Arch Linux One Of The Easiest Distros To Install

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a couple of years ago Arch Linux radically changed the way you could install Arch Linux as far as you now have a choice before about 2 years ago you had to install Arch Linux via the command line it was a command line installation you read their installation guide you entered about a dozen different commands in the terminal and in about 10 minutes you were done it's not a very lengthy process but still a lot of people saw that installation process as being hard being difficult because it involved typing in a terminal and not everybody likes typing stuff in a terminal it seems kind of scary if especially when you don't know what the commands are you know which new users don't know what they're really typing in the terminal is this going to damage my computer what's really happening with this command well the Arch Linux team have kind of solved this problem because now there is a new automated way to install Arch Linux with the arch install script and I haven't run through Arch install script installation since it was first introduced about 2 years ago so I'm kind of interested in seeing in the last couple years has it gotten even better is it still easy has it improved is there more features I'm kind of curious so today I'm going to run through a quick installation of Arch Linux using the arch install script so I'm going to do this installation using a virtual machine the first thing you need to do to install Arch Linux obviously is to go grab the iso so go to Arch go to the download link and then grab either the magnet link or the torrent link depending on how you want to grab that ISO I have already downloaded the iso so I'm going to go ahead and launch vert manager and we're going to go ahead and spin up a virtual machine here so I'm going to create a new virtual machine and let me go forward choose the iso or CD ROM so let me go to my downloads directory I have oh what do I have Arch Linux right here it did not automatically detect the operating system but I can type Arch Linux and it appears in the menu here then I'm going to go forward I'm going to give this thing about uh we'll call it 6 gigs of RAM and two threads of my 24 thread thread Ripper and then go forward here 20 gigs of storage is plenty for this virtual machine so that's fine uh naming the VM it suggest Arch Linux that is fine and away we go and now I've created this VM let me make it full screen and let's go ahead and launch Arch Linux all right and it finished booting and of course all we get is the TTY we get the terminal and this is typically how you would install Arch Linux you would go read the arch Wiki the installation guide on the arch Wiki and at the terminal here you would just start entering commands but with the arch install script all we have to do is type one command Arch install and it's checking version and there we go and now we get this menu system this menu driven installation process where we just pick our our selections and then at the end it does all the configuring and installation for us without us having to enter any weird convoluted commands uh we don't have to edit any config files any of that let me see if I can zoom in here a little bit the first selection here is the arch install language it defaults to English and that is correct for me so I don't need to do anything on that selection so I'm just going to go down U mirrors do I need to select mirrors Uh custom mirrors or back I'll just use whatever the default mirrors are locals are defined so let's see what it defined keyboard layout us is correct English us for the language is correct utf8 yeah all that looks good boot loader it defaults to Grub I'm going to use grub so that's fine do I want a swap it says true so I'm assuming it's going to create a swap for us that's fine I did want a swap host name it defaults to Arch Linux but if I wanted to change it you know I could do Arch Das vert for the host name of the computer and root password so this is very important let's set a root password so I'm going to create a strong and complicated root password then we need to create a user account so your home username so my user on this computer is going to be called DT and then we need to create a strong and complicated password for the DT user and then verify and then should DT be a super user should he have Pudu privileges yes and do we need to add any other users no so I'm just going to confirm and exit next up is profile and profile type and I'm going to choose desktop for the profile because I am going to install a desktop environment or window manager but if you were doing a server and you could choose server you were doing like a Bas xorg where it installs xorg but it probably is not going to install any window managers or desktop environments you could choose that but I'll do desktop it's going to ask what desktop I want I'm going to choose the first in the list let's choose awesome so let me go ahead and hit the space bar and then if I just hit enter yeah we go back do I want a uh graphics driver it says all open source because I'm in a virtual machine all open source drivers work if I was on my home computer with my Nvidia card I might need to go through the graphics driver menu and select the proper driver and then greeter that's going to be your login manager so something like gdm or sddm or whatever it happens to be light DM is a opt here I'm going to choose sddm and now that I've selected all that let's go back and then audio no audio server so we need to choose audio server pipewire is the default on Arch Linux these days so I would suggest going with that kernels by default it's going to use the Linux kernel so that's your standard Linux kernel but maybe you want something different so I'm going to hit the space bar and turn that off and I'm going to turn on with the space bar Linux LTS I'm going to use the LTS kernel and I'm doing this just to verify that you know changing some of the defaults actually works additional packages let's see what additional packages would be so it's going to install all the packages in bass Bas DeVille Linux Linux firmware but if you desire anything else like a web browser and it specifies that when you're typing these they need to be space separated so imagine you're doing pseu Pacman - capital S and then you're listing a bunch of packages you know there's no commas or anything in between them it's just a space so I know I'm going to need a browser so let's do Firefox I know I'm going to need a text editor Vim because Vim is not installed out of the box I know I'm going to need a file manager pcman FM I know I'm going to need a run launcher I don't know if awesome defaults to using dmenu but just in case we better install dmenu just in case it expects D menu to be there and honestly I think just with those four extra packages plus awesome is the awesome window manager will be installed for us I think we will be good so I'm going to hit enter says verifying that additional packages exist and apparently they do so if you'd mistyped it