Reviewing Your Portfolios

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gotta make sure the lighting is good in here i can't have too much or too little lighting's the only thing that makes me look pretty all righty let's do this what's up everybody uh today we're gonna go over portfolio reviews i had created a post two weeks ago or a week ago on the youtube community post page thing uh that said if you wanted to get your work reviewed um or your portfolio reviewed you can go ahead and send me a link there is a google form i want to say since yesterday i stopped accepting submissions so we are going to go over the eight responses that we received know why i thought it was gonna be way more a little disappointed in that but it's completely fine um the cool thing which i didn't mention um first place is going to get a 25 gift card as well as a 50 donation to a choice of charity uh so they can pick the charity and i'll go ahead and donate 50 dollars from the youtube channel and uh don't know who the winner is yet right i haven't reviewed all of them i want to say i opened one or two but then i closed them because i'm like ah i want to get you know realistic reactions also if i bash your site or say you're awful don't get offended um yeah and just take everything with a bit a grain of salt or a bit of green assault take everything with a grain of salt let's go ahead and jump i'm gonna stop rambling because i'm wasting time i'm gonna give every site two minutes because i don't want this to go on forever so you got two minutes to um you know see all the feedback i'm not going to start it until i open the site so the very first site we have is from brendan silvers a little about you he's a ux designer currently studying product design at stanford university what stanford okay just trying to make some good changes while i'm here stanford university i mean wow dude i can't believe i have a viewer from stanford but um nice anyway so silver's that design is your website i think i opened this one i want to say a week ago and then i closed it so i'm you know i want to get real reactions so let's go ahead and go there [Music] nice i think it was a different color and different image here the first time i saw it but i had to close it but nice uh nice nice i do like this little dude i like the animations i feel like they're a bit too i didn't start two minutes i feel like they're a bit um a bit too slow right to finish loading until the sides done um i feel like you could probably change the duration and the easing a little but i do i do like the the sort of look of this um i feel like it it's almost there right i feel like it's not 100 polished i don't necessarily need drop shadows i don't like drop shadows here um and i feel like the way you lay out the work can be a bit better and looking at this you did work for jaws or size holy nice uh josh's eyes that ridiculous jaw i shouldn't say ridiculous their ads are ridiculous uh the dude he's like you know biting and he's doing his little neck i think it's pretty silly maybe i need one maybe i need to tone my job my jaw is pretty fat not a job but face um i'm a ux product designer who creates bold visual identities focuses on users and code nice you've got a little dark mode i like that that's pretty good that's pretty neat um let's check out your not the biggest fan of the hamburger menu right but if this is your style stick with it you know you're a designer yourself um you did this on purpose i'm not the biggest fan of it but hey you know it is what it is cool um your designer tenacious developer original you are original right i haven't seen this design really anywhere else and it's pretty unique i i would change the hamburger menu not the biggest fan but i already mentioned that cool uh let's go to your work real quick we've got 20 seconds on the clock jaws or size seeming this is the type of that you need on your resume you need to have your work laid out and you need to have a you know background and description and over here he has this process uh just general information regarding the application this can really help you in landing a job and this is actually pretty neat um the way you have your work laid out in the description and everything this is a 10 out of 10. great job here i do love it a lot so we've reached the end um i do like your to sum it up i do like your portfolio a lot um i think you've got a lot of uh potential i would just kind of play around with the the intro animations a little bit um i feel like they might be a little too slow but if that's your thing you know do you all in all the only major thing i would do is just kind of change the hamburger menu but uh do you man um you've got great work you've got great potentials other sizes that that application is looking neat let's move on uh then we have kareem kutak uh if i miss pronounce your name sorry let's put two minutes on the clock uh let's get your stuff opened okay so you've got pretty neat um you know animations uh coming in right off the jump i want to say that it's looking at it it feels blank it doesn't feel like there's much going on here especially with this huge empty white space i just needed to jack up pause recording um yeah it's pretty blank uh if we scroll down so i'm a software engineer who has passion about combining clean code with attractive design i'm also a master suite at chicago state ice master you use gatsby that's good services developments development ux ui design digital design feature projects i would kind of change how this is laid out not the biggest fan of the way it's laid out but um you know it's you uh blog posts cool i mean you've got blog posts right that's good it kind of shows employers that you know you kind of know you're talking about and you're kind of helping the community out you use the web flow for your your restaurant website let's open this in a new tab cool yeah looking at it i feel like again the potential is there and the idea is there but in terms of execution and it seems like you don't necessarily have a a layout or like a grid laid out here you kind of just you know this is on the left this is centered but then this doesn't align with anything here and you've got a container right if we look at where the mouse is you've got a container laid out but it just feels a bit empty it feels a bit blank and i i think there's it just needs to be something here if you're not going to have anything here then you kind of need to make your text a bit wider and larger let's go to the about section hey i'm karim selgtot you live in chicago nice um