Rhonda Byrne ‘Finding The Greatest Secret’ Interview by iain McNay.

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hello and welcome to conscious TV I'm Ian McNay and today my guest is Rhonda Byrne hi Rhonda Hi Ian and of course Rhonda needs no introduction she originally put together the film The Secret and then published the book The Secret has put other books out as well based around the secret and she now has the latest book out been out for a few months called The Greatest Secret and we're obviously going to explore this book but we're also going to talk about her process because we find unconscious TV it's it's so important that people understand that often it takes time to have realizations and then what how does the realization change them and there's the integration of that realization so we're going to much as we can find out how Rhonda's path worked and hopefully that will be a very helpful interview for many people so Rhonda you started off I've done obviously some research and you started off um as a radio producer and then you were a television producer in your native Australia and actually I found one of your old films do you remember this one UFOs in us oh I do yes I do yeah which we have encounters yeah you did I thought it was quite good actually I quite enjoyed it because I'm intrigued by UFOs like so many people right right you know when we made that people ask me afterwards do you think UFOs exist and uh or or that those people really had those experiences and I said look I don't know all I do know though is I don't want to have an encounter that's all that well I think in a way a lot of us would be intrigued but we're probably at the same time be really scared um exactly exactly because that all those people they they were pretty yeah they're pretty scared they were they were but they're Ordinary People which made it very authentic yes yes yeah so and then around 2004 things happened in your life which turn your life upside down to the extent your father died I think your daughter was quite ill your business had huge debts and was struggling and you yourself weren't a happy person at that time were you no it was not and uh 2004 was a really really challenging year for me the the year or two prior to 2004 had also been quite difficult when I looked back so it was kind of a perfect setup I think and uh and 2004 we were making six movies about unsolved murders and so that was really challenging to do to make like a very challenging subject and and so we had everything that could go wrong went wrong that year and I remember sleeping on it at Sweet floors and all kinds of things like that and and I reached September and I I wasn't well my relationships were just I hadn't been able to maintain them and my mother was in such grief over my father's death and and so I reached September the 9th and uh and I had two phone calls my accountant calling saying you're going to lose everything in 30 days and then I hung up the phone and immediately it rang again and it was my mother and I couldn't barely recognize her voice at all and she said she couldn't go on and so it was those two phone calls that brought me to my niece because I had no idea how I could solve these things I'd fixed everything all of my life and this I could not solve and so I really just collapsed and um and my adult daughter asked me what was wrong and I kind of brushed it off and I was in tears and despair and she came back with photocopy this crumpled up photocopied bound pieces of paper and said here I read that settle help and and that was the science of getting rich written by Wallace wattles yeah it's well done in 1910 and I sat down and read that book I can't imagine why I did that you know when I was so distraught but I did and my tears were making all of the ink run on the photocopy pages but 90 minutes later after I read it my entire life had changed and I just I knew more than what was in the book I can't explain it I knew we didn't die but he doesn't cover that in the book at all uh and so um yes I and and so that is what changed everything and I knew that we had the power to manifest our lives in whatever way we wanted so then basically I researched without saying a word to anybody I researched for three months on my own tracing this knowledge back through history and so and I also read this book here didn't you too thought vibration thought vibration oh my gosh yes I did I read William Walker Atkinson I loved him yeah loved him I read all of the new thought leaders and um yeah I read all of their books I bought all of their books I consumed thousands of books uh and wherever I look this information was there so I had a really really massive Awakening at that time because I realized we were much more than what I thought we were and that life was not that the way that it was actually the opposite to the way that I thought it worked and so that was the beginning and of course this uh the secret we made the secret uh documentary but just just to stop and just look a little bit what was in the books because yeah especially the one the science of getting rich I I read that it took me more than 90 minutes so you did very well really in 19 years and you've got more than was in the book which is even more impressive and there was things in there that I hadn't necessarily thought about because it's not as you as you've hinted it isn't just about getting rich it's about seeing reality in a different way and he says things that are very deep things like formless intelligence is the father there is one original stuff he calls it which from which all things are made and that of course is Limitless and we think of things as kind of there's a