Rich Wilkerson, Jr. — Life In The Wheelbarrow / VOUS Conference 2017

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John chapter 14 verse 1 says this this is Jesus speaking he says don't let your hearts be troubled this is good trust in God Trust also in me there is more than enough room in my father's home if this were not so what I have told you that I'm going to prepare a place for you when everything is ready I will come to get you so that you will always be with me where I am and you know the way to where I'm going no we don't know Lord Thomas said we have no idea where you're going so how can we know the way Jesus told him I am the way I am the truth and I am the life no one can come to the Father except through me if you had really known me you would know who my father is from now on you do know him and have seen him I want to take a few moments today Donnie and I are really trying to work in tandem and lay a groundwork of where we're going I know that this afternoon as Carl Lentz brings the word that this group is going to come off this place I know as we finish tonight with John Gray revival is going to break out wherever you are but I want to get to your heart this morning and I want to talk to you from a just a simple thought life in the wheelbarrow life in the wheelbarrow and I believe you're going to be encouraged would you pray with me as we go to God in prayer let's believe right now from two speeches well we thank you so much that you're here thank you that you're moving Lord we thank you both as we open up your word your word is alive it's active it's sharper than any double-edged sword it does the work and so Lord we allow it right now to penetrate our heart we allowed to do surgery on the inside of us Lord so many of us we walked in here one way but it's our prayer that we would leave different we would leave better we would leave looking more like Jesus we don't want to go backwards we want to go forwards so Lord speak to us in this place we love you we praise you and if you believe it come on all of God's people said come on all God's people said come on blue conference can we make a little bit of noise all over this house who church is not the biggest church but vous Church is a loud church boot church shouts at you when you're preaching good they shout even louder when you're preaching bad and so come on on the count of three can we change the atmosphere in this place a little bit come on make a little bit of noise all over this house I like you I like you guys sitting right here this is really good right here Tony I'm going to preach right to you have you ever found yourself maybe in a moment where you were way too overconfident this is backfired on me a little bit uh Easter Sunday we had an incredible service for our church we moved locations and we were at this auditorium that's called the itec auditoriums historical day for us incredible we went from five services of three services which is feels like the will of God for us it was an incredible day well we had a big lunch break that day and so I took full advantage of my brother-in-law Dakota who's from Shreveport Louisiana Dakota Dharana we went to lunch and we're at lunch we were finishing up lunch and as we were as we were leaving we were making our way we're at this hotel we were making our way toward the elevator and all of a sudden this voice popped out from around the corner and said pastor rich and so quickly I turned around and they said wow what a great sermon today I love that so right away just like appeal to my egos like well thank you I thought it was good - how are you you know and she goes I'm going to come back for the 6:00 p.m. service in fact I'm gonna help out with the load-out team I like oh now you're talking loadout for a church planner this is my love language now you got my full attention right so oh you are said yeah so she gets up and I don't recognize this girl but all of a sudden from around the corner her friend comes around the corner and when I see her friend I Oh her friend I fully recognize her friend in fact I'm so confident and who our friend is I know that this is a girl who recently I had just performed her wedding I knew she was from Brazil I knew who her husband was I said how are you oh my gosh how and I hugged her I said where is your man right now where is he she's all he's back at the house oh my gosh he's got it he's coming tonight right and she was yeah oh wow I forgot to tell you I just got back from real I loved real Brazil is beautiful then I looked at the corset Dakota I just did her wedding she's from Brazil she's an amazing woman of God there's a call on her life all I love you so much ah I hugged her I said god bless you I walked away I said I'm such a good pastor we got down the other day to go to said who who did you think that was I said that was that was so-and-so he said he said no it wasn't I said hey your job is not to backtalk me yes it was he then pulled up the church database for the name that I thought it was and he showed me a picture wrong girl what kind of a jerk looks at somebody and says I just did your wedding what in the world I don't know what to feel more bad about the fact that I didn't know who she was or the fact that she never corrected me once what an amazing woman of God and if you're here I am so sorry