i would look at content be aware of content self taught it should be self taught um master students university have experience in yeah single page you just need to fix that um man two minutes is quick that's not enough time stop uh we'll give you a little bit more time uh running traveling yeah yeah nice okay cool neat man projects you got the restaurant little break you got a lights out game ooh you know i gotta play the game you used webflow um yeah i mean so your typical it's a pretty neat uh design in terms of a restaurant cool i would i'll look at you know why this is causing so much padding or height and it's empty oh so this is okay this is just kind of okay it's a lower rip something so just kind of a like a show off website sweetie man uh good job on that one uh lights out how do you play this this is a game called lights out you need to try to close all the lights on the board to win the game i did this project by using react access close all the lights out [Music] what do you mean close all the lights out am i turning the lights off or on because my camera died i forgot to press pause this is a mess um i can cuss because we're past the two minute mark on youtube so next up we have alex he's a french student in front of a freelance front end developer um and what's up with the french real quick you guys always have the best websites and the best designs i swear i don't remember looking at yours i think i did but i'm sure it's going to be good because you are french i'm self-taught web developer and i really like to have your feedback on work yep yeah oh yeah um i saw this one i think you were one of the earlier early ones can i switch yeah folio photo doesn't even translate that's weird i saw yours early on but then i i exited out i didn't look at your work um nice man this is this is badass right when you hover it shows you a glimpse of the work and you've got a little about section and then all your links cool ma studio at that page transition look at that page transition good man uh i like the way you laid out your work you've got you know your title um and then you link to the websites and you've got a description sort of your role and then the images yeah i mean you obviously know what you're doing look at this this is good uh the design is amazing i really love this sort of design as well uh very popular one thing i would say which i hope it's not like on the rest of the site is the quality of the images they're a bit pixelated so see if you can find higher res images and then probably use you know images loaded if you're worried about load time or use kind of like progressive image loading to where you load a lower quality image and then once the site's downloading you load a higher quality image simply because when you're displaying images you do you do want the highest quality but this is awesome and the designs are great um let's go back we're almost time's up and here follow your photo yeah page transitions are awesome good job yeah so i mean it's like this for all of your you know the rest of your work and i like it a lot again looking at the quality it's pretty pixelated um yeah just look at probably you know putting higher quality images all in all this is an awesome website though i really really like this one uh one thing i would add is the particles in the background not the biggest fan of that i feel like they're a bit outdated um so i would say look into possibly you know change that if that's your thing and you like it you know stick with that hell yeah but i love the transitions on this nice yeah i mean this is exceptional i love this i love it a lot man great job alex uh moving on next we have corten uh i think you're french i'm a web front end developer and i'm trying to learn every day okay i'm learning webs in september 2019. okay so you're pretty new uh starting with the react and firebase gsap 3 and paramotion awesome stack with your late last video thanks man i love when people say that they are learning something from my work it really feels like i'm adding some sort of value cool i do like yeah i like this um nice i feel like though this since this is the very first thing you see you do want to have some information about yourself right whether that's like a little blurb about yourself or something or you know showing off your works like a list of your works rather than you know a sphere and then about projects um i feel like there's there's just missed opportunity here because some people might just jump on your site and then jump out or jump and then forget about it and i feel like if you have just some sort of information to capture that person that'd be really cool uh let's go to your about real quick about show oh okay show us all down nice uh i don't know how to see your name i want to say courtois but that doesn't make sense course in uh that's a long name so you're a developer i don't know what that is i'm a french developer professional photographer sports computer science i started programming at 11 my first project with java project console computer or console any computer i was uh i was continued i create some plugins for minecraft servers um and i was continued am i saying this right i was continued with web programming programming uh you've got uh yours your list of things that you use gsa have motion fair motion react dropship firebase nice cool little about section i would say see if you could do something about your image um it kind of it's just floating there it just feels like it's just right there right i feel like you can maybe combine something with the background or kind of have like a full image rather than like a png because it feels a bit awkward how it gets cut off here as well and then it gets cut off um but you're not a designer right or i don't think you're a designer or you're trying to be i don't i know you're a funny developer i mean in terms of the site it works right i feel like the design can be a bit uh you know you could work on it a bit more uh but if that's not your your entire goal then that's fine but i can see you use gsap and react or i don't know if you use react yeah you did and netlify as your hosting provider but yeah cool man um i feel like you can display your work a lot better i i don't know what to do with this as an individual right i look at this and i'm like i don't know what this is you know like in terms of description in terms of better imagery in terms of like showing multiple images of your work can be a bit better and i would rely i would you know get off of the mock trend where you you put stuff on mocks