Rich Froning AdvoCare Heavy Grace 225 lbs

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it's added a new dimension to my training okay for times sake get a spin on it each championship is special I get it is there anyone that sweeter than you they all had their moments they've all had little things but this year especially having a little girl to compete for and I get to share that with my family made this one the best so far I would expect anything less from you all right now one of the questions I get all the time how do you feel free Apple Care products on the database competition a little bit of your routine yeah so usually leading up to training my normal training day by my morning brew my afternoon pick-me-up is have a scoop of spark two scoops rehydrate arginine extreme and sometimes mass impact depends on the year and then post-workout is always a stupid muscle gain and a super post-workout recovery that's the combination right here that so good and rich that will to our timelines rebuild and we all know rich is champion of conscience really want to showcase that's not the champions of this rowing is I got something I wanna show you over here I get some lights over here the only way to really showcase your champion isn't a little competition and rehearsals I pulled a hammie so you can't do that I so don't think is really thinking about it no but in all seriousness we're going to compete against which from size wrong who can compete against wrong right you know it came close enough we know the convenience rich Froning rich Froning right is that one yourself we know that so rich are you ready to do this of course the CrossFit Games headed by the workout called grace tells for Grace's grace is 30 clean and jerks for time with 135 mounts we did it twice to end the games after four days of competition double the 60 reps 50 reps okay but also what's called heavy grace which is 225 pounds for 30 reps and the last time you did this you completed it in 4 minutes and 49 seconds here's to have that open video we're wondering can i rich think you can be yourself checked up on spark and hustle Oh Wow she wanders around Golmaal in order to do you got let's go you Wow all right Oh all right I told you
Channel: Jan&Doug AdvoJourney
Views: 30,137
Rating: 4.8532109 out of 5
Keywords: Rich Froning Jr. (Person), CrossFit (Business Operation), AdvoCare (Business Operation)
Id: 23bba8j4-Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 17 2014
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