please come back to church this Sunday oh my god she left the face no I'm kidding stop how many of you know that when you get overconfident you can fall into trouble if I'm being honest today and if you're being honest honestly like I am NOT trustworthy like I'm just being honest like there's nobody nobody in the world has lied to me more than me come on if you're being honest the same thing how many times you tell yourself it's going to be different this year how many times have you started the diets and oh this is my year I'm going to start this year strong I'm going to the gym I'm going to eat right two weeks later what you do you lied to yourself some honest I disappoint myself over and over and over again yet for some reason I had this proclivity to keep trusting myself to keep putting confidence in myself so when I'm overconfident it gets me into trouble but come on how many of the reaction to overconfidence sometimes it moves into this place of insecurity we move into fear and moving to worry that now I got this little big problem because I keep messing up people's names and I'm so scared about it but this even backfires on me the other day I've got this new thing when I meet somebody you know you start talking to someone ever got in someone's name and then in the middle of the conversation it's time to like get their phone number but you have forgotten their name in the two minutes you've been talking or the 20 minutes you've been talking but you feel so dumb you don't want to ask for their name and so I come up I come up with a way to solve this moment when you forget their name and you go to put their contact in you just say hey how do you how do you spell your name can you put that in there for me we've done this you've done this yesterday I'm in a conversation this poor guy he's sharing his whole heart 25 minutes in beautiful man of God and I forgot his name I was I was so insecure when you're not going to be too overconfident just just ask him how to stop said I said how do you spell it he goes it's Hank [Applause] I was like with one N or two in what do you do come on uh one end over confidence in myself leaves me disappointed but come on insecurity and doubt it leads me to the same trouble and this is the pendulum that we find ourselves in today that the people they go from one thing to the next thing and for a minute to get confident but quickly it disappoints them quickly it leaves them and then they find themselves insecure so maybe not confident yourself but maybe you're confident in your spouse and it's cool to be confident or spouse until the day that they disappoint you so now you're riddled with insecurities because the thing that you were so sure of has has left you or maybe you try to fill the gap with that job or that position or that title and then when the job is going good it seems like everything's right and this is perfect and this is awesome and this is Who I am but as soon as you lose that job insecurity sets in again some listeners place we lie to ourselves and we believe the lie of this world and we get seduced by success and we think if we get to a certain place then somehow we'll find contentment but can I remind vous conference that contentment is not found in a place contentment is only found in a person and his name is Jesus Christ what is it today that you keep putting your your trust in that keeps leaving you in trouble because this is really where we sort of pick up in John chapter 14 in fact you got to read John 14 in context it really begins in John chapter 13 it goes all the way to John chapter chapter 16 and it's really Jesus in the Upper Room and he is preparing his disciples for his death it's known as the Passover meal and there he gives many lessons he washes the disciples feet he points out his TRAI he talks about the comfort of the Holy Spirit that will come that will walk with us but I love how he begins in John chapter 14 verse 1 because I just want us to catch this today it's pretty simple stuff but I believe that if you can grab hold of the revelation it will leave your life change he says this he says do not let your hearts be troubled I feel like when I look at the world today the whole world feels like they're in trouble the whole world is walking in doubt walking in insecurity walking in fear in fact some of you you have been bought by the blood of Jesus that you still walked into this conference riddled with anxiety riddled with depression riddled with fear riddled with worry and I believe that Jesus gives you the answer don't let your hearts be troubled back he's commanding us here he'll tell us in the book of Matthew he'll say do not worry that sounds like a direct command from Jesus which means if I disobey the command it sounds like when I worried I might be sinning worry doesn't change and you say the only thing worried changes is your blood pressure it doesn't change anything and Jesus is speaking to his disciples and he says do not let your hearts be troubled yet here we go this is what he says there comes the antidote he says don't let your hearts be troubled trust in God Trust also in me what is Trust is the remedy to your trouble what if trusting in Jesus is the answer to every one of your problems trust what is it you're putting your confidence in today what is it you're putting your trust in