Richard Bertinet making bread (DVD from the book DOUGH)

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what I want to show you is how easy it is to make bread from your home from your own kitchen uh by simple technique I'm going to show you how to mix and work the dough my way not the way that you probably been taught the English way you pel the dough and you got ton of flour everywhere to make it unstick this way is just your ingredient from the recipe there I've got 1 kilo of flour my 700 g of water my yeast and my salt and we're just going to work the door lift it up the board make it come alive and and stick from the from from the board just by incorporating air into it and give it a lot of um fluffiness and and a lot of life and to do that I got my flour working there I put my fresh yeast into my flour and I'm going to crumble the yeast in my flour if it's fresh yeast it will crumble very very quickly and become tiny tiny particle that and just disappear all nicely you see you can't see it anymore and if you use dry yeast I do the same as I do with fresh yeast I just make it disappear into the flour um I don't um mix water uh with yeast and a bit of sugar for for the second of it it just cut cut the middle man go straight into it then I put my 20 gr of salt in there blend it together make sure you don't mix your yeast and so hold too close together that's why blend everything together there that is ready to have my water into it I just show you that I don't put any flour in my board and you put your water into it and I use my magic plastic scraper to tell me to blend and mix all the ingredents together I don't put my hand in there just right now just in case you the Fone ring you know blend everything until all your water has been absorbed by the flower you can see my hand still pretty clean at that spot tin bit more water in there use a strong white flour to start with it give you good result for your baking you can see everything is going up turn drop pick up the rest of the flow on the bottom weather water because I find it more accurate and if you got a a scale uh it's try it try to do it you just get um 700 Mill of water and compare it with 700 gram of water you always find tiny difference uh it's just more accurate way of um weighing your water okay now I've got like a a thick sticky porridge in my everything's coming of the bowl that's ready to go onto the my bow and just make sure any flow you can see just here we go okay our first sge is done now got something look very wet and sticky and as you probably would in your in your in your your own the the the British method of making bread you put add flour now and really add more more flour than you need to into into the reci re which is not part of the recipe what we try to do now is to make have a lot of air going through so the by doing that I'm going to do it in very slow motion to start with your there you pick up your dough s of your hand that's two full going under your door pick it up pinch it there and slap it a little bit there then you stretch your dough up fold it over to trap some air inside every time you do that a lot of air get trapped into and then you pick it up again slap it again and do it again like that stretch it don't worry about Stick it to your hand and if it will come off as it goes and keep it working out and the softer you do the easier it is to work the method you can hear all the air get trap inside you do that until the dough will become smooth come off your hand cleanly without any help of flour or oil or any other help the only help you can have is if you struggle a little bit scrap the dough with your Scrapper that's all right I'm can put the second speed on there you slap it down don't try to go too fast but just be um consistent on your movement I can feel the dough become more Supple and start to get together and bounding and becoming alive and very quickly you'll see it's coming of it's coming of the your working surface see and start to see the do forming there you go that that stage the door is well worked when you do that tiny bit of flow put your dough upside down like like so and then fold it onto itself a few time and you end up with a nice beautifully worked light light dough very responsive Supple there's about 70% of water for for for for this this recipe which is much higher than you would do for probably a British bread if you can see the dough just really really alive it's beautiful and that won't let you down it's more hairy but by the way that we work the door trap Air at every movement we're doing we trap air inside U that's a key of that and then put it into the B rest there and this you can keep it now for an hour to rest it will be absolutely perfect there okay my door has been resed now for an hour um tiny bit more actually what we're going to do is turn the door over and the very lightly flowed surface you can see I don't pull the door down like that because you're going D all the all the structure what I do again with my little scrapper I just help the door to come down very gently let it slide down and you can see all the beautiful strand of the door the smell is fantastic just all the fermentation starting to really really get into your nose there make you drunk almost you a nice piece of dough what we're going to do now my next step is before I divide the dough for whatever we go into the recipe is to give it some strength just by um very simple folding technique before dividing what I do then is sure I got bit of flower sure you got almost square that you work with your hand just take the top there fold it over there press it gently with your finger over the back of your heel bring this in here the same in the center and do it again like so this technique will be repeated throughout the book quite often uh it's the backbone of your it's like see of the the your your back spine that's where your strength will be always if you do a French Teck if you do anything that it's always on the center and you fold it again like that there already you got something much stronger for live beautiful that's ready to be divided nice and neatly with your Scrapper again divide this for scares in here and if we do little some French stick for examp example just try to get nice and neatly nice piece of D like that divide