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stop we want to get 10 times as much of course her but that's not funny I'm not joking I want you to do something for me what are you doing sir you'll work just fine get in faster all right don't touch anything oh gosh Jacob I think she's ready [Music] turn around [Music] good thank you Mary you may go now let's get to work your job is to ruin one man's life you're going to a foundraising body find a businessman there Mr stumps we see know that all you have to do is kiss him as believably as possible so everyone think you're a couple I'll take your photo you get your money and we'll go our separate pace but why have you forgotten who you are [Music] his life will be ruined by making out this harmless woman but I'm not going to participate in this that's awful what do you care you're a street beggar the easiest money you'll ever make you can say no to me why is that [Music] you'll see your typical beggar [Music] no but leave it it's yours you can't say no to me be good I'll be waiting you at the restroom [Music] thank you stop doing it it's unnatural like this isn't it isn't the first time you've been here [Music] it's taken from my one hand please [Music] let's take it from the top you walk past Stones casually strike Club conversation chat and then make it spicy in the food hey hi buddy I got it but um who's this Mr stones wow everybody Mr stones thank you thank you friends so uh there's some good news I want to share with you last month we raised over twenty thousand dollars with which we bought food clothing and medicine for the homeless but as you all know homelessness still continues so I think we can do better than that we just need to believe in goodness after all there are so many good people among us we'll meet you at the warp ceremony and uh have a great night we're going it wasn't our agreement have you heard what he said and you want me to set up with the man like this no I I can't do this oh so you can't well then go when the first I want my money back oh gorgeous and I also sent you the bill for the dress for the makeup do the homeless people have any mail sure yeah my watch is missing or maybe it was stolen I don't go through that police trouble you don't want to let either do you that's good up to the clan good girl for God's sake oh miss huh yeah you dropped it um my name's Peter stones what's yours Louisa losing yes to make sure and what does such a beautiful girl like you do um nothing I mean um I'm kind of looking for a job oh right now and yet to help the homeless yeah you know I kind of live among them and I share everything I have with them that's fascinating I feel like one day I'll do the same oh I always thought that rich people are incapable of you know parting with everything they have have a look yeah you see this is my life's work wow our foundation has been helping all the homeless in the city for years yeah look how hungry lives are oh yeah it's um it's so Noble to help people that have lost everything yes yes but every day they risk losing the only thing they have left their lives oh what happened I think I got something into my eye oh yeah foreign of yourself Peter for having fun with people you supposedly help Jacob what are you talking about I'm going to send picture of you making out with homeless woman to the Press what do you think headlines will be you better give up your position as head of the foundation in my favor otherwise you already know what awaits you Jacob I don't care there's nothing wrong with me kissing her it doesn't matter what she looks like she's this fine person as the rest of us with a tougher fate and apparently so tough she had to agree to your terms either you don't seem to get it you don't sit together I've torn the Blind Eye on your Menace for a long time Jacob but I'm sick of it from now on the founder of the foundation Peter Stones is invited here to present the honorary patrons let's continue this conversation after the awards where are you going stand still my part of the deal is over so I'm leaving I'm the one bringing you the money which means I decided when you leave otherwise you don't get a penny is that clear to you think of it as a new deal follow me an award of the ceremony I'd like to personally send to Mr Mr Stones if you I'd like to say it viewers thank you I'd like to say something about our do all Foundation director uh we'll know how kind and honest our Mr Stones is and with without him none of this would have happened Round of Applause for this gentleman so attention to the screen [Music] yes Mr Stones picks up girls of the streets and uses them arrest them foreign [Music] you may think these are just empty words but I have weakness a poor girl was tricked doing something she didn't want to do for money but she agreed to tell you everything so just test it could be served Louisa come out here [Music] if you tell them everything I'll make you golden thank you [Music] hello everyone my name is Louise and um and um a rich man really took advantage of me he picked me off of this trade and he promised lots of money than him manipulated me humiliated me and he dated just because he's a rich man and he thinks that he can abuse homeless person like me and um his name is Jacob yeah yeah Jacob he he tried to use me just to destroy Mr Stone's good name [Music] well here I don't need it that's nonsense who are you going if you believe me or this problem check his car and you will find all my stuff in there and also if you look at his accounts you will see the purchase of this dress thank you um I'm sorry for misunderstanding and uh let's give Jacob a round of applause he just donated his serums pay to our charity [Music] yeah I wanted to thank you you saved my life [Music] I should have turned him down in first place then none of this would have happened so sorry well if you guys should know he wouldn't found someone else and maybe she wouldn't have had the same kind heart and conscious as you and I kept thinking where have I seen you oh yeah that's me yeah it should be you in my place what are you talking about why that's good idea [Music] a great manager for one of the charities [Music] is it some kind of bad joke the only bad joke is that there are so many homeless people in this world and other people just do nothing so tell me do you want to have a chance to change yourself and others like you yes great [Music] then welcome to the team [Music]
Channel: DramatizeMe
Views: 4,321,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Dramatizers, LA, USA, homeless, homeless girl, american homeless, spoiled brat, dhar mann, life lessons, SSSniperWolf, poor vs rich
Id: e1mWTemc_rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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