I would submit to you today that trust in yourself it will disappoint you trusting in another person people you know we think they can complete us but they don't they just complement a state that they won't satisfy us you can think it's your money in your job and your status and your Instagram account I'm telling you that stuff can go away you can think it's your health but come on man your health is no match for cancer I'm telling you you need to have something bigger something deeper you need a firm foundation you need a solid rock his name is Jesus come on somebody give God a big shout of praise in this place I think I think as we talked as a team and we were talking about this idea of trusting God really as we kind of sat down as a team quickly what we were saying when we titled this conference ago we trust we doctor says wait a minute is this a cliche because how many know it's really easy to say come on in god we trust' it's honor it's on our money for goodness sakes in god we trust what does that even mean because let me you're like okay like rich I came to the session yeah you got me I've got trouble I've got fear I've got anxiety what's the answer trust that's it but what is trust even me and I've been thinking about it last couple months been praying about it trying to figure out a way that we could explain trust because how many know that when you trust someone you just trust someone there's not like seven steps to trust either I don't trust that person I trust him I don't trust her you know when you trust and you know when you don't trust but how could I explain what is what does it mean to trust in Jesus he says don't let your hearts be troubled right now so you got trouble right now in the session you gotta let it go don't let your hearts be troubled here's the remedy here's the answer trust in God Trust also in me what is trust the best way I can kind of explain it to you is from an old preacher analogy that I've always loved and it's a story of a man named of Charles Blondin Charles Blondin was a tightrope walker in the late 1800s and he did many different types of attractions and he accomplished many different types of feats but his his biggest kind of daredevil move was that one day he got a tightrope and he stretched it across the gorge or the chasm of Niagara Falls now one have you ever been in Agra Falls but it's quite a sight to see and he stretched it from one side Canada to the other side of us one big long tightrope and he walked out on a tightrope and crowds of people came from everywhere to watch Charles Blondin do this amazing amazing thing and he would do all sorts of stuff he would go out there on one occasion he went out there in a potato sack on one occasion he went and sat out there I had a frying pan and made himself breakfast out on a tightrope but one day he did something really unique one day he went and he got a real bear oh this is a good wheelbarrow right here haven't used one of these in a long time you've never used one of those okay shut up okay and he got this wheelbarrow and he he walked across the tightrope carrying a wheelbarrow I mean just back and forth on the type of wheelbarrow back and forth with the wheelbarrow and one day he was doing this and he got all the way to the other side of the chasm and when he got there the people began to cheer the people begin to shout and Charles Blondin the showman that he was he got off the rope but he looked at the people say come on how many of you believe I can get back to the other side everyone said yeah all ooh yeah let there be light what they got into it yeah we believe those come on how many believe I can get to the other side Quigley and he asked a simple question who's willing to get in the wheelbarrow and come back with me people like ah didn't see that one coming come on I want you to catch something today here lies the definition of what Trust is trust is different from belief I believe in God but for me to trust in God means I'm willing to get in that wheelbarrow I'm willing to get on that tightrope I'm willing to go to the other side with Jesus I want to live my life from the wheelbarrow I want to live my life in the wheelbarrow trusting Jesus every step of the way come on how many know some of you have been following Jesus or trustees it feels like that like oh snap and we go make in your getting the spray of the water on you the Rope is kind of barely holding you up you're shaking at times this is what trusting Jesus looks like in the good the bad and the ugly I'm going with Jesus I'm going to live life in the wheelbarrow some you today you're going ha I want to trust but I just don't know we take trusting is less about the knowing and it's more about the going you see it's in the unknown that God will always make himself known and some of you right now you're in this place and God has spoken to you so many times what you're supposed to do but you're still waiting to figure out how you're gonna do it and you still don't understand that God always gives you the what before he ever gives you the how the how is getting the wheelbarrow trust that he'll take you to the other side if Jesus is for you who can be against you do not let your hearts be troubled trust in God Trust also in me do not let your hearts be troubled get in the wheelbarrow and trust me some of