limit to what can be achieved or what we can do we feel as he even mentions there's a lit there's no limit in the amount of gold on the earth and I thought that's strange but of course if you have that belief have that thinking understanding there are no limits and that's what I think really got into at that time wasn't it yes one of the things yes I mean he was he he really was incredible and the signs of getting rich is really um about getting rich in life in all aspects of life so uh so he he was extraordinary and it had such a massive massive impact on me that borepin and actually all of the all of the new thought leaders and I read you know I read Charles harnell and Charles harnell really edged into you know the infinite being that we are actually they all did they all spoke about that uh in it you know at that time and so uh I I love every single one of them I love all of their books uh and I I studied all of their lives so that that was just like the beginning for me an incredible journey and there was all this also this element in the uh the uh the getting rich book about about being grateful and it's like and not being in competition with someone else but but creating something that's unique to you doing what you love and focusing and that's where so many people so many people on a journey they don't always Focus they get distracted and also in that book is this thing which I know you know only too well now which is how the mind has all these programs mostly historical programs and it and it limits and traps us often unconsciously yes it does and and you know gratitude has its whole it has one entire chapter in that book and so gratitude became a really really big part of my life and and and it still is like if I find anybody is having difficulty or is in some kind of a slump then the fastest way out of that is gratitude for sure hands down it will just it will people will see changes in 24 hours it's it's so extraordinary so gratitude played a big part in the secret and in all of the work that I I continue to do and and it was all due to that book um and and just kind of powering that forward yeah so after you after you read the book you you were saying earlier that you kind of knew so much more so it was it like almost you woke up the next day and thought wow this is my new life was it that instant it was actually instant I remember going to my daughter and saying where did you find this I knew it was the truth and so I said to her where did you do you know what this book says this book is incredible and you know Ian she doesn't even know why she gave me the book like when I said to her why did you give it to me she said she didn't know why she was just kind of moved to to give it to me so yeah that um I I mean I I I didn't talk to I really didn't talk to anybody and do you know what I did like just to give you an example of how much I knew it was the truth the very next day when I was researching I had reading glasses on and I would take the reading glasses off and put in the reading glasses on and on and off and they weren't working very well and I needed to go up to the next level and I just went to put them on and I paused and I was like oh my gosh I realized that I have taken on a belief that your eyesight diminishes as you get older and somehow or another I've believed it and because of that belief that was my experience so immediately I closed my eyes and I visualized myself in dark restaurants reading the menus in Planes being able to read in every situation where at that time where I couldn't read and in three days I thought it'd be one day in three days I could say clearly without glasses and I've never never used them since and so that was the level of my knowing and belief um from that book so were you aware of changes in your mind in so far as you know that they they talk about the Mind knobs and neurotransmitters firing and as we get older that generally if we believe it certainly the neurotransmitters slow down so what were you aware that you felt brighter and more focused in your mind afterwards straight away yeah absolutely yes and I became very aware of thoughts um I I could before I was just I'd live my life kind of as a thought and and as the mind and I became very aware of thoughts and especially negative thoughts and so everything changed um yeah my whole life changed my I became very aware of if I was talking to somebody and something came out of my mouth I realized that was a belief that I had and so then I was able to change it and and so that was what I did I just did massive massive internal work and um and and my entire life changed of course yeah so this showed you somehow the Gateway and you had to do the homework and that's often what people don't realize they think Enlightenment self-realization Freedom suddenly calms and everything changes it's all hunky-dory but of course you've got to do the homework and that is you have to stay focused for that you have to put the time in and you have to believe in it and be consistent and I think you mentioned this somewhere too that you have to if people are negative in your life you have to say wow this is this is not for me at the moment anymore exactly you do it really needs to matter to you a lot uh that you are feeling good which is what I talk about in the secret because if you're feeling good you are not going to have negative thoughts that's an impossibility so if you're feeling good then all of the thoughts are going to be positive and good and and so it becomes really important that you feel good and that is not at all selfish because how can you be of any service or help to anybody unless unless you are feeling good yourself then you