Devastating Spear-Sword! - The Spit by Zombie Tools

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i've had this thing for quite a while and i've used a number of videos but i've never actually done the full review i thought i had it's easy to get confused sometimes with all the stuff that i've tested and reviewed or not but unfortunately i realized that too late this was retired in march 2020 a moment of silence for the spit [Music] well better late than never i guess you might still be able to find this on the used market and either way it tells you something about the quality of zombie tools in general so yeah let's do it so the spit is inspired by the zulu icloa spear which is a very short spear to be used alongside a shield it's got the usual zombie tools construction so you have a full tang running all the way through and then you have handle scales made of steel as well and it's wrapped in a long strip of black leather zombie tool stuff is generally pretty much indestructible they are made of 5160 spring steel which is extremely strong durable steel that you can throw all kinds of abuse at and it'll just keep coming back for more these are no exception this is a very interesting design because of you know the format overall extremely long handle the handle is basically about as long as the blade and so you can use this with two hands either like this and with the hands spread apart for more control or you can choke down and get a lot more power out of it this is what i like to do because this way it feels a bit more like a like a long sword and this that way you can generate the most power this is removed for precise cuts and of course thrust as well and this is a rare case where i actually during the testing skipped the abusive stuff i guess that's my way of making up for a certain incident that happened with another zombie to old sword where i grossly underestimated the power of 762 by 39. people still keep reminding me of that every now and then it's been six years six years you gotta let it go folks i will certainly never forget that day of shame so yeah i haven't done any abusive testing with this let alone something insane as that because i really don't feel the need to with this kind of construction and this steel and the thickness of the steel this is a chunky piece of 5160 outside of going completely ape [ __ ] with um firearms and such there's just no way you're gonna break this i i don't see this ever breaking i mean edge damage in and of itself is hard enough to do but just it would take a lot to break this i mean okay if you if you put it in a vice and just pull on it like a gorilla you know with all that leverage of that lens you would be able to snap it most likely but it would take a lot so it's just not necessary in my opinion and the tests on the zombie head are still something that would make a lesser blade if you will fail if there were any flaws in the construction if it was weak in any way hard strikes on one of those zombie heads would definitely make things loosen up or break something so there's still a lot of force involved i think this still counts as like half an abusive test not exactly abusive because use on a zombie head literally what this is for and swinging this with both hands close to the end of the handle with all the leverage that you get it is extremely powerful it cracks the zombie head right open there were some pretty interesting cuts with it particularly when i turned the zombie into pac-man this beastie will wreck things and it doesn't even take a whole lot of effort so then i went on to a ballistic gel dummy testing thrusts and it works very well as you can imagine as something that is inspired by a short spear of course it is very effective in the thrust and uh yeah i mean there's really not much to add here you see how well it works it's not called the spit for nothing it could also be the impaler or something like that either way this thing is very effective no doubt about it so it chops and cleaves well it stabs well how's the edge and how does it do in a hewing cut against tatami where you need a certain amount of precision and a nice sharp edge well take a look i honestly didn't expect that it would cut tatami this cleanly i mean it is quite a wide blade which generally helps with cutting and it's got a good angle on it nice sharp edge but even so it did better than i would have guessed i was able to do some really nice clean cuts with it and uh it's fun to use too so there are a lot of things to like about it let's talk about the design as well before i get to the handling very appropriate for that apocalyptic setting i've always liked the finish on these you know this is kind of very it looks like you've left it outside for a while it looks all weathered in a good way this is a bit of a double-edged sword the finish because on the one hand if you get any marks on it or any gunk or even a bit of rust and it is resistant against rust because of the finish by the way but um i did get some some gunk on there that's pretty hard to remove and i was hesitant to really scrub it too much i've been trying to figure out if it has faded a little bit after a cleaning that i did and i can't quite say it might have faded a little bit but i can't really tell for sure either way i'm a little bit cautious there's one spot here i can see where it has rubbed off a little bit so the the good thing about it is if you do get any kind of blemishes on it it kind of blends right in now there are some areas here like you can tell but it doesn't stand out as much if this was like