Booktopia TV: in conversation with Rhonda Bryne and David Bingham

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hello and welcome i'm gideon weil vice president and editorial director of harper one and it's my pleasure to be here for a one-of-a-kind conversation with rhonda byrne and david bingham to launch the global publication of the greatest secret i am happy to introduce rhonda byrne rhonda is the international best-selling author of the secret which was a revelation to millions her new book the greatest secret is a powerful invitation that will dissolve fears and uncertainty and open you to a life of lasting happiness rhonda's mission is to bring joy to billions and i'm pleased to also introduce david bingham david is one of the teachers whose wisdom is shared in the greatest secret he spent decades as a spiritual seeker before waking up to who he really is it was in an interview where david shared his experience of self-realization that helped spark rwanda's own awakening okay so let's begin with why we're here and what we can all learn from our guests those watching now are likely familiar with the secret rhonda would you share with us distinction between the secret and the greatest secret and the journey from then until now okay glad to uh so let me let me think um i always describe the secret differently which is which is very nice um so the secret we learned that our that we create our life through our thoughts and through our mind we learn that our mind is incredibly powerful and our thoughts are incredibly powerful and so we can create the life that we want and so what we think about and what we focus on is what will show up and is what we will we will experience in life however it works whether we want something or whether we don't want something so whatever thoughts we empower those thoughts are the thoughts that will manifest and uh and so with the greatest secret the greatest secret is the way out of suffering and uh and the way to lasting happiness and i think i should define what suffering is because sometimes people think that suffering might be somebody who's in grief or somebody who's really struggling with pain and illness and uh and just extreme situations but suffering comes in the most subtle forms too and so all of our suffering comes from negative thoughts and negative feelings and and we experience those things one of the things that the greatest secret does is it frees us of negative thoughts and negative feelings and so it frees us of things like uncertainty unworthiness oh gosh fear anxiety stress all of those emotions that none of us like to experience uh the greatest secret shows you the way out of all of those things and in their place to have lasting happiness i love that um so rhonda david i'd love to hear a little bit about um how you came to meet uh and as that is connected to the greatest secret and the journey okay yeah okay who do you want to begin let's go with david to start okay great well um i actually never set out to become a teacher um i've been as i was a seeker for many years and then from the year 2000 to 2005 there was a quite a rapid progression in the way my true nature was being revealed and um i saw my true nature in um november 2005 and um there was a period of integration and actually the secret played a part in that because the secret was released in 2006 and what i started to realize is that it was really important to make the transition between relying on the mind and using intuition and so the secret was actually a very crucial part of that and so um [Music] the process of integration um happened over maybe a two or three year period and then i was invited to um appear on a on a program called conscious tv where they were interviewing people who had realized their true nature and what came as a result of that is even though the mind following self-realization was saying oh it would be wonderful to share this knowledge with people um it was something that i wasn't able to do on a personal level i did try that but it didn't actually work um so i i had to kind of just surrender and as a result of that people started to approach me and so i realized that because our true nature is effortless being we can actually learn to function from the level of effort as being which is allowing things to come to us rather than pursuing them and using the mind to plan certain strategies and and that really is the way the whole thing unfolded so because it's an effortless process it's also to do with making oneself available so if people feel inspired to approach me and want to discuss the nature of realization then i you know i will always be available i would certainly try to be and the um the amazing thing is that infinite intelligence will bring things to us and i think that's one of the key things for people who are familiar with the principles of the secret because what we've all learned from that is that there is actually an intelligence which exists outside the mind and that guiding intelligence is the crucial thing so so those who are already familiar with the secret are actually a long way towards realization already because they already know that there is this intelligence which is way beyond the limitations of the human mind excellent um so rhonda you were studying ancient traditions uh for years you were continuing your your sort of personal spiritual growth and then you heard uh a podcast uh david on conscious tv can you just speak a little bit about sort of how that changed the trajectory of your development um and that moment and then that conversation that followed yes um so basically from the secret uh in finding that truth of the secret i knew there had to be more truth and and i i just became the the sincerest seeker that you could ever find because i searched seven days a week from the time the sega was released and and it was a wonderful search and i i just i i went through all of the traditions yes i did and uh and i discovered so many things you know dazzling things fantastic things um but none of them had me feel that i'd i'd found the truth now because i was living according to the principles of the secret my mind was predominantly positive so i felt really great and my life was incredible uh it really really