you right now you've already got a critical spirit you already sitting there going on and can't do it man I don't think God's trustworthy I've been watching other people's lives I don't think he can do it I don't think he's trustworthy how many know this the only way to find out if God's not trustworthy is to trust him so all your criticism and all your skepticism why don't you give him a shot he's never failed anyone why would he start with you this year I believe it's time that we live life in the wheelbarrow I just felt really practically today I'm just wanted to talk to you practice now I believe John 14 gives us some real handles as to why I want to live life in the wheelbarrow why I choose to trust him and maybe today this is just a plea or a persuasion for some of you that are just on the verge of stepping out and said I want to get in that way I believe in God but but I think this year could be different if you would start to trust in God and so let me just give you three little just basic thoughts that we see from the text these are really easy you can write these down everyone knows the more notes you have the bigger mansion in heaven for sure so take notes you'll be judged by it on one judgment day the first reason why I choose to live my life in the wheelbarrow is because he gives me a vision gives me a vision go back the next John chapter 14 do not let your hearts be troubled trust in God Trust also in me I go to prepare a place for you in my father's house are many rooms what is Jesus doing for disciples in fact why is he even saying all your heart oh he's saying this because the disciples are worried sick they've had so much confidence in Jesus everywhere they go man stuff is happening blinded eyes are being open up they're going to parties turning water into wine ain't no party like a Jesus Christ party because of Jesus Christ party don't stop it's the turn up with Jesus it's good time and now Jesus is going oh I'm going to die so confidence has left them and so he says don't let your hearts beat travelled I don't need you to trust in yourself I don't need you to trust in others I need you to trust in me but what did he do he begins to paint a vision a picture for them for where they're going how many know this is one of the greatest leadership qualities that you must have if you're going to lead any people that vision is what produces passion some of you today you lack passion your life because you have a vision for your life notice Jesus has given you a leadership teaching right here in John chapter 14 when the disciples should be comforting Jesus Jesus is comforting to disciples he's the one that's about to die not down oh man you're gonna die yeah but don't worry it's gonna be okay how many that's not the guy you want at the hospital you know we're going to miss you we can't make it without you got to make it without me jesus' is comforting them when they should be comforting him but what does he do what does he do to say I want you to get in that wheelbarrow he starts to paint a vision for them what is the vision he gives he doesn't give them a temporary perspective he gives them an eternal perspective he starts talking about heaven you know the Bible mentions heaven five hundred different times see for Jesus heaven wasn't some type of thinking or theory it was a real literal place heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people it's real and it's the hope of glory that we hold in our hearts that regardless of what we walk through regardless of how shaky the tightrope gets I'm not living for right now I'm living for something in the future my life is not about a happily ever after my life is about a heaven ever after I know Jesus is preparing something for me Tamar still got on this message right now he goes I want you to know worm well I'm going to prepare a place for you isn't that good news right there that right now Jesus was an earthly carpenter can you imagine the cosmic carpenter that he is the heavenly carpenter that he is as he's preparing a home and he starts to give them a vision why because he gives them a picture of the future so they can endure for the pain of the present some of you today you keep giving up and you keep going back to your old ways and back to your old life because you don't have a picture of the life that you want in Jesus I submit to today Jesus provides you a vision it's time for you to get a vision for your life I remember when I first met don sri have 17 years of age I was in Nashville Tennessee and I was just a young man really just freshly had an encounter with God about a month or two before and I was really living for God I was really going after God and I was just believing this is this is my year and I thought I could do anything and I was in Nashville at this Christian concert and all of a sudden one day I'm sitting in the service I look up in the balcony and there she is she looks like an angel out of the sky just walking down the steps I said my God in heaven I choose you she was beautiful and she was gorgeous and that day I was talking to her and we were hanging out and I was too afraid to get her number I kind of stumbled but I am persistent I am a stalker I found a friend I got her number I text her that night I called her that night we began a relationship in fact our relationship