a a satin finish blade or even a mirror polish that would really stand out in a very ugly way this year it just kind of just kind of adds to it you know any other blemishes any other marks it just kind of just goes with the theme so that's the good thing about it all right on to the handling it has pros and cons and this is the only area where i have something negative to say it is definitely heavier than it needs to be for the size simply because the handle scales are steel as well you know any kind of design like this you know if you compare this to a short spear it's already heavier because it has a full steel tang whereas a spear could just have a shorter tang and then just a a wooden handle or half in this case you add quite a bit of weight here with with the metal scales and so there are pros and cons about it on the one hand it fit again fits the apocalyptic design very well because there's literally nothing that can go wrong with this you know if you have uh especially a wooden half it can break and it will have to be replaced over time uh if you have wooden handle scales and a full tang not that big of a deal they could potentially crack but it's not particularly likely this you can you could probably literally drive over with a tank and it would be fine so that's great but it does add quite a bit more now the overall weight isn't terribly high but for the length if you compare it to a lot of other swords or short spears it is pretty clunky where you really notice that is when using this with one hand why would you want to well maybe to pair it with a nice anti-zombie shield this is actually a buckler from the 15th century fighting manuscript written by hans talhoefer but this really looks like it would fit right in in a zombie apocalypse don't you think so if you wanted to use this together and you know thrust with that and use this to be able to push them away or strike with it or you know knock them in the head anything like that so yeah you can absolutely do this but it is um certainly quite a bit heavier than a especially a spear of this size but also a lot of swords again if you just move it around for a bit like this it's really not a problem you can be pretty quick with it and it doesn't seem like a big deal however again going with this zombie apocalypse theme if you had to keep fighting an entire horde this would be really tiring pretty quickly even if i just do several consecutive thrusts here this is um yeah you feel it especially if you want to get more reach and want to grab it further here which would be fine with a spear this really wants to dip down because of the weight so personally for practical reasons i would prefer wooden handle scale something a bit lighter just to save a bit on that especially also considering if you were carrying this again very hypothetical unless 2020 unleashes an actual zombie apocalypse i wouldn't even be surprised anymore at this point so just going with the theme of the design um i personally would prefer that but this is just this is their style this is how they do it the all the other weapons are like that too definitely for backyard cutting or destroying zombie heads perfectly fine no issue is controllable that's what really matters you know either way like i can choke down all the way and i can use a controlled long sword style cut and i don't have to totally over commit or anything like that so it's really not a big deal and i think this would be one mean throwing weapon if you wanted to throw away your main weapon in the zombie apocalypse probably not the smartest thing to do but there are definitely upsides to this kind of heft including just the raw cutting power and of course depending on how you use it the long handle can negate that because this way you have all kinds of control and you can be very quick with it it's just this is not a very powerful cut compared to this the kydex sheath that it comes with works well uh i wish there was some kind of belt attachment i mean you could rig something because there are reinforced holes here on the sides so you could thread paracord through and attach it in in various ways even on your back if you wanted to not that you could draw this from the maybe you could okay never mind you could actually the blade is short enough but then you have this long ass handle sticking up this holds on to it really strongly a bit too much it's like i i like to pull on both that makes a lot easier but yeah it fits it it protects it what more is it to say works so in short i like the spit i like it quite a bit sorry couldn't resist anyway so i wish i had gotten to this earlier before it was discontinued but there is the reaper which is somewhat similar in that it also has a very long handle that one is single edged but i think it would be somewhat comparable to this it's longer overall so if you like this you might like the reaper either way i'll leave a link to the website down below and yeah that's about it so i hope you found the review interesting thanks for watching and have a good one folks i honestly didn't expect that thanks truck appreciate it it's nice it's great ambient noise how could you not love it i can still hear it i don't know if you can but oh boy has a big one are we done are we done okay you
Channel: Skallagrim
Views: 1,356,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skall, Skallagrim, Zombie Tools, Zulu Iklwa, zulu spear, spear sword, sword review, zombie apocalypse, zombie sword, short spear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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