was incredible unrecognizable from what it had been prior to that and so um i just i kept searching and kept searching and then there was this incident that happened and it really wasn't even such a big incident it was it was quite a small incident but i i suddenly felt this very profound disappointment and um all in my stomach and and i thought how can i possibly feel this bad when i always feel so good and so what i did to turn that around was i just grabbed my ipad um it was late at night and i went went to bed and i grabbed my ipad and i thought i've just got to listen to somebody you know speaking positively about the world and and life and and i noticed that they had an interview and it was being done previously many years earlier with not a teacher but just an everyday person like you and i and he had been on a search for the truth for decades and he had found the truth the truth and i i was just like beside myself i watched that interview all the way through and then which was david of course and then i i followed in david's footsteps i did exactly what he did he said he had listened to a particular podcast so i went and listened to that podcast and and i don't even and this was january 216 so i loved the fact that david remembered when he realized when when he sort of realized his true nature because i will just never forget january 216 and i reached out to david um to see if i could connect with him and and he responded straight away and i i connected with him and he he was just so extraordinary um i get criteria if i think about it uh he was he was just so amazing and he helped me see what was right in front of me and that had been right in front of me my entire life and um it was just the most the most incredible moment to to see the truth um of something like that and so um and i stayed connected with david and david was so wonderful he said to me he said now you now you have to write a book and take it to the world and i and i just i don't know if i could do that and so basically what i did was i spent the next four years integrating it so that i could write a book that was as simple as possible and as clear as possible and one of the reasons that um i i hadn't i'd taken lots of notes and from teachers and i had a folder on my computer with lots and lots of notes but one of the reasons why i didn't want to do anything too early was because i really wanted to have a simple path and you know i had come across this two years earlier and i hadn't seen it i had missed it i missed it and so i was determined that i would write a book where no one would miss it no one everyone would experience it and no one would miss it and so and that's you know basically what what it took so and the greatest secret was born and there's i mean there is that massive revelation in the book but over the next four years i discovered so many things about the truth behind the world and you know so much and it's all contained in that book so it's a it's a 14-year journey that no one has to no one has to take but i wouldn't i wouldn't trade that journey for anything so thank you rhonda um yeah it's so fitting that david's here today uh for this launch event um being such a key spark in that journey um and as you mentioned there there are so many incredible revelations in the the greatest secret as well as practical sort of practices really for putting those revelations into action in our lives um in the book rhonda you talk about the idea that happiness is our true nature so if that is the case what what gets in the way of our happiness um what gets in the way of our happiness is our mind and and so we could actually even drill it down to make it even simpler than that what gets in the way of our happiness is a single thought um and so so and those and we have a thought and then we think that thought over and over and it becomes a belief and uh and so we have a whole lot of beliefs inside of us that uh that are operating all of the time and we cannot experience the world other than through our beliefs so so the world is not the way that we see it because it's colored by uh by our beliefs and those beliefs can uh always i think i could say always i was going to say usually but i think i could say always a limiting come from limitation and lack which is what we are not um and so beliefs thoughts negative thoughts negative feelings are what cover up who we really are and happiness is our true nature that is who we are a blissful happiness actually a happiness that's beyond probably what most people have ever felt um even when they got that very thing that they really wanted or that huge dream came came true this is a happiness that is absolutely oh my gosh it's so beautiful and um and so and so that happiness is our true nature so then we just all have to stop and think well if i have that inside of me already and we do every single human being does every single one then then why am i not happy and it's the mind it's the mind with its stories whether it's you know being really tough on us you shouldn't have done that that was dumb you know all those all those kinds of things that that the mind does and uh and and we are just so much more than that so um so yes that's that's why happiness is uh that's why many of us are not experiencing the blissful happiness that is our true nature incredible david did you want to add anything to that discussion yes i'd like to actually um i feel that the mind is giving too much attention uh by human beings because um we're actually led to believe that that the mind actually represents 100 of our consciousness when in reality the mind is less than one percent of our consciousness it's just that there's a misunderstanding about the way the mind functions because everything that we're always doing and everything everything that people are engaged in to try to seek happiness um they're actually seeking their true nature they're seeking the infinite self infinite consciousness and well to give a couple of examples for instance if someone for instance people who enjoy spectator sports if somebody goes to say to a football match what they're going there for is to try to experience infinite consciousness and the way they're trying to do that is to they want to see one of