Richard Creates His Best Moonshine Yet! | Moonshiners

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this is how we make the Moonshine and chunky said it isn't his number one selling no Daniel I never thought about taking a damn mimosa and fermenting it and making liquor out of it that's different it's not bad gotta hand it to Mike and Jerry they made a really good product here but I can't improve on this we can be I can one-up them and I got a secret ingredient that they never tasted around here well that's a leaf for low quality I love quad Leaf yes sir not the not the fruit the leaf honestly it's Mimosa moonshine that Mike and Jerry have made needs something to balance it out and that's what they're missing here I mean that liquor was good man but it just had a let's put some of that good watermelon in it that you do well we can do that but mostly in low quad leaves those two things together with a nice buffer in between like watermelon that ain't never heard of in these parts no I'd like to be there to to watch My Cry you know he he pitches him a little temper tantrums what are we gonna do to hear him say what we're gonna do I hate to have to do it but we're gonna whip Mike and Jerry's ass at their own game but I've got something else I need to bring on you bub what's that well my wife and the kids and I have planned a vacation and starting tomorrow I'm going to be leaving on vacation I came here to get it going I didn't come here to sit down and wait for Daniel to come back two weeks from fishing or however long he's going to be let's get Craig down here so I call my little brother down in Louisiana hello Craig yeah what are you doing thinking about my next round of shine I need you to come to Tennessee and come meet me I need you to go get all the loquat you can find I just need to leave we got a golden opportunity out here well you called me out a good time I'm gonna go climb some Lo-Fi trees man oh it's about time there he is man I've been looking for you all day man I've been looking for you half the day man we don't have no cell phone reception I know I'm really excited that Craig's getting a chance to run look out here in the mountains with me I mean it's like a dream come true for me to be out here and use this water and be running out here but to give that experience to my little brother is that's awesome to me you got my loquat got him we do loquat leaves all the time in Louisiana but it has to be a Twist of something for me to go all the way up to Tennessee this is fresh people down here don't know about low quad I'm just anxious to see what comes out of this oh you got some Tennessee Shine for me huh yeah just the real deal taste that it's the number one seller at The Bootlegger and he's selling Mimosa liquor it's a little perfumey little medicinal taste to it they stepping on my toes I'm the medicine man when it comes to alcohol Mike and Jerry made it really I gotta hand it to Mike and Jared it's a damn good idea but I can blow that out of the water this right here with this and that Mimosa this is our Appalachian Louisiana moonshine we're gonna make this Mimosa watermelon loquat moonshine we're gonna beat Mike and Jerry at their own game I hate to make waves but waves are easy to make when you step in water where do we get the Mimosa we're gonna find a mimosa tree somewhere around here they got a ton of them Mimosa you see look how high they are it gets everywhere but I don't want to walk into somebody's property out here and start picking Mimosa that might not be good it's all over the place look at this right here that's how somebody's property oh look a whole Grove of it up here look at that when I see water I'm ready to go fishing but this ain't no fishing day today it's another type day it's beautiful man down there right here get them all this stuff is free the cost of everything around here we don't have to spend a whole lot of money and we can we can extend that to our customers you see the seed pod it's got a lot of toxins in it so definitely we don't want nothing of that it's serious it will make you seriously sick we just got to make sure we get just these little pink flowers I smell what I was tasting I'm not tall enough I think I might have to get in that Creek first time in the creek man it gets deep right there you gotta walk around in that stuff oh [Applause] God damn it can't stop now I'm invested it's funny that you write this that's funny right hey I never did this before we don't even have Creeks where I come from [Laughter] drive and once we put that low card in this man it's gonna sell off the chart it's gonna be something we're gonna be making all the time I'd rather have too much and not need it and need it and not have it this alcohol that we're making was inspired by Mike and Jerry's Mimosa moonshine I'm just gonna make it way better man look at this this yep we on the Mountainside we got two big steals this is Craig's first time coming into this still site right here so I mean I'm proud to show them how these guys do it down here I could become a mountain man skip the gym membership and invest that money into making some