can help others so that's what became very very important to me is watching my thoughts and not energizing negative thoughts and things that I did not want yes and you also did some things that might seem a bit crazy you were giving money away you didn't really have you were walking down the street saying I am abundant I am abundant even though you had lots of debts you're right I had so much to hit I I just had because I I had I was like two million dollars in debt and then I I like I I have to get this knowledge out to the world and so and I I had a belief in the lack of money just like so many people you know from upbringing and parents and kind of a poverty Consciousness money would come in and then it would go out again and so and so I knew that the mind was a program and I needed to reprogram it into wealth Consciousness and not poverty Consciousness and I knew I needed to do that for the secret to be a success so it was really on my shoulders to change the internal part uh mechanics of me so that I was at the level of a success of the secret and so that it could do what it I what I wanted it to do which was bring joy to many millions of people so so I did I would walk down the street with mantras I'm abundant and usually that happened when something happened in the company and I it was Payday the next day and I did not have the money to pay everybody wow and so I would be walking out in the street and saying there's only abundance I'm breathing in abundance and I would do all of that and you know what so extraordinary but our our accountant would say oh we just got a transfer of money in from the UK for something like horse encounters that we'd made and I had enough just to pay everybody so I was kind of on the edge but I could see the more work that I did internally I've began to see everything change around me and one of the things that I felt was that I didn't feel good about money and I needed to change that and so what I did was I went and Drew money out from my credit card and I held 20 in my hand this was in Australia and then I would walk down the street with the twenty dollars looking for who to give this money to and twenty dollars was quite a lot then and I would look at every person look really connect with every person and imagine giving it to them and giving it to that person and giving it to that person and something so amazing happened when I did that because I just like my heart just I was out of my head and into my heart and I felt so connected with everybody on the street I wanted to give it to everybody and um and in the end I I just said mentally sad show me clearly who to give it to and so and and it was perfect really because a whole bunch of kids just came out of a store um a record store and they were like adding up all of their money and they didn't have enough to buy the what they wanted to buy and so and and I just handed them the twenty dollars and you know it was so beautiful they said thanks lady and ran back into this ran back into the store so yeah so where did the idea or the name the secret come from was it somebody you woke up with one morning or how did you get the name the secret I actually used the secret to get the name of the secret so what I did was I asked to be given the perfect name that would bring joy to Millions so so you already had the idea of the film at this point and you needed a name and I didn't have the title pardon me and so I asked for the perfect title to bring joy to millions and and it just came from formlessness it just came the secret and and I knew it was it I knew it was it and then what was extraordinary was all of those new thought leaders they they kind of the secret was in the words the secret was in all of their words yes and so I was having it confirmed over and over and over again to be called The Sacred yeah and then you went to America with a crew you made sure the crew were had the same belief if you like in the secret as you did and you had no appointments but you found 55 people I didn't get interviews 120 hours in in was it three weeks or something extraordinary that's right again using the secret but do you know when you when you are authentic when your heart is full to want to help Humanity I just think the universe will drop every obstacle and lay everything at your feet and truly that is what happened for us yes we did not have one thing lined up not one thing but I knew that all we needed to do was land in America and we would have everything we needed and that's exactly what happened and also you maxed out on your credit cards you remortgaged your house you really went 100 for it didn't you yeah yeah yeah I took out an overdraft with my company I I um I did I maxed out my house to the Limit I I borrowed money wherever I could borrow it to make to make the film yeah I know you know we have to admire this commitment some people would say that's Madness you put that's all your eggs in one basket but you you knew didn't you you knew it would work Ian you know what it's so incredible when you know something so to that level and I knew I absolutely knew that uh like the people say what would have happened had it failed well I would have been on the streets actually I would have lost everything but and so they people considered it very risky but for me it was some risky at all because I knew that I knew what it would do I absolutely knew it and so it wasn't a risk that doesn't mean I didn't have really intense challenging moments along the way Joseph Campbell's so right in many ways of the hero's journey you know you do have a journey and you do have dark moments and you do have to find the courage in in the face of really scary situations but uh