began like two and a half months almost three months over the phone the problem was is that my generation we didn't have Instagram we didn't have all these gadgets I only had one picture from Don tree that my brother had given me and she was two years younger in the photo [Applause] so we met and that was sparks flying high in Sierre again for three months couldn't go to Instagram and go through 19,000 photos and hear from every angle but yeah I think this is the one that wasn't there that it was by faith [Laughter] I just one photo of don Cherie one photo and we would talk about on the phone talking or and I'd hold the photobook who am I talking to do this is the real FaceTime right here okay I know I got the falter at times I go I got man what she look like me she really as pretty as I remember she really captured my heart I couldn't I didn't see her in so long and so every time I would start to doubt I would go and I find that pictures old man rich you can't do any this is this is way out of your league dog stay right here what what was the picture doing the picture was giving me strength to endure listen to me vision gives pain a purpose when you have a vision when you see what's ahead you can walk through all sorts of stuff without a vision my people will perish some of you leaders you need to go back to your church and you need to make it crystal clear the vision that you have because if you want people to step out into the unknown if you want people to get into the wheel barrel they gotta at least know where on earth it is that they're going and I believe with a vision you can walk through anything all of my pain has a purpose when I have a vision come on if you believe in somebody give God a shout of praise in this place I got a vision I can think of Charles Blondin as he goes all right who's getting in the wheelbarrow and at least the guy who gets to the wheelbarrow he says I know we're headed that way I know I'm going to the other side I got a vision of where he's taking me and Jesus makes it really really clear don't let your hearts be troubled trusting God Trust also in me I am going to prepare a place for you in my father's house are many rooms I like the word picture that we see here because Jesus is preparing and building a big house it's got lots of room it's got rooms for your friends it's got room for your family it's got room for your coworkers he wants us all there with him you weren't built for this world CS Lewis said it this way but if we constantly find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world well how many know in Christ today you're trusting God not just for the here and now but he paints a vision that he's taking you somewhere in the future come on give God a shout of praise in this house I want to live my life in the wheelbarrow because number one number one he gives me a vision but but secondly in the text he gives me directions good night good news everyone I was a kid my parents they show me this picture of this hotel we're going to stay at in um at Disney World I got pumped up you know dizzi world so I knew we were going I didn't know how to get there I don't know how to get to Disney I was a little kid I got a picture I'm excited anticipation is building I've got endurance I can I can progress through the pain because I because I got a vision of what awaits me heaven awaits me but but Jesus is better than that he doesn't just go I'm gonna I'm gonna get you to heaven you know he was I'm going to tell you how to get to heaven so Jesus continues and he says you know the way that I am going I love Thomas so much Thomas goes oh no we don't Jesus finishes this beautiful vision of heaven and says I'm going to take you there and you know the way to get there and Thomas steps up as I know Lord we have no idea what you're talking about how can we you're always talking in riddles and weird parables just tell it to us straight up poor Thomas right his only contribution to the scriptures is that he gives us a negative expression of what it looks like today don't be such a doubting Thomas right now give magic the one weakness that you had it all of a sudden became the expression of all humanity don't be such a ridiculous rich right now don't be ridiculous rich oh you're such a ridiculous rich like please come on you know Jesus is preaching and I imagine the disciples are getting a little bit fired up I think faith is somewhat rising I think faith is rising in this room right now I think some of you are realizing that your fear is not in charge of you that your emotions are not in charge of you that you don't obey your feelings but rather you walk by faith not by sight yet have you ever been in a room full of faith and people are shouting and people are cheering but you think yourself it sounds good but I don't know what we're talking about your neighbors saying Amen you're like what guys got a wheelbarrow up there is he even a real pastor what's up with these jeans I don't believe these guys I love Jesus you know the way know it out actually we don't put down we don't know the way how do we get there Jesus look I'm thankful that Thomas is in the text because Thomas encourages me how do we know that if you and I were going to write the Bible we probably write Thomas out because having his story there in the Bible is probably not a