bishop benjamin dube preaching in johannesburg CBD @HY PRODUCTIONS Y EXPRESS NEWS

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oh come on give god a big round of applause in the body you can do better than that god is worthy of the praise so he keeps on doing great things he doesn't stop he does great things because he's a great god you can only do according to your capacity if you do not know you are great you will never do great things and i've come to be a blessed in this place amen i love jesus he says the thief cometh not but to steal and to kill or just to destroy but he said okay [Applause] he said but i came that they may have i gotta stop there i came so that they may have i don't have to go further he didn't come to take away from you he came so that you may have he came to add to what you have so that it may overflow [Music] you made me see that because you still understand [Music] keeps on doing on doing great things keeps on doing he keeps on doing he keeps on doing great things if you know the song joining us [Music] keeps on doing things [Music] oh [Music] you are my brother here yes you are come on foreign [Music] he [Music] he keeps on doing great things [Music] his plan is not on [Music] is doing great things [Music] i trust you [Music] won't you [Music] you i will not hear oh [Music] keeper oh don't you stop oh foreign i speak prophetically if somebody's sick here tonight or today you're gonna come out of this place all your pain god whatever situation you're in god is gonna do it for you no weapon formed against you shall prosper and the gates of hell shall not prevail against you [Music] we serving el shaddai i see that i've come i just want to take this time just before i speak or maybe even share what the lord has given me i want to take this time and and acknowledge the voice of god in this house and and that is reverend dr matthew and his wife the first lady thank you sir for really bringing me all the way here to be a blessing amen you cannot share something you don't have you can only give what you have i have gone through so much such that the anointing upon my life has to be effective never follow somebody that has never been through something amen are you with me and if that person is still in the midst of it in the middle of it wait up until he goes over because there is no way you can be a blessing while you're bleeding we have to wait up until you heal when you have healed you can show the scars but while you're bleeding you cannot show those guys it is important for us to know that the reason why jesus is sitting on high it's not because he was god [Music] it's not because he was god but because he was men who actually went through humanness yes for him to be perfected to be the god of all things how could he be god and perfect when he didn't go through everything how can he rule over everything when he didn't go through i've come to let you know that the jesus that we serve went through it he went through it he actually made it in other words god was perfecting him through suffering he was perfecting him through suffering because there cannot be true obedience without the suffering how can god say you are perfect when you didn't go through it there is no human being in the whole world that can say he is perfect except the men jesus because you're still going through it jesus was perfect by definition but he had to be perfected through experience in other words originally jesus was god but when he came into this body which is the flesh he needed to prove himself he needed to prove that that which are left in heaven can still come down onto earth [Music] now i want us to understand brethren some of you are going through suffering or going through difficult it's not because you don't believe it's because there has to be a perfection god can only perfect you that is through obedience to his word amen the i'm gonna just prove it to you because i want you to understand whom we are serving we are serving somebody who has been through what you are going through who has been where you are i don't know where you are but he's been there he was there and he wanted to go through it so that you may know you can too now john chapter 1 everybody should be knowing john chapter 1 this one in the beginning in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was he was god he was in the beginning all things were made through him and without him without him what is it that was made without him the bible says nothing nothing nothing was made without him everything that was made was made through him and it even goes further to say it was made for him it was made for him okay let me move forward in verse 4 he says in him was life and the life was what the light of man the light of men what does that mean brethren it's simply means that the light is an agent that stimulates sight light makes things visible that we're invisible jesus was an agent of visibility was an agent of a sight so that we may understand things that in our own strength in our own capacity as human beings would not understand him going through suffering it was for the sake of perfecting us because the word of god says it very clearly brethren that apart from god nothing is apart from god not you you are because god is amen you are your family is because god is and the bible says all things all things all things all things were made by him all things visible and invisible things that you don't know and the things that you still have to know all things that's why there has to be revelation jesus brings revelation he's able to actually make all things work for you all things work together in other words all things have become your employees they work for you they have been assigned to you to work you to a point where you become what god wants you to be [Music] jesus was god by definition from heaven that is original but when he came onto earth he had to go through suffering because that can never be perfection without trials you cannot pass your grade unless there is a test you have to be tested for you for us to say you are perfect in this grade you have made it in this grade in other words you have faced the trials of this grade you have faced the tests of this great you are now more disciplined you are now understanding you have sight you have a you have a you you have that insight of what you are going through jesus was not only just god when he came to earth he had to be proven he had to suffer i've come to let you know brethren that if you want perfection stay the test [Music] [Applause] [Music] because the perfection will come it can only come through trials [Music] you can only stand before people and be confident and be bold i'm sorry [Music] yes yes i don't know what you're going through but there will have to be a task amen for you to be declared a conqueror yes for god to say well done good and faithful son it's not only the good times that actually qualifies for the words that comes from the father but you see he needs to know that you are not him and therefore you need to go through a test to prove that you have him brethren i need you to understand that that salvation is not only about just jesus coming to say but it is god trying to save himself he's trying to save himself in you and me with your permission because he knows that whatever he has breathed into your body that comes from him will be lost forever everything everything everything all things nothing even the same people that hate god they still have god even the very same people that reject god they still have god that's the reason why you need not as a christian to think that you are the person and look down at those that have rejected god because god will go for god he will seek him for deep coals too deep god is attracted by himself in you [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's why he's after you it's not because of how you look on the outside it's because how you look on the inside yeah he loves you the reason he loves you is because he cannot hate himself he cannot hate himself oh my god he loves himself he says i am that i am in other words you are you when he looks at human the human race the human race reminds him of himself and that's why he cannot get away from him he looks at man he says that's me this is me i cannot let him in other words stray away because i will lose myself if i let him be i will lose myself and that's why god was able even to give jesus and release jesus he was able to release himself he was able to release himself even as he did in the book of genesis and he says if i did it once i can do it again i can do it again brethren i want you to understand today that uh you're going through suffering and and there is no doubt that is that that god is in control there is no doubt that god is the one that is doing what is right now is one man at one minute everyone is confused everyone doesn't know as to what to do that is a pandemic god is cleaning up god is dealing even some even in the house of the lord god is cleaning up every kingdom is being shaken all kingdoms are shaken and every kingdom will come and bow before the kingdom of the father because the kingdom of god is above all kingdoms darkness the bible says darkness cannot stand the light darkness cannot understand the light when the light shows up the darkness get confused darkness cannot control the light darkness cannot eliminate the light darkness cannot overpower the light and the bible says jesus is the light he is the light of the world the bible says it very clearly brethren that we are in christ we are in christ there is nothing that is supposed to take us by surprise and shock us nothing because nothing is shocking jesus nothing is shocking god [Music] if jesus was able to walk on the water don't you think you can walk on this situation that we are here don't you think brethren that we have the power to command we have the power to actually uh uh speak out that which we want to see don't you think brethren that the very same power that was in jesus is found in those that are in jesus let me say that again don't you think that you can stand yeah i love i love paul paul is saying i can do all things i can do all things in other words paul was saying if i have i can still do if i don't have i can still do if i'm sick i can still do if i'm lacking i can still do in other words jesus overcame all these seasons he was still jesus in all seasons in all seasons brethren in all seasons you can still rule in all seasons do you know brethren that you can actually uh make your sickness sick of you do you know that you can depress your depression do you know that you can worry your worry do you know that you can you can uh bring horror to whatever is making you horrified do you know that you can terrorize your terrorists why because you have power that is above all now this let me quickly um i got a clue i'm talking about festion that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our own eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have done what have handled concerning the word of life which was in the beginning the life was manifested and we have sinned we have sinned the life and bear witness and declare to you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested to us that which we have seen and heard we declare to you that you also may have what fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son who jesus christ that which was from the beginning genesis 1 1 says in the beginning god in the beginning not not the creation in the beginning and this beginner of things was in christ and this christ who is the beginner of things isn't us who are we what does that tell me it tells me that i have the ability that god has yes it simply means that your situation is too small for you your circumstances are too small you make them big because of your flesh it's because of your flesh but when you transcend into your god godly uh character and you know by definition you are perfect but you have to go through the suffering because you are in the flesh so that you can show obedience to the one that is inside of you the one inside of the one that breathed into you wants to live through you and therefore jesus had come so that he may be light and he may give you insight of who you are you need to know through christ you need to know that if christ actually was god and he is in me or i am in him i have to show the attributes of christ i need not to think like men do i need to know that i have transcended above just entertaining people but i am entertainer of one [Music] and that is god everything that i do i do it for him because of him through him i remember when god spoke to me and i was still like an artist you know today i want you to know i'm not an artist i used to be an artist and i used to want to entertain people then god began to say to me you are not what you think you are and i said lord what you what you mean and god says i'm going to reveal you to you because you are running with the wrong you [Music] other people have told you that you are a great singer that you are a great performer but i want you to know that you are more than dead and i said lord what do you mean and god said get out of the crowds [Applause] god said get out of the cross and he said you will never ever satisfy people [Music] and he said you are not people's entertainers he said get out of the crowd