Moonshiners Experiment Making Sweet Potato Liquor In New Equipment I Moonshiners

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ain't nothing like being on the bayou early in the morning good gumbo today would be good too real good louisiana virgin sweet potatoes along the winding values of new iberia louisiana richard and his brother craig are mashing in three barrels of a coveted sweet potato liquor recipe they plan to run on their new submarine pot still i had a chance to visit my buddy tickle in virginia how do you like this little setup oh no this is the steel side that flavor profile's really gonna come through i'll drink to that they showed me a submarine steel setup so the bigger pot i can't wait to get it right here i already have visions of it i've never run a submarine setup before it'll up our volume so good and this potato vodka everybody and the grandmother's been asking for this so we need to get a whole lot of this out we got about 150 pounds of sweet potatoes try to experiment with all kinds of liquor i don't want to limit myself to the norm we just finished up doing the run among e.a.t was a hit same thing with cotton candy because our customers want to try different varieties the slower you cook it the better it gets we use a real good sweet potato we also use a dehydrated cranberry we use a carolina gold grain and i use a malted barley [Music] the outcome was just unreal man i got a million people asking for this stuff we ought to have some help here in a minute robert always comes through for us robert is my brother-in-law real good guy never lets me down with anything oh rob's here hey what's up man robert ended up here because we needed help we on potato duty huh yeah smells good craig grabbing that bag of cranberries right got him real good compliment too the potatoes the carolina gold the malted barley the cranberry kind of stands as a buffer in between all of these ingredients all these different flavors that you would not normally taste kind of just marries them together and makes them sit together real well we got on temperature correct and just hit 177. when you're dealing with sweet potatoes at 177 those enzymes start to release themselves from the potato that enzyme turns complex starches into simple sugars sugars that are fermentable see how the color changes in the water we're going to drop the malted barley in here this has a real good chocolate flavor looks just like coffee kind of makes you think it's coffee this grain is carolina gold that we're putting in here this is double mill this is gonna make a big difference we're gonna put five pounds in here now we can't stop stirring it will scorch it will burn the grains that we put in were able to start working and breaking up themselves breaking up some of the flavor and emitting their own enzymes guys i think this is ready man i'm gonna get this barrel right here go ahead and pour it straight in there we normally make sweet potato on a smaller scale but this will be the first time that we're doing it on a large scale it's a real good use we're going to get the party started we're going to cap it up do it again we have a lot of orders coming in we just kind of put it out there in the wind to a couple of people and it spread like wildfire the slower you cook it the better it is smells great it looks so good i think if anybody were to walk up on it they would think we were cooking a good stew out here this will be the last one that's going to make one hell of a sweet potato product i relate everything to life and i can relate this alcohol to a perfect marriage we got 150 gallons because these ingredients are going to produce a perfect offspring of beautiful baby moonshine there you go make sure it can't be seen on the bayou come on man we're going to head to the supply store to make the submarine still i finally got a phone call i talked to the sales rep and he has the copper that i need cause we gotta get these orders out it's so important that we get this right we only get one shot at this if this was metal i could weld something onto it if i could weld something on the wood i wouldn't be standing right here right now i'd be on an island i can't pronounce with a woman i can't talk to talk too and a drink i'm scared of you want to make sure that this thing is solid wood is expensive i don't want to mess it up i'm going to put this same system into play that i learned from them up there in virginia as much as i've been given by other people i understand what this community is and what it really stands for that's a tight-knit group a tight family structure in this moonshine community who showed you how to do that mr henry law man forgot more about alcohol than i'll ever no problem it looks like sweet money that's what i need right now we're making sure both sides of this still are the same we're using one side to make the other side everything will match up perfectly here in louisiana it's new i've never seen anybody do it my mom always told me if you build a better mousetrap the world will be the path to your doorstep how you looking there you got to bag it up some we're going to do a zigzag pattern instead of having nails just side by side we're staggering them out we're giving some strength to it it's not just for aesthetics it's for safety also we're trying to make this deal as strong as humanly possible wow man we look like the boys from up north in the woods with their submarine steel with this submarine set up it's going to benefit us all across the board we're not far from home now so yeah i think i'm going to take a shot of something tonight [Music] we got to get this done we finished working on this submarine still we got a bad rainstorm right now we're gonna go ahead and run right here oh yeah it smells good it's ready to run all right i'll get the pump we're running it on a brand new steel we've never run before and we're running a volume that we never run before there we go i'm getting nervous this is a large pot we're talking a lot of alcohol in this pot it's a dangerous substance leaking alcohol a lot of this thing is wasting money but most of all it's dangerous we want to go home at the end of the night it's not something you want to just take lightly you have to be cautious around this stuff our worm barrel man is leaking it's the first run with this thing i mean it was bound to have some problems i know that this barrel hasn't had water in a very long time and that's just not good we got to tighten it back up because when we took the top off of this barrel we loosen these staves up look at that it allows the barrel to leak so we're doing a little impromptu job and i think that's as tight as we're gonna get it and this barrel's been around since probably my grandparents this is paying homage to the guys in the old days [Music] to be able to just put barrels to submarine stills that's awesome to me i mean just to see how big this thing is as compared to what we've dealt with before oh those hands are starting to burn off now i was told i always leave the cap off in the beginning let the steam come out that's what would be caught up in your head running the heads out of the top of the pot before you put the cap on it's the same thing just running it through your system you got to paste up this real good no such thing as too much of this stuff it's getting warm up here won't be long now it's time to get some of this money back let's get in there everything's looking good it's hot we don't have any leaks anywhere just waiting for the drip hey man we running that's what we looking for right there this still got a nice float i gotta taste this man how is it oh that's sweet potato man it's like a sweet potato pie this is out of the park man taste that multiball into that cranberry this right here is what we've been trying to achieve right here putting this together coming out of new steel a new worm this is awesome we're gonna make money with this yeah that's a good 165 right there with this big thing right here we can do anything we want the possibilities are endless man you know i have aspirations for this deal it's still a huge investment but we're expecting huge payoffs we're going to push this deal just as much as we push ourselves come on let's do a toast toast to us to the ones before because if they had never did this we'd never be able to do it i love it i love it [Music] you
Channel: Discovery Australia
Views: 380,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery australia, discovery aus, australian videos, australian youtube videos, discovery australia youtube, Discovery shows, Watch Discovery, Discovery Channel, Moonshiners, Moonshiners full episodes, moonshiner Richard, liquor production, moonshine production, moonshiners season 10, cotton candy rum, rum, documentary, show
Id: eBUA-Db8h6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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