Richard Hammond first TV interview after crash

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Wacing in a Wocket car. I swear, kudos to the hamster for not laughing in Ross' face


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maltesa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 19 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

Even with such a somber and personal subject Richard Hammond made everything seem alright, unchanged and light hearted.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/snugy_wumpkins πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 19 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember seeing the episode where they talk about the crash once, but i can't remember for the life of me which one it was, and i would like to watch it again, could anyone tell me which episode it was.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/huangzhong9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 19 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any one have a link to a video of the crash?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Munchiemania22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

Missed the most golden of opportunities to call himself Celeribral man with his new-found powers after the accident.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InCauda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 19 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies
we get my final guest at this evening ladies gentlemen now I usually ask us to get out as fast as possible but on this occasion but God say take it steady will ya please will you welcome and I'm delighted is here probably as much as yours mr. Richard Hammond that's it and anyway and just a huge relief to see which I'll have and he'll have exhibit I'm delighted you're here and you do seem to be well is everything okay is it all kind of look the worst of it's all over who said that no I'm absolutely I am really amended I'm very very lucky but you know what's so ridiculously should it doesn't appear to be a scratch on you and you had this this awful accident and their scars anyway no that's quite a sore point actually cuz there was nothing honestly they were appeared no I know it sounds a bit sick but it would have been nice I was in a coma for quite a long time my wife could have just you know run a Stanley down there that's pretty a little more manly exactly I've got us I had a slice gap on the shin and that's all you got no but okay so was nasty it was just that was it because all the damage was to my brain you would have oh yeah so nothing to worry about there okay let's talk through this because I know I've read about it but I just want to hear from you what was going on when this was a top gear of course yes okay and you were racing a very fast rocket car is that way well make it sound so sensible I wasn't crazy and the idea was to have a go in jet car okay it was propelled by a jet engine essentially you strap yourself to the front of a jet engine and then go whoa is the idea and I didn't as it turned out I swore and then it went dark and and was it because was he bad driving is that what happened you were driving on what or what did maybe a pigeon go in front of you or something what actually happened what what how did you crash I don't know I don't know I mean this is there investigates and try and find out exactly what may say we can't really go oh I guess they look and there's a shot I don't have you seen these side and if you want to see this there's a shot of the car parking not okay and can you remember much of the actual accident and the events that took place on that day itself I could talk you through it I was driving and then it was two weeks later and I was in Leeds there's bits and pieces it was a bit brisk it was all over quite quickly and does it of course but did you were you aware that it was going wrong do you know you what was it that caused it there was a sense of oh bugger but I'm sure it was slightly stronger than over but possibly but an apparently I did I was awake on the way to the helicopter but you don't remember that I got bit fighty surprised I didn't just leave me there Frank if you were saying get off me get and then I wanted to talk about the car so you thought you're doing a piece to camera steel for this I wanted to do a piece to camera yeah not good my eyes are pointing in different directions Jeremy Clarkson and it does is it did it sort of come back to you gradually or or losing those memories are gone I after the crash this good stop me when I get boring because I've done nothing else for the past people well I'm dying to hear about it I do want to hear about it well I had post-traumatic amnesia what which basically means I had sort of five-second memory so the guys had come round it just meant once those in the hospital I was completely useless so they come round with a menu of what was at the lunch and then show me oh look cottage pie that's my favorite I'll have that please five minutes later he would arrive cottage pie my favourites off it's not that film memento have you seen that film memento where the guy probably yeah I think the most having very lucky because that all went away because all the damage to my brain was in the bit of your brain that doesn't control but the way your motor skills and our state yeah it's it's actually just the way you think and have your memories - the memories that you had before the crash do you still have those can you still access them yeah yeah that was all that but there was there was a point at which I couldn't daydream and that was just weird and what does that mean Dave kazoo because of something we do without realizing but yes it is completely and I