good recruitment tactic if you're trying to build a faith generation the guy is rebutting the Savior the guy's rebutting the leader I would just leave that story out but aren't you thankful that the Bible doesn't skip over humanity aren't you thankful that the Bible reminds us that God still works with doubters God still works with critics God still works with those that don't know what they're doing that are unqualified God works with Thomas so God will work with you come on somebody give God some praise in this place if God works with Thomas he'll work with you I love it cuz Jesus is not intimidated by our question so if you got questions as we start asking them don't be quiet don't be silent start asking them can I answer all your questions no but Jesus can I love Jesus because he responds so nothing about me as a leader if someone like rebuttals me it's like words just do what you're said told to do you know not Jesus Jesus come on Tom yeah you do you do know the way I am the way I am the truth I am the life see this has become one of the most controversial scriptures in the Bible as people have used this and made it a polarizing statement of Jesus and they say look at Jesus he's so exclusive he's putting people out what about all the other people that believe all sorts of different things he's so exclusive he's cutting everybody out it's just crazy but come on is he being exclusive or is he being specific I think he's given directions so I live in in Edgewater Florida when I talk to people in Miami I tell my live in Wynwood Florida cause it sounds sexier but it but it's it's toward the city now if you live in West Palm Beach that means you live north of me so a friend called me up from West Palm Beach and said rich I want to come over to your house and I want to go 95 northbound I would say Bravo that is that's cool yeah you go 95 northbound you're gonna end up in New York I know but I really feel like it's my my purpose to go 95 north I really think it's my journey to a 95 north I would say I'm not mad at you you can go 95 northbound but if you go 95 northbound you're never going to get to my house so I'm not trying to be exclusive I want to be crystal clear specific I so desperately want you at my house I'm going to give you the directions and the directions are a person I am the way I am the truth I am the life come to me all you who are weary and heavy burden I will give you rest on the way come on somebody give God some praise in this place see he's being so specific because he so desperately wants to include us in the home that he is preparing and building he's creating it he's developing it he's shaping it he saying get into the wheelbarrow I'm gonna give you the directions I'm gonna push you I'm gonna lead you I am the way I am the truth I am the life what are you confident in today why am i confident in Jesus because he doesn't just say be confident in me leave me no in my greatest moment of trouble he looks at me and starts to give me a vision get in the wheelbarrow I want to give you a vision of where we're going come on get in the wheelbarrow I'm gonna give you the directions of how to get I'm just gonna give you a picture I'm gonna show you how to get there how do you get there in Jesus I'm the way the truth I'm the life I know we've got people from all different backgrounds of States and some of you without faith our church at vu is full of so many people on the faith journey and we've never told anybody that they have to be a follower of Jesus to be a part of our church in fact we said very clearly that you can belong here without believing you can belong you without behaving it we're also very clear to say that anyone that gets up on this stage is going to proclaim one message and the message is one name and that name is Jesus and and maybe that rubs you the wrong way or maybe that hurts your feelings but if it's true isn't it just compassionate to give you the news how silly would it be if you live in West Palm Beach and I live in Wynwood Florida for me to let you take 95 North that you're never going to get there I want you to come over so bad that I'm going to be as specific as possible not trying to be exclusive or exclusive sake he's trying to be specific because he wants to include you I love it he gives me a vision he gives me direction as a team comes out here lastly I want to live my life in a wheelbarrow because he is a constant companion vision directions constant companion Jesus says do not let your hearts be troubled trust in God Trust also in me what these disciples did not know was that somebody had to die somebody had to pay the price for our sin us or Jesus and Jesus is saying hey don't be troubled trust in me if that company know that trust is developed in trouble Trust is tested in trouble they had no idea but this was the best news ever Jesus was getting ready to exchange places with them and he was saying I'm gonna walk with you you know for me I've thrown a whole lot of air miles in fact I've posted almost three million air miles with American Airlines it's just been a lot of flying and it's funny because I'm 33 now and I still kind of have somewhat of a slight I don't want I want to confess it Judah a slight fear of a Flajnik it look like a little anxious running on the airplane it's so funny because a couple years ago