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everybody okay fifth grade yeah yeah you sit down peace it is awesome of the program very serious I have never sung a song with Frank Sinatra never acted with it shared this stage and I'll be the member of an orchestra under his baton nor was I there when he was presented with either of his Oscars his Emmy or any of his nine Grammys on those memorable occasions we are however old friends of some 30 years and I have risen to my feet to applaud his blazing Artistry at numerous charity performances raising countless Millions for the victims of the world all over the world this is a party for him as friend not a tribute to him as humanitarian and his own insistence I might add but I am compelled to say out loud Here and Now what a few of us have known for years fully aware is what he likes to hear at least and discourage his most some several years ago I looked at a course sheet of a film I was doing and to my astonishment saw that the two-day small part was being played by one of the greatest stars of my time I'd long fought him retired I asked him how things were going he said that difficult he was he couldn't get work I asked if there was anything I could do to help he said no no you know who is taking care of me Frank is a giant among the givers of the world he stands among the tallest he more than paid rent for the space he occupies on this planet forged as he is from legendary loyalty and compassion carefully hidden hidden because he has so ordered it other than himself there is no one who knows of the magnitude of his generosity he has chosen to be the sole Anonymous keeper of that knowledge Mr Anonymous you have asked to be Mr Anonymous you shall be called at the risk of further offending you Frank I appear as the herald of grateful multitudes who have opened those unexpected envelopes special delivering answers to their prayers those awakened by late night phone calls which remedy their problems only on condition they shared your Covenant of secrecy those who were surprised by signed checks with amounts not filled in those performers down on their luck who landed that role they never expected and still don't know whom to thank and for Untold other beneficiaries of the caring and kindness of this Splendid man who truly is his brother's keeper and they are Legion those whose lives took a turn the better because this man who 50 years ago tonight was a skinny 18 year old high school dropout unloading cargo ships by day on the Jersey Waterfront and singing at night on a Hoboken Corner outside Hillman's Hall a street corner for it burnt to the Bone with the fury of his own ambition hoping hoping desperately someone would noticed him and they did they did notice you Macho garage blue eyes God bless you Mr anonymous [Applause] [Music]
Channel: peruvisionentertainment
Views: 1,745,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -kPgHywV6iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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