Rich Wilkerson Jr. — Restless: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

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I want to welcome everyone that's here at our i-tech auditorium but I also want to welcome everybody who's considered a vu friends and family whether you're watching by way of YouTube we're listening the podcast we're so grateful for your participation maybe you're not here locally in Miami but you are a part of this place and we're praying for you and we're grateful for your contribution this evening we are kicking off a brand-new collection of talks entitled Restless finding rest in the stress of life and on one hand I'm really excited because I really believe this award for art community but I also believe that this is a message that's far greater than just our local community this is a message that our culture our society needs that people need to discover the peace of God and a new way in the next 4 weeks I'm going to challenge you I want you to be a part of this collection I'm excited to share with you some things that I believe from the Bible that are gonna help you and refresh your soul but tonight to kick it off I want to just direct your attention to two simple little scriptures it's Matthew chapter 11 starting in verse 28 these two little scriptures I think are quite profound as we read them it says this these are Jesus's words come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and tonight as we kick off this first week of our brand-new collection i titled tonight's message I still haven't found what I'm looking for still haven't found what I'm looking for would you pray that night as we study God's Word lowly thank you so much that you brought us here we thank you God for what you're doing in our midst we open up our hearts we open up our soul that you might speak to us in a clearer way in a fresh way in a new way god we want to leave you tonight experiencing your rest we know that you can do it we know that you will do it and if you agree with that prayer come on all of God's people said come on all of God's people said come on if you love Jesus make a little bit of noise 5 p.m. fire you know I was thinking this morning that um I got out of bed this morning because I wanted something I wanted a lot of things to be honest with you the first thing that I wanted is I got out of bed this morning cuz I wanted to go to the gym I've learned that working out the older and older that I get it's less about my physical body and it's more about my mind that when I'm working out it's anchoring my mind to the present that it's engaging me for the day that is ahead I woke up this morning cuz because I because I actually wanted to wake up before the wrath and the will of Y at Wesley Wilkerson began please this week if you have some time pray for don sri and i we are four days away from don tree giving birth to baby number two we need your prayers i got up this morning because i wanted to come here I wanted to see you I wanted to be with you I wanted to be in our community I wanted to be encouraged by your faith and I wanted to share my faith and I wanted us to be sharper together they got a practical level you know I got up this morning because I wanted to come and do my job for a lot of us sunday is like your seventh day of the week which means it's kind of your rest day but but for me sunday is my Monday like this is my job this is my work and when I get up here and I get to share and preach there's something quite fulfilling and satisfying when you feel like you're doing what you're called to do that I got up out of bed this morning because there was all sorts of desires that were motivating me ever notice that desire is a huge motivator in life and what's interesting about desire is that it begins at a very young age my son Wyatt he's not even 2 years of age and in fact he's 21 months now I've heard about the terrible twos nobody told me about demonic possession 21 months this little boy I pray for me right I don't know what's going on this kid all of a sudden found his will and he is the boss of everyone I can't keep up with how many personalities and emotions that he has in a three minute span he goes from crying to laughing to crying - laughing - yelling at me I don't know what's happening this little boy is hilarious right now it's funny before I was a parent I used to think that babies they cried because because they were sad not true babies cry because they're angry what are they angry about they're angry because many times they have a desire and you are stopping them from getting their desire see this whole idea of desire it begins at a very very young age that we want something and desire is not bad it becomes bad when the desire is no longer under your control in fact tonight as we're kicking off this collection I just have a really basic question I want you to write down I want you to pray about I want you to think about it deeply this week here's the question are you steering your desires or your desires driving you because so many of us are driven by desire think about maybe some of the most basic emotions many of them come from the root of desire in the past when you don't get what you want the emotion that you have is that you're sad in the present when you get what you want the surface emotion is you're happy when somebody prevents you from getting what you want please listen this sermon Wyatt Leslie Wilkerson your emotion is you get angry but how about this how about for the future I might not get what I want the