but when you can go through all of that and never never never give up oh well then it's fantastic absolutely and then the film comes out and it was was it a success straight away or was it something that took a little bit of time to take off I was a success straight away yeah like within the first hour it was it was incredible wow yes yes and we were the first film to be streamed on the internet really yes yes and my CEO was very technically minded and he worked with a company in Australia to create pause fast forward rewind all of those things and uh and so yeah it was the first film so we released it online I actually always knew that it would I'd visualize it going out around the world within 24 hours actually I thought it would go out on television that's why because that was my background but every door of Television closed at slammed shut in my face and then this particular day I saw a British Airways commercial on the internet and I'm like oh my gosh that's it that's it we go out on the internet yeah and so and so we were the first film and in in one hour it was crazy crazy yeah and so it was an element of you that was surprised or you just felt I knew this was going to happen this is the way it is what was your response I knew I knew it was going to happen but but when it happens it's just incredible it's so humbling and now I sort of have that feeling of that moment when we released it and I was so happy that it was released and I I really didn't care what happened from there because it was out in the world and that was all that mattered to me is that the world had this knowledge and so but it it was oh I I just I I just felt so humbled and so happy and content and then with it it taking off the way it did I knew it would do that however the experience of it was just incredible and then you wrote the book or put together the book The Secret in 18 days that's another very fast thing that happened and that again took off really dramatically didn't it it did yes I remember talking to Simon and Chester and we were having a um like a publicity talk a chat and they they said we think this book will sell a million copies during the call and I S and and all together you know through history and I said oh my goodness no it will sell a million within a couple of months and they they all kind of fell off their chairs but it did that's exactly what you did but you know I just knew that like you know that's just from that that's just from who we are that that was just coming from who we are I knew what it would do not because we were so clever my gosh we were given everything that we needed we're the lucky ones that got to be a part of it and how's that to go from debt and relatively obscurity not you're not your obscure but you weren't that well known and suddenly you're rich and famous how is that I know and you have to that's a whole new thing to handle its own way isn't it it was yes it was and I was living in Los Angeles at the time and where I couldn't walk anywhere um I I would I would walk down the street and there would just be one person after another stop me and they would tell me my mother told me about the secret and how her life has changed and their life has changed and so basically I spent most of my time just in tears with all of these people and just so grateful just oh my gosh just I can't tell you just in in one person's life changing is so amazing you know to yeah so I I I was really really um just so humbled and grateful but then it got very tricky because I couldn't go anywhere and people were taking photographs of me everywhere and and I didn't really mind but then I ended up an hour and a half away and where I am is very peaceful and there are so many celebrities here nobody cares about anything I mean we've got Harry and Megan here so Prince Harry and Megan so so yeah so there are lots of Oprah and Alan and all of those people and no nobody takes any notice of them so yeah and in other interviews I watch with you it's like I could tell you how touched you were when people said to you what a dramatic effect the the book and the film has their lives is that something that you are at all in touch with beforehand that feeling to be moved and touched or was that something that came out of your own process I just can't I it you know what the people elicit that out of me um is I feel such a deep connection to human beings and um just think we are so incredibly courageous for doing this planet Earth thing and um and so I um when somebody stands in front of me I'm just even when even today when people talk to me about how the secret has changed their life or or even The Greatest Secret when they're talking about that I'm really really just I'm so um it's just my heart melts I can't explain that my heart just melts and I feel such enormous love it's it's really overwhelming just an incredible love for everybody I think one of the things that impressed me the most about you was with all this had happened here you are you say you feel incredible love you how your whole life has changed from poverty to Prosperity you're helping millions of people and yet your journey went on in fact you talk about your journey was only just started and that from 2005 2006 onwards it was a 10-year journey and you were exploring you were going to other people's seminars and I've got a list here of all the things all the things you did which you probably know better than me but extraordinary you kind of well why don't you talk us throughout your process of going to listen to these teachers learning something and then moving on to something else because that is so fascinating yes yes well the secret kind of set off a spark and I knew that