because whoever defines you can actually own you can own you i don't care you may try and do anything but the fact of the matter is that i made you i told you who you are i remember there was another guy who was actually doing promotion for for for the company that i was under and he actually came to the pulpit to introduce some of us who were the artists in that company and they said you can see a show and so i made him you can see so and so i made him i promoted him i marketed him i and he came to me and he said as you can see him and then i was given an opportunity to come and speak and i said nobody made me i said nobody made me accept god and i said everyone is catching up with what god has done in my life [Applause] [Music] no man can actually make me when i was already married my god you are too late because i was already made before you came god gave me your name god raised me up television was catching up [Music] no one can take credit [Music] you cannot take credit illegally do you know brethren that when you actually come between god and whom he god can kill you because he doesn't want to share praises with other people he's the only one worthy of the phrase everything all [Music] when you're going through suffering know that god is actually perfecting you and he is working out obedience in your life amen so that later on it can be proven i i see people i see people coming to me and they said uh pastor benjamin you are so amazing you your your your your music your ministry and all that they do not know what i went through they don't know that i had people uh rejecting me turning their backs on me i was left with my boys three boys i had to bring them up alone as a man i didn't have any mother that could bring them up and as a matter of fact i discovered that a woman comes into a man's life to help to assist the woman is not calm so that he can do the work of the man the man must still bring up the children because the woman is there to help bring them up and i'm talking about contextually now i'm talking about my situation my situa when when they left me and then god said you it's your assignment it was your assignment from the beginning and he said break them up and i said lord how they have no mother right now and god said you will become all in them or to them you will become all to them i've come to let you know brethren that it doesn't come stay the test perfection doesn't just come by bestowing or maybe laying a hand and saying now you are perfect in the name of jesus because you gotta go through it [Music] you gotta go through i don't know what is it that you have to go through but you have the capacity and you have the power you have to stand it to actually be able to stand in the fire and say i will not be burned i i remember the promises of god he said if i go through the waters he will be there if i go through the fire he will be there he is everything in everything you must learn obedience by experience yet perfect by definition no human can be with perfect without trials and testings i want to say this in closing now i can do all things through christ who strengthens i want you to to know even as you are getting married today don't leave him out you can do all things through him all things always come to the feet of the cross whenever things are hard lay yourself and and and be honest be honest with god say lord i'm i'm failing because god will never answer a lie [Music] if you come and lie before god he will never do nothing he's looking for truth amen when you are truthful then he's able to answer amen when you come and say lord i'm at the end of my wheat even as a man god is able to say i will be a man through you now you can do all things through christ that that simply means that in failure there is success in lack there is abundance in loss there's gain there is no way you can lose in the kingdom of god without a gain there is no loss in the kingdom of god without a cane there is no valley without the heel that's how god works he balances things when you when you actually go through sickness you must know there is healing for that sickness there is healing for that sickness in suffering there is perfection for every end whenever there is an end of anything that simply means that a beginning is showing yeah when when when i went through a divorce god said to me i am now making you my pleasure you've been the pleasure of people and he said now you are my pleasure and brother i'm not talking about being super spiritual and and then be like you floating somewhere i'm talking about real spiritualness because spiritual is both in the flesh and in the spirit when you are holy it simply means you are being set apart you've been set apart for a certain assignment it's not this holiness that we thought we were thinking about not that when when i'm holy and you become so disorganized you you are so holy you are unmanageable you are so holy that you have no administration in your life you you are so holy that you are actually wishing things to happen and yet god has given you the assignment to do the work and he has empowered and impact in fact has capacitated you to do the work you are separated and you are doing everything in a more uh a godly way organized way you are holy so don't don't run with holiness as something that is floating like like you you're floating on the water you need to actually be grounded you need to be grounded and then there's one other thing that i need you to know there is power in meekness there is power in meekness when you are humble it doesn't mean you are powerless and you you are weak it doesn't mean when you meet you are weak it's not weakness in other words when you are humble it simply means that you have power but it's power under control it's power under control but when you are proud it simply means your power is out of control you cannot you are not controlling your power and that's why you act like you peek beat people when you come with with a with with a needle and you pierce it through and they deflate that's big people but you need to be grounded be grounded because grounded people are great people amen i don't wanna be big and great people are always on the floor on the floor [Music] and just one more thing i wanna when you are a worshiper this is what god revealed to me this is just part of my experience with god and this god said to me you want to worship me then you need to know that when you are a worshiper your life must be on the floor [Music] your life as a worshiper must be on your knees a worshiper's life [Music] is not on his feet but it's on his knees a worshiper always experiences loneliness you don't care even people don't say you did well as long as god