r/Historymemes | he is NOT pointy ☠️☠️☠️

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48 u.s states a unique shape of our land is a great way to have an identity of our own colorado and wyoming i'm a square you'll ever notice that the washington monument looks absolutely nothing like george washington r slash technically the truth nice to see you here nostalgic person i wish we could go back to the good old days literally every historian i'm sorry what it's so badass when people stand in front of stuff they've destroyed iron man john wick rats in front of all of europe the joker in front of the hospital that feeling when you went to space a soviet and came back a russian [Music] that facial expression is priceless never ask a woman her age a man is salary or britain oh they got so many artifacts in their museum to this day the most unrealistic thing disney ever did was portray zeus as a loving family man oh god first man in space first man on the moon well yeah yeah the dude went somewhere i'm gonna get close to this group of humans what's the worst that can happen thousands of years later i regret everything john lennon after making a song called working class hero as he makes hundreds of millions of dollars i too am extraordinarily humble italians in world war ii [Music] italians in new york city in 1957 the kgb tried to blackmail the indonesian president when he visited moscow they sent a group of women to have sex with him and secretly filmed it but when they showed him the video he said indonesians would be proud and even ask for extra copies kgb no that's not how you're supposed to play the game hello yes this is dog your wife was launched into space this never fails to make me sad and cry into my pillow romans we don't like kings augustus what if i'm a king but i call myself an emperor romans you son of a i'm in germany we are losing the war italy you are when you're a woman living in the 1600s and accidentally do math the town's vault pitchfork activated dc is sold that it was around when better meant stupid mistake meanwhile at the joker's hideout so they laugh at my picture [Music] laugh at my picture will they i'll show them i'll show them how many joker can make dude on the right is like from the late 20th century was like oh no medieval cities and cartoons medieval cities in reality millennials are the gayest generation in history classical greece am i a joke to you what we think people from the 14th century would be mind blown by what they'd really be mind blown by yeah magical the tiny glass information slab versus all the food they could ever eat my grandpa that died in world war ii me vacationing in argentina with my mom oh no oh no president kennedy do you know how to put men on the moon yet nasa no president kennedy do you look cooler if you did yes mr president we'll get right on that norway in the middle ages norway and the rest of history norway now norway is cool yeah seven-year-old spartans being told they're in the army now uh what native americans okay can you just let us live on our ancestral land that we own america okay oklahoma is your home now but but yeah that's exactly how it went france i can explain louisiana purchase the land is now worth 1.2 trillion dollars and you offered me only 15 million the alaskan purchase you offered me 7.2 million for what is now worth 37 billion treaty of guadalupe you guys are getting paid france calculating how much germany should pay for their world war one war reparations 248 plus 208 equals 4 460. to be fair it shouldn't have been fair people this is the closest we've ever come to world war three the cuban missile crisis am i a joke to you sarah rector an 11 year old black girl became the richest colored girl in the world in 1913 when oil was found on the land that the government had allocated to her family by the time she turned 18 rector was already a millionaire and was so rich that the oklahoma legislature declared her as a white person wow oklahoma i would like to award you the highest honor i can bestow jesus artistry history of science military history economic history our history means military history i think probably because military history is the most well-known i can't say for certain though i don't exactly frequent our slash history memes all that much when you're a teacher in 1950 and see a student picking up the pen with their left hand hi kid do you like violence ancient celts when the sun shines through their cool rock pile and the pig is ready for slaughter oh yeah it's all coming together pixar accidentally deleting 90 of toy story 2 the animator with backups on her home computer i didn't know this was a thing the guy who invented constellations was like see those four dots that's a bear and everyone else was just too busy trying to not die from the plague to fight him on it the guy that saw just a lonely plane reached hiroshima stupid americans what damage could they possibly think to achieve with only one play oh the pope who think this is funny michelangelo painting the gates of hell behind his throne [Music] we do not have wifi talk to each other pretend it's 1995. former yugoslavians oh no you like imperialism don't you america america the philippines hawaii guam puerto rico cringe history an actual historian explaining that france was good at war random guy who learns history from memes i i learned enough history to pass my classes and do the aps for