a lot you can do it here and there but if that's all you got then i i don't necessarily like that too much um all in all uh cool site i think that the potential is there i think if you keep going you can have something really really nice um in terms of the design i feel like um they can be just a bit more to it if that makes sense uh next is why do you guys all have hard names on sahu front end or freelance ui ux designer and ui developer this is current portfolio i'm working on a new one nice it's always good to work on new ones do i have anything here that i need to hide from you guys anything inappropriate no we don't do that stuff um nice right nice little intro animation pretty simple subtle you know you've got a great font here i'm thinking it's avenir i thought if it's not that i'm embarrassing futura of course uh you've got your work and this is what i was mentioning um from the last guy i think you're corten if you're saying it right this is what i'm mentioning right he's got a little um you know information a little description about him hello i'm wreck chan then i'm a self-taught ui ux designer and friend of over he kind of gives a little about himself and then he also has his work laid out i don't need to go to you know to the work section or the about section to figure out more about him which is pretty neat cool so you got your change theme i'm guessing dark mode light mode nice um you have a easing effect on the background but you don't have it on the header you can see when you change the header is instant i would say look at uh combining the two i keep forgetting the two minute timer this is a this is a mess i can know more about me you got cool hey who's that who is this hell yeah dude thanks man i love that uh uix designer based in raipur where is that i don't know what this is india uh that's cool nice man i have a passion for creating user experiences understanding human experience design essential okay in my past jobs i worked at uh klubic software i was a part of the designing 20 websites nice i enjoyed watching youtube videos and i think websites and i learned a lot from the future code grid keller edwards at wrong prom [Music] norman evans group or something i forgot nelson even or something i don't know jesse showalter i like jesse and design course let's design course oh this dude um and many more and it's her time my under football edm rock edm hit me up man we could talk about some music music with fl studio i used to use actual studio neat man obviously i mean the highlight of this about me is this right uh this dude beautiful awesome man this is this is really cool you know this is a good description about yourself um all in all it's neat let's look at your work real quick because i'm spending too much time here and it's not fair for everybody else so you did a pos system again this is the i'm talking about similar to that jaws or size uh stanford university dude wow i am not remembering your names brendan brandon brendan uh similar to that i mean you're laying out your work and you're describing i guess that link doesn't work you're describing what's going on and that's awesome let's go look at this one and then we'll get off yeah i mean this will get you hired easily great job man i keep hitting stuff great job i love this side a lot um cool stuff man cool stuff okay um raheem raheem bailey uh recent bootcamp grad would love to do agency work at this at the level that you do it uh i want to say i'm that good currently working to turn the react hamburger miniature into a full stack marketing agency portfol for portfolio all right let's refresh that one more time okay so one thing i could tell right off the jump is you kind of have that white flashing background i guess it doesn't do anymore but i would say figure out how you can wait until everything should be or until the full size loaded until you load everything else to prevent that flash let's look at your tool belt i've never heard anybody say tool belt that's pretty funny uh html says javascript sas react express node get am i wrong so github and get okay or get bash okay and then gsap might work yeah so i mean you did say you're still learning and and i mean that's good uh your recent boot camp grad cool man uh projects okay so there's no pages just like taking you here let's look at your project real quick view watch demo video i don't want to watch a video hello there i'd like to introduce you to my app emotionally an app that i built to provide resources journaling and tracking tools to anybody experiencing negative emotional states but as users roll through i forgot to put the two-minute timer on they're served up three resources from the node server all right i get it cool man um i've never seen anybody break down their their their work like that but maybe that's something new they you know more people should do um in terms of the website it works and it's good i feel like the design could be a bit more um but you are front and focus full stack capable not necessarily design uh driven or not necessarily you know too much of a design but yeah i mean i think this is neat i think you've got definitely a lot of potential and if you keep working you can easily become or stand out for sure absolutely man great job let's look at um kaplan these names man give me an easy name like josh or akrom um web developer from toronto love your work i love working with no i'm such i'm so i need to edit that out because i read i love love your work i'm such a i'm ugh i hate myself i need to be a bit more humble cool man you got particles in the back like the last person so i'm cap i build stuff on the web i am a web developer toronto who builds design web application interactive learn about me i feel like after this video everyone's gonna hate me because i am a bit of a jerk junior software technical marketing designer nice uh rest api cool i mean looking at your projects you got a rest api you got a socket i o chat app you got python django app uh looking at it from my perspective technically you're pretty you're pretty good right you're really good in terms of knowing what you're doing on the coding side in terms of the design unfortunately not unfortunately but the design i feel like you can use a little bit more definitely check out more work you know seeing what makes good design just learning about color theory all that stuff because like the blue and the red and the orange just um doesn't really fit all that much let's look at your chat app technical junior web developer yeah i mean the site works right um did you mention design