was the truth for our life here at Planet Earth so so then I knew there must be more of the truth so I just became a Seeker a really really incredible Seeker I read I listened to and watched everything I could get my hands on 24 7. now I could do it 24 7 because it was that was my work and it was my greatest joy so weekends that's all that I was doing and I I went it was it was an amazing journey and and initially uh I was made an honorary member of the Rose cross teachings and so I followed those teachings and that is a progressive path and I followed those teachings for quite a long time and that was many years and I had a lot of experience you know really incredible experiences through those teachings but I I I read all of the alchemers the um all of the uh esoteric Christian esoterics uh from hundreds of years ago I I just read everything that I could possibly read and then I kind of moved I was very drawn to the past and the past teachers and then I sort of gradually moved to living teachers and and that's when I began to follow part of me I think it was like uh a little bit before 2 16 a few years before 216 I mean I found conscious TV of course so that became a part of my life watching all of those interviews that you and Renata did and all of those impacted me as well uh every time I watch something or listened to something there was just another Glimpse and another but I had no idea what I was looking for I was just I've got to find more of the truth yes and so something was driving you to find as you put it more of the truth and and how did that feel how did that drive feel at the time do you remember yes I remember you just can't stop it yes it it takes over you and it's just nothing else matters but that and every second you just you just want to look for more and find more is it's like a fire inside a spiritual fire inside of you and it's glorious you know it's really glorious so so yeah I'm just looking at some of the things you explored you mentioned the esoteric Christian and then you yeah Buddhism theology Hinduism taoism Sufism krishnamurti Ramada Maharishi that that's like there's just a lot there there's a lot yeah I know that's true and every single one of those teachers impacted my life enormously krishnamurti too because earlier in my life in my 30s my husband fell in love with krishnamurti and so we had Krishna murti in our lives for 10 years and you know I used to get really mad at him because I'd listen and he'd say don't do this saw this or this and and so my natural question was well then what do I do and somebody would ask that and he would go he'd get really frustrated and say you've missed it you know and so I used to get really frustrated listening to him um but he he still had a big impact on me I was just something about him that fascinated me and uh and of course then eventually I found Ramana mahashi I I then sort of moved more to I can remember saying to a mentor of mine uh from the rose cross teachings there must be a faster way and he said what's the rush you've got all of eternity and I said but I want but I but there must be a faster way because I I can think there's a faster way which means there must be a faster way and so and and really that is when I began to move more towards the direct path and it was kind of a mixture I think because for me because the direct path included everything of the power of our mind and what we can do on Earth and I never wanted to leave that behind because uh because I know that if you want to manifest on earth that is what you need to do and so I always wanted to take that with me and and so it was it was really yum it was really a journey actually to find to to merge those two things together I have to say the direct path and then the secret and it was actually Robert Adams who created the bridge uh for the two um I've I found him and I read his book and and to this day Silence of the heart is one of my most treasured books of all time I can just open that book and just lose myself in that book so so what form did the bridge take for you uh he wrote a book I think it was called the secret to happiness and and there was just a paragraph that he wrote he always shared the teachings about manifesting and so he Incorporated the direct path with manifesting and so he he really um I remember there was this one paragraph and I was like that's it that's it there's the bridge and um and I can't I can't remember what was in the paragraph but I just remember the way that he put it together and then I found the secret and The Greatest Secret you know come together and um and of course there were all of the teachers that are in the greater secret and all of those teachers became my teachers on my journey from the secret to The Greatest Secret and uh unconscious TV was a part of that I played it you played such a big part in my journey as well as you as you know yes because there was this time in 2016 and you just didn't I'm just looking at my notes to see exactly what the situation was but something happened and you were deeply disappointed and then you were online and you found I think it was me interviewing David Bingham who's a friend of ours we've known a long time and you had a chat with David being on the phone and then something clicked so what clicked well David says um David said I'd already realized who I was when I spoke with him and I said him had I really um but when I watched the interview that he that he did with you he mentioned that he woke up from a podcast with John Williams that's right he'd listen to a podcast with John Miller and um and so I immediately looked for that podcast and uh and I found it and I listened to it and oh my gosh I just