their players performing in a way that just demonstrates that their activity is way beyond the capability of the mind you you see the flow of the way they play and it creates this sense of all and this sense of um in the bliss and that's really true of most um things that people are engaged in so whether it's um whether it's watching a football match or whether it's going to the opera or whether it's watching a film we're always looking for that sense of heightened awareness which is beyond the mind which is one's true nature and in terms of creative people um the same thing applies so people who say people who are writers um they like to get into the flow where what they're writing is totally effortless and they're actually functioning from their effortless infinite nature um it's just that they they've been told that it's the mind that's doing it but it's never been the mind and the same is true of whether it's musicians or dancers or artists or poets we're always we're always seeking to go beyond the limitations of the mind and that's what everyone is already doing but they don't realize that that's what they're doing they think that it's you know because they like this particular football team or because they admire this particular musician or this particular writer but everything has the same motivation which is to experience one's true nature but the difference between a secondary mode of experience like that and the greatest secret is the greatest secret gives you direct access to that so you don't need you don't need any kind of intermediary and david you know when you um were talking about i love that you brought up effortless uh being because it's we've the mind suggests to us all of the time that we should be doing a whole lot of action and doing doing and putting effort and you need to do all of these things to achieve in life and you need to be productive and so the mind is telling us all of those things when in truth in truth life becomes absolutely incredible when you let go of that and you become effortless and then just everything just appears just because you're effortless just as you said earlier with students um and and teaching that when you let it go then it all then it all came and and i i just think you know on my journey that i feel that uh uh the that everything in life is the opposite to what we've been led to believe absolutely everything we're born and we die absolutely the truth is the opposite to to all of that and and the the other thing about effort is it underneath effort is um i'm not going to make it kind of is there's kind of struggle under effort and there's fear under effort and also under effort is i don't have this and so that makes it really really challenging and yet when we're effortless the happiness in us arises and so yeah i just i just had to comment because i love that you brought up about effortless being because it's it's um it's absolutely beautiful well effortless being is key ronda as we both know because yes um the the game we're all playing is really to experience the extreme limitation of human life as an opportunity to experience our true nature by contrast so we we're having this experience of limitation we feel as though we're bound in time and space and that we're banned by the physical body when none of those things are actually true and and the the way we can go beyond those limitations is by beginning to notice effortlessness more than engaging the mind making an effort and feeling as though we have to achieve things in time because it's actually a kind of portal in the way into our true nature which is that our true nature is effortless our true nature is also neutral and so by for instance when listening to the audio book of the greatest secret the best mode to experience that in is in a state of effortlessness and in a state of neutrality because that is actually the basis on which we can see our true nature and also in terms of reading of reading the book because um when reading the book there are going to be lots of new concepts for people to take in but the way to to do that is it is in a state of effortlessness so it's important not to allow the mind to come in and say things like oh i don't understand this or i don't agree with this you know the mind is basically uh a device which is um for discrimination and judgment and it can be used in a very effective way but it can also undermine one's ability to experience happiness because um once you recognize that our true nature is infinite and it's also effortless then we can we can begin to align our consciousness before we engage um in either say reading the book or listening to the audio book and by doing that we're actually in the realm that we need to be to realize that true nature because the only space that we can realize our true nature is when we're in a state of effortlessness when we're neutral when there's no judgment and when there's an openness and when there is no duality because the the mind is actually a dualistic device it creates the sense of oneself being here and then the world being out there when really life is unity and we can begin to experience that directly and it's important for people to know that the greatest secret isn't just about learning those concepts it's realizing that it's something that is directly known self-realization isn't just on the conceptual level it's actually non-conceptual and so um taking it really easy easy reading the text or listening to the words in a way where one is totally effortless and and the mind doesn't need the mind doesn't need to try to grasp the meaning um it's more about just allowing and just being really easy with the whole process and enjoying it the more one can enter into a state of joy relaxation ease then the more benefit that can be derived from this knowledge yes because the mind um the mind uh sabotages us doesn't it it will uh it will it will do its best to um sabotage us from discovering the greatest secret that make make the greatest discovery we can ever make so i think they're really wise words because yeah the mind can come in and certainly over the last four years that has been my journey of being able to distinguish there's there is the mind and not falling for the mind and and i would