i feel like i'm grading you on design i don't even web develop yeah you're a web developer so what am i saying about your design who cares about that um i joined the marketing department at shop your own mortgage where i worked the great team degree from york university nice html css mysql wordpress work experience cool [Music] i guess we abandoned the two-minute timer we don't we don't do that sorry for the earlier people who got two minute timers yeah so i mean i mean it's there right you got your work i feel like the design could be a bit enhanced but you're not worried too much about design which is fine um all in all in terms of work great job i do like the projects you worked on i would say i don't i don't enjoy yeah i would say i mean if you just kind of focus on um i really don't have anything fight but if you just kind of focus on maybe more projects that aren't necessarily uh one of those projects that are just everywhere like there's chat apps everywhere and i feel like because there's a lot of tutorials regarding chat apps i feel like if you do something a bit unique um it kind of help you stand out but all in all uh great job man last but not least we have fahad kyani kanye hey wrong okay i need to clear something my name is not wrong right i feel like a lot of people message me saying hey wrong or good stuff wrong my name is akrom i have wrong crumb because i'm typically wrong about things and it's fine to be wrong and i'm learning so i built this site based on your video for the portfolio site you built i enjoy watching your videos they inspire me i'm a web designer and a dj i'm a freelance for i'm freelancing for clients and helping them reach tech projects i would love your feedback on my site or get reviewed for sure [Music] you have nutella on your name that's pretty cool hello world i like to inspire play good music uh sunny kitchen my latest projects nice so all in all the website's pretty clean that's cool i feel like it's a bit too blank you'll get websites where they are very minimal and clean but then they still seem to they have enough white space i feel like for you you have too much white space um and that's just design related but you are a software engineer and not really too focused on design which i should grade you on other things other than that fjk that's a good ass beard my is sloppy um specializations delivering customers web model replication applications small influencers city of new york under the javascript javascript plus nice man bjk lights by djk joy beats coming soon the hero shop pakistan universal nice yeah i mean you you clearly have your have you know your work laid out pretty nicely um i would say i mean it works and that's your thing but i would say the design isn't it's a bit old school honestly you know with like the lettering and like for example well i guess the images are just a bit old-school i would look at i mean it's very simple to enhance this i would just look at you know layouts and different grids what 19 minutes i'm on like yeah okay um i'll just look at you know just general layouts and grids and how you can kind of structure these a bit better rather than have them centered um and just down the middle and they're not even centered they're kind of a little to the left but that's fine um cool stuff man i feel like you're you'll be a pretty cool dude to hang out with should i even have said that um i'm guessing this is like covet results brave souls fighting yeah it's tough man okay that's it right yeah so that's all if i missed you i'm sure i didn't miss you but if i had to pick a winner or a clear-cut winner it's i'm gonna i'm gonna pull up the ones i enjoyed the most all right um i really like brendan's um alex's was really good as well um corten rexhand um what was yours oh yeah this one's good oh man this is going to be uh [Music] yeah okay so these three are the clear cut you know top three i'm gonna name uh first place second place third place for unfortunately second and third place you guys don't get anything um maybe in future reviews we will but if i had to pick honestly third place would go to their place would go to brendan uh you've got your work nicely laid out and talked about in terms of the website i feel like your style and the idea is there but it just you know you've got to just kind of clean it up a little um i would you know move this down a bit not make it so close to the header bring it down a little bit uh organize the work um a little bit better rather than being centered with so much space in between um all in all i mean i did enjoy your jawlessness app really good stuff but third place is where you gonna be next we've got alexander and wreck chand rexuand this one's tough man this one's tough i like both of yours a lot i love the way you laid it out i mean direction you've clearly got you clearly have an understanding of of um negative space like white space as well as like margins and you've got it you know light and dark theme you've clearly you know understand principles of design and that's awesome um but for alexander i mean i the way the designs and the in the work right the work also is really nicely put together um i'm the winner the winner is going to be alex alexander you got first place i do believe your your portfolio is the nicest one and i really really like it a lot your work's nice everything looks good rek shawn don't feel disappointed i mean you're right there you guys both have really unique portfolios and it's awesome i would say rex shine yours is a bit more cleaner but in terms of that wow factor or you know that coolness um alexander does take it so that's gonna wrap it up for me this was an absolute sort of unorganized portfolio review reviewed eight sites one winner alexander if you're watching this i'm also going to see if i can get your email and email you you are the winner you get 25 gift card as well as a 50 donation to a charity of your choice so get in touch with me i will add you or email you and i join you know discord just so we can make sure and i'll give you screenshots and everything because i am not a scamma so that's gonna do it have a wonderful day guys please be safe out there take care of yourselves [Music]
Channel: Wrong Akram
Views: 9,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: javascript, react.js, react, github, code, css, jsx, ui, ux, awwwards, javascript animations, framer, framer motion, page transition, page animations, js page transition, animate website, portfolio, portfolio reviews
Id: lchwpn7fI08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.