I I saw I got a really big Glimpse when I listened to that podcast then I went back and listened to David's interview again and so you know it was really interesting like some people just wake up boom but for me it was like oh this sort of I don't know everything like dropping or something um and so I began I began seeing that what we really are and when I spoke to David David did some exercises with me of um looking at something with my mind and then to look at something as awareness so not focused at all and and after that phone call I mean that was it I can remember calling a spiritual friend of mine and saying oh my gosh I Know Who We Are I know who we are oh and we've missed it we've missed it like I couldn't believe I'd done all of those years you know and I think I'd maybe heard teachers talk about it like I'd already been following Muji or not justanti and so they must have mentioned it but somehow it didn't it didn't work it didn't it didn't penetrate but that interview with David that just changed my life and that was and I listened to that on the 10th of January 2016. you see I remember the exact day and so that was the that would be my greatest Awakening and you had the Awakening you had the realization how did that change things practically in your life oh gosh everything changed then because um uh there was just this peace that that came over me however I knew there was work to be done because the mind would come in and uh I I could be awareness but then the mind would come in and and so there was kind of a yo-yo kind of time awareness in the mind and awareness and the mind and ego and and so the last four years really is what I have dedicated to um to just being who I am just resting as as awareness and and so it was you know it's a little bit of a journey but but the thing is is that you just have this happiness arise within you there's no mistaking it you know the ha the happiness that was always there just just begins to arise and and take over your life and and the most beautiful feeling is that you don't need anything to change everything's just fine as it is yes but you'd created the space for that hadn't you to a large instead and that's for so many of us we hear things and years later we realized gosh that's it that's important that's my next step that's my Awakening or whatever and of course there wasn't the space before it was the thought vibration book where I I remember it reminded me again about how you slow down the mind if you slow down the mind of course there's more space for things to come in in a more subtle way you're not racing around and filling everything up and I'm sure that's what happened with you it was the it was the right time and you'd done the work and that's I keep stressing that a lot these days and interviews that because so many people still think something happens and it's wonderful and it isn't quite like that mm-hmm yeah I I I I've did a lot of work I have to say um and and continue to just be aware but now there's just a happiness a foundation of Happiness that's always there um no matter what is going on so this beautiful happiness and just that one of the other big things that I've noticed is fear dissipating um and so not living in a foundation of fear as well and and and just it's really nice not to have a strong ego in your life it's really great to have that sort of dissolving you know because you don't you don't mind about what anybody thinks you don't mind about anything there's nothing to protect there's nothing to defend uh it's it's Freedom you know it really is so the realization was of course if you as you said that we are awareness and awareness is the base of everything and um I remember you know Renato and I had quite a significant uh Awakening when David Bingham was at our house and he was he came for lunch one day so after we've done the interviews we got a bit friendly with him and uh we saw him a couple of times and he just said these words and the words were well there's the changing and then there's a never changing you think about it the changing form is always changing the never changing awareness the fullness and of course it ties in so well with quantum physics as well without someone I interviewed with quantum physics they talk about the chaos the chaos is form and the order it's the formless because in the formless there has to be order because there's no reason there's no space for chaos and it is and I and I you know what interests me and um and I think you still work with a teacher don't you you have a female a woman who's a this you still work with and it's like I guess you're refining things the whole time is is that how you see it yes and I look at her um my teacher I look at her and the way that she is and oh I just um she's just uh oh my gosh so amazing every every question that anybody asks her is the answer is incredible and and just makes total sense and and so she's very inspiring uh for to go even that even higher level of happiness and peace uh to to keep going and so yeah she's and and she helped me a lot because she's very tough on me and that is what I wanted I didn't want to waste time I wasn't 20 years old and and so I wanted somebody to be super super tough on me and she was really tough and uh and so that kind of brought that helped break you know those Tendencies and the mind programs and everything she was really good at spotting those and she would just say something and I would be like oh I'd see it you know some some some tendency or belief that I'd had for ages and ages and it would just crumble in front of me so and so she also helped me uh and which is also in the greater secret which is I I just think one of the most