it to 250 cuz I'm good like everything if you just do it by hand if you if you used to it you can judge you know your piece of dough roughly all the same same side if you're not used to it you might have with a small one a big one and all single B baking is been consistent or what what you're doing uh your baking will be different if it's a big piece and a small piece and just you want everything to look look a bit the same here we go now I got all my pieces of dough nicely divided so the next step again is to give give bit more strength into it you just give it a little Prim let me move that to show you what I mean tiny bit of flour you don't want too much flour at all just a bit if you did mold for uh a r shape or a ball what you need to do is to bring your door into the center again same technique what I do is bring the D and show slowly and and there push it in over do it there you can see it start to shape there and the strands the backbone is there for it in in in and with practice you become very quick there then you got your little bo you just tuck it in like that oh nice and you can just finish it off with your you see the rough bit that that's your them what we call the SE just tuck it in just do if you had that's all you need and you got something nice and springy lot of strengths if we mold a French stick for example again tiny bit of flour not too much what we do again same technique try to start with a nice and even little square rectangle bring your D top over fold it in press it down like that again with your finger or the back of your heel and you see again you're giv strengths just there that will be that will become the top of your French stick underneath every time you press down that's where it is then turn it over this way down and do it again on the middle like so then you SE it like that you got the top of your your braid will be there and the Sim is there and to get more lens like for a French stick for example you start again with the seam on the top press it down and repeat same operation by twisting the dough and folding the two edges together there then you got this just there what you just need now is just to finish it off just give it a little roll you lift it up from the the board a bit sticky just roll it to the final shape like so if you want to and bit of flower and you can see there the seim is there she always in control you know where everything there and the top of your B will be there when you put it to rest in your tea tow you either put it down this way but don't twist it or of any shap just keep it nice where everything is if you did a love for the tin for it over same as we did earlier and again and again sit it there and then you got your little love nice and strong on the top and again your seim is there now I'm going to show you um uh how to finish off your baguette and um what we call the EP little ears cut with a pair of scissors um the bread now has been Pro for um about an hour just on the um just on the double double in volume um is ready to to be done there um a lot of my bread is rested or proved uh on the pled tow this allow you to to put them next to each other and keep them separated what you don't want is to prove them together and then they going batch and it'd be very hard to separate them first I'm going to demonstrate to you the the AP gently and don't be scared the dough is strong it won't deflate or anything that okay then you put it on the tray big enough to take it nice make sure it doesn't stick and then you give it nice Cut like so there so you got nice ears and that's beautiful bread to put on your table for lunch okay for the French stick you get your on top of a tray or wooden pill like so and then like what we use in France we use a a Razer Blade like so and what we call a lamb I got this one season 14 to do that you just get your R blade and Slide the handle into it like so and this will act as the your pen that's how you sign your bread in France in the bakery every Baker will have a different way of cutting and very often um uh your your bursting the back will know who's who cut the bread just by the way it's been cut um it's what we call the s natur of the of of of the baker like GRE okay to do so because it's very sharp um you got to really be quick and uh assertive when you do it you don't drag the the blade onto it you go very fast at an angle and that will that will help your braad to develop in the oven when the gas expand inside the the Ola it will burst the where where the cuts are and just give you a nice crust on the top she cut this way like so very gently the next bread I'm going to show you is the fugas the fugas is the one I teach you all my bread classes is one would just put your smile on your face it's um very striking good-looking bread um it doesn't involve any molding or shaping of of of of the salt you just cut it with your again your friend Scrapper and a bit of FL and just slide it in your oven on a hot stone and it just become beautiful Leaf shaped bread um to do so very easily flower y Works your F sad heav and again you turn your door over very very gentle on top like so help you do all the way down we don't want to deflate to deflate the door we want to keep it nice and Lively L you very gently flow the top also a little that you see it's all all the bubble the air bubbles coming there it's beautiful though what you want to do for this bread it just bow there just get a piece of dough and be firm when you cut it just in a rough triangle shape like so and then what you do see this noral so far with a your edge of your scraper just cut through there without going all the way to the edge and then with the smallest side just cut three nice diagonal cut just like that plenty of flour then you just need to open it up a little bit that as simple as that and you will see after a bit of practice and a bit of U um uh self-belief also that you'll become a Great Baker and you can really get on with it and make some great bread at home delicious
Channel: kevin majorca
Views: 1,138,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bread, bread making, yeast, richard bertinet, simple contemporary bread, dough, book
Id: sOjSp5_YiF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2012
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