sat down on a bench whilst I was recovering I sat down on a bench and there's a beautiful view and some trees and it's very nice nothing happened because what you know your brains mushy offing me please the surgeons who fixed me you're gonna be thinking what is he talking about and that I would look at something like a tree and normally all your thoughts connected with trees arriving one lump yeah and so it might be might remember carving a girl's name in and falling out one running into one you don't necessarily think about them but they're there they're there yeah but nothing was terrifying if I was a poet I would have been really polished but it must have been scary did you think the point at the time is that what's made about it I'm Wordsworth why can't I think of something didn't have delusions of any sort you weren't you didn't actually feel like you were someone else or you didn't get mean you kind of knew you were you did you know they tell you to look at this this is again I'm very lucky because I've got through all of this there are people who had far less severe accidents on the surface of it was still grappling weird things but in my case I can look back and you're warned about things like personality change look out for that oh so do you think your wife is in any way trying to capitalize on this for example since you really and she now say you know what you always did the washing up and it was your favorite my wife actually did say now you're really nice to me all the time remember you buying all those presents looking ashamed of herself as she should she gets more chocolates than ever before they're obviously to relief for your family and and everyone really got very upset about it which is I would have thought muscle no did you have any inkling that you were that popular oh well it was very very sweet and the one thing I would says it really does make a difference if you line there or poorly in hospital and in my case really sort of a bit confused for quite a long time when cards come in it really matters I I met I've met Rita once or twice uh only briefly I've interviewed young on a radio show and I make stuff up now right no no no well he's always family very attractive and always kiss me as I'm saying I can't come to know you Toby well but you don't seem fundamentally changed in any way I mean I feel like I'm talking to the same person as I did before the accident yeah well I'm reassuring you have there been changes has your wife or any friends close she said no you never used to do this or you never used to like this have you changed it anyone like that well you you told to look out for these personality changes and you know things like anger can be a problem so if I come home and one of the dogs and we have many has pooed in the hall I'll go off the meat or get really cross once I dog dad that's like that and I can just hear everybody thinking they call it lost keys syndrome when you go home and Richard can I just check something you sure it was the dog do you blame anything she want something I hear that you like certain foods no he didn't like before is that right yes I have been improved by this slightly okay I like celery which I've spent it's not a biggie or no but no one that no one actively seeks out celery do they I've spent a lifetime of you know that gagging thing when you're a kid I used to do that celery went even nearly that since the crash I like celery you you like it a lot an inordinate amount I don't feast on it I have been slightly improved I can remember numbers now you can remember numbers so you couldn't before this is a new now we've all got mobile phones yes so all your numbers are in there so if you need anybody's nobody looking yeah that's right no no what hold it all your phone numbers and you can get them yeah I've seen good you're like a superhero I am slightly I think just cuz temporaries got less stuff in there but which and I'm really excited cause II recommended therapy bother nobody when someone has an accident they always come out stronger faster better you come out with a better memory and I love a celery but we could call you celery number man we'll split the merchandizing I'll do it now here's the the lot I would have thought the loveliest thing was going home with your wife knowing that you were given more or less the all clear and seeing your girls and being at home with your wife in family what was there a pube woman were you aware I think this might not happen or were you concerned that you might not be able to return to a normal family service staff went on but if I was bad of it because I was either in a coma or clinically confused so that's a blessing for me yeah I meant my my wife Mindy and also my family my mother wasn't very nice to stand there and see me in that state and and yes Mindy had to consider maybe maybe raising the kids on her own which is a hard one yeah but you know where you're you're ahead of the game there because she's standing in the hospital room looking at you thinking oh I might have to move on why I might need a new partner he's Clarkson than the other well there's no challenge did it really mean she's not she's gonna stay single in many tight jeans you know they can't even father there's no way they're farther than any more children she's gonna stay single staying to the marrow in the clear well does it I hadn't thought of that until now and that's some comfort can I ask something it's my son we do kiss I know you you've said if you don't you come up when you're in the cover do you is anything going on in the Karma that you can remember is it like a dream are you aware of anything going on outside of yourself it's I guess it's rather personal and unique to each yeah I go home and I just don't know that there's