Revolutionize SEO: ChatGPT Keyword Clusters

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hey guys and welcome to where's the scale one of the questions that I get quite a bit is about QR clustering and different approaches you can take with the new blog and it is no secret that Google values topic of authority and then slowly but surely bloggers deviate from separate keywords looking for KD towards building High Authority websites where you basically exhaust the niche and the more narrow Niche the faster you get the results but that's a topic for another video so first things first we cannot do keyword clustering without the keywords and there are different approaches to extracting keywords and I invite you to watch my video about Judge Beauty versus ahrefs where I talk about how to collect keywords different keyword tools that you can use but here we'll make everything simple for us so I have chosen a topic in advance which is AI generated art so that's going to be our topic and we are gonna do clustering based on people also ask and for that I have installed the plugin called SEO Dominion and the way it works it basically clicks on these people also ask section and parses all the data and collects it into the CSV file so we're gonna use the four levels and click go you can go as many levels as you wish although there is limits but you can collect up to a thousand words using this approach and the amount of clicks is basically the amount of keywords or in other words how many times the plugin is going to click on the question okay so it looks like we have around 90 and here they are so just copy them we'll switch to chegeberry I will be using the gbd4 hopefully it doesn't crash on me if it does I'll switch back to GPU 3.5 and you can do clustering it's an artwork in and of itself but I basically split it into two different approaches which is the top down and bottom up and the top down approach is when you ask chargibility to basically come up with the subheadings and paint the whole picture so to speak based on the seed keyword on the topic and then you having the keywords you assign them to these categories and the main Pro in this approach is that you're exhausting your Niche or getting close to exhausting your Niche at least topic wise and the other approach is bottom up when you have your keywords and then you are asking changeupd to come up with categories based on those keywords and the pro these approaches that you get more accurate data for those keywords but you won't be able to see if there are any categories I'm missing from the selection so I'll be showing you both approaches so first The Prompt is organize the following keywords into five groups based on their semantic relationships give a short name to each group and the reason I have chosen a number which could be five seven three is that if you don't assign a number gbd chegebd is more likely to use like two or three large groups and then it defies the purpose because you get just all your keywords split in half basically so let's try this example with the five groups so I'm pasting the keywords here and we have group one which is a IR definition and characteristics and you might have noticed that I asked chegebe to use shorter names for the categories because sometimes it just drags on and on and you get like a huge sentence as a category and let's say no go because you want to use this category in WordPress and they will rank on its own the names I mean so let's look this looks good actually so the first group of category is air definition characteristics what is a generation art why is aigers are so good the second one is AR platforms and generators AI art legality and ethics so this is a big one group four Dolly and open AI so we will be talking about Dolly specifically and open AI as a company is totally free to use can I use open AI for free how can I start using dolly and the fifth group is AI art and nft which is again a very popular topic and I'm actually curious if we got all of the keywords assigned and you want to read through this and if you see outliers like keywords that I that do not belong to any of the groups you can repeat these prompts but use number seven or six instead of five and the Q for this is when chegebra starts designing like huge chunks of keywords to one specific group this usually means that there has to be another group let's ask shajipiri if there were any unassigned keywords I apologize for the oversight review Underside keywords that I missed nice and what it actually is so chibi did not assign every keyword because some of those were did not belong to the five groups so it now has created a six Group which is AI art questions and miscellaneous and this is another cue that you should have had seven groups instead of five because miscellaneous could have been grouped better and what we can do also is create a category name or name for the words under the miscellaneous category now this is the word that I misspell all the time so hopefully chege really understands and now schedule came up with a seventh group even though it's it's calling it sixth a a concerns applications and tools so these all used to belong to the miscellaneous you know jdb came up with the separate group but again I don't think this approach is ideal although there are some marriage to it I will stop generating I would it's finished already so we'll start a new chat just in case we again will use gbd4 and this time around I'll start with the basic prompt of what are the most popular subtopics for the topic of AI generated art and let's see what happens AI generated R has become increasingly popular okay thank you for that so the first topic or sub-sopic is style transfer that this technique will supply the logistics Style blah blah blah then there are generative adversial networks I have no idea what that is then we have neural style algorithms AI assisted art creation this has to do with AI tools AI curated art and exhibitions and we actually missed that topic entirely air collaborations art and AI ethics so we do have this one AI generated music and performance and I can see right now that I should have been been more specific and previously Chad GPD understood the art as like artwork digital art and now it's talking about art in general so let's try to amend that and we could have just regenerated the prompt AI generated digital digital art and I think it's this one is closer to the initial query but it's more about art in general so if you were to create a niche site around artwork where the entries is the consumer that the people also ask section reflects that but if you are building up a resource for artists then I think this approach here works better for this niche as well and I'll try one more time what are the most popular subtopics for the topic of AI generated art as it pertains to a regular user let's try that because I do feel that the previous generation is like more professional okay so this one is closer to what we were going for a based photo filters ah amateurs yeah drum and sketching tools style transfer a generated minimum caption generators music visualizers a powered Arts editing tools storytelling creation so so far for this Niche I like the first approach better so the bottom up approach but let's just assume this is what this is what we were going after in this case the second prompt would be as follows the sign the below keywords so each of the categories listed early let me know if some of the keywords did not fit any of the categories and this is a perfect example of why I think both approaches have merits because let's say this is like our perfect cluster and we've collected our keywords and we see that we have some keywords for the first category we don't have anything for the seconds nothing for the fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth category as well but in this example I would just go for this approach here which is the bottom up and we can finish it off like we can use a few tests test prompts like were there any uh assigned keywords all the keywords have now been assigned to the appropriate groups so what I will do I'll ask it to generate A2 column table based on the groups and the keywords above and you can play around with the prompt so you can make this table where every keyword is on its own line another prompt that I like and I might show that to you he is asking about the overlap in the keywords so people also ask sometimes returns very similar keywords that are basically asking about the same using different words and you would need to know that before writing an article to avoid duplication and cannibalization so this looks like a very complete cluster or clusters for a niche Authority website on digital art and AI generated are specifically one of the last things that I will do I'll ask were there any overlap between any of the above words yes there are a few overlapping keywords between the groups like group 3 and 6. and group five and six based on the latest update create a final to column table where each keywords seeds on its own row and this is the final table which is very easy to read it excludes the overlap we have made sure that there are no unsigned keywords and yeah this is basically the process and as always all these prompts will be added to the prompts Library so go check it out and one of the things that I would have done myself at the keyword research stage I would have filtered the keywords based on the their potential you can use kgr you can use tools like keyword Chef to make sure you're on the targeting keywords that have quora and Reddit rank it for them on the first page but that's again Beyond this videos topic and there you have it I think this is one of the best ways to do clustering and I did say in one of my videos that there are no perfect tools for keyword clustering many people suggest keyword qubit I have tried keyword Cupid and it's not perfect and you cannot ask keyword Cupids for any overlaps you cannot make sure it resize the categories so in my honest opinion jgpd is a better clustering tool and I would even argue that this is the best clustering tool just because you don't have to pay extra so there you have it guys hopefully this was helpful like share and subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you next time
Channel: WordsAtScale
Views: 6,918
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Keywords: wordsatscale, ai copywriting, ai copywriting tools, ai writers, ai article writers, gpt-3, gpt3, chatgpt, chatgpt seo, keyword clustering, chatgpt keyword clustering
Id: YZjFkD-d67o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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