incredible things in The Greatest Secret is the way to release um negative emotions and negative thoughts and so that's something I've been doing for four years and uh and I I don't anymore it's so rare for me to feel impatience or disappointment or anything like that and and that's just from the work of releasing all of those things and of course each time you release them you get happier yeah and you talk I should say in the book you certainly talk and there are techniques there um there are Clues how to how to clear yourself of these negative patterns and uh it's down to whether somebody wants to do it and commit themselves and he was just so much and you still are committed to still work with a teacher now just there's a level of your commitment so what does freedom altering mean to you did you feel do you feel completely free that the way you talk it's almost like you are completely free but do you still feel there's something unclarity there that still needs to fade away in its own time hmm I'm certainly Freer than I ever imagined I could be um but I would say there's still some things there if I look at my teacher I can see my teacher is total Pure Freedom and uh and so I I think there are some the subconscious has still got a probably got a few things going on and they would be very deep and maybe they're from the collective unconscious you know um but uh but certainly I mean do you know Ian it's like every day I feel that I'm Freer every day yeah every day I wake up and I feel happier and Freer and uh yeah so and it's just from doing everything that I wrote In the book I mean I wrote what I did what what worked for me and uh and it's quite simple really and I think you know the Mind wants to complicate it and we want to complicate it but awareness is really really simple I mean it's here all of the time and uh and even even just when you even when you just say the word it's it's there you know it's in the foreground it's it's right there so beautiful and right there um and and that's all it takes is just noticing it and then it gets stronger and the mind gets weaker yeah well awareness is always there but of course you have to have as we talked about earlier this space to let it be more in the foreground and this is what people that do wake up they often say well the background became the foreground and the foreground became the background and that's it really isn't it and a lot of people can say yes they know their awareness and then things happen and they're all over the place and uh yes and that's and you have to be careful that you don't you have to be careful that the mind doesn't sort of trick you and you turn it into a concept you know because it's not awareness is not a concept you know it's a it's it's a being you know it all it is I mean Lester Levinson who is featured in the book and a teacher that oh my gosh love him so much he just says everything so simply he just says you are uh you are yourself without the mind that's what you are just without the mind yeah and it is something that isn't always easy to spot what is the unique expression as a human being of you without all your historical conditioning because they're minding together into woven and I think I find that for myself yes I'm me and of course that may isn't necessarily the purest me because it has all my historical patterns that I haven't yet I haven't yet dissipated and that's that's yes I guess that's what I don't know I'm gonna put words in your mouth but I guess maybe that's to some extent what your your ongoing Journey still is just the purifying purify is that okay it is it is and and one of the traps the track was I looking for another version for quite a long time even though my teacher would say you are here now and and I I would be looking I was kind of looking for something else that wasn't some other form of me some the infinite being of me I was looking for that and uh and and for quite a while and then I I just realized okay so here's what it is just take away the name and take away the history of this you know body form take away the Ronda and take away the history and take away the body and what's left is who I really am and so it's all it's just taking away the mind and the body and what's left and the me that I feel myself to be is the being just not with any of those other stories you know it's just it's just what's left in it and it and it is here right now it's here here it is it's not it's not over there or um it's right here and it's yeah if you could just if you can just take away the name and the history and the body and the mind then what's left is you and it's the you that you fear yourself to be it just doesn't have any baggage and the you that you fear yourself to be is actually glorious gloriously happy for me that you feel yourself to be is gloriously happy and you look gloriously happy at the moment you're a living example of that and you say I just pulled some quotes from the uh I should show the book The Greatest Secret and one quote I pulled out was the only purpose the only purpose of life is to be totally who you are yes gosh and that's yeah where you've got to isn't it and that's where yes real Seekers finally get to the only purpose of life is to be totally who you are so and actually if I look back at the right the beginning of your Journal science of getting rich in his own way he says that it's not about oh it's gorgeous it's not about pleasing people he says don't give charity to the poor you encourage the poor to start in their own way when they can taking responsibility and find their own way in life and that's uh sometimes difficult to do but it's the key isn't it it's key it is the key and and then