emotion is I'm anxious I'm anxious I might not get what I want here's the point the point is is that when you are driven by your desire it's only a matter of time before you break down why because desire grows desire increases you think if you get more you'll be happy the only problem with that thinking as many of you live there you've got more money you've got more power you've got more Fame yet somehow every time you get there you're like oh I need more to be happy again it doesn't stop the desire continues to grow desire is infinite I love it how Solomon the wisest man who ever lived Ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 8 he says all things are full of weariness a man cannot utter it the eye is not satisfied with seen nor the ear filled with hearing what's he saying he's saying the more and more I get in life the more and more I see I just want to see more the more and more I hear I just wanted to hear more the more and more I taste I just want to taste more more is not bringing me satisfaction in fact in the words of another great philosopher I can't get no satisfaction nobody a new high even gets that job but pray for that why because it's like the carrot and the stick analogy in psychology it's a trainer who has a horse and he puts a carrot on a stick and he puts the carrot in front of the horse the horse can put out as much effort and as much willpower as the horse desires but as long as that carrot is on the stick the horse is never going to get it desire when we're driven by it leads us to break down why because we are finite desire is infinite the result is restlessness I'm finite you're finite but desire grows and it's infinite and it leaves me in a constant state of being dissatisfied you don't have to be a great researcher and you don't have to be an incredible sociologist to look at the world today and realize that while there are many great opportunities for success there are many obstacles right now that are leading towards our demise anxiety is on the rise in our nation obesity is on the rise in our nation depression at an all-time high people have never been more medicated in their entire life suicide is growing what's the reason for all of this restlessness what's going on with humanity well there's many things that we could be in a tease construct but one of the most simple things just to look at our society is our society is anything but simple it's complicated I mean things are changing so fast it's like you can get a degree today in a couple years that degree could be obsolete because things have already changed and people are trying so hard to keep up and so people stay busy and people stay running and they stay striving and they're there non-stop non-stop but it's leading us to a place of distraction I mean I want you to know that our world preys on this idea of uncertainty and worry they profit off of your worry just think about the media system for a moment you do know that the news is giving you news based upon fear if it bleeds it reads I don't care if you swing to the left and I don't care if you swing to the right you can go to Fox News or you can go to CNN but both parties will tell you what to be afraid of who to stay away from who not to believe in who's bad who's good and all it's doing is making us afraid we're being driven by fear but it's this fear that's leaving us in a place of anxiety think about marketing for a moment they don't sell fear they sell desire research now tells us that we see every single day 5,000 different advertisements a day but I was pumping gas yesterday and there's a TV screen I'm like no not here this is my safe place and what a marketer selling you they're selling you that you you should live this life and you should have this and you should have that if you get that house you'll be happy and if you have that kind of car then you'll finally be satisfied and if you go on that vacation and if you wear those clothes and if you look like this if you suck this in if you cut that you'll look good yeah what's happening is that we are distracted we are confused and because we're being driven by fear and desire it's leading to our breakdown and the breakdown is is we constantly sacrifice the present for the future now I'm gonna gift when I get there I know it's all gonna be worth it when I get there do is that really is that gonna be the mantra of your life that piece is over there like we're all here tonight but how many that that we're not all here does it make sense like like we're we're here but just because you're here doesn't mean you're here some of you are here right now and you're thinking about the fact that the Dolphins are now oh and five you're like I can't believe it I don't know why it's surprising to you you have too much faith that's your problem some of you're here right now but you're all right your mind is already in scheduling mode for Monday who do I gotta meet with what I got to do the kids at iron their clothes I get their lunches put together you you're here but you're not here you're present but you're not engaged it's like have you ever been on the elevator before just waiver yet but if you everybody on an elevator nine of us come on a few more come on it and elevate like have your stop out like the genius of an elevator like it's awesome you hit a button a door opens up you walk in you stand in a box the doors closed you hit a number and then you begin to levitate towards that floor I don't know if you know this but before the elevator you actually had to take the stairs here