moonshine for me it's like paying homage and taking a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of moonshine got some herbal remedies from Louisiana and some herbal remedies from Tennessee with some water from Tennessee I mean this is a hell of a marriage I can't wait for the reception we'll get as much going as we possibly can I got this screen material Craig we're gonna make some tea bags I'm gonna start out making a base with the tea with the Mimosa and the loquat leaf that's what I do when I deal with herbs and alcohol I make a tea as my base as opposed to just using the water I think a little bit of this stuff goes a really really long way that's where Mike and Jerry fell short that they used a lot of mimosa and The Taste is overpowered so we're going to do this the right way we're going to cut back on my number most of that we use to make sure that we get a enough but not too much of it and add a little bit of that watermelon see if we could get a better taste and drink than they made I like using these tea bags because it won't Scorch and also we don't have to go back and get all of this stuff out of the mash man it's probably steaming good already [Music] do the burrito method smell that smell it oh it's changing colors already I can see instantly that this is working look I'm gonna cut them up [Music] oh you got the big knife give me the slices after you cut it you need five watermelons in either each one of these things how much of that juice you're getting out of there like Mary Poppins said a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down and there's a whole lot of sugar in here let's taste this see yep look at that it's hot oh that's a pretty color that's all I smell I can't smell any Mimosa in here I don't know if I got watermelon just stuck in my head but that reminds me of watermelon yeah that's pretty damn good and all we're going to do is build up on this it's a little perfumey but not to worry because we still have to sweeten it up with our watermelon each of these barrels are going to have 50 pounds of sugar in them then we'll take our hot tea and we'll use that to melt the sugar [Music] I got a bucket full of hot tea right here I'm taking this tea and we need to get that Sugar dissolved in married in with that watermelon real well this is a real good merge I can smell it already I think this might be your best idea yet man for real it took you to come way to Tennessee to have your best idea yet Lord have mercy pray for this boy this is gonna be one of the best Liquors if not the best liquor that I've made before that's it for the watermelon that's it for the tea that's it for the day all we got to do is yeast this stuff in anybody that drinks this shine that we're making right now if they're drinking Mike and Jerry's shine they're not gonna drink that no more this is gonna blow Mike and Jerry completely out of the water good day in the Appalachian Mountains baby we got seven barrels of mash we got two Stills come on Craig do you think we got Daniel it's hot and we got Mark and Digger's pot we got enough we yeah we still got to do the other stew we can pump on a lot of volume with these two parts we got everything going our master's heating up our pots are running how you smell that yeah smell like a little watermelon yeah and Mimosa Mimosa that's Capper man this is such a beautiful steel Daniel has all right pace he put a lot of work in this thing I mean everything fits perfectly his sort of joints are impeccable I mean Daniel really really went out of his way with this hot enough smell it's almost coming me and Richard are sitting there waiting we're feeling pipes to see how far along it came so we coming out of the thumb for now going into the worm this thing's heating up I can't wait for this to start dripping out of the spout all right we running all right that should be running in a little while too we got a lot of buckets we're gonna be filling up out here it's a little too hot to taste right now first we start running on Daniel still we're gonna throw some heads off of this thing we get to the hearts of this run and we can really start to taste things here get you a big full one thank you what's the proof I don't even care what the proof is give me my fruit salad oh that's it this is good I can taste the loquat I can taste the Mimosa and then we get to that watermelon it tastes like a watermelon tea Mike and Jerry ain't got nothing on that right there our jar tastes a hell of a lot better than their jar foreign
Channel: Discovery
Views: 196,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery channel, discovery+, discovery plus, discovery shows, moonshine, moonshiners, moonshiners full episodes, reality tv series, steven ray tickle, illegal alcohol, moonshine culture, tim moonshiners, tickle moonshiners, how to make moonshine, moonshine making, moonshiners caught, moonshiners police, Mark, Digger, Detective, Bugs, malted grain, discovery channel full episodes, discovery plus stream, Tennessee moonshine, science channel streaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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