just fall for it again and uh and my teacher that i have in the us would say i would speak to it she would say well that's the mind that's the mind and i'll be like oh damn you know there's the mind that's the mind again i fell for it again and um and so yeah and it wow it's got a whole kind of basket of tricks you know the mind that it comes that it comes up with to try and distract us and so they're really wonderful words for people when they're reading the book is to just um you know be aware of those thoughts that come in and say you know i don't understand this or i don't really get this because in truth every single word in that book you know already every single person you all know who you are knows everything that is in that book this is not this is not news to you and so it's really a process of remembering that's what it is it's remembering remembering who you are so yeah i have so many questions for both of you uh this is uh yeah there's this is uh it's incredible um so i want to go back a little bit to this idea about we just touched on um you know so for those people uh who are you know in you know living in the world today there's so much sort of anxiety and frustration um and fear going on um and in the book ron and the greatest secret through this really powerful discussion about the ways in which anger frustration and anxiety stem from suppressed feelings and i would love rhonda for you to talk a little bit about the ways in which these negative thoughts and anger are not coming from the outside but they rather come from inside of us sure sure and so if we experience a feeling uh any any negative feelings we only suppress negative feelings pretty well um and so if we experience a feeling of disappointment like i did or or anger or whatever i thought the disappointment was coming from the situation that had happened to me but that disappointment was coming from disappointment that i had suppressed inside of me so we cannot experience a negative emotion unless we have already suppressed it and for most of us we suppress these emotions when we were small children and you know it's usually the whole gamut of them so if we have felt an emotion we have suppressed it and and what happens is in the world because these um emotions are energy and they they create a lot of pressure and uh and they need to be released and so what happens is there will be a trigger that will happen in the world that will help us release like a pressure cooker release some of that emotion and for example what what we have seen with um 2020 has been a lot of people uh a lot of fear coming out of people but that fear was already in everybody you know and they're experiencing it because of the circumstances in the outside world but the fear was already there and so in the greatest secret um you've taken step by step in how you can release these negative emotions for good and once you release a negative emotion and i did release one i released one around depression and um and i didn't even know what i was doing at that time it was just intuitive and i i knew what to do and and and and so instead of resisting it i didn't resist it i welcomed welcomed this feeling i kind of put my arms around this feeling and people might think oh that would be really hard because we don't like negative feelings we don't push them away we like we don't want to feel them but that's how they get suppressed and they do not help our health at all and they do not help all of the things that we want to experience in life because they're acting as kind of blocks in some way um and they're covering over our happiness so so yes all of those feelings are suppressed inside of us so if you feel disappointment over somebody who said something to you um or hurt over something that somebody said to you and you so sure that it's that situation that you just experienced the hurt was already inside of you and it needed a release to release to release some of it and but it's still there and so hopefully through the greatest secret i mean i have done it that has been my journey i have when any feeling has come up i have released it and it is a high i am telling you to oh my gosh it is you just feel lighter and then you realize that all of these feelings were super heavy that you were carrying around you know really heavy heavy weight and you just feel lighter and lighter and of course you're happier and happier with everyone and so never will you doubt again never will you feel unworthy again never will you question yourself again i can't do this or or you know that's i'm not good enough that they are gone they they have to be gone because none of those things are true about anybody so yes there's this common belief among so many that you know quote i'll be happy when right whether that's in a relationship or the right job or the right goal um but you write that we can all begin with happiness today right that it's part of who we are it is who we are um so yeah i'd love to hear from you both uh let's start with david on this point well um to continue along the lines of ronda's uh conversation um the key thing to realize is that our true nature is effortless being and it's also neutral and it's also um totally easy so what we've done is we've we've adopted certain concepts of limitation about ourselves and quite a few of them um we inherit from our family you know they're sort of written into the dna and what i find with most people that i've spoken to where there has been self-realization is that they've they've actually got most people who've got one or two beliefs um which keep the idea of being an individual and being an imitation um in place and um it's letting go of those which um actually reveals happiness to us because it's those it's those beliefs because lots of them they're sort of conditioned patterns and we see our parents behaving in this particular way um you know we see our teachers we see our friends and there aren't many of them actually there there are probably only about five or six but they're things like i'm not good enough there's something wrong with me nobody loves me um those sort of core things which can motivate um our behavior and they're also the things that what we tend to do is we we tend to use a lot of effort