said it [Applause] because you're not entertaining people you're entertaining god live your life for god live your life for god amen i want to close i don't know i feel like in the whole world we are experiencing a pause there is a pause just to stop the whole world but i want you to know for every pause there is a continuation for in him we move in him we live in him we have our being he came so we may live and we may have an abundant life an abundant life is a life that is unstoppable it's a life that is unplausible whether circumstances agree or they don't agree you still are on the move and i wanna just challenge somebody here today because of all these situations and circumstances and challenges that we have you were just about to give up the midnight hour i got a a what's up message from another lady and she said bishop please can you pray for me and she said um i'm contemplating a suicide i feel it's not worth for me to leave things are bad for me and she said i have two children i cannot leave them alone if i kill myself now i need to kill them too and she said i didn't have anyone to reach out to she said i'm i need you to stand with me she said help me everything is said and i really am going to die today i really i cannot stand it and i said to her don't let go of god i said don't let go of god that is in you because god still wants to do something in you in other words the breath which is god in you still wants to live and i said to her never ever depart until you have impended never depart until you have distributed never depart never leave until you have left something never say goodbye until you know that all has been outlived not just lived but out lived i'm saying to you today stand the test and you will be honored stand the test because at the end of it all god wants to say well done good and faithful servant and i just want to pray for the for that person who is saying i was just pushed into a place into a place where i feel life is not worth it even god cannot hear me he cannot answer me i've been praying and praying but nothing is happening let me tell you something the prayers of the righteous availeth much and we can stand with you the lady that wanted to commit suicide she went through midnight and in the morning she sent me a message and she said i'm still here she said i'm still here because we prayed together and i send him uh vessels that she she's supposed to look into and she said i'm still here and i thank you for the verses and everything for they encourage me i want to pray for somebody here today but having said that i want you to know god is perfecting us and the perfection can only come through suffering and trials and testing if you are here today as i'm about to close i just want to sing this song and immediately after that [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] open up your voice [Music] [Music] now let me say it again [Music] [Music] now this is the reason why i love him with everybody come on [Music] [Music] my is oh me [Music] over who said [Music] oh you [Applause] i just wanna pray for somebody who's saying you are my life oh god i've been going through a lot but i need you and if you are here today everybody close your eyes and we are just in the presence of the lord right now if you are here today and you are saying please lord [Music] no no you're saying please lord i want to stay the test perfect me help me understand things that i never understood before and if you're here today quickly just raise up your hand i want to pray with you i just want to pray with you the prayers of the righteous availeth much don't give up [Music] i want to pray just keep your hand up and god sees your heart god only answers to truth when you are truthful and you're saying i don't i don't care about the next person i don't care about my neighbor i care about what i'm going through i want to pray with you let me pray with you just keep your hands up father it is in the name of jesus christ i bring your people to you for they are truthful to you they want you to know that it is so difficult for them and they need you you are the only one oh god that their help can come from you know how to deal with all things you've been through all things and you were perfected through all things i am praying now and bringing these your children for we now know that you did that for us all you wanted us to have victories not only one victory but victories i pray father raise the standard even as the enemy comes raise the standard in the lives of your people take them by the hand let them walk on the waters let them know that the promises of god are yes and amen through christ jesus let them know it is guaranteed that they are conquerors let them know father that they were not made to become victims but to become victors i speak this over their lives in the name of jesus christ let them rise in power let them rise in authority deputize them oh god let the enemy be under their feet let them walk on him whatever circumstances and situations [Music] let them always remember if god is for me who can make it against me father do it for them [Music] let them be a reference for those that are around them let them say truly their god is alive i speak this over their life i speak this over their families i speak this over their lineage i pray that you may do this not only for them but even for their children's children so that this lineage may be blessed and whatever is blessed of god no man can curse i speak that over their life father and i believe that you hear my prayer arise o jehovah and let your enemies be scattered in the name of jesus christ we receive it right now and we embrace it as a guaranteed promise we are arising even as god raised jesus from the dead we are rising with christ in jesus mighty name somebody say i receive say i receive say again i receive in the name of jesus christ i am a victor not a victim i am a conqueror i am not conquered i will walk on there on the serpent i will walk on circumstances i will walk on every season i will still stand after all i've done to stand i will stand in jesus name amen [Applause] i just want us to celebrate this message amen look at your neighbor and say you allah a manga say it again hallelujah all right and we are all going to dance right now all right and celebrate this word amen glory to god [Music] me [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you are [Music] my oh [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Views: 30,990
Rating: 4.7565923 out of 5
Id: 5KoScBquhL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 37sec (4537 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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