to climb a ladder you to put physical effort in front of yourself you should get on the elevator go thank God God is good I used to have to climb now I can elevate yet you ever noticed that nobody's happy on an elevator and stuff with that nobody you can put 50 people shoulders shoulder in an elevator and everybody's doing the same thing you ever notice that everybody faces the doors you're like nobody talks nobody looks each other just a head I want to challenge you tomorrow on Monday you're not normal you don't abide by the rules of this world you're a follower of Jesus you go to boot church tomorrow when you get on the elevator I want you to do something only hit the button when the door opens up I don't want you to face the doors I just want you to face all those people [Laughter] she's pretty awesome on an elevator god is good all the time all the time god is good hey you want to freak some people out face them in the elevator if you're really dangerous if you're really you know radical hit floor three when the door opens up you got to be in shape for this go to the stairwell run up to level five go back to the elevator hit the up-arrow when the doors open up say hey you were talking about me weren't you you will freak some people out on a Monday it's just the power of getting engaged in the moment wake up the power is right here right now you see peace is only found in the present peace is not a tomorrow thing or yesterday its it's a right now the power is here right now it's here it's here are you are you restless tonight are you are you weary are you anxious are you depressed are you are you struggling well because our desire is infinite and because your finite challenge that we have is that anything less than God will leave us dissatisfied you were meant to live with him forever that's why you find yourself in such a dissatisfied place because those things can't fulfill what they promise to fulfill you so Jesus he would counsel you tonight and he would say you know what you should do you should take all of your desire and put it on to God because desire is infinite but so is God therefore God becomes the solution this this truth really isn't my truth but rather in 300 AD st. Augustine these were his words and listen to how relevant they are tonight he said you have made for us for yourself you have made us for yourself Oh Lord and our heart is restless until it rests in you for the next few weeks we're going to begin to look at different ways that we can find peace and we can find rest in the stress of life but I thought tonight we can't start and we can't end without first talking about Jesus because Jesus speaks right to you and I and he in Matthew chapter 11 this is what he's speaking to he's speaking to the restless soul he says come to me all you are weary and heavy burden I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and in me you will find rest from my burden is light and my yoke is easy there's four words that stand out to me that tonight I want to teach you as we are on this journey as we begin this collection called restless because there's many people in this room that you would say I'm working harder I'm doing more I have more money I got the job I finally want I'm finally dating the guy that I've always looked for I finally have the friends I want to be around but I still haven't found what I'm looking for maybe it's because you're being driven by desire rather than steering your desire for words come take learn find come take learn find everyone say come everyone say take everyone say learn everyone say find Jesus begins and he says this he says come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest the first word that sticks out is this word come this is good news for everyone in this room because Jesus is beginning his message and he's making a great invitation hey are you stressed are you depressed are you burned-out are you hurting are you anxious well then come to me you're invited to my party this is good news because anybody who would sit on the sidelines and be a naysayer of the Christian faith and simply call it just positive thinking or simply self-help jargon they obviously haven't read the words of Jesus because Jesus does not ignore your hurts and hangups instead he invites you to find freedom from your hurts and from your hangups come on somebody go ahead and give him praise tonight come to me o you who are weary and heavy burden what's the catch rich here's the catch you just have to respond to his invite it's like d'entre we love throwing parties at our house we love hosting people in our home his funny you know you throw a great party you gotta start planning stuff you got to prepare things you get the food ready you got to clean your house to the point that it looks like your life is perfect on Instagram you get the whole thing but after you've done all this preparation what do you do you send out an invite I don't know what you use paperless post HobNob Instagram tick-tock what's app all sorts of you know avenues out there doesn't matter but once you send the invite how many of you know it doesn't matter how much prep it doesn't matter how good the party is going to be if the person doesn't come then there's no power it's the response to the invitation what is your role your role is you simply have to come he's inviting you you ever have a debt that friend in your life or that family owned your life I've heard you guys say this before but it's like yo I could just get them in the room at vu if I give them just experience