to try to suppress those as ronda said um people tend to push those negative emotions down when really by being non-judgmental about oneself we can allow them to come to the surface and we can look at them in a totally honest way for instance my my family conditioning was actually to do with inferiority and the way that plays out inferiority tends to manifest as arrogance and that's how it was for me especially in my teenage years because you have this feeling of inferiority because my family are just ordinary working class people the sort of social structure in the uk you know the class system gives the idea that you are actually inferior but there has to be a point for each of us where we realize that for there to be self-realization there has to be a sense of total equality with every everyone and everything in life because for there to be unity there's no hierarchy in unity so there has to be equality and that that is the thing that we have to fully accept so we have to fully accept equality we have to fully accept unity and we have to accept our infinite nature and and the way we do that is actually by being conscious about the the programs of limitation and um ronda's description there was brilliant and the thing about ronda actually um when we first met in the first conversation we had is that ronda didn't actually have any obvious concepts of limitation running about herself i think all the work she had done through the secret had eliminated most of those they're obviously obviously still one or two still running and rhonda was very fortunate to meet an amazing teacher a couple of uh months after she and i spoke and the benefit of that is that is that the the process of integration um has been overseen by ronda's teacher and so that's how the remnants of the concepts of limitation have been released and how one's innate happiness can come to the surface because it's those concepts of limitations keep a keeper lid on the innate happiness that's there and so it's important for everyone so everyone who has read the secret um is actually in a more beneficial situation because they're probably they've probably already been addressing these sort of issues you know issues to do with self-worth or issues to do with confidence and these sort of things and um so anyone the great thing is that anyone who is actually listening to this broadcast is already really well on track because firstly they're familiar with the concepts of the secrets and secondly they they they're actually already um acting on the basis of inspiration rather than on the mind because the reason they're here is because they've had that feeling of joy and inspiration and lightness which has inspired them to attend this conversation yes and and david also there and i agree with you 100 with uh with the fact that the secret people who've read the secret it's really going to help them a lot they uh because one of the reasons is too because they've become aware of their thoughts like when they when they realized how powerful their mind was in this material world um when they realized how powerful it was and how powerful their thoughts were the very first thing you do i remember when i discovered the secret i suddenly became aware of thoughts and up until then i was unconscious i was hypnotized by what was going on in my head and i also think and one of the things in the greatest secret and it was a revelation for me absolute revelation on my journey was the voice in your head is not you that was just like wow because as i say in the greatest secret it sounds like you you know it's very familiar it's very familiar to you it knows an awful lot about you but it isn't you and um and i just think knowing that helps us stop identifying with it and and i mean the mind is an incredible tool it's an incredible tool to to to create what you want i mean if we if we just thought about what we want all of the time that's all we would get in our life and so it's wonderful in that regard but it's also can be everybody's greatest torturer and i think that people would understand that with the year that they've had and if they've suffered from a lot of anxiety and fear then they will know the kind of suffering they've been through has been the tirade of terrifying thoughts that the mind has delivered up to them and they've been the recipient of that and i i just you know people can you can be free people can be free of this you can be free of this and and it is not is not hard you know it's not hard you already have what is required you don't have to go and get it anywhere you don't have to achieve anything you don't need a degree you don't have to struggle there's nothing that you have to do everything you have it already you are that already and so all it is is just a matter of um of seeing that is it's just like a slight shift in um slight shift in in perception a slight shift in the way we look at things i remember my teacher used to say to me um uh she would say you're looking away you keep looking away and looking in the wrong direction and i would be like no i'm looking i'm looking at it i'm trying to look i'm trying to look at it um but i i think that's really great because once you once you see it once you fully realize it then life begins yes well to the the teachers um who are i mean i love every teacher that you've featured in the book i think they're amazing i feel really privileged to be one of those are you wondering um but the the variety of knowledge is amazing but you know the total humility and commitment um to bring this knowledge to the wider public is you know it is an amazing opportunity for us all well but um just going back to two features two teachers who um featured in my own development um in the early days prior to realization were eckhart tolle and lester levinson and so lester levinson he's really good at describing what you were just saying which is that um you realize that the mind will manifest anything and what lester says he says well if you if you look at the way you you've created sickness depression um ill health and adversity he said see how effectively you've done that and then just turn it around and you can begin to focus on the things that you can create that's amazing he also um is wonderful