would tell you hey that package is not in the repo next up is network configuration so let me go ahead and use network manager that's typically what I do on the command line arch installations I just go ahead and install network manager and it kind of takes care of your networking for you so let me go ahead and make my life easier and use network manager time zone UTC is not correct uh typically in this list I need America Chicago in the list so I'm going to have to go down quite a bit oh I went a little bit too far America SL Chicago that's the central time zone in the US I'm not actually in Chicago guys I know you guys always get confused I'm a long way away from being in Chicago but that is the correct time zone for me automatic time sync uh ntp is set to true I'll just leave that optional repositories so you could turn on for example multi-b you probably need that if you're going to do any kind of game gaming and you need 32-bit libraries so make sure turn that on especially if you're going to you know be gaming on platforms like steam or whatever it happens to be and then we have the option to save configuration so if I wanted to save all my choices to a configuration file so that I could use that configuration file later for reproducibility right it's kind of nixos like right you can save a config file and use that to reinstall later I'm not going to do that so I'll decline saving and then let's go ahead and choose install or abort obviously I want to install it says missing disc configuration so we didn't actually do a disc configuration so how did I miss that in the list I guess I skipped right over disc configuration well let's go ahead and run through that and let's uh you know what this is interesting it will automatically partition this for us I thought we would have to do this and F dis or uh CF disc or something like that it says use best effort default partition layout you know what I'm going to let it do and automatic partition just to see how it does so it does give us a confirmation is this partition scheme okay and it looks fine to me it's going to create basically one big partition right /d/ vda one partition it says select one or more of these devices to actually install large Linux to so I'll turn the one partition the one big partition because the other really small partition there the 83 megabyte partition it's just a loop back device so we need to choose this one here what file system do we want butter FS it looks like is I don't know if it's the default but it's the first in the list extend four is also here xfs and f2fs I typically default to extend four so I'll go with that and now I should be able to go to install yeah I'm not getting any warning messages so let's go ahead install and now let me Zoom back out here says press enter to continue so that first bit of output was the conf config file it just printed out the config file to the terminal right so we could review that in case there were any mistakes and now it's going ahead it's partitioning the drive once it partitions the drive it's going to run through all the package installations yeah and this typically just takes a couple of minutes you like the actual installation process is not very long because it's not installing very much so that's a a very easy and quick installation the only thing we need to do now is as soon as this is done we need to reboot make sure we get grub and then make sure that we have our login manager sddm and that we can log in to awesome window manager and the installation process has finished now it's asking would I like to chot into the newly created installation and perform any post installation uh configuration so what this is asking here is do we want to True root change rout over into our new Arch Linux installation and finish up anything before you know rebooting the machine and I don't really need to do anything but let's see if this works so I'll choose yes and let's imagine you know what I forgot to install an important package I need so let's do a sudu Pacman - capital S for install and maybe I forgot to install emac and I really wanted emac on the system let's go ahead and install that before we reboot and now that that has completed I'm going to go ahead and exit out of the chot and then reboot and it reboots just fine we get a grub menu so it looks like the installation did work correctly now the next big hurdle is to make sure the login manager launches correctly it did this is sddm a default sddm you know very ugly and very plain looking we do have our window manager installed awesome so let's go ahead and log in and see yeah awesome Window Manager launches almost immediately it's a very lightweight Window Manager now we don't really have anything installed and there's no programs really to run run I have a link here open Terminal I did not install a terminal you know that's when I would have installed a lacr had I thought about it in the Trot earlier but if I do a XR this is aity well it installs alacrity by default is I wonder if that's a dependency with awesome or it's probably the desktop profile I bet when I chose desktop profile for the arch install script I bet it knew hey everybody needs a good terminal emulator and they're probably defaulting to a laity so that is actually very cool I don't remember a lot of the default awesome key bindings but I think uh super P for prompt yeah super P for prompt and you can see I actually if I go over I have a Firefox for our browser because I chose to install Firefox Y and that is working as well so you know not much to see here this is going to be a very plain looking uh awesome window manager with not a lot of programs installed but from here you know I could build it into whatever I want at this point but the point was the automated Arch install script it works right that whole installation process literally took like 10 minutes and it's it's such a breeze right that is seriously one of the easiest Linux installation processes you'll find so when people say Arch Linux is hard to install not these days now before I go I need to thank a few special people I need to thank the producers of this show Gabe James Matt Paul Steve West Artic armor Dragon Commander angry George Lee Matthew methos Nate Aron Paul peace AR and Fedor Realties foress red profit roll and soul a t Ren tools de waru and Abu and Willie these guys they're the highest tiered patrons over on patreon without these guys this quick little Arch andall would not have been possible the show is also brought to you by each and every one of these fine ladies and gentlemen all these names you're seeing on the screen right now these are all my supporters over on patreon I don't have any corporate sponsors sponsored by you guys the community if you like my work and want to see more videos about Linux and free and open source software subscribe to Dro tube over on patreon peace guys
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 59,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y9nKjTfDHLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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