Rice Your Terminal With Fetch Master 6000

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one of the things that desktop linux users love to do is they love to rice their desktop right we love to customize our desktop and add a little bling to it add a little color add a little ascii art and one of the most common things we do is we pump out our terminal right we add some ascii art to our terminals so in our bash rc or zshrc or our fish config you know we make sure that every time we open a terminal you know some kind of ascii art loads up such as my random shell color scripts loads up in my terminal but what many people do is they have a program called neofetch that loads up every time they launch a terminal this is neofetch here one of the more common fetching style programs out there that people install in their terminal well the other day i came across a new fetching program called fetch master 6000 and it is a really cool alternative to neofetch so if you want to check out the source code for fetch master 6000 it is hosted over at github and all it is it's a simple perl script and if i open it it is 316 lines long the perl script so it's very easy to go and check out the source code edit the source codes and change it to your needs by comparison for those that want a comparison between this 316 line perl script compare that to neofetch the neofetch program which is a shell script it's actually a bash script and it is 10 958 lines of bash in neo like this is a gigantic script oh my goodness my browser is even having trouble scrolling so fast because there's so many so many lines of code there for neofetch so the good thing about fetch master 6000 it is very easy to wrap your head around if you want to go play with the code and in action here this is some screenshots of what fetch master 6000 is it's basically these ascii art characters i believe they are called gilbert wally alice and dogbert there's a dog character too and you can customize fetch master 6000 to display whichever character you like you can also customize the information box here you know what information do you actually want it to display so let me go ahead and get this installed and i will show you this in action the easiest way to install it is through either w get or curl so you're just basically downloading this perl script from the internet just download it and i'm just going to use curl so i'm going to copy that curl command and then let me get over to my desktop i'm going to open a terminal paste that curl command and we've downloaded that the next thing we need to do is fm 6000.pl was the name of the file and there it is fm 6000 and we need to make sure that it's executable so you need to do a ch mod plus x for executable and then the file that we want to make executable is fm 6000 and then once that is executable now i can execute fm 6000 uh i executed fm 600 fm 6000 and there it is in action you can see os is arco linux although it looks like it's adding an extra double quote at the end so that's probably an error in the perl script itself but because the perl script is only 316 lines i can go in and find where that extra quote is and correct that myself if i wanted to we also have our kernel version our desktop environment which is really the xmln ad window manager or shell which i'm currently using the fischel our uptime and how many packages are currently installed on the system so this is the default information now we can actually give fm 6000 various flags and options if we wanted to customize this a little bit so let me clear the screen i'm going to go back over here to the github page and you see available options and we have options for dash h for help dash c for color let's start with the dash c flag so if i did fm 6000 one more time dash c for color and let's specify a color and this is the base color so i guess it's the prominent the most prominent color probably the ascii art character color so let's see if we can specify magenta yeah and now our character is magenta and if we changed it to green i'd have to spell green correctly there we go and specify the color as red alright so let's keep going with this what else could i do i could add the dash w flag that specifies that the character should be wally instead of dilbert who is the default character and there is wally and what else could i do i could specify the dog character instead of wall-e it looks like we can also specify our os so dash o and then name of os i guess if uh the fetch master script can't detect your os you can specify it in our case it does detect that we're on arco but it does add that annoying double quote so i can correct that right here i can just specify arco linux without a double quote and that corrected that problem we can also give it a dash in flag for not a desktop environment which means exmo.net instead of being listed as a desktop environment i think will now be listed as a window manager so so you do have a number of flags and options available here we can also play with the spacing i see we have available flags for margins gaps and length let's go ahead and play with that while we're at it now so let's do dash m for margin we'll do a margin of eight dash g for gaps we'll do gaps eight as well and then dash l the length has to be at a a number greater than 14 so it's got to be a minimum of 15. i i so this size here i guess is 15. let's make it even wider 25 and that's with the gaps and the margins that we specified and for those of you that wanted to add fetch master 6000 where every time you open a terminal you automatically get this displayed so you don't actually run it have to run it yourself what i would do is you know once you get all the flags and options you want i would copy that and then let me open up a new terminal i'm going to get into my bash rc for instance here and i'm going to go to the very last line of my bash rc because somewhere in here i have my shell color scripts right here color script random that is running my shell color scripts every time that i launch a terminal and instead what i want to do is i want to run the fm 6000 script so let me write that and quit out of that and now let me get to a bash shell and you see every time i open a terminal where bash is loaded in the terminal i will forevermore get the fetch master 6000 script so pretty cool program now is is this a a better alternative to neofeg i mean you guys will have to make your own call on that i do like the fact that it's very simple very minimal very clean for me neofetch has always had a little bit too much going on with it and the fact that that neo fetch script now is pushing like 11 12 000 lines long of bash script you know the fact that the fetch master tool is only 300 lines of pearl i think that is a positive the only downsides i see with the fetch master 6000 tool is the fact that the only way to install it really is to just download it from the internet using something like wget or curl or you could just do a git clone it's not packaged in anybody's repositories yet i think it's a very new project i'm assuming it's a very new project because it's the fact that there isn't any kind of license so one of the things i like of course is to use free and open source software where possible so i hope the person behind fetch master 6000 actually adds a license to this github repository soon and of course it needs to be one of the free licenses now before i go i need to thank a few special people i need to thank the producers of the show fc dallas gay blue mitchell allen akami archfield 30 david the other david dilling gregory lewis paul polytech scott stevens finn wes and willie they are the producers of the show these guys they're my highest tiered patrons over on patreon without these guys this episode about fetch master 6000 it would not have been possible the show is also brought to you by each and every one of these ladies and gentlemen as well all these names you're seeing on the screen right now these are all my supporters over on patreon because this channel is sponsored by you guys the community without you i couldn't do what i do if you'd like to support my work look for distrotube over on patreon alright guys peace i didn't realize neofetch was so bloated
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 63,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, gnu linux, arch linux, terminal, command line, shell, shell script, perl, free software, open source, distrotube, rice your linux, neofetch, fetch master 6000, linux terminal, shell config, ascii art terminal, neofetch alternative, terminal tutorial, linux tutorial, unixporn, system information linux, system monitor linux
Id: xoNMVz4_YHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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