Review: Zombie Tools d'Capitan - A saber for the apocalypse

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alright here's my review of the zombie tools de Capitan this is actually a lighter and longer version of the previous D Capitan Cutlass and without having handled the old one I can certainly imagine that this is quite an improvement because for a saber of this size this now handles really well so this is really how it should be and it's made all the same 5160 spring steel as the other zombie tools blades has the same kind of finish and also t6 aluminum handle scales wrapped in leather so as you can see it's inspired by historical sabers but it's obviously its own take on it the entire construction here is one piece with a knuckle guard so it's really just the handle scales that have been riveted to it this is available for 425 US dollars which may seem like a lot to some people but compared to many other reproduction swords that are actually worth anything it's really not that much I mean it's an expensive hobby out unfortunately so I've already given away one of the main conclusions here that it really is worth the money but let's take a look at why exactly so for one the obvious thing if you've seen my other reviews of zombie tools blades its durability and toughness these are just close to indestructible this is six millimeters at the base and then tapers to four millimeters at the tip this is still very strong a damage resistant I mean compared to other blades this is still not exactly thin it's just thinner than some of the other blades they have but yeah so this you can really abuse to your heart's content if you so choose also because the edge is extremely strong more than necessary again I talked about that when the shark elope review so it's the same kind of deal here the edge is a lot thicker than I would like the angle is much more obtuse so it's makes it extremely hard to damage you have to go out of your way if you basically try to chop steel with this in order to even damage it at all so we're chopping not an issue whatsoever like there is not even the slightest bit of edge damage from that even though I went pretty hard on it and of course what shopping it really takes its toll but in this case there's absolutely nothing visible on the edge so this is really more than necessary personally I would prefer if it was a more acute edge in fact I try to change it I tried to sharpen it using the work sharp I was trying to bring the edge angle down to 25 degrees which is still quite strong and would cut a lot better and so I was grinding away and grinding away and grinding away and just lost patience because it just took too long and I'm not the most patient person I'll probably get back to it eventually I do want to get it down to 25 but it's pretty hard steel and it takes quite a bit to repro file it so that's really the only unfortunate thing about it however just like with the shark elope I was still able to do some surprisingly good cuts with this despite the edge overall of course technique and edge alignment matters the most but it would regardless very much benefit from a sharper finer edge so other than that what about the handling for a sabre it's really good and I just save for Sabre because I'm personally not the greatest fan of how Sabres handle they tend to be a little more tip heavy and personally I like something like a side sword or an arming sword because it just feels a little more lively in the hand this is not clumsy by any means I mean you can still move this quite easily you can do wrist cuts pretty easily and well at least if you don't have to deal with lack of space so not a problem here but they're just other types of blades that I personally prefer overall and handling but as far as this is no complaints and one nice thing about it is the knuckle guard here so since this is intended as a zombie sword and disease I'll be scenario and so on this would actually be quite useful because if you have in this case i really suggest gloves for being famous murder stroke which is a historical technique in case you don't know you can do that with this you can strike with the knuckle guard and because it is somewhat pointy that's quite effective actually the reason why I suggest gloves with this one is because the edge is slightly curved and generally with straight blades it's much safer and easier to do so gloves definitely help the good thing is that you get a really good grip on it because the blade is fairly narrow you could also strike with a guard or pommel directly which is also quite effective and I'm pretty sure this counts as ending them rightly as well I tested the strength of the tip by repeatedly thrusting into wood which is quite hard Buse of test and that really shows you any kinds of weakness in the material or if the tip is too thin or anything like that and this held up beautifully it didn't Bend it didn't break or any kind of damage whatsoever so in terms of craftsmanship again I have no complaints the fit is perfect the finish is all flawless no complaints and even if you have scratches or anything again with this kind of finish doesn't matter the blade already looks used but in a good way so no worries about scratches or anything the leather wrap is really well done it's perfectly tight feels comfortable and it's pretty much the same things I've said before here's the Kydex sheath it doesn't have belt loops nor anything but it's got these holes here on the sides so you can tie cord to it and attach it in various ways and the fit is really good it holds on to it but this one is a lot easier to draw than the sheath on the charcoal oh oh this one here we just pull out really easily what more said to say really it looks good it handles well it performs well it's extremely durable so that's really what you're looking for in a sword right are there any cons aside from the edge I was trying to find things but really one possible nitpick is that if if there is abrasion on the blade and the finish comes off which apparently happened partially during my attempt to regrind the edge it looks a bit weird when the finish fades because you know standard wise this looks kind of used and an old and everything and if that wears off then you get the now that the more satin looking steel underneath which looks a little strange so over time if you do a lot of cutting with it it may start looking a little strange as the finish fades but other than that I find it difficult to point out any negative things I mean I will freely admit there is a chance that I may have a certain bias because I've had several blades from zombie tools all sent to me for free for review including this one so it's possible I try to avoid it but you know I'm human just like everybody else that as far as the price is concerned maybe but for the quality you're getting it seems appropriate so that's really all I can say and other than that there's the test result which speak for themselves so I hope you found the review helpful and thanks for watching the previous they could take the Deb done talking it's a skill you have to invest points in it and apparently didn't do enough I guess I don't gotta buy another handicap or something to buy enough points for that [ __ ] wah-wah fee I should have found some coffee first anyway let's push through this I just that I tested the strength of it i test I tested the strength I tested the strength of it I tested the strength of the tip that why is this so difficult to pronounce all right I test that I tested the strength of I can't move Oh [ __ ] I tested the strength of the chip I I tested the strength of the tip try that I tested the strength of the tip try and say that repeatedly I tested the strength of the tip holy crap I tested the strength of the tip okay no do it I tested the strength of the diff almost oh I tested the strength of the tip I repeat I got it why did I stop I don't trust myself I tested the strength of the tip care of me
Channel: Skallagrim
Views: 285,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, Zombie Tools, d'Capitan, post-apocalyptic, saber, zombie, zombies, survival, sword, test, testing, pros, cons, blade, edge, fit, finish, steel, quality, 5160, battle-ready, functional, good, awesome, wood, chopping, stabbing, thrusting, opinion, impression, recommended, collector, cutting
Id: V0ZOaGdd8vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2016
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