over the road even over but we respect each other cuz we people damn right we're people we're understanding each other perfectly that's right and [ __ ] you all return to that cut beep he don't understand me all I got to say is this right they need Mitchard they need me to I want a reporter yeah thanks for doing it we just had Richard Pryor let me finish this let me say this gasping oh God - time to cut me oh no no tell me oh we got a camera [Applause] you
Channel: Leandel DeFate
Views: 50,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Pryor, freebase, cocaine, Gene Wilder, Stir Crazy, 1980, June 9, high, interview, Eddie Murphy, biography, Mike Epps, bio-pic, JoJo Dancer Your Life Is Calling, set on fire, FREEBASING
Id: YOmc3TqGa8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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