different degrees of camera man was an especially bad one the worst level I was very proud of them and they have what also what they okay let's go comas kaleo's in 15 down to 3 3 is it worse the Glasgow Coma Scale I've been told all this stuff when I was in hospital it might have been made up if they've made the absolutely Glasgow coz after a few drinks they had by 15 is not so bad 15 that's like you're probably 15 most granted 3 which is the worst and I was a solid 3 and this is them checking on brain activity I guess and your responses to outside stimuli yeah they did yes I sort of heard stuff going on but you're in an hour you don't remember the fact that we've got paper lace to come in and play for you to try and get you out nice safe place got no response for so if I loosen up a police remove a paper lace can I say no Billy don't be a hero there was it again I'm gonna say no no one does it's just me here what you know manliest ly it's such a lovely end to this particular episode in your life the fact that you own community do they do you have to have a special way jam in there do you have to look after yourself in a certain way or do you just carry on as normal and hope for the best partly because I just feel that there's a real sense from the experts that pin me gloomy back together there's a real sort of now look you've been very very lucky yeah well I can't I had the best crash I'm and the best harnesses and everything else but there's also quite a lot of luck in there and so there I think they'd be really cross if I did anything wrong but yeah there's this I can't drink you can't drink two years two years you can't drink I can have all I can have a week lager it's a vision is this something your wife told you yet again driving around to see a lot of people this Christmas you love visiting my mother I can only have wheat Naga and only one or two yeah let me ask you about going back to top gear because for start you mentioned driving just an easy drive so presumably you've driven again I saw photographic paper was driving a tractor but but was there at home it's really deep well is there a moment when you got back behind the were the first time what was there any kind of fear was there any concern about whether you wanted to do that ever again or what might happen to my cow Morgan sports car made of wood and it's yes same again plenty of people do have head injuries and then comas and then come out of it in the last thing they did do was drive the car to go to the shot so that's an ordinary car yeah so how they get back so they would associate that with what because you won't get in a jet car again well I think twice not for shopping alright so you're gonna be back in Top Gear yeah you know that is it true and I don't necessary but I've read somewhere that Jeremy Carter said that you three had a pact as to how you were deal if someone was involved in a in a an accident which either forbade them from showing to the show or indeed indeed their life prematurely there was a way you were going to deal with the the sad farewell on the shelf there was and the reason that agreement remains in place that should one of us croak Jeremy or whichever one of us is left would stand there go obviously last week or whenever Jeremy James Richard was tragically killed but the next word this is the agreement has to be anyways you have to go was tragically killed to death anyway there's a new Astra diesel I think there was a sense of genuine disappointment because they must have been thinking finally we get so they ply themselves on showing no emotion any feeling yeah yeah but there must be some deep down inside I'm sure both of my back were going home and sobbing on their wife's or I don't know if the other bloke has got a wife maybe on a dog or something living sobbing honor that we should get what do you think there was a really unpleasant image class and crying over you is this gonna sound a silly question but when you hear when you know you're better on your back in you okay do you think your insurance whites gonna go up in your car we've already checked that I checked it fairly soon as soon as you got out yeah have you had any crashes in the last 12 months once again because it's a jet car one way I mean the last thing I saw was a paramedic on that side yeah yeah well it's fabulous you well and of course it's nice with you out in time for Christmas cause presumably you'll be spending Christmas I would have thought at home with the family oh yes II mean Hospital by the way did they and Mindy my wife had said them now daddy's banged his head you have to be very good boy that's fine so brought them into the room but I i'd really hurt this I caught NASA thought it might do this I had a big eye patch on with a big bandage around it keep that on yes it was still quite confused at the time so they walked into the room hello daddy hello kids what did they do not a lot of screams I'm not sleeping you know it's right now though which of these fear being troublesome at bedtime just put the old eye patch on the Halloween we know what you're worried Richard I am filled yeah well I mean it was it was a horrible thing to read about he was a hole beneath the sea and not knowing what would happen to you even for those who don't know you was home thing I can't imagine what your family went through but thank God you let the other side know exactly how many know all's well that ends well and thank you so much for going on the show ladies gentlemen mr. Richard
Channel: warpocmuse
Views: 2,846,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ross, Interview Richard Hammond, crash, mental, Accident
Id: 6b-WaO3bZs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2012
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