I was flying over to Sydney Australia and I was I was getting ready to board the flight and all of a sudden I looked over when I looked over I saw one of my heroes in the faith it was Bishop TD jakes you ready get ready get ready Jeremiah was the weeping prophet I loved Bishop Jake's I saw him who got the airplane and of course he went to like 1a I went to 73 B and just a servant of the Lord it was so funny because normally in Turk normally when turbulence happens I just go into my prayer language I start turbulence will always make me speak in tongues so you don't believe in speaking in tongues getting too turbulent you'll start and so normally I kind of like kind of freaked out you know but this time was different every time the turbulence got go I said I'll be good we are a high bishops in first-class this plane ain't ever going down with us with the bishop on the airplane halfway through the flight I got really nervous of agentic if this plane did go down I'll be really bad for me front cover Bishop TD jakes goes down heroically in a flight you know page 7 3 be you know locally Miami Gardens youth pastor should have pack the parachute it's like an awful story you know like no legacy scuba what's amazing is the confidence that was produced in the trouble because of some man oh friend I've got better news for you than that you don't have some man pushing this real barrel you got the King of Kings and the Lord of lords his name is Jesus Christ there's Jesus we're going to close I know you're up on your feet you're doing amazing thank you so much for being so nice to me but please just see the picture you can sit down I'm going to close them even better than that I promise I'm gonna ramp you off one more time you know you're not even ready for it now I want you to see the whole thing otherwise otherwise it's just like kind of cute stuff like look at this my confidence is not in the wheelbarrow I don't care if it's a tightrope I don't care if it's pavement I don't care if it's gravel I don't care if it's a highway or freeway it doesn't matter the road doesn't matter the path that's not why I live my life in the wheelbarrow I'm living because it gives me a vision he gives me direction but then I live it in a wheel because he's a constant companion I don't care what the vehicle is that he puts me in to arrive at my purpose none of that matters what matters is who's pushing that wheelbarrow who's getting on that tightrope with me if it's Jesus well then you can rest assured he's going to get you to the other side trusting God Trust also in me don't be troubled why not to be troubled because I'm going right now to a cross to pay the price for your sins and for all of humanity's sins if it wasn't me it would be you but I'm going to trade places with you and sin results in death and death should come over your life but instead because I'm going to take the blow of sin I'm going to protect you from the curse of sin trust in me right now I'm providing for you eternal life he's a constant companion never leaves us nor forsake us we're sing before he died I want to give you this last picture let's live our life from the wheelbarrow because he gives us a vision he gives us direction he's a constant companion he gets out on that tightrope with you never promised you a problem-free life promised you that every problem every trial every storm as the spray of the Falls comes as the tightrope shakes he'll walk with you a couple of weeks ago I was preaching to our church and I loved it I find illustrations and all sorts of stuff and I was watching ESPN the other day and this little clip came up in fact my my friend Sheena who we honored earlier he sent me this photo because I loved it so much but this little boy were to show this photo so this little boy he asked his dad I could go to the Atlanta Braves game and he's density I'll take you to the Braves game and so they went they went to the Braves game together and they're having a good time his little eight-year-old boys with his dad hanging out and in the middle the game the little boy goes dad he goes um can we take a picture and send it to mom I want mom to have a picture of us and the dad said yeah we can take we can take a picture and so the dad hands the phone over the Sun and the Sun starts to text his mom and unbeknownst to him when his head was down all of a sudden the batter went in the box and he swung the bat in the bat flew out of his hands and it was headed right to the boy I want you to see this picture this was on ESPN this is Richard this picture this is a cool picture and I said if that can't preach I don't know what will because I want you to see a picture of what a constant companion looks like I want you to see a picture that when the devil pulls up to your doorstep the sign on the door does not say beware of dog it's something better it says beware of God you have a God who steps in the middle of your situation he's a constant companion he protects you from all of life's troubles trust in God Trust also in Jesus come on church if you believe it today come on if you've got a shout of praise over this place
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 194,711
Rating: 4.914217 out of 5
Id: DsbyIAAlAg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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