when you're free when you're free just everything is a miracle um every moment is a miracle and uh and just the joy and the love and ah the Gratitude it's not gratitude to somebody it's just gratitude for being um all of it is is just so wonderful that's all I mean it's the it's the one thing to do in this lifetime it really is the one thing to do because then everything else falls into place everything that you need or want and and so it was really important to me that that not not to suggest you go off into a cave cross-legged or something like that because we're here on planet Earth to to have this experience on planet Earth but have the experience on planet Earth of knowing who you really are and there's no end to you and the beauty of the beauty the absolute beauty that we are the Innocence that we are I oh my gosh I I just think I just think we are so incredible to take this on you know because it can be tough right well it's that the people with huge challenges and uh yes you know we're Renato and I'm involved in supporting a charity of course the prison Phoenix trust and what that does is it supports through meditation and yoga people in prison now they really do have a challenge but some of them do rights to it and they use that time in the prison cell sorry a small cell to do their yoga to do their meditation some get up at five in the morning when the prison is quieter do the meditation and then somehow they find the beginning of some peace but you and I are comparably lucky because we're in the Free World we've had our challenges of course but some people do find it tough but as you say the potential is and people are also very sick but the potential is somewhere there in their own way well yes and then everything that's happening is to to help lead us to wake up you know as well and so um I mean I woke up through difficult times and so that on both occasions the two big Awakenings where it were in challenging times and and so the challenging times help us they help us question you know and uh question about life and question about our own existence and so you know the challenges have their place too and it's not easy going through those times but then every time I would come out of one of those I was so grateful I remember my mentor would say to me at the end of your journey he said you will be so grateful to God for all of the difficulties that you fast and I did not believe him I because at that time I was going through an intensely difficult time and he told me I'd be grateful for that time and I just I really I I couldn't believe I would ever be grateful for that challenge but do you know what I'm grateful I'm so grateful for all of it yeah we've got three or four minutes left uh Randa is anything else you want to say that's in the it's in the greatest secret that you think is so important that people just have a look at that particular page or exercise because you have some exercises in there yes um well I it's it's a book that um that I hope uh people will find simple enough it's not easy to write about something that's invisible but I tend to write about things that are invisible as I did did with the secret as well but there's there's just a promise you know that when you realize who you are everything will fall into place you know you won't you won't suffer from anxiety or stress or any of those things anymore there might be a moment that comes but it'll just pass on by and to live your life without fear of death in particular and without fear anyway is just the most glorious way to live your life so I would just urge anybody if you feel there are a lot of problems that you have or you're going through any challenges I want you to know there's a way out and the way out is absolutely gorgeous I think it's just lined with rose petals and if you can just take the steps that are necessary and everybody can do it because it's who you are right it's not this is who you are and so it's just it's just lifting up that blanket that's covering up Who You Are uh yes I would say to anybody to be free but I want to say to you in particular and to Renata thank you because um because I have just I've had so many wonderful wonderful uh hours watching your interviews and having so many aha moments and replaying things over and over again with guests and so I want to say thank you to both of you because uh you really made a big difference in my life and I'm sure so many other people's lives as well but yeah conscious TV is it's been wonderful for me and so really such such a service that you you have both done yeah it's better you see it's been our journey when I had the idea all those years ago it was about somehow a progression of my journey in Renata's journey and it just we got so much out of doing the interview so as they say it's a complete win-win situation and uh continues to be and we do less interviews now but the ones we do we still value so much so I'm looking at the clock we've pretty much got there without I really appreciate your time and your wisdom Ronda and good luck with the further stages of your journey throughout the furthest stages of awareness yeah thank you thank you Ian so much thank you for having me and thank you everyone for watching conscious TV and I do hope we see you again soon goodbye
Channel: conscioustv
Views: 83,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhonda Byrne, The Secret, The Greatest Secret, David Bingham, Self-realisation, Wallace S Watties, William Walker Atkinson, Law Of Attraction.
Id: gFZViq8l6z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 47sec (3407 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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