in the way he he he exposes the he exposes the um subconscious programs of limitation which we've all been subjected to and enables us to release them and because your teacher is a student of leicester then you were really fortunate to have that knowledge available because during the process of integration um we have to release those concepts of limitation and the sort of self-judgment and that's crucial because when you know that your true nature is neutrality and you know that it's effortless um you have to get into a position where you are on that level of equality with all of life so if you're holding a concept of limitation which is either that you're better than other people or that you're not as good as other people those concepts have to be totally erased because the portal into one's true nature because our true nature is totally stable and it's also welcoming in its own nature we have to be able to align ourselves with the attributes of our infinite nature to be able to realize it so so we have to we we have to create that environment um in our own inner knowing to be able to do that and so um so so learning to just let go of those concepts of limitation is really important and that can happen before realization and sometimes it needs to happen afterwards because there is a residue sometimes but i think eckhart tolle is someone who is um really uh good for teaching us how to um remain neutral in um situations of adversity as you know lots of people have experienced this year and that is by observing the mind because when we begin to notice that um we can observe our thoughts and emotions we realize that we're not the thoughts and we're not the emotions and it's the very act of witnessing the thoughts and witnessing the feelings that disconnects the energy supply from those and because it's our own energy supply that is feeding those um those emotions and when we're able and when we realize that it's possible to disconnect the energy supply we can remain neutral so you know in the current circumstances in 2020 the the best thing we can do for ourselves is to remain emotionally neutral because that will preserve our own health and energy but also on a collective level we're not actually feeding the collective fear and that's really important so so for everyone you know if everyone could realize that the the situation we find ourselves in collective and believe now would just dissolve it's only because we are we've collectively fed this um but we're we're able to dissolve that in the you know the fortunately it's the thing that's best for ourselves too beautiful um i think we have we could go on for hours and hours thank you thank you both so much um you know i just going back um you know as we're winding up here i think you know one of the things that i think is most i want to say about the book um the greatest secret is it is this incredible distillation of ancient wisdom um and it when you read it you feel you feel that that power uh of these timeless truths um but it's more than that because what ronda has done in this book uh with the help of contributors like david is there is advice for the experience right now um practical things that we can do to you know relieve some of those things as we were talking about the stress and anxiety and i think that's really um you know one of the most important takeaways here is you know that it's rare to have the combination of this in in incredible timeless wisdom with these practical uh practical pieces as well so as we wind up rhonda um i know that you you know this book is uh i think he wrote in the book that it's one of the most important books you've written to date um i just want you to share uh for everyone listening today and watching today so what your vision for it is and mission well i'm it was created to free people from suffering and and to and to put put the truth uh in front of them and hopefully they will remember uh remember the truth um and it it it's for everybody because uh because you know when david speaks of self-realization another word word you know that people might be familiar with the self-realization is like enlightenment or word like that and then people would automatically think well that's not for me you know i mean the buddha was enlightened and all of these incredible beings were enlightened but it is for you because it's who you are already and um and i have just such an incredible love for humanity and uh and the courage we have to be in this physical world and as david said playing this game of limitation i think it takes enormous courage to play this game of limitation and i i want people to be free and to be happy and to have to be returned to their natural state and and and it's for those that are that are ready for that and there are many teachers in the book and and that is deliberate teachers with all different wisdom because you know different teachers speak to people different people at different times and but what i do want to say is every single teacher in that book has changed my life i have they they are my journey from the secret until uh 2020 and so uh so all of them have changed my life in some way or or another um and so my wish is that it will change people's lives too and they will find the true happiness that they are beautiful david thank you so much for joining us today rhonda thank you thank you david thank you david so wonderful to see you really what really wonderful and i love that i'd love to know those other three things that you were talking about at some point or another that we're not good enough and they're they're really amazing so thank you david very much kitty and thank you so lovely we really love everybody i i just i wanted to leave and just let you guys talk for hours and be a flyover both so incredible so thank you so much for sharing you
Channel: Tell Me What To Read
Views: 41,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Booktopia, Bookstore, Authors, Funny, Interviews, Australia, Trailer, Books, Online, Rhonda Bryne, David Bingham, Booktopia TV, The Greatest Secret
Id: giOGMhpq4Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 15sec (2835 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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