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sure for this whole bottle no we should've  waited on that anything acidic should go into the   onions I never do it that way though everything I  suggested Danielle deny I'm putting some soy sauce   in there no because we got brown sugar molasses  I just don't think she knows how to make a good   barbecue sauce the sauce needs some flavor like I  said like it needs a little acid or even the Dijon   would be nice in there Dijon I think I'm okay  with that it but let me get a group opinion damn   okay yes these on spine Julie are you okay yeah  very little though very little Danielle a little   bit I can't agree to put Dijon in a barbecue  sauce okay then we're not doing it we can't   get a group consensus we're not doing it come on  because one person didn't want it it didn't go in over on the blue team their barbecue sauce is  also a sore point Oh oh yeah if these a little   sweeping yeah absolutely and just take that acidic  edge off when you have on the sauce mara okay chef   Michael says it's acidic yeah but one sip I've  made this one hundred times one sweet in this   dance yep like in these same components yeah  in this side doctor I was completely different   and you're downstairs grilling soon so  it's gonna have to be done soon [Music] 56 for some very hungry too all right  what do we have in here a barbecue sauce at this rock Wow I would speed this up higher heat  divide it to two pans going at the same time and   reduce that right now otherwise you're gonna  have just tomato sauce on top of a steak and   I wouldn't want to eat that audio told us what  we already knew we were not off to a good start what's going on guys what was the feedback Danyelle Danielle comments please be honest with me I need  it's not how he would have cooked a barbecue sauce   and I said that the whole way through can we fix  this yes or no are we watching it I don't know   if we can fix it along with the sauce each team  is prepping two sides to serve with their steaks   after I blanched Brussels sprouts throw them  in a bin that is soaked in it oh my god and I'm   thinking ooh boy so it turns out our bin had soap  in it that's what half of my Brussels sprouts are   now in soapy water can't believe we lost those  we just prepped all these Brussels sprouts and   there's enough frozen sprouts there's a whole  thing of a potato silicon I need to get those   potatoes out okay kayla has made the choice  to no longer prep potatoes I'm gonna keep   doing them no done on potatoes you're done on  potatoes and I know this is a mistake let's get   this going get those Brussels both in of it  we don't have that many traps yet Peter okay   hold on we don't have Brussels sprouts well can  we throw in the Brussels sprouts some kale kale   quickly I'm thinking beans that's the business  nai beans my scoop okay what's happening here   we're just starting to cook off our steaks whose  idea was to dip this in hot sauce and then grow   it was that you over tonight do you know as to  why did you change it because barbecue sauce was   not cooking down quick enough so they're actually  grilling it off you don't have a lot of time yes   chef here they come you guys I'm just so honored  I mean we're cooking for troops people that put   their lives at risk every single day I don't think  we should bother too late to do this already you   started at five minutes ago you have to move  one of these so I can get gloves you can ask   nicely you could listen to me the first time I'm  in the grill tent and all I can hear is bickering   you haven't been listening to us actually no  it sounds like an old married couple in there   because what happened to that sausage we're  making I threw it out all right cuz it wasn't   feminist we're trying to get something done and  that's something is feeding 151 people [Music] [Applause] 151 soldiers will receive a steak dinner from  both the red and blue teams and vote for their   favorite if either team runs out of any food  their vote automatically goes to the other   team the red team is serving roast potatoes and  a Brussels sprout and bacon hash with their steak   while the blue team is pairing their steak in  barbecue sauce with Brussels sprouts and beans   and a couscous salad salad you are enjoy lose  the way to go blue go blue while the blue team   service is fast and comfortable thank you very  much Avila is giving her steaks a last-minute   sear on the flattop and it's holding up the line  can we speed this along okay that we need the line   to move so no more drilling just do it yeah you  got it this one you down over there a little bit once the troops receive meals from  both teams they head into the dining   area if brussel sprout bacon thing is delish medium-rare you got it it's part way through  service and the red team has gotten their   speed under control Thank You Kayla yeah  I'm worried this is all we have left   [Music] you have three more plates my stomach  is sinking because I know that every single   troop member that does not get Brussels sprouts  on their plate is it automatic well to the blue   team if you're not a Brussels sprout eater we  won't be offended Brussels spouts out Brussels   sprouts are out I know that this is gonna cost us  the challenge can we give you guys extra potatoes   I'm Kayla and that's not a great idea I knew we  work at having uh potatoes and we told Caleb at   we're almost out of potatoes - oh by the way how  are you and she just said just keep smiling that   extra pan would have been perfect Julie portion  though so Julie was completely 100% responsible   for the potatoes Kayla when I want to do the extra  potatoes why the last of the potato scaler we're   done I'm very sorry sir I don't have any more  slides to give you I apologize oh they're finished   other sites all they ran out I really hope you  guys enjoy our sites yeah they're lovely choose   the team who has some side in my opinion the right  team had hit the steak bang on I'm gonna have to   say the blue plate thought overall it had a lot of  flavor I hear that it was a little problem choose   the team sides I'll be right back excuse me who's  the way to go who's the way to go just when I   started getting some confidence you know you know  I need you down here right now so I run down I had   a complaint it's cold it should not be served  cold replated fresh vegetables fresh couscous   very sorry chef ASAP okay this is one cold steak  that's come back how many do we send out like   this we're gonna lose this competition because  we're sending out cold steaks it's embarrassing thank you no excuse me one fresh hot steak  thank you please enjoy it and accept our   apologies hey let's clean up now that service  is over the judges canvassed the troops for   their comments how are you feeling about the  food in general it is really good fantastic   so the blue team yep and what'd you think of  the the red team here it was a lot of flavor   do you think that both the blue team and the red  team should go behind enemy lines for doing this so which one do you prefer the taste of the  red team did an amazing job on the steak I   like medium rare and they absolutely  nailed it but what I really liked on   the blue side is what they did with the  couscous and the beans Red Team Blue team   it's time to find out which team's dish  most impressed a Canadian heroes will it   be the red team's steak with roast potatoes  and Brussels sprout hash or the blue team's   with couscous salad and a Brussels sprout  bean mixture the votes have been counted the winning team with a hundred and  seven of a hundred and fifty one votes is [Music] when I hear that the blue team  gets 107 votes like salt on a wound
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 3,591,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Claudio Aprile, Cooking Challenge, Culinary Showdown, Michael Bonacini, Military Heroes, Steak Dinner, Troop Appreciation, cooking show, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world
Id: 2Ng3PWg5S4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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