college credit that i never ended up using and that was it i'm punk so i must rebel i'm asian so i must like maps what i dye my hair crazy colors so i must be looking for attention i'm a rhodes so i must lead to rome ah i understand now actually this civil war was really about states rights a state's right to what exactly there are some things even a state shouldn't be able to do america hasn't figured that out yet i'm close to breaking this whole thing wide open things that killed roman emperors deodorants natural causes suicide brute axe lynx mum arm and hammer right guard old spice only dove and gillette aren't part of this yet imagine being described as capital of the world but not even being the capital of your own state yeah i never understood this one albany's is very nice but very boring it just kind of sits there this meme was made by the rome gang this sub the 20 year rule 9 11 memes yeah i i personally i skip almost all 9 11 memes i'm only doing this one because it's you know saying don't don't do that mainly because i lived in new york for so long and and yeah they family just no it's not not not necessary wait so people can say whatever they want yes oh let's give them guns this country is going to be lit white boomers saying how life was better in the 60s black boomers yeah sit down just sit down oh you're already sitting shut up how the frack did himmler get away with having a sidekick named that's like luigi in waluigi level bullcrap africa has thousands of different cultures with tribes varying in size europeans drawing the borders rectangles cool bugs facts the highest honor in journalism is being murdered by the c.i.a wow thanks cool bug that was a great fact god so this is really small island angel yeah god and there's like three different cultures on it angel okay god and they all hate each other angel god and the weather is terrible angel gotcha god now they're going to conquer a quarter of the world angel i'm sorry what so glad i grew up doing this not this i i it's accurate america sure is having some bad luck it's almost like it was built on an ancient indian burial ground hmm germany soviets losing 20 000 tanks ah call an ambulance soviets coming back with forty thousand more five months later but not for me when you cross three hundred meters of no man's land in under five hours and only break down twice i am speed i don't know what that thing is but it looks cool just to my engineering focused heart i also realized that i've probably triggered all of the tank heads and they will be filling the comments as to what this tank is i'm sorry usa talking about freedom and democracy usa spreading fatal man democracy yeah i get the idea behind you know beating the crap out of somebody who's treating their citizens like crap but also functional governments are nice the literally too angry to die squad okay okay okay there needs to be a doom mod that replaces the head of doomguy with teddy roosevelt i aim for the stars but i keep hitting london verner von braun establishing dictatorships destroying dictatorships the united states democracy go usually out of the front of an a10 warthog people having fought in both world wars and gotten through the stock market crash boomers yeah exactly and some of them boomers clearly took it all for granted develop a devastating weapon to end the war nuke the enemy's city killing everyone in it as a display of power they don't surrender they they don't surrender nuke them again everybody making jokes but we lucky the swiss never entered the world wars i'm gonna do the recoil on that thing british people be like i'm british we just say the t in a very high pitch that americans cannot hear after the incident in boston we always hide our tease after getting late to class getting late to class okay george sing copied from the blackboard two problems thinking they were homework and then solved them there were actually two famous unsolved statistics problems which earned him his phd george densing his teacher i like the idea he was just like ah today's homework crap he just goes home and solves it that night a german soldier and british soldier confronting each other in world war one like you're just a child well you're just a teenager 17 year olds in 1945 thinking that they won't have to go to war the same guy five years later in korea japan's capital be like kyoto tokyo fbi extorting mlk in the 60s fbi tweeting in his memory today historians with 40 years of knowledge and experience down vote meme with 40 000 upvotes making fun of friends you're just not gonna this is memes this is history memes this is not history facts it is memes you're historian you must be able to meme to succeed here belgium in europe belgium and the congo belgium and world wars you know i i know basically nothing about belgium and i i feel like i just learned a lot the brits in brit history books the brits in every other history book angela merkel has just been called the worst chancellor in history awkward yeah i can guarantee there's at least one worse guy zeus era literally anyone else shooting teddy roosevelt he doesn't die he refuses to go to a doctor he gives a speech he starts mocking your assassination attack
Channel: EmKay
Views: 203,345
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, HIstorymemes
Id: rhgPw2S3fEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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