Richard Harris Got Into A LOT of Fights | The Dick Cavett Show

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joining us now will be Richard Harris a fine actor by the way if I called your Dame Gladys earlier of course I met Dame Sybil named Gladys period I never mind I never mind what dames are called my next guest may call you Sam he's a fine actor not only a good film actor but a an excellent singer in his enormous amount of talent and he's just made a new film called Bloomfield you all know Richard Harris will you welcome him please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's nice to sit down do you know each other have you ever had the pleasure I did my my very first movie with Dame Sybil watch was yeah what about that I did a movie called alive and kicking oh my goodness wasn't that fun and we did check out the island that's right up an oven yes yeah and the second movie I did with you what shake hands the devil she took me catch me oh yeah oh you know Ireland in Ireland oh no I remember Marvis thing actually that in the mornings I don't if you remember this but you early in the morning you just take the daily newspaper and you would learn a passage from it if you remember and then you would have one of us sit back and you would show how you would learnt it you know but I never sent you why do you do that you say but I don't want the mind to go I must keep practicing I know I'm not at all I know do you know that she also studies Greek didn't just take up Greek I took up Greek about 8 10 years ago and I still read it every morning mind you I'm not very good but it's ancient Greek and it's classical Greek but oh I had real Jam once I paid Hecuba on the air three speeches reactive ah in Greek yes some feet or no no speed Hector or fado it's not someone it's my favorite line [Applause] you know mr. Harris yeah politeness yes turn no inside yes you've been ignoring it I can't help noticing that tension is worried about it I can't help noticing that a lot of your face is not injured well all I can say is I didn't fight a bull bullfighter sitting here with a tomorrow even what I think I think I know what you feel we know what I hated but can you forget the gate yes I'm afraid that by the time I tell this story in two weeks time I'd probably have won the fight I'm a born liar was there another person in bed yeah there was yeah I lost it was it can you get the camera can you see okay that's beautiful was it anyone we know well I also see really hope that if you ever meet him again you might pass on this room off no I ran to sum over to trouble last night solve it yes well could you give us any tips on how to avoid the kind of trouble you read where are you I dunno I remember I keep some strange reason I keep I don't get paid for this you get paid to fight those bulls but I don't get paid for this but I kind of I I spend some kind of a large portion of my life in fights I suppose one tries to avoid them but I remember that I remember in New York about the last time I did your show actually I was in New York I got into a fight in a bar and the thing was going one thing one word bother no there was a fight a punch ignore that but I thought it says getting tore off you Harris you're too old you're 40 you can't do this anymore you see so I thought well the only way to do the only I can do is get out of it so I the rahu started and I jumped over the bar and I hid behind the bar because punches were going like mad and I hid behind the bar I'd let them fight you see and there was a guy beside me talking to me and I said what are you doing he said I'm talking Harris [Laughter] out of the fights were both under the bar hiding behind the bar from each other that way everybody who would be silly enough to fight anyone your size well apparently you've been able to find them whoever they are I cap Oh the only good thing about the only good thing about this you know the only good thing was it was over a woman and I guess that's worth it you know we may find out more or less about that after this message you'll be right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 987,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1971, ABC, Chat Show, Dumbledore, Emmy Awards, Emmy Nominated, Historical Interviews, Hollywood Legends, Interview, Legendary Guests, Musician, New York Times, PBS, Peter O'Toole, Rare Interviews, Richard Harris Fights, Richard Harris actor, Talk Show, United States, Vanity Fair
Id: EZyCnKZ5cog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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