this plate if I could just copy they would just come once just once I know that God could do something in your life I know if you could just come you would finally realize I'm not crazy or you would see I'm not fully crazy it's like for me on Sunday mornings I go to the gym and I come back home I start going over my message and then I have a list of invites that I just send out every week just to people that are that are not a part of our community that I love here in Miami that I want to be a part of what God is doing here and I know that they need a home and last week I was writing this guy in his response he goes oh man to be honest with you Richy oh if I came to your church your church would burn down bro you say well what does he mean what what he meant from my invitation is as I invited him his response was I'm not worthy to be in your church his response was I don't belong in a faith gathering if you really knew the real me if you knew the stuff I've done am doing going to do want to do desire to do you would not be inviting me yet Jesus would say yes I would because the broken thinking is this the broken thinking that even people in this room right now you keep saying I gotta clean myself up I gotta quit smoking I gotta quit drinking I gotta quit sleeping with my girlfriend I gotta quit looking at that I gotta quit doing that stuff over there and once I get myself right then I'm worthy to come to Jesus but Jesus would say you got the order out of order you can't clean yourself you gotta come to me and I gotta clean you up I'm the one who's gonna do the work I'm the one who's gonna do a work in your life I'm the one who's gonna set you on the right path come on Somebody Anybody grateful for the invitation of God come to me simply come to me your job is to respond God's job is to repair come and he will clean you up come and he will fix you common he will start a work inside of you so what is the point the point is tonight is that you got to get real with God dude I can share everything I got for the next four weeks but if you're going to sit there and not admit that you're not okay none of it matters Jesus is not embarrassed by you he's excited about you some of you think oh man my fatigue or my negative emotions that disqualifies me from being around Jesus Jesus would say it's the opposite I actually came for you I love this I don't if you see it but he says come to me and I will give you rest notice the emphasis is on him now this is very very different from the self-help section at Barnes & Noble not against the self-help section at Barnes Noble but the self-help section at Barnes & Noble's always comes down to lists if you do these 23 things 23 things if you do them then you can be happy Jesus like we don't need 23 things you got to simply come to me and I will do the rest I will do the work I will give you rest the focus is on him going to church is not coming to Jesus getting your worship playlist in the car is not is not coming to Jesus those are great supplements but Jesus says now you got to actually bring that stuff right to me to the source because when you come to Jesus let me tell you what you're gonna find real purpose when you come to Jesus you're gonna find real joy you're gonna find real satisfaction gonna find real purpose you're gonna find a real destiny you're gonna find the real rest that you've been looking for Jesus doesn't offer you looking now he's like hey vacation that he's offering you something far deeper than a nap a pay raise a vacation he's offering your soul rest he's saying you can steer your desire your desire doesn't have to drive you but it must begin with you saying I'll respond to the invitation come he doesn't stop there he says come to me all you are weary and heavy burden I will give you rest watch this second word take take my yoke upon you and say take now this is fascinating because unless you are living in the first century and hearing this it probably doesn't have it probably doesn't have the weight for us in 2019 as it did for them the reason why is because we forget what a yoke is we've explained it here before but a yoke is a wooden object that's put on two animals the two animals then as they're these wooden objects over the shoulder they're able to do work together typically they plow a field in tandem they work and they make the effort of the work becomes easier as they do it together so for us we don't use yokes we live in Miami has 2019 but for those people back then they would have been going wait a minute Jesus are you offering us rest or are you offering us work in fact some of United like yo bro I didn't come for another job like I got four and I can barely pay the bills I don't need more work that that's why I am Restless so what's the point of what Jesus is saying the point of what Jesus is saying is he wants you to ask the question the question being what is the work that God is talking about that will lead to soul rest well Jesus answers his own question John chapter 6 verse 29 what does Jesus say he says this is the work of God that you believe in him who he has sent so I don't have ever heard this before but the work of the Christian is simply to believe in Jesus you want to know how you work for God you believe in Jesus Jesus said in John 15 verse 4 he said abide in me what does our work our work is to believe and abide in Jesus I believe in what Jesus said I believe in what Jesus did and I am abiding in him I am taking his yoke I'm yoking my life up next to his and I believe that he's at a mission and a purpose and together he will lead me to where he wants to take me you see the result of abiding and believing is always obedience jesus said if you love me you'll obey me um this past week my iphone started messing up I don't know what it is like I don't want to be a hater on Apple but this is my experience whenever they introduced a new product all the old products start going bad you know it's a mystery yeah right um it was a rough week for me I have an iPhone 10 and my face ID recognition it went out can you believe that it's like oh my goodness have a password that's it's difficult my thumbs were dying it was crazy tough life um pray for me this week you don't mind um nonetheless you get used to that face ID you know huh in his opens but but it wasn't working and so I I decided I would go to the Apple store which is always a blessing and I got in and I was I was talking to one of the workers there and they pulled up my account they said oh good news rich you have eleven days left on your warranty I said there is a God somewhere and she started doing some more research and she said well here's the deal your phone is actually broken on the inside the hardware is broken and because of it and because you're under warranty we're gonna actually look placed your phone but we're not gonna replace your phone with an iPhone 10 really good news we're gonna replace your I've your phone with an iPhone 11 I say God is good to his son new I found 11 baby replacement um after about four hours of being there you've been um I was left with two phones I had an iPhone 10 and iPhone 11 and the gentleman finished the work and I grabbed both the phones and I started to walk out of the store and the gentle said no rich rich rich I said yeah no no we replaced your phone you got to leave the old phone and take the new phone I said I said on I thought they were both mine he said no no no we replaced the old with the new and you can only leave here with one phone so if you want the old phone you got to leave the new phone but if you want the new phone you'll have to leave the old one are you following what I'm saying the cross of Jesus Christ was the great exchange of yokes where Jesus said imma take your yoke of shame condemnation and guilt and I'm gonna give you a new yoke my yoke is easy my burden is light but here's the catch you can't carry both yokes if you want the new leave they all come on somebody give him praise tonight take what he has for you take his yoke what's the work the work is believing abide I believe you Jesus I believe you are who you said that you are I'm abiding in you the result is I'm gonna obey you I'm walking in step with you I don't want my old yoke I want the new yoke I can't have both I gotta leave one to step into the other I still haven't found what I'm looking for maybe it's because you've still yet to take his yoke Jesus says come this is take but watch as Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 he says come to me all you are weary and burdened I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me the third word is this word learn everyone say learn the word learn indicates to you and I that there is a process to becoming like Jesus salvation is in a moment justification happens in a moment but then the process of sanctification the becoming like Jesus it's gonna take us learning how he lived his life that's why when we're reading the Scriptures we shouldn't just pay attention to what he said we should pay attention to what he did you should watch him you should discover the nuance of his life how did he behave how did he operate what was his common way about going through life as you watch his life you begin to be discipled you become a Jesus apprentice because you're living and acting like Jesus but that's what we're after here that's why you come on Sundays it's because we're trying to leave here walking thinking talking behaving like Jesus one of the most fascinating things to me and you can study a little bit you can come back and give me your feedback you see something different but I can't find anywhere in the four Gospels that Jesus is in a hurry like Jesus operates from place of rest like just like no he's never panicked we never see Jesus spring team we never see him on a horse galloping let's go it's not what he's doing he's not concerned with being late I mean one of the benefits of inventing time is that you can never be late but um he's not bothered in fact watch this it's like every one of the miracles that we see in the New Testament Matthew Mark Luke and John I think I won't I won't put you into this I'll put myself for me if I was Jesus every one of those moments I would have perceived them to be interruptions like cuz notice Jesus doesn't have a good iPhone calendar he's not like okay let me see what's going on today 11:00 a.m. heal Lazarus okay um twelve walk on water uh to pee a moment turn water to wine hey turn up he's not doing that no as he's going through life that which you and I would call an interruption many times he behaves like it's an invitation he doesn't react he responds why is it I believe it's this I believe it's because when you're Restless you react you know what the reaction is right what what you say to me not today it's a reaction but watch this when you're rested you respond what is response response is the ability to choose the sponsors I'm above the noise I'm above the chaos I'm not behaving according to my feelings I have responsibilities the ability to respond that was thinking this week um you know I don't have ever heard of like you know the ERT the emergency response team like if you call 9-1-1 someone picks up that's the ER that's the emergency response team their job is to respond oh my god my house is on fire okay sir are you in the house no no I'm not okay sir get out of the house I'm not in the house okay out of house is there anybody else's house no my kids are with me okay take them to the sidewalk get away from the smoke now I put my house is on fire I know go to the sidewalk twist help on the way everything's gonna be okay we're on the way - please calm down sir everything's fine that's the emergency response team can you imagine if it was the emergency react team oh my god my house is on fire Oh Jenny Rich's house is on fire one of the simplest ways you can define if you're rested or if you're Restless is are you reacting are you responding [Applause] are you reacting or are you responding because God's actually placed you in situations and he's looking for the emergency response team but you're the emergency react team and you just throw fuel on every fire that comes your way you thought it was an interruption your life but Jesus was actually saying no if you would rest in me and if you would learn from me you would respond and you would see the invitation for a miracle to take place watch how Eugene Peterson says this this is so beautiful Eugene Peterson he translates Matthew 11 verse 28 this is how he says he says are you tired yeah worn out yeah burned out on religion heck yeah come to me get away with me and you'll recover just life I'll show you how to take a real rest walk with me and work with me watch how I do it learn watch this the unforced rhythms of grace I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly how many could use some more freely and lightly in your life I could I like it how Eugene says it that way he says learn the the unforced rhythms of grace life is not about balance life is about rhythm seasons come seasons go you must define your season so you can determine your rhythm rhythms change this Thursday we're gonna have a second boy believe me the rhythm of my house is going to change but I don't panic and I don't freak out no no I set myself up for a a new rhythm the rhythm of grace what's the rhythm of grace Jesus is Grace in the flesh we should learn from his life pay attention to what he did there's many things I want to unpack on the next few weeks but one thing that is clear to me how is Jesus able to operate from such a place of rest I think we are being silly and ignorant if we don't pay attention the fact that Jesus believed in and honored the Sabbath if I would be honest with you if X three weeks um I'm a challenge myself and challenge our church in a brand-new way around this subject Sabbath is a word that we discover but it it really comes from the Hebrew word shabbat maybe you've heard this word for bit but Shabbat simply means to stop Sabbath is not a day off Sabbath is a moment to stop why do I stop I stop so I can focus and confess God's love I stop so actually remind myself of God's love why because perfect love drives out all fear God's love is the antidote to the fear that's driving many of you but do you know why I stopped I stop so I can curb the appetite of my desire and put it in the check I'm stopping to say God I'm trusting you with six days rather than trusting myself with seven days God I trust that you can fill in the gap God I trust that you can make up the moments that I cease and that I stopped because I can't keep up with the rat-race and I can't keep up with all of these things that are changing and I'm busy and I'm non-stop and that's the problem I'm non-stop and I can't hear you I'm so distracted I'm never engaged I'm always here but I'm never there and I'm I'm struggling because I'm Restless God's going why don't you give me one day that you stopped not a day off even notice that on your day off really we all say a day off is the day that we do all the work that we don't get paid for Sabbath is deeper than that it's stopping in Jesus believed in it and he honored it meaning he adhered to the Sabbath we could sit here and talk all day long man he never ran Manny we could preach make you laugh but maybe there was something different about the rhythm of his life it's amazing because this idea of salvan it's really it's really like established in the very beginning of the Bible like Genesis chapter 2 I'll show it to you in a couple of weeks but God he's creating remember there's seven days of creation on the sixth day watch this he creates man from the dirt he makes Adam the seventh day the scripture says that God rested let me say what time the seventh day God rested that should just stop all those attractions hello if God chose to rest why do I think I can get through this life without resting if God decided that rest was important why do I think rest is unimportant why do I have techno days off why do I have to hustle hard maybe because I'm trusting myself rather than trusting God but here's a beautiful picture I've never seen this before man was created on the sixth day God rested on the seventh day watch this man was created on the sixth day man's first day on the earth was a day of rest that God said you're gonna start from a place of rest you're not gonna work to rest you'll rest so you can work Fred this is a picture of the gospel in the very first two chapters of the Bible for the gospel is good news some of you in this room you still have not believed in the good news you believe in fake good news your fake good news is if I work really hard and if I keep striving one day I'm gonna have the life I always dreamed one day I'm gonna finally be at peace but Jesus would say unto you know learn from my life watch the rhythm of my life you can start in peace and out of peace you can move into work you're loved right where you are you don't have to earn God's love God loves you right now today right as you are he loves you and because he loves you now you can respond and you can fulfill the mission the purpose that he has for your life but it comes out of a place of rest security confidence come take learn last Sunday night Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart watch this and you will find everyone say find you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light the last word is the word find the last word is the word find if you'll come to Jesus if you respond whose invitation if you'll take the new yoke and get rid of the old yoke if you'll learn from his life and watch his life the result is you're gonna find what you've been looking for I know you think you know what you're looking for I know you think that if you could marry him or her that would bring you peace I know you think if you could go on that vacation to go to that school or get that job I know you think if you had that group of friends I don't you think that if life looked that way then you would find he finally find satisfaction but it's not true what you've been looking for is Jesus what you've been looking for is soul rest but the very fact that it says the word find makes me believe that it's not just always blatantly obvious to discover in fact watching the writer of hebrews hebrews chapter 4 watch this there there remains then a Sabbath rest for the people of God for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from their works just as God did from his let us therefore make every effort it'll and say effort make every effort to enter that rest that scripture tells me that if I'm ever going to adhere and believe in the Sabbath it's going to require effort the reason why a lot of us don't rest is because our life is undisciplined the reason why a lot of us in this room we don't give financially to God it's not because you don't believe in it it's because your finances are undisciplined Jesus is saying get your life into margin and watch as you get your life under control how you'll start to have peace in your mind peace in your body the scripture says you got to make every effort to keep the Sabbath that it's gonna require discipline it's gonna require an effort it's not just blatantly obvious it's amazing you ever had a situation where you had the answer but you didn't know you had the answer when I first moved to Miami 1998 I was 14 years of age my parents we move from Tacoma Washington my enemy moves this big huge city for us for like this is crazy and we were living in Sunny Isles area and I was going to school in Miami Lakes and when we first got there somebody showed us this route that we would cross the bridge on a1a to to federal highway to u.s. 1 and then we would drive all the way north to Hallandale Beach Boulevard take Hallandale Beach Boulevard West to i-95 south take 95 South all the way to the Palmetto Palmetto to Miami Lakes now if you live in Miami and you know the roads here you know that is crazy you don't go north to go south and for six months don't judge me we didn't have an iPhone we were using treasure maps okay for six months we were adding 20 plus minutes on Dora Drive I'll never forget the first time someone finally said yo um you know there's a better way right it was for me in that moment at 14 years of age like God parting the Red Sea how's that god you're a miracle working God 20 new minutes you know friends it wasn't a miracle it was simply me discovering a new route a better way that always existed I wonder tonight could it be could it be that you're not steering your desires but rather your desires are driving you and could it be that you have taken the route of the world could it be that you've been listening to the advice and the counsel of the world's system and could it be tonight that if you would simply take the counsel if you would simply take the counsel and the route of the gospel you would discover there's a better way there's a way that you can find real dress so yes you can find yourself saying I finally found what I'm looking for my soul my soul is that rest stuff is going on around me but my my soul is that rest I'm not waiting for tomorrow to make me happy I'm happy right now I'm not waiting for peace to begin I got peace right now but bro you're in the middle of some chaos I know but that's the wonder-working power of our God that he promises me peace that surpasses all understanding I finally found what I'm looking for a better way come take learn find stay with me say come take learn fine one more time come take learn fine if you believe that tonight can you go ahead and give Jesus a big round of applause [Applause]
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 44,686
Rating: 4.9296565 out of 5
Keywords: vous, vous church, rich wilkerson jr, sermon, miami, faith, church, rejection, evangelism, people, love, 2019, dawnchere, DC, dawnchere wilkerson, vous girl, brick by brick, sunday